public void Save(DoomGame game, string path) { var options = game.World.Options; data[ptr++] = (byte)options.Skill; data[ptr++] = (byte)options.Episode; data[ptr++] = (byte)options.Map; for (var i = 0; i < Player.MaxPlayerCount; i++) { data[ptr++] = options.Players[i].InGame ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; } data[ptr++] = (byte)(game.World.LevelTime >> 16); data[ptr++] = (byte)(game.World.LevelTime >> 8); data[ptr++] = (byte)(game.World.LevelTime); ArchivePlayers(game.World); ArchiveWorld(game.World); ArchiveThinkers(game.World); ArchiveSpecials(game.World); data[ptr++] = 0x1d; using (var writer = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { writer.Write(data, 0, ptr); } }
public void Load(DoomGame game) { var options = game.World.Options; options.Skill = (GameSkill)data[ptr++]; options.Episode = data[ptr++]; options.Map = data[ptr++]; for (var i = 0; i < Player.MaxPlayerCount; i++) { options.Players[i].InGame = data[ptr++] != 0; } game.InitNew(options.Skill, options.Episode, options.Map); var a = data[ptr++]; var b = data[ptr++]; var c = data[ptr++]; var levelTime = (a << 16) + (b << 8) + c; UnArchivePlayers(game.World); UnArchiveWorld(game.World); UnArchiveThinkers(game.World); UnArchiveSpecials(game.World); if (data[ptr] != 0x1d) { throw new Exception("Bad savegame!"); } game.World.LevelTime = levelTime; options.Sound.SetListener(game.World.ConsolePlayer.Mobj); }
public static void Load(DoomGame game, string path) { var options = game.Options; game.InitNew(options.Skill, options.Episode, options.Map); var lg = new LoadGame(File.ReadAllBytes(path)); lg.Load(game); }
//private Demo demo; public DoomApplication() { try { var style = Styles.Close | Styles.Titlebar; window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(640, 400), "Managed Doom", style); window.Clear(new Color(128, 128, 128)); window.Display(); resource = new CommonResource("DOOM2.WAD"); renderer = new SfmlRenderer(window, resource, true); audio = new SfmlAudio(resource.Wad); menu = new DoomMenu(this); state = ApplicationState.Opening; opening = new OpeningSequence(); players = new Player[Player.MaxPlayerCount]; cmds = new TicCmd[Player.MaxPlayerCount]; for (var i = 0; i < Player.MaxPlayerCount; i++) { players[i] = new Player(i); cmds[i] = new TicCmd(); } players[0].InGame = true; options = new GameOptions(); options.Skill = GameSkill.Hard; options.GameMode = resource.Wad.GameMode; options.Episode = 1; options.Map = 1; //demo = new Demo("test.lmp"); //options = demo.Options; game = new DoomGame(players, resource, options); game.Audio = audio; events = new List <DoomEvent>(); window.Closed += (sender, e) => window.Close(); window.KeyPressed += KeyPressed; window.KeyReleased += KeyReleased; window.SetFramerateLimit(35); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(e).Throw(); } }
public void Reset() { currentStage = 0; nextStage = 0; demo = null; game = null; reset = true; StartTitleScreen(); }
private void StartDemo(string lump) { state = OpeningSequenceState.Demo; demo = new Demo(resource.Wad.ReadLump(lump)); demo.Options.GameVersion = options.GameVersion; demo.Options.GameMode = options.GameMode; demo.Options.MissionPack = options.MissionPack; demo.Options.Renderer = options.Renderer; demo.Options.Sound = options.Sound; demo.Options.Music = options.Music; game = new DoomGame(resource, demo.Options); game.DeferedInitNew(); }
public DemoPlayback(CommonResource resource, GameOptions options, string demoName) { if (File.Exists(demoName)) { demo = new Demo(demoName); } else if (File.Exists(demoName + ".lmp")) { demo = new Demo(demoName + ".lmp"); } else { var lumpName = demoName.ToUpper(); if (resource.Wad.GetLumpNumber(lumpName) == -1) { throw new Exception("Demo '" + demoName + "' was not found!"); } demo = new Demo(resource.Wad.ReadLump(lumpName)); } demo.Options.GameVersion = options.GameVersion; demo.Options.GameMode = options.GameMode; demo.Options.MissionPack = options.MissionPack; demo.Options.Renderer = options.Renderer; demo.Options.Sound = options.Sound; demo.Options.Music = options.Music; cmds = new TicCmd[Player.MaxPlayerCount]; for (var i = 0; i < Player.MaxPlayerCount; i++) { cmds[i] = new TicCmd(); } game = new DoomGame(resource, demo.Options); game.DeferedInitNew(); stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); }
public DoomApplication(CommandLineArgs args) { config = new Config(ConfigUtilities.GetConfigPath()); try { config.video_screenwidth = Math.Clamp(config.video_screenwidth, 320, 3200); config.video_screenheight = Math.Clamp(config.video_screenheight, 200, 2000); var videoMode = new VideoMode((uint)config.video_screenwidth, (uint)config.video_screenheight); var style = Styles.Close | Styles.Titlebar; if (config.video_fullscreen) { style = Styles.Fullscreen; } window = new RenderWindow(videoMode, ApplicationInfo.Title, style); window.Clear(new Color(64, 64, 64)); window.Display(); if (args.deh.Present) { DeHackEd.ReadFiles(args.deh.Value); } resource = new CommonResource(GetWadPaths(args)); renderer = new SfmlRenderer(config, window, resource); if (!args.nosound.Present && !args.nosfx.Present) { sound = new SfmlSound(config, resource.Wad); } if (!args.nosound.Present && !args.nomusic.Present) { music = ConfigUtilities.GetSfmlMusicInstance(config, resource.Wad); } userInput = new SfmlUserInput(config, window, !args.nomouse.Present); events = new List <DoomEvent>(); options = new GameOptions(); options.GameVersion = resource.Wad.GameVersion; options.GameMode = resource.Wad.GameMode; options.MissionPack = resource.Wad.MissionPack; options.Renderer = renderer; options.Sound = sound; options.Music = music; options.UserInput = userInput; menu = new DoomMenu(this); opening = new OpeningSequence(resource, options); cmds = new TicCmd[Player.MaxPlayerCount]; for (var i = 0; i < Player.MaxPlayerCount; i++) { cmds[i] = new TicCmd(); } game = new DoomGame(resource, options); wipe = new WipeEffect(renderer.WipeBandCount, renderer.WipeHeight); wiping = false; currentState = ApplicationState.None; nextState = ApplicationState.Opening; needWipe = false; sendPause = false; quit = false; quitMessage = null; CheckGameArgs(args); window.Closed += (sender, e) => window.Close(); window.KeyPressed += KeyPressed; window.KeyReleased += KeyReleased; if (!args.timedemo.Present) { window.SetFramerateLimit(35); } mouseGrabbed = false; } catch (Exception e) { Dispose(); ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw(e); } }
public DoomApplication(CommandLineArgs args, String[] configLines, HttpClient http, Stream wadStream, IJSRuntime jsRuntime, IJSInProcessRuntime jSInProcessRuntime, WebAssemblyJSRuntime webAssemblyJSRuntime, string wadUrl) { Http = http; WadStream = wadStream; JsRuntime = jsRuntime; JSInProcessRuntime = jSInProcessRuntime; WebAssemblyJSRuntime = webAssemblyJSRuntime; configLines = new string[] { "video_screenwidth=320", "video_screenHeight=200", }; config = new Config(configLines); try { config.video_screenwidth = Math.Clamp(config.video_screenwidth, 320, 3200); config.video_screenheight = Math.Clamp(config.video_screenheight, 200, 2000); var videoMode = VideoMode.CanvasMode; var style = Styles.Close | Styles.Titlebar; if (config.video_fullscreen) { style = Styles.Fullscreen; } window = new RenderWindow(videoMode, ApplicationInfo.Title, style); window.Clear(new Color(64, 64, 64)); window.Display(); if (args.deh.Present) { DeHackEd.ReadFiles(args.deh.Value); } // resource = new CommonResource(GetWadPaths(args)); resource = new CommonResource(new string[] { wadUrl }); renderer = new SfmlRenderer(config, window, resource); if (!args.nosound.Present && !args.nosfx.Present) { sound = new SfmlSound(config, resource.Wad); } if (!args.nosound.Present && !args.nomusic.Present) { music = ConfigUtilities.GetSfmlMusicInstance(config, resource.Wad); } userInput = new SfmlUserInput(config, window, !args.nomouse.Present); options = new GameOptions(); options.GameVersion = resource.Wad.GameVersion; options.GameMode = resource.Wad.GameMode; options.MissionPack = resource.Wad.MissionPack; options.Renderer = renderer; options.Sound = sound; options.Music = music; options.UserInput = userInput; menu = new DoomMenu(this); opening = new OpeningSequence(resource, options); cmds = new TicCmd[Player.MaxPlayerCount]; for (var i = 0; i < Player.MaxPlayerCount; i++) { cmds[i] = new TicCmd(); } game = new DoomGame(resource, options); wipe = new WipeEffect(renderer.WipeBandCount, renderer.WipeHeight); wiping = false; currentState = ApplicationState.None; nextState = ApplicationState.Opening; needWipe = false; sendPause = false; quit = false; quitMessage = null; CheckGameArgs(args); } catch (Exception e) { Dispose(); ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw(e); } }
public World(CommonResource resorces, GameOptions options, DoomGame game) { this.options = options; = game; if (game != null) { random = game.Random; } else { random = new DoomRandom(); } map = new Map(resorces, this); thinkers = new Thinkers(this); specials = new Specials(this); thingAllocation = new ThingAllocation(this); thingMovement = new ThingMovement(this); thingInteraction = new ThingInteraction(this); mapCollision = new MapCollision(this); mapInteraction = new MapInteraction(this); pathTraversal = new PathTraversal(this); hitscan = new Hitscan(this); visibilityCheck = new VisibilityCheck(this); sectorAction = new SectorAction(this); playerBehavior = new PlayerBehavior(this); itemPickup = new ItemPickup(this); weaponBehavior = new WeaponBehavior(this); monsterBehavior = new MonsterBehavior(this); lightingChange = new LightingChange(this); statusBar = new StatusBar(this); autoMap = new AutoMap(this); cheat = new Cheat(this); options.IntermissionInfo.TotalFrags = 0; options.IntermissionInfo.ParTime = 180; for (var i = 0; i < Player.MaxPlayerCount; i++) { options.Players[i].KillCount = 0; options.Players[i].SecretCount = 0; options.Players[i].ItemCount = 0; } // Initial height of view will be set by player think. options.Players[options.ConsolePlayer].ViewZ = Fixed.Epsilon; totalKills = 0; totalItems = 0; totalSecrets = 0; LoadThings(); // If deathmatch, randomly spawn the active players. if (options.Deathmatch != 0) { for (var i = 0; i < Player.MaxPlayerCount; i++) { if (options.Players[i].InGame) { options.Players[i].Mobj = null; thingAllocation.DeathMatchSpawnPlayer(i); } } } specials.SpawnSpecials(); levelTime = 0; doneFirstTic = false; secretExit = false; completed = false; validCount = 0; displayPlayer = options.ConsolePlayer; dummy = new Mobj(this); options.Music.StartMusic(Map.GetMapBgm(options), true); }
public static void Save(DoomGame game, string description, string path) { var sg = new SaveGame(description); sg.Save(game, path); }
public Doom(CommandLineArgs args, Config config, GameContent content, IVideo video, ISound sound, IMusic music, IUserInput userInput) { video = video ?? NullVideo.GetInstance(); sound = sound ?? NullSound.GetInstance(); music = music ?? NullMusic.GetInstance(); userInput = userInput ?? NullUserInput.GetInstance(); this.args = args; this.config = config; this.content = content; = video; this.sound = sound; = music; this.userInput = userInput; if (args.deh.Present) { DeHackEd.ReadFiles(args.deh.Value); } if (!args.nodeh.Present) { DeHackEd.ReadDeHackEdLump(content.Wad); } events = new List <DoomEvent>(); options = new GameOptions(); options.GameVersion = content.Wad.GameVersion; options.GameMode = content.Wad.GameMode; options.MissionPack = content.Wad.MissionPack; options.Video = video; options.Sound = sound; options.Music = music; options.UserInput = userInput; menu = new DoomMenu(this); opening = new OpeningSequence(content, options); cmds = new TicCmd[Player.MaxPlayerCount]; for (var i = 0; i < Player.MaxPlayerCount; i++) { cmds[i] = new TicCmd(); } game = new DoomGame(content, options); wipeEffect = new WipeEffect(video.WipeBandCount, video.WipeHeight); wiping = false; currentState = DoomState.None; nextState = DoomState.Opening; needWipe = false; sendPause = false; quit = false; quitMessage = null; mouseGrabbed = false; CheckGameArgs(); }