예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Platform specific code depending on what platform we currently are running
 /// </summary>
 static void PlatformSetup(UE4InstallInfo Install)
     // @todo: Next instance we need to check for the platform, make a platform object that we can use to
     // move the platform specific code in a specific object
     // On windows, we compile linux so need to ensure that the environment is properly setup
     if (Platform.IsWindows())
         // Ensure that we are using the correct clang version for each engine install
         Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("LINUX_MULTIARCH_ROOT", Install.Metadata.ClangInstallPath, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
     // On OS X, we require different Xcode-versions to compile all versions. Switch X-code version depending
     // on the current UE4 version
     if (Platform.IsMacOS())
         Filesystem.SafeDeleteDirectory("/Applications/Xcode.app", true);
         Filesystem.CreateSymbolicLink(Install.Metadata.XCodeInstallPath, "/Applications/Xcode.app");
예제 #2
 /** After the plugin has been built, cleanup the output directory so we only have the desired files */
 static void CleanupInstallDirectory(string PluginDirectory)
     Filesystem.SafeDeleteDirectory(PluginDirectory + "/Binaries", true);
     Filesystem.SafeDeleteDirectory(PluginDirectory + "/img", true);
     Filesystem.SafeDeleteDirectory(PluginDirectory + "/Intermediate", true);
예제 #3
 /** Cleanup the output directory so that we start with a clean output directory */
 static void SetupClean()
     Filesystem.SafeDeleteDirectory(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/PluginStaging_ALL", true);