예제 #1
        void CreateFramebuffers(IMgSwapchainCollection swapchains, MgGraphicsDeviceCreateInfo createInfo)
            //IMgFramebuffer[] SetupFrameBuffers(IMgRenderPass renderPass, IMgDepthStencilBuffer depthStencil, IMgSwapchainCollection swapChain, uint width, uint height)
            // Create frame buffers for every swap chain image
            var frameBuffers = new IMgFramebuffer[swapchains.Buffers.Length];

            for (uint i = 0; i < frameBuffers.Length; i++)
                var frameBufferCreateInfo = new MgFramebufferCreateInfo
                    RenderPass  = mRenderpass,
                    Attachments = new []
                        // Depth/Stencil attachment is the same for all frame buffers
                    Width  = createInfo.Width,
                    Height = createInfo.Height,
                    Layers = 1,

                var err = mPartition.Device.CreateFramebuffer(frameBufferCreateInfo, null, out frameBuffers[i]);
                Debug.Assert(err == Result.SUCCESS, err + " != Result.SUCCESS");

            mFramebuffers = frameBuffers;
예제 #2
        void CreateDepthStencil(IMgCommandBuffer setupCmdBuffer, MgGraphicsDeviceCreateInfo createInfo)
            var image = new MgImageCreateInfo {
                ImageType = MgImageType.TYPE_2D,
                Format    = createInfo.DepthStencil,
                Extent    = new MgExtent3D {
                    Width  = createInfo.Width,
                    Height = createInfo.Height,
                    Depth  = 1
                MipLevels   = 1,
                ArrayLayers = 1,
                Samples     = createInfo.Samples,
                Tiling      = MgImageTiling.OPTIMAL,
                // TODO : multisampled uses MgImageUsageFlagBits.TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT_BIT | MgImageUsageFlagBits.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT;
                Usage = MgImageUsageFlagBits.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT | MgImageUsageFlagBits.TRANSFER_SRC_BIT,
                Flags = 0,
            var mem_alloc = new MgMemoryAllocateInfo {
                AllocationSize  = 0,
                MemoryTypeIndex = 0,
            MgMemoryRequirements memReqs;

            Debug.Assert(mGraphicsConfiguration.Partition != null);

            Result err;

                IMgImage dsImage;
                err = mGraphicsConfiguration.Partition.Device.CreateImage(image, null, out dsImage);
                Debug.Assert(err == Result.SUCCESS, err + " != Result.SUCCESS");
                mImage = dsImage;
            mGraphicsConfiguration.Partition.Device.GetImageMemoryRequirements(mImage, out memReqs);
            mem_alloc.AllocationSize = memReqs.Size;
            uint memTypeIndex;
            bool memoryTypeFound = mGraphicsConfiguration.Partition.GetMemoryType(memReqs.MemoryTypeBits, MgMemoryPropertyFlagBits.DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT, out memTypeIndex);

            mem_alloc.MemoryTypeIndex = memTypeIndex;
                IMgDeviceMemory dsDeviceMemory;
                err = mGraphicsConfiguration.Partition.Device.AllocateMemory(mem_alloc, null, out dsDeviceMemory);
                Debug.Assert(err == Result.SUCCESS, err + " != Result.SUCCESS");
                mDeviceMemory = dsDeviceMemory;
            err = mImage.BindImageMemory(mGraphicsConfiguration.Partition.Device, mDeviceMemory, 0);
            Debug.Assert(err == Result.SUCCESS, err + " != Result.SUCCESS");
            mImageTools.SetImageLayout(setupCmdBuffer, mImage, MgImageAspectFlagBits.DEPTH_BIT | MgImageAspectFlagBits.STENCIL_BIT, MgImageLayout.UNDEFINED, MgImageLayout.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL);
            var depthStencilView = new MgImageViewCreateInfo {
                Image            = mImage,
                ViewType         = MgImageViewType.TYPE_2D,
                Format           = createInfo.DepthStencil,
                Flags            = 0,
                SubresourceRange = new MgImageSubresourceRange {
                    AspectMask     = MgImageAspectFlagBits.DEPTH_BIT | MgImageAspectFlagBits.STENCIL_BIT,
                    BaseMipLevel   = 0,
                    LevelCount     = 1,
                    BaseArrayLayer = 0,
                    LayerCount     = 1,
                IMgImageView dsView;
                err = mGraphicsConfiguration.Partition.Device.CreateImageView(depthStencilView, null, out dsView);
                Debug.Assert(err == Result.SUCCESS, err + " != Result.SUCCESS");
                mDepthStencilImageView = dsView;
예제 #3
        void CreateRenderpass(MgGraphicsDeviceCreateInfo createInfo)
            var attachments = new []
                // Color attachment[0]
                new MgAttachmentDescription {
                    Format = createInfo.Color,
                    // TODO : multisampling
                    Samples        = MgSampleCountFlagBits.COUNT_1_BIT,
                    LoadOp         = MgAttachmentLoadOp.CLEAR,
                    StoreOp        = MgAttachmentStoreOp.STORE,
                    StencilLoadOp  = MgAttachmentLoadOp.DONT_CARE,
                    StencilStoreOp = MgAttachmentStoreOp.DONT_CARE,
                    InitialLayout  = MgImageLayout.COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL,
                    FinalLayout    = MgImageLayout.COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL,
                // Depth attachment[1]
                new MgAttachmentDescription {
                    Format = createInfo.DepthStencil,
                    // TODO : multisampling
                    Samples = MgSampleCountFlagBits.COUNT_1_BIT,
                    LoadOp  = MgAttachmentLoadOp.CLEAR,
                    StoreOp = MgAttachmentStoreOp.STORE,

                    // TODO : activate stencil if needed
                    StencilLoadOp  = MgAttachmentLoadOp.DONT_CARE,
                    StencilStoreOp = MgAttachmentStoreOp.DONT_CARE,

                    InitialLayout = MgImageLayout.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL,
                    FinalLayout   = MgImageLayout.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL,

            var colorReference = new MgAttachmentReference
                Attachment = 0,
                Layout     = MgImageLayout.COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL,

            var depthReference = new MgAttachmentReference {
                Attachment = 1,
                Layout     = MgImageLayout.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL,

            var subpass = new MgSubpassDescription
                PipelineBindPoint      = MgPipelineBindPoint.GRAPHICS,
                Flags                  = 0,
                InputAttachments       = null,
                ColorAttachments       = new [] { colorReference },
                ResolveAttachments     = null,
                DepthStencilAttachment = depthReference,
                PreserveAttachments    = null,

            var renderPassInfo = new MgRenderPassCreateInfo {
                Attachments  = attachments,
                Subpasses    = new [] { subpass },
                Dependencies = null,

            Result err;

            IMgRenderPass renderPass;

            err = mGraphicsConfiguration.Partition.Device.CreateRenderPass(renderPassInfo, null, out renderPass);
            Debug.Assert(err == Result.SUCCESS, err + " != Result.SUCCESS");
            mRenderpass = renderPass;
예제 #4
        public void Create(IMgCommandBuffer setupCmdBuffer, IMgSwapchainCollection swapchainCollection, MgGraphicsDeviceCreateInfo createInfo)
            if (setupCmdBuffer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(setupCmdBuffer));

            if (createInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(createInfo));

            if (swapchainCollection == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(swapchainCollection));


            // Check if device supports requested sample count for color and depth frame buffer
            if (
                (mProperties.Limits.FramebufferColorSampleCounts < createInfo.Samples) ||
                (mProperties.Limits.FramebufferDepthSampleCounts < createInfo.Samples))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("createInfo.Samples",
                                                      "MgDefaultDepthStencilBuffer : This physical device cannot fulfil the requested sample count for BOTH color and depth frame buffer");

            mDeviceCreated = false;

            CreateDepthStencil(setupCmdBuffer, createInfo);
            swapchainCollection.Create(setupCmdBuffer, createInfo.Width, createInfo.Height);
            mFramebuffers.Create(swapchainCollection, mRenderpass, mDepthStencilImageView, createInfo.Width, createInfo.Height);

            Scissor = new MgRect2D {
                Extent = new MgExtent2D {
                    Width = createInfo.Width, Height = createInfo.Height
                Offset = new MgOffset2D {
                    X = 0, Y = 0

            // initialize viewport
            CurrentViewport = new MgViewport {
                Width    = createInfo.Width,
                Height   = createInfo.Height,
                X        = 0,
                Y        = 0,
                MinDepth = 0f,
                MaxDepth = 1f,
            mDeviceCreated = true;