public static IntPtr Callback(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) { if (MMain.mahou == null || nCode < 0) { return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } if (KMHook.ExcludedProgram() && !MahouUI.ChangeLayoutInExcluded) { return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } var vk = Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam); var Key = (Keys)vk; SetModifs(Key, wParam); if (MahouUI.SnippetsEnabled) { if (KMHook.c_snip.Count > 0) { if (MMain.mahou.SnippetsExpandType == "Tab" && Key == Keys.Tab && !shift && !alt && !win && !ctrl) { WinAPI.keybd_event((byte)Keys.F14, (byte)Keys.F14, (int)WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); return((IntPtr)1); // Disable event } } } if (MahouUI.RemapCapslockAsF18) { bool _shift = !shift, _alt = !alt, _ctrl = !ctrl, _win = !win; if (Key == Keys.CapsLock) { for (int i = 1; i != 5; i++) { var KeyIndex = (int)typeof(MahouUI).GetField("Key" + i).GetValue(MMain.mahou); if (KeyIndex == 8) // Shift+CapsLock { _shift = shift; } } } uint mods = 0; if (alt) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_ALT; } if (ctrl) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_CONTROL; } if (shift) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_SHIFT; } if (win) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_WIN; } bool has = MMain.mahou.HasHotkey(new Hotkey(false, (uint)Keys.F18, mods, 77)); if (has) { if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_SHIFT)) { _shift = shift; } if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_ALT)) { _alt = alt; } if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_CONTROL)) { _ctrl = ctrl; } if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_WIN)) { _win = win; } } var GJIME = false; if (vk >= 240 && vk <= 242) // GJ IME's Shift/Alt/Ctrl + CapsLock { GJIME = true; } // Debug.WriteLine(Key + " " +has + "// " + _shift + " " + _alt + " " + _ctrl + " " + _win + " " + mods + " >> " + (Key == Keys.CapsLock && _shift && _alt && _ctrl && _win)); if ((Key == Keys.CapsLock || GJIME) && _shift && _alt && _ctrl && _win) { var flags = (int)(KInputs.IsExtended(Key) ? WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY : 0); if (wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_KEYUP) { flags |= (int)WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; } WinAPI.keybd_event((byte)Keys.F18, (byte)Keys.F18, flags, 0); return((IntPtr)1); // Disable event } // Debug.WriteLine(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates array of INPUT from string. /// </summary> /// <param name="str">String to be converted into INPUT[].</param> /// <returns>INPUT[]</returns> public static WinAPI.INPUT[] AddString(string str) { var result = new List <WinAPI.INPUT>(); var index = 0; foreach (var s in str) { bool uselt1_vk, uselt2_vk; ushort resultvk = 0; short lt1_vk = WinAPI.VkKeyScanEx(s, Mahou.MahouUI.MAIN_LAYOUT1); uselt1_vk = lt1_vk != -1; short lt2_vk = WinAPI.VkKeyScanEx(s, Mahou.MahouUI.MAIN_LAYOUT2); uselt2_vk = lt2_vk != -1; if (uselt1_vk && uselt2_vk) { var guess = Mahou.KMHook.WordGuessLayout(GetWordByIndex(str, index)); // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ST:"+guess.Item2); var lt_guess = guess.Item2; resultvk = (ushort)WinAPI.VkKeyScanEx(s, lt_guess); } else if (uselt1_vk) { resultvk = (ushort)lt1_vk; } else if (uselt2_vk) { resultvk = (ushort)lt2_vk; } bool resultvk_state = ((resultvk >> 8) & 0xff) == 1; if (resultvk_state) { result.Add(KInputs.AddKey(Keys.RShiftKey, true)); } var down = new WinAPI.INPUT { Type = WinAPI.INPUT_KEYBOARD, Data = { Keyboard = new WinAPI.KEYBDINPUT { Vk = MahouUI.GuessKeyCodeFix ? resultvk : (ushort)0, Flags = (UInt32)(WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_UNICODE), Scan = (UInt16)s, ExtraInfo = IntPtr.Zero, Time = 0 } } }; var up = new WinAPI.INPUT { Type = WinAPI.INPUT_KEYBOARD, Data = { Keyboard = new WinAPI.KEYBDINPUT { Vk = MahouUI.GuessKeyCodeFix ? resultvk : (ushort)0, Flags = (UInt32)(WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_UNICODE | WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP), Scan = (UInt16)s, ExtraInfo = IntPtr.Zero, Time = 0 } } }; if (s == '\n') { down = AddKey(Keys.Return, true); up = AddKey(Keys.Return, false); } result.Add(down); result.Add(up); if (resultvk_state) { result.Add(KInputs.AddKey(Keys.RShiftKey, false)); } index++; } return(result.ToArray()); }
public static IntPtr Callback(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) { if (MMain.mahou == null || nCode < 0) { return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } if (KMHook.ExcludedProgram() && !MahouUI.ChangeLayoutInExcluded) { return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } var vk = Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam); var Key = (Keys)vk; if (MahouUI.BlockAltUpNOW) { if ((wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_SYSKEYUP || wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_KEYUP) && (Key == Keys.LMenu || Key == Keys.RMenu || Key == Keys.Menu)) { Debug.WriteLine("ihihihihihihihih-hihih-hi blocked alt :)))))"); MahouUI.BlockAltUpNOW = false; return((IntPtr)1); } } SetModifs(Key, wParam); if ((alt || alt) && (shift || shift_r) && Key == Keys.Tab) // mysterious Alt+Shift+Tab, sends Shift Up before Tab down!? { KMHook.skip_kbd_events++; } Debug.WriteLine("Alive" + vk + " :: " + wParam); #region Redefines if (redefines.len > 0) { var modsstr = KMHook.GetModsStr(ctrl, ctrl_r, shift, shift_r, alt, alt_r, win, win_r).Replace("+", " ").Replace(" ", "").ToLower(); for (int i = 0; i != redefines.len; i++) { if (Key == redefines[i].k) { Logging.Log("[REDEF] > Redefined: " + redefines[i].k + " => " + redefines[i].v); var rli = redefines_excl_mods[i].ToLower(); var redy = true; if (rli == "all" && !(!shift && !alt && !ctrl && !win && !shift_r && !alt_r && !ctrl_r && !win_r)) { redy = false; } else { var srli = rli.Split(' '); for (int y = 0; y != srli.Length; y++) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(srli[y]) && modsstr.Contains(srli[y])) { Logging.Log("[REDEF] > Contains the modifier: " + srli[y]); redy = false; break; } } } if (redy) { KMHook.KeybdEvent(redefines[i].v, (wParam.ToInt32() == WinAPI.WM_KEYDOWN || wParam.ToInt32() == WinAPI.WM_SYSKEYDOWN) ? 0 : 2); return((IntPtr)1); } else { Logging.Log("[REDEF] > Redefine cancelled: by mods: " + redefines_excl_mods[i] + " (" + modsstr + ")"); } } } } #endregion #region Tray Hotkeys var x = new Tuple <bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, Tuple <bool, int> >(alt, alt_r, shift, shift_r, ctrl, ctrl_r, win, new Tuple <bool, int>(win_r, vk)); // Debug.WriteLine("x_hk: " + Hotkey.tray_hk_to_string(x)); // Debug.WriteLine("dhk_wait: " +dhk_tray_wait); // Debug.WriteLine("dhk_hk: " +dhk_tray_hk); if (dhk_tray_wait) { var hk = Hotkey.tray_hk_parse(dhk_tray_hk); var UpOrDown = OnUpOrDown((Keys)hk.Rest.Item2, wParam); if (UpOrDown) { var eq = Hotkey.cmp_hotkey(hk, x); // Debug.WriteLine("dhk_eq: "+eq); if (eq) { Logging.Log("[TR_HK] > Executing action of (double)hotkey: " + dhk_tray_hk_real + " on second hotkey: " + dhk_tray_hk); KMHook.DoSelf(dhk_tray_act, "tray_hotkeys_double"); dhk_unset(); KMHook.SendModsUp(15, false); // less overkill when whole hotkey is being hold return((IntPtr)1); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i != MahouUI.tray_hotkeys.len; i++) { var hk = Hotkey.tray_hk_parse(MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].k); var UpOrDown = OnUpOrDown((Keys)hk.Rest.Item2, wParam); // Debug.WriteLine((UpOrDown ? "UP":"DOWN") + " key: " +Key); if (UpOrDown) { if (Hotkey.cmp_hotkey(hk, x)) { var d = Hotkey.tray_hk_is_double(MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].k); if (d.Item1) { dhk_tray_wait = true; dhk_tray_hk = d.Item3; dhk_tray_act = MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].v.Item1; dhk_tray_hk_real = MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].k; if (dhk_timer != null) { dhk_timer.Stop(); dhk_timer.Dispose(); } dhk_timer = new Timer(); dhk_timer.Interval = d.Item2; dhk_timer.Tick += (_, __) => { Debug.WriteLine("Unset timer dhk! " + dhk_timer.Interval + "ms"); dhk_unset(); dhk_timer.Stop(); dhk_timer.Dispose(); }; dhk_timer.Start(); } else { Logging.Log("[TR_HK] > Executing action of hotkey: " + MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].k); dhk_unset(); if (MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].v.Item2.Contains("hk|c") || MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].v.Item2.Contains("hk|s")) { var altl = ((hk.Item1 || hk.Rest.Item2 == (int)Keys.LMenu) && !hk.Item2 && // l alt not r alt !hk.Item3 && !hk.Item4 && !hk.Item5 && !hk.Item6 && !hk.Item7 && !hk.Rest.Item1); var altr = (!hk.Item1 && (hk.Item2 || hk.Rest.Item2 == (int)Keys.RMenu) && !hk.Item3 && !hk.Item4 && !hk.Item5 && !hk.Item6 && !hk.Item7 && !hk.Rest.Item1); if (altl || altr) { if (Locales.ActiveWindowClassName(40).Contains("Chrome_WidgetWin")) { MahouUI.chrome_window_alt_fix(); } } else { KMHook.SendModsUp(15, false); // less overkill when whole hotkey is being hold } if (altl) { KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.LMenu, 0); KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.LMenu, 2); } if (altr) { KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.RMenu, 0); KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.RMenu, 2); } if ((!hk.Item1 && !hk.Item2 && !hk.Item3 && !hk.Item4 && !hk.Item5 && !hk.Item6 && (hk.Item7 || hk.Rest.Item2 == (int)Keys.LWin) && !hk.Rest.Item1)) { KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.LWin, 0); KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.LWin, 2); } if ((!hk.Item1 && !hk.Item2 && !hk.Item3 && !hk.Item4 && !hk.Item5 && !hk.Item6 && !hk.Item7 && (hk.Rest.Item1 || hk.Rest.Item2 == (int)Keys.RWin))) { KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.RWin, 0); KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.RWin, 2); } } KMHook.DoSelf(MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].v.Item1, "tray_hotkeys"); return((IntPtr)1); } } } } } #endregion if (MahouUI.SnippetsEnabled) { if (KMHook.c_snip.Count > 0) { var t = MMain.mahou.SnippetsExpandType == "Tab"; if (t && Key == Keys.Tab && !shift && !alt && !win && !ctrl && !shift_r && !alt_r && !ctrl_r && !win_r) { WinAPI.keybd_event((byte)Keys.F14, (byte)Keys.F14, 0, 0); return((IntPtr)1); // Disable event } if (!t && MMain.mahou.SnippetsExpandType != "Space" && wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_KEYDOWN || wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { var ms = KMHook.GetModsStr(ctrl, ctrl_r, shift, shift_r, alt, alt_r, win, win_r); ms += Key; var othmatch = ms == MMain.mahou.SnippetsExpKeyOther; Debug.WriteLine("Checking SnippetsExpOther: [" + ms + "] == [" + MMain.mahou.SnippetsExpKeyOther + "] => " + othmatch); if (othmatch) { KMHook.ClearModifiers(); WinAPI.keybd_event((byte)Keys.F20, (byte)Keys.F20, 0, 0); return((IntPtr)1); } } } } if (MahouUI.RemapCapslockAsF18) { bool _shift = !shift, _alt = !alt, _ctrl = !ctrl, _win = !win, _shift_r = !shift_r, _alt_r = !alt_r, _ctrl_r = !ctrl_r, _win_r = !win_r; if (Key == Keys.CapsLock) { for (int i = 1; i != 5; i++) { var KeyIndex = (int)typeof(MahouUI).GetField("Key" + i).GetValue(MMain.mahou); if (KeyIndex == 8) // Shift+CapsLock { _shift = shift; _shift_r = shift_r; } } } uint mods = 0; if (alt || alt_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_ALT; } if (ctrl || ctrl_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_CONTROL; } if (shift || shift_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_SHIFT; } if (win || win_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_WIN; } bool has = MMain.mahou.HasHotkey(new Hotkey(false, (uint)Keys.F18, mods, 77)); if (has) { if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_SHIFT)) { _shift = shift; } _shift_r = shift_r; if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_ALT)) { _alt = alt; } _alt_r = alt_r; if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_CONTROL)) { _ctrl = ctrl; } _ctrl_r = ctrl_r; if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_WIN)) { _win = win; } _win_r = win_r; } var GJIME = false; if (vk >= 240 && vk <= 242) // GJ IME's Shift/Alt/Ctrl + CapsLock { GJIME = true; } // Debug.WriteLine(Key + " " +has + "// " + _shift + " " + _alt + " " + _ctrl + " " + _win + " " + mods + " >> " + (Key == Keys.CapsLock && _shift && _alt && _ctrl && _win)); if ((Key == Keys.CapsLock || GJIME) && _shift && _alt && _ctrl && _win && _shift_r && _alt_r && _ctrl_r && _win_r) { var flags = (int)(KInputs.IsExtended(Key) ? WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY : 0); if (wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_KEYUP) { flags |= (int)WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; } WinAPI.keybd_event((byte)Keys.F18, (byte)Keys.F18, flags, 0); return((IntPtr)1); // Disable event } // Debug.WriteLine(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); }
public static IntPtr Callback(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) { if (MMain.mahou == null || nCode < 0) { return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } if (KMHook.ExcludedProgram() && !MahouUI.ChangeLayoutInExcluded) { return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } var vk = Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam); var Key = (Keys)vk; if (MahouUI.BlockAltUpNOW) { if ((wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_SYSKEYUP || wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_KEYUP) && (Key == Keys.LMenu || Key == Keys.RMenu || Key == Keys.Menu)) { Debug.WriteLine("ihihihihihihihih-hihih-hi blocked alt :)))))"); MahouUI.BlockAltUpNOW = false; return((IntPtr)1); } } SetModifs(Key, wParam); Debug.WriteLine("Alive" + vk); #region Tray Hotkeys if (wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_KEYDOWN || wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { for (int i = 0; i != MahouUI.tray_hotkeys.len; i++) { var x = new Tuple <bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, Tuple <bool, int> >(alt, alt_r, shift, shift_r, ctrl, ctrl_r, win, new Tuple <bool, int>(win_r, vk)); if (Hotkey.cmp_hotkey(Hotkey.tray_hk_parse(MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].k), x)) { Logging.Log("[TR_HK] > Executing action of hotkey: " + MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].k); KMHook.DoSelf(MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].v, "tray_hotkeys"); KMHook.SendModsUp(15, false); // less overkill when whole hotkey is being hold return((IntPtr)1); } } } #endregion if (MahouUI.SnippetsEnabled) { if (KMHook.c_snip.Count > 0) { if (MMain.mahou.SnippetsExpandType == "Tab" && Key == Keys.Tab && !shift && !alt && !win && !ctrl && !shift_r && !alt_r && !ctrl_r && !win_r) { WinAPI.keybd_event((byte)Keys.F14, (byte)Keys.F14, (int)WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); return((IntPtr)1); // Disable event } } } if (MahouUI.RemapCapslockAsF18) { bool _shift = !shift, _alt = !alt, _ctrl = !ctrl, _win = !win, _shift_r = !shift_r, _alt_r = !alt_r, _ctrl_r = !ctrl_r, _win_r = !win_r; if (Key == Keys.CapsLock) { for (int i = 1; i != 5; i++) { var KeyIndex = (int)typeof(MahouUI).GetField("Key" + i).GetValue(MMain.mahou); if (KeyIndex == 8) // Shift+CapsLock { _shift = shift; } _shift_r = shift_r; } } uint mods = 0; if (alt || alt_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_ALT; } if (ctrl || ctrl_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_CONTROL; } if (shift || shift_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_SHIFT; } if (win || win_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_WIN; } bool has = MMain.mahou.HasHotkey(new Hotkey(false, (uint)Keys.F18, mods, 77)); if (has) { if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_SHIFT)) { _shift = shift; } _shift_r = shift_r; if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_ALT)) { _alt = alt; } _alt_r = alt_r; if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_CONTROL)) { _ctrl = ctrl; } _ctrl_r = ctrl_r; if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_WIN)) { _win = win; } _win_r = win_r; } var GJIME = false; if (vk >= 240 && vk <= 242) // GJ IME's Shift/Alt/Ctrl + CapsLock { GJIME = true; } // Debug.WriteLine(Key + " " +has + "// " + _shift + " " + _alt + " " + _ctrl + " " + _win + " " + mods + " >> " + (Key == Keys.CapsLock && _shift && _alt && _ctrl && _win)); if ((Key == Keys.CapsLock || GJIME) && _shift && _alt && _ctrl && _win && _shift_r && _alt_r && _ctrl_r && _win_r) { var flags = (int)(KInputs.IsExtended(Key) ? WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY : 0); if (wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_KEYUP) { flags |= (int)WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; } WinAPI.keybd_event((byte)Keys.F18, (byte)Keys.F18, flags, 0); return((IntPtr)1); // Disable event } // Debug.WriteLine(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); }