public LidarRenderer(string name, int sensorID, int robotID, SensorPose laserToBody) { = name; this.sensorID = sensorID; this.robotID = robotID; this.laserToBody = laserToBody; }
public LidarProxy() { lidarSensorPose = new SensorPose(0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0); addressProvider = new HardcodedAddressProvider(); lidar = new SickLMS(addressProvider.GetAddressByName("Sick"), lidarSensorPose); lidar.ScanReceived += new EventHandler<ILidarScanEventArgs<ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint>>>(lidar_ScanReceived); }
public VFHFollower(SensorPose sickPose, SensorPose hokuyoPose, double angularResolution, bool useHokuyo) { pose = null; this.useHokuyo = useHokuyo; this.sickPose = sickPose; sickDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(this.sickPose); if (this.useHokuyo) { this.hokuyoPose = hokuyoPose; hokuyoDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(this.hokuyoPose); } sickHistory = new List<Vector2[]>(); hokuyoHistory = new List<Vector2[]>(); this.angularResolution = angularResolution; numBuckets = (int) Math.Round(360 / this.angularResolution); trapped = false; kThreshold = (int) Math.Round(160 / this.angularResolution); rHistogram = new Double[numBuckets]; }
public SeptentrioSerial(string comPort, int baud, SensorPose sensorPose, ITimingProvider timingProvider) { rxSerial = new SerialPort(comPort, baud); foreach (string p in SerialPort.GetPortNames()) Console.WriteLine(p); rxSerial.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(rxSerial_DataReceived); this.sensorPose = sensorPose; this.timingProvider = timingProvider; }
public void SetSensorPose(SensorPose laserPose, bool forCamera) { laserToRobot = Matrix4.FromPose(laserPose); if (forCamera) laserToRobot[2, 3] = 0; //laserToRobot[0, 2] = laserPose.x; //laserToRobot[1, 2] = laserPose.y; //laserToRobot[2, 2] = 0; //laserToRobot[3, 3] = 1.0; }
public SensorCoverage(double fovDegrees, double range, SensorPose location, Color color, string id) { this.fov = fovDegrees * (Math.PI / 180.0); this.range = range; this.location = location; this.renderColor = color; = id; //get the option by name //Type coverageOptionsType = typeof(SensorCoverageRenderOptions); //optionProperties = coverageOptionsType.GetProperties(); }
double thresholdHeight; // above 5 cm #endregion Fields #region Constructors public LidarTargetDetector(double thresholdHeight, SensorPose laserPose, bool forCamera) { this.thresholdHeight = thresholdHeight; laserToRobot = Matrix4.FromPose(laserPose); if (forCamera) laserToRobot[2, 3] = 0; //laserToRobot[0, 2] = laserPose.x; //laserToRobot[1, 2] = laserPose.y; //laserToRobot[2, 2] = laserPose.z; //laserToRobot[3, 3] = 1.0; }
public HokuyoURG(string port, int scannerId, bool useHokuyoTimestamp) { this.port = port; this.scannerId = scannerId; this.sensorPose = new SensorPose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); this.useHokuyoTimestamp = useHokuyoTimestamp; if (!useHokuyoTimestamp) { INetworkAddressProvider addressProvider = new HardcodedAddressProvider(); segway = new SegwayRMP50(addressProvider.GetAddressByName("SegwayFeedback"), addressProvider.GetAddressByName("SegwayControl"), false, 1); segway.Start(); segway.WheelPositionUpdate += new EventHandler<TimestampedEventArgs<Magic.Common.Robots.IRobotTwoWheelStatus>>(segway_WheelPositionUpdate); } }
private static Vector2 FindNeighborToCompare(List<ILidar2DPoint> filteredScan, SensorPose lidarPose, int initialIdx, double threshold) { double currentX = -filteredScan[initialIdx].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(filteredScan[initialIdx].RThetaPoint.theta) - lidarPose.y; double currentY = filteredScan[initialIdx].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(filteredScan[initialIdx].RThetaPoint.theta) + lidarPose.x; double neighborX = -filteredScan[filteredScan.Count - 1].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(filteredScan[filteredScan.Count - 1].RThetaPoint.theta) - lidarPose.y; double neighborY = filteredScan[filteredScan.Count - 1].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(filteredScan[filteredScan.Count - 1].RThetaPoint.theta) + lidarPose.x; Vector2 currentPt = new Vector2(currentX, currentY); for (int k = initialIdx; k < filteredScan.Count; k++) { neighborX = -filteredScan[k].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(filteredScan[k].RThetaPoint.theta) - lidarPose.y; neighborY = filteredScan[k].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(filteredScan[k].RThetaPoint.theta) + lidarPose.x; Vector2 neighborPt = new Vector2(neighborX, neighborY); if (currentPt.DistanceTo(neighborPt) > threshold) return neighborPt; } return new Vector2(neighborX, neighborY); }
public HokuyoURG(string port, int scannerId, SensorPose sensorPose, bool useHokuyoTimestamp) { this.port = port; this.scannerId = scannerId; this.sensorPose = sensorPose; this.useHokuyoTimestamp = useHokuyoTimestamp; if (!useHokuyoTimestamp) { INetworkAddressProvider addressProvider = new HardcodedAddressProvider(); //segway = new SegwayRMP50(addressProvider.GetAddressByName("SegwayFeedback"), addressProvider.GetAddressByName("SegwayControl"), false, 1); //segway.Start(); //segway.WheelPositionUpdate += new EventHandler<TimestampedEventArgs<Magic.Common.Robots.IRobotTwoWheelStatus>>(segway_WheelPositionUpdate); ILidar2D lidar = new SickLMS(addressProvider.GetAddressByName("Sick"), new SensorPose(), true); lidar.ScanReceived += new EventHandler<ILidarScanEventArgs<ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint>>>(lidar_ScanReceived); lidar.Start(); } }
public GlobalGaussianMixMapQ(OccupancyGrid2D globalOcGrid, GenericMulticastClient<LidarFilterPackageMessage> lidarFilterClient) { addressProvider = new HardcodedAddressProvider(); //lidarFilterPackageClient = new GenericMulticastClient<LidarFilterPackageMessage>(addressProvider.GetAddressByName("LidarFilterPackage"), new CSharpMulticastSerializer<LidarFilterPackageMessage>(true)); globalGaussianMixMapServer = new GenericMulticastServer<GlobalMapCell>(addressProvider.GetAddressByName("GlobalGaussianMixMap"), new CSharpMulticastSerializer<GlobalMapCell>(true)); globalGaussianMixMapServer.Start(NetworkAddress.GetBindingAddressByType(NetworkAddress.BindingType.Wired)); robotIDToPose = new Dictionary<int, PoseFilterState>(); robotIDToScan = new Dictionary<int, ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint>>(); robotIDToSensorPose = new Dictionary<int, SensorPose>(); robotIDToTimestamp = new Dictionary<int, double>(); robotIDToPastTimestamp = new Dictionary<int, double>(); globalOcGridByEachRobot = new Dictionary<int, OccupancyGrid2D>(); robotIDToDynamicObstacles = new Dictionary<int, List<Polygon>>(); otherRobotPolygon = new Dictionary<int, Polygon>(); this.globalOcGrid = new OccupancyGrid2D(globalOcGrid); laserToRobot = new SensorPose(0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0 / 180.0, 0, 0); gaussianMixMapAlgorithm = new GaussianMixMappingQ(globalOcGrid, laserToRobot); globalOcGridByEachRobotAlgorithm = new Dictionary<int, GaussianMixMappingQ>(); //lidarFilterPackageClient.Start(NetworkAddress.GetBindingAddressByType(NetworkAddress.BindingType.Wired)); lidarFilterClient.MsgReceived += new EventHandler<MsgReceivedEventArgs<LidarFilterPackageMessage>>(lidarFilterPackageClient_MsgReceived); // local map request from robots localMapRequestClient = new GenericMulticastClient<LocalMapRequestMessage>(addressProvider.GetAddressByName("LocalMapRequest"), new CSharpMulticastSerializer<LocalMapRequestMessage>(true)); localMapRequestClient.Start(NetworkAddress.GetBindingAddressByType(NetworkAddress.BindingType.Wired)); localMapRequestClient.MsgReceived += new EventHandler<MsgReceivedEventArgs<LocalMapRequestMessage>>(localMapRequestClient_MsgReceived); // local map update sender localMapResponseServer = new GenericMulticastServer<UpdateMapDataMessage>(addressProvider.GetAddressByName("LocalMapResponse"), new CSharpMulticastSerializer<UpdateMapDataMessage>(true)); localMapResponseServer.Start(NetworkAddress.GetBindingAddressByType(NetworkAddress.BindingType.Wired)); Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(UpdateGlobalMap)); t.Start(); //Thread t2 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SendGlobalUpdate)); //t2.Start(); }
public SensorPose(SensorPose p) : base(p) { }
/// <summary> /// Returns lidar scan projection into a image plane /// </summary> /// <param name="lidarScan"></param> /// <param name="cameraSize">"320x240" or "640x480"</param> /// <param name="camType">"Fire-i" or "FireFly"</param> /// <param name="camPose">Your camera pose relative to the lidar</param> /// <returns>List of pixel values for each lidar point</returns> public static List<Vector2> FindLidarProjection(ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint> lidarScan, string cameraSize, string camType, SensorPose camPose) { Matrix DCM4D = new Matrix(4, 4, 1.0); double[] fc = new double[2]; double[] cc = new double[2]; if (cameraSize.Equals("320x240")) { //for 320 x 240 image with Unibrain Fire-i camera if (camType.Equals("Fire-i")) { fc[0] = 384.4507; fc[1] = 384.1266; cc[0] = 155.1999; cc[1] = 101.5641; } // Fire-Fly MV else if (camType.Equals("FireFly")) { fc[0] = 345.26498; fc[1] = 344.99438; cc[0] = 159.36854; cc[1] = 118.26944; } } else if (cameraSize.Equals("640x480")) { // for 640 x 480 image with Unibrain Fire-i camera if (camType.Equals("Fire-i")) { fc[0] = 763.5805; fc[1] = 763.8337; cc[0] = 303.0963; cc[1] = 215.9287; } // for Fire-Fly MV (Point Gray) else if (camType.Equals("FireFly")) { fc[0] = 691.09778; fc[1] = 690.70187; cc[0] = 324.07388; cc[1] = 234.22204; } } double alpha_c = 0; // camera matrix Matrix KK = new Matrix(fc[0], alpha_c * fc[0], cc[0], 0, fc[1], cc[1], 0, 0, 1); // update DCM for point transformation DCM4D[0, 3] = camPose.x; DCM4D[1, 3] = camPose.y; DCM4D[2, 3] = camPose.z; DCM4D[0, 0] = Math.Cos(camPose.yaw); DCM4D[1, 1] = Math.Cos(camPose.yaw); DCM4D[0, 1] = Math.Sin(camPose.yaw); DCM4D[1, 0] = -Math.Sin(camPose.yaw); List<Vector2> pixelList = new List<Vector2>(lidarScan.Points.Count); foreach (ILidar2DPoint pt in lidarScan.Points) { Matrix point = new Matrix(4, 1); point[0, 0] = -pt.RThetaPoint.ToVector4().Y; point[1, 0] = pt.RThetaPoint.ToVector4().X; point[2, 0] = pt.RThetaPoint.ToVector4().Z; point[3, 0] = 1; Matrix transPt = DCM4D * point; Matrix ptImgPlane = new Matrix(3, 1); ptImgPlane[0, 0] = transPt[0, 0] / transPt[1, 0]; ptImgPlane[1, 0] = -transPt[2, 0] / transPt[1, 0]; ptImgPlane[2, 0] = transPt[1, 0] / transPt[1, 0]; ptImgPlane = KK * ptImgPlane; pixelList.Add(new Vector2(ptImgPlane[0, 0], ptImgPlane[1, 0])); } return pixelList; }
/// <summary> /// Update tracker with given input. It will do simple data association with given data (comparing distance between existing targets). /// </summary> /// <param name="uPixel">x-pixel in a camera coordinate</param> /// <param name="vPixel">y-pixel in a camera coordinate</param> /// <param name="range">laser range reading</param> /// <param name="currentPose"></param> /// <returns>target index = targetID</returns> public int Update(double uPixel, double vPixel, RobotPose currentPose, SensorPose lidarPose, TargetTypes type, ILidar2DPoint lidarPt, string cameraType, int numCamera) { Matrix zSCR, Xx2; double distance = 0; int targetIdx = 0; lock (locker) { // Compute X and Y position of the target based on the passed lidar point //Vector2 xyPos = TargetTrackingImpl.FindPosCoord(screenSize, range, uPixel, vPixel, currentPose, null); // this X Y coordinate = E N double yaw = currentPose.yaw - Math.PI / 2; double pitch = currentPose.pitch; double roll = currentPose.roll; Matrix R_ENU2R = new Matrix(Math.Cos(yaw), Math.Sin(yaw), 0, -Math.Sin(yaw), Math.Cos(yaw), 0, 0, 0, 1) * new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 0, Math.Cos(pitch), -Math.Sin(pitch), 0, Math.Sin(pitch), Math.Cos(pitch)) * new Matrix(Math.Cos(roll), 0, Math.Sin(roll), 0, 1, 0, -Math.Sin(roll), 0, Math.Cos(roll)); Matrix localPt = new Matrix(3, 1); localPt[0, 0] = -lidarPt.RThetaPoint.ToVector2().Y - lidarPose.y; localPt[1, 0] = lidarPt.RThetaPoint.ToVector2().X + lidarPose.x; Matrix globalPt = R_ENU2R.Inverse * localPt; Vector2 xyPos = new Vector2(globalPt[0, 0] + currentPose.x, globalPt[1, 0] + currentPose.y); this.xyPosList.Add(xyPos); #region debugging - go away // find the closest target //if (currentTargetPose.Count == 0) //{ // distance = double.MaxValue; // targetIdx = 0; //} //else //{ // targetIdx = FindClosestTarget(xyPos, ref distance, type); //} //if (type == TargetTypes.PotentialSOOI || type == TargetTypes.ConfirmedSOOI) //{ // if (distance > staticDistanceThreshold) // if the distance is larger than the threshold, add as a new target // { // if (currentTargetPose.Count == currentTargetPose.Capacity) // currentTargetPose.RemoveAt(0); // currentTargetPose.Add(xyPos); // implList.Add(new TargetTrackingImpl(sigma_f, dT, screenSize, cameraType)); // targetIdx = currentTargetPose.Count - 1; // } //} //else if (type == TargetTypes.PotentialMOOI || type == TargetTypes.ConfirmedMOOI) //{ // if (distance > dynamicDistanceThreshold) // if the distance is larger than the threshold, add as a new target // { // if (currentTargetPose.Count == currentTargetPose.Capacity) // currentTargetPose.RemoveAt(0); // currentTargetPose.Add(xyPos); // implList.Add(new TargetTrackingImpl(sigma_f, dT, screenSize, cameraType)); // targetIdx = currentTargetPose.Count - 1; // } //} #endregion zSCR = new Matrix(3, 1); zSCR[0, 0] = uPixel; zSCR[1, 0] = vPixel; zSCR[2, 0] = lidarPt.RThetaPoint.R; Xx2 = new Matrix(9, 1); Xx2[0, 0] = currentPose.x; Xx2[1, 0] = currentPose.y; /* Xx2[2, 0] = currentPose.z; */ Xx2[2, 0] = 0; Xx2[3, 0] = currentPose.roll; Xx2[4, 0] = currentPose.pitch; Xx2[5, 0] = currentPose.yaw; //Xx2[3, 0] = 0; Xx2[4, 0] = 0; Xx2[5, 0] = currentPose.yaw; Xx2[6, 0] = 0; Xx2[7, 0] = 0; Xx2[8, 0] = 0; // modification for 3 cameras if (numCamera == 3) { if (uPixel > 0 && uPixel <= 320) { Xx2[6, 0] = 50 * Math.PI / 180; } else if (uPixel > 320 && uPixel <= 320 * 2) { zSCR[0, 0] = uPixel - 320; zSCR[1, 0] = vPixel; Xx2[6, 0] = 1.5 * Math.PI / 180; } else if (uPixel > 320 * 2) { zSCR[0, 0] = uPixel - 320 * 2; zSCR[1, 0] = vPixel; Xx2[6, 0] = -47 * Math.PI / 180; } } // find the most associated target Matrix Sxx2 = new Matrix(9, 9); Sxx2[0, 0] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[0, 0])); Sxx2[1, 1] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[1, 1])); Sxx2[2, 2] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[2, 2])); Sxx2[3, 3] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // roll Sxx2[4, 4] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // pitch Sxx2[5, 5] = Math.Sqrt(0.03); // yaw Sxx2[6, 6] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // pan Sxx2[7, 7] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // tilt Sxx2[8, 8] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // scan //targetIdx = FindMostAssociatedTarget(xyPos, type, Xx2, Sxx2, zSCR); Matrix zSCRForTest = new Matrix(2, 1); zSCRForTest[0, 0] = lidarPt.RThetaPoint.R; zSCRForTest[1, 0] = lidarPt.RThetaPoint.theta; targetIdx = FindMostAssociatedTarget(xyPos, type, Xx2, Sxx2, zSCRForTest); if (type == TargetTypes.PotentialSOOI || type == TargetTypes.ConfirmedSOOI) { if (targetIdx == -1) // if no good associated target found, then add a new one { implList.Add(new TargetTrackingImpl(sigma_f, dT, screenSize, cameraType)); targetIdx = implList.Count - 1; } } else if (type == TargetTypes.PotentialMOOI || type == TargetTypes.ConfirmedMOOI) { if (targetIdx == -1) { implList.Add(new TargetTrackingImpl(sigma_f, dT, screenSize, cameraType)); targetIdx = implList.Count - 1; } } Matrix xhatPOI = new Matrix(7, 1); xhatPOI.Zero(); xhatPOI[0, 0] = xyPos.X; xhatPOI[1, 0] = xyPos.Y; xhatPOI[2, 0] = 0; if (!implList[targetIdx].IsInitialized) implList[targetIdx].SetInitialPOIInfo(xhatPOI); } Matrix Sx2 = new Matrix(9, 9); Sx2[0, 0] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[0, 0])); Sx2[1, 1] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[1, 1])); Sx2[2, 2] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(currentPose.covariance[2, 2])); //Sx2[0, 0] = Math.Sqrt(0.1); //Sx2[1, 1] = Math.Sqrt(0.1); //Sx2[2, 2] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); Sx2[3, 3] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // roll Sx2[4, 4] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // pitch Sx2[5, 5] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // yaw Sx2[6, 6] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // pan Sx2[7, 7] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // tilt Sx2[8, 8] = Math.Sqrt(0.01); // scan // update with correct target implList[targetIdx].UpdateZSCR(zSCR); implList[targetIdx].UpdateVehicleState(Xx2, currentPose.timestamp); implList[targetIdx].UpdateSx2(Sx2); if (implList[targetIdx].Type != TargetTypes.ConfirmedSOOI && implList[targetIdx].Type != TargetTypes.ConfirmedMOOI) implList[targetIdx].SetTargetType(type); implList[targetIdx].Update(); return targetIdx; }
public SeptentrioUDP(NetworkAddress na, SensorPose toBodyTransform, int id) { this.ip = na.Address; this.port = na.Port; this.toBodyTransform = toBodyTransform; this.ID = id; }
public SickLMS(NetworkAddress na, SensorPose toBodyTransform, bool upsideDown) { this.ip = na.Address; this.port = na.Port; this.upsideDown = upsideDown; this.toBodyTransform = toBodyTransform; }
/// <summary> /// Return X, Y coordinate of a pixel given Z and focal length information /// </summary> /// <param name="focalLength"></param> /// <param name="range"></param> /// <param name="pixel"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Vector2 FindPosCoord(string screenSize, double range, double pixelX, double pixelY, RobotPose robotPose, SensorPose lidarPose) { double focalLength = 0; double centerPixX = 0; double centerPixY = 0; if (screenSize.Equals("320x240")) { focalLength = (384.4507 + 384.1266) / 2; centerPixX = 160; centerPixY = 120; } else if (screenSize.Equals("640x480")) { focalLength = (763.5805 + 763.8337) / 2; centerPixX = 320; centerPixY = 240; } else if (screenSize.Equals("960x240")) { focalLength = (345.26498 + 344.99438) / 2; centerPixX = 960 / 2; centerPixY = 480 / 2; } double angle = Math.PI / 2 - Math.Atan2(pixelX - centerPixX, focalLength); Matrix localPt = new Matrix(3, 1); localPt[0, 0] = range * Math.Cos(angle); localPt[1, 0] = range * Math.Sin(angle); double yaw = robotPose.yaw - Math.PI / 2; double pitch = robotPose.pitch; double roll = robotPose.roll; Matrix R_ENU2R = new Matrix(Math.Cos(yaw), Math.Sin(yaw), 0, -Math.Sin(yaw), Math.Cos(yaw), 0, 0, 0, 1) * new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 0, Math.Cos(pitch), -Math.Sin(pitch), 0, Math.Sin(pitch), Math.Cos(pitch)) * new Matrix(Math.Cos(roll), 0, Math.Sin(roll), 0, 1, 0, -Math.Sin(roll), 0, Math.Cos(roll)); Matrix globalPt = R_ENU2R.Inverse * localPt; return new Vector2(globalPt[0, 0] + robotPose.x, globalPt[1, 0] + robotPose.y); }
/// <summary> /// Update OccupancyGrid based on lidarScan and robotPose received /// </summary> /// <param name="lidarScan"></param> /// <param name="currentRobotPose"></param> public void UpdateOccupancyGrid(ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint> lidarScan, int robotID, int scannerID, PoseFilterState currentRobotPose, SensorPose lidarPose, List<Polygon> dynamicObstacles) { if (robotID == 1) { MAXRANGESick = 7.0; } else if (robotID == 3) { MAXRANGESick = 30.0; } if (lidarPose == null) { lidarPose = new SensorPose(0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0 * Math.PI / 180.0, 0, 0); } if (laser2RobotTransMatrixDictionary.ContainsKey(robotID)) { if (laser2RobotTransMatrixDictionary[robotID].ContainsKey(scannerID)) { JTpl = jacobianLaserPoseDictionary[robotID][scannerID]; laserToRobotDCM = laser2RobotTransMatrixDictionary[robotID][scannerID]; } else { Matrix4 laser2RobotDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(lidarPose); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { laserToRobotDCM[i, j] = laser2RobotDCM[i, j]; } } laser2RobotTransMatrixDictionary[robotID].Add(scannerID, laserToRobotDCM); jacobianLaserPoseDictionary[robotID].Add(scannerID, ComputeJacobian(lidarPose.yaw, lidarPose.pitch, lidarPose.roll)); JTpl = jacobianLaserPoseDictionary[robotID][scannerID]; } } else { laser2RobotTransMatrixDictionary.Add(robotID, new Dictionary<int, UMatrix>()); jacobianLaserPoseDictionary.Add(robotID, new Dictionary<int, UMatrix>()); Matrix4 laser2RobotDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(lidarPose); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { laserToRobotDCM[i, j] = laser2RobotDCM[i, j]; } } laser2RobotTransMatrixDictionary[robotID].Add(scannerID, new UMatrix(laserToRobotDCM)); jacobianLaserPoseDictionary[robotID].Add(scannerID, ComputeJacobian(lidarPose.yaw, lidarPose.pitch, lidarPose.roll)); JTpl = jacobianLaserPoseDictionary[robotID][scannerID]; } // calculate robot2global transformation matrix if (currentRobotPose == null) return; Matrix4 robot2GlocalDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(currentRobotPose); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { robotToGlocalDCM[i, j] = robot2GlocalDCM[i, j]; } } if (lidarScan == null) return; UMatrix JTpr = ComputeJacobianQ(currentRobotPose.q1, currentRobotPose.q2, currentRobotPose.q3, currentRobotPose.q4); List<UMatrix> JfPrCubixLaserToRobotDCM = new List<UMatrix>(6); List<UMatrix> RobotToGlocalDCMJfPlCubix = new List<UMatrix>(7); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { //derivative of the robot transform matrtix w.r.t. some element of the robot psoe UMatrix j = new UMatrix(4, 4); j[0, 0] = JTpr[0, i]; j[1, 0] = JTpr[1, i]; j[2, 0] = JTpr[2, i]; j[3, 0] = JTpr[3, i]; j[0, 1] = JTpr[4, i]; j[1, 1] = JTpr[5, i]; j[2, 1] = JTpr[6, i]; j[3, 1] = JTpr[7, i]; j[0, 2] = JTpr[8, i]; j[1, 2] = JTpr[9, i]; j[2, 2] = JTpr[10, i]; j[3, 2] = JTpr[11, i]; j[0, 3] = JTpr[12, i]; j[1, 3] = JTpr[13, i]; j[2, 3] = JTpr[14, i]; j[3, 3] = JTpr[15, i]; JfPrCubixLaserToRobotDCM.Add(j * laserToRobotDCM); if (i == 7) continue; // same as break UMatrix tempJacobianPl = new UMatrix(4, 4); tempJacobianPl[0, 0] = JTpl[0, i]; tempJacobianPl[1, 0] = JTpl[1, i]; tempJacobianPl[2, 0] = JTpl[2, i]; tempJacobianPl[3, 0] = JTpl[3, i]; tempJacobianPl[0, 1] = JTpl[4, i]; tempJacobianPl[1, 1] = JTpl[5, i]; tempJacobianPl[2, 1] = JTpl[6, i]; tempJacobianPl[3, 1] = JTpl[7, i]; tempJacobianPl[0, 2] = JTpl[8, i]; tempJacobianPl[1, 2] = JTpl[9, i]; tempJacobianPl[2, 2] = JTpl[10, i]; tempJacobianPl[3, 2] = JTpl[11, i]; tempJacobianPl[0, 3] = JTpl[12, i]; tempJacobianPl[1, 3] = JTpl[13, i]; tempJacobianPl[2, 3] = JTpl[14, i]; tempJacobianPl[3, 3] = JTpl[15, i]; RobotToGlocalDCMJfPlCubix.Add(robotToGlocalDCM * tempJacobianPl); } UMatrix laserToENU = robotToGlocalDCM * laserToRobotDCM; //UMatrix pijCell = new UMatrix(rangeToApply * 2 + 1, rangeToApply * 2 + 1); // update covariance UpdateCovarianceQ(currentRobotPose.Covariance); //SickPoint p = new SickPoint(new RThetaCoordinate(1.0f, 0.0f)); for (int laserIndex = 0; laserIndex < lidarScan.Points.Count; laserIndex++) { lock (locker) { ILidar2DPoint p = lidarScan.Points[laserIndex]; if (scannerID == 1) { if (p.RThetaPoint.R >= MAXRANGESick || p.RThetaPoint.R <= MINRANGESick) continue; } else if (scannerID == 2) { if (p.RThetaPoint.R >= MAXRANGEHokuyo || p.RThetaPoint.R <= MINRANGEHokuyo || laserIndex < hokuyoStartIdx || laserIndex > hokuyoEndIdx) continue; } bool hitDynamicObstacles = false; // figure out if this lidar point is hitting other robot // find laser points in 3D space // first define 2D point on the laser plane UMatrix laserPoint = new UMatrix(4, 1); double deg = (p.RThetaPoint.theta * 180.0 / Math.PI); int thetaDegIndex = 0; if (scannerID == 2) // hokuyo thetaDegIndex = (int)Math.Round((deg + laserHalfAngleHokuyo) * 2.84);// % 360; else if (scannerID == 1) // sick thetaDegIndex = (int)Math.Round((deg + laserHalfAngleSick) * 2) % 360; double cosTheta = 0, sinTheta = 0; if (scannerID == 1) { cosTheta = cosLookupSick[thetaDegIndex]; sinTheta = sinLookupSick[thetaDegIndex]; } else if (scannerID == 2) { cosTheta = cosLookupHokuyo[thetaDegIndex]; sinTheta = sinLookupHokuyo[thetaDegIndex]; } // initial laser points laserPoint[0, 0] = p.RThetaPoint.R * cosTheta; laserPoint[1, 0] = p.RThetaPoint.R * sinTheta; laserPoint[2, 0] = 0; laserPoint[3, 0] = 1; //calculate r_hat_ENU UMatrix r_hat_ENU = laserToENU * laserPoint; foreach (Polygon dp in dynamicObstacles) { if (dp.IsInside(new Vector2(r_hat_ENU[0, 0], r_hat_ENU[1, 0]))) { hitDynamicObstacles = true; break; } } if (hitDynamicObstacles) continue; //-------------------------------// // COVARIANCE UMatrix CALCULATION // //-------------------------------// UMatrix JRr = new UMatrix(4, 2); JRr.Zero(); JRr[0, 0] = cosTheta; JRr[0, 1] = -p.RThetaPoint.R * sinTheta; JRr[1, 0] = sinTheta; JRr[1, 1] = p.RThetaPoint.R * cosTheta; UMatrix Jfr = new UMatrix(3, 2); // 3x2 Jfr = (laserToENU * JRr).Submatrix(0, 2, 0, 1); // 4x4 * 4x4 * 4x2 UMatrix Jfpr = new UMatrix(3, 7); UMatrix Jfpl = new UMatrix(3, 6); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) //for each state var (i.e. x,y,z,y,p,r) { UMatrix JfprTemp = (JfPrCubixLaserToRobotDCM[i]) * laserPoint; // 4 by 1 UMatrix Jfpr[0, i] = JfprTemp[0, 0]; Jfpr[1, i] = JfprTemp[1, 0]; Jfpr[2, i] = JfprTemp[2, 0]; //UMatrix JfplTemp = (RobotToGlocalDCMJfPlCubix[i]) * laserPoint; // 4 by 1 UMatrix //Jfpl[0, i] = JfplTemp[0, 0]; //Jfpl[1, i] = JfplTemp[1, 0]; //Jfpl[2, i] = JfplTemp[2, 0]; } UMatrix JfprQprJfprT = new UMatrix(3, 3); UMatrix JfplQplJfplT = new UMatrix(3, 3); UMatrix JfrQrJfrT = new UMatrix(3, 3); JfprQprJfprT = (Jfpr * covRobotPoseQ) * Jfpr.Transpose(); //JfplQplJfplT = (Jfpl * covLaserPose) * Jfpl.Transpose(); // not doing because covariance of laser point is so small JfrQrJfrT = (Jfr * covLaserScan) * Jfr.Transpose(); // add above variables together and get the covariance UMatrix covRHatENU = JfprQprJfprT + /*JfplQplJfplT +*/ JfrQrJfrT; // 3x3 UMatrix //-----------------------------// // FIND WHICH CELLS TO COMPUTE // //-----------------------------// // find out cells around this laser point int laserPointIndexX = 0; int laserPointIndexY = 0; //this is used just to do the transformation from reaal to grid and visa versa psig_u_hat_square.GetIndicies(r_hat_ENU[0, 0], r_hat_ENU[1, 0], out laserPointIndexX, out laserPointIndexY); // get cell (r_hat_ENU_X, r_hat_ENU_y) if ((laserPointIndexX < 0 || laserPointIndexX >= numCellX) || (laserPointIndexY < 0 || laserPointIndexY >= numCellY)) continue; int rangeToApplyX = (int)Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(covRHatENU[0, 0]) / (pij_sum.ResolutionX * 2)) * 2; int rangeToApplyY = (int)Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(covRHatENU[1, 1]) / (pij_sum.ResolutionY * 2)) * 2; //-----------------------------------------// // COMPUTE THE DISTRIBUTION OF UNCERTAINTY // //-----------------------------------------// UMatrix pijCell = new UMatrix(rangeToApplyY * 2 + 1, rangeToApplyX * 2 + 1); double sigX = Math.Sqrt(covRHatENU[0, 0]); double sigY = Math.Sqrt(covRHatENU[1, 1]); double rho = covRHatENU[1, 0] / (sigX * sigY); double logTerm = Math.Log(2 * Math.PI * sigX * sigY * Math.Sqrt(1 - (rho * rho))); double xTermDenom = (1 - (rho * rho)); //for (int i = -rangeToApply; i <= rangeToApply; i++) // row for (int i = -rangeToApplyX; i <= rangeToApplyX; i++) // row { //for (int j = -rangeToApplyX; j <= rangeToApplyX; j++) // column for (int j = -rangeToApplyY; j <= rangeToApplyY; j++) // column { if (laserPointIndexX + i < 0 || laserPointIndexX + i >= numCellX || laserPointIndexY + j < 0 || laserPointIndexY + j >= numCellY) continue; // estimate using Bivariate Normal Distribution double posX = 0; double posY = 0; psig_u_hat_square.GetReals(laserPointIndexX + i, laserPointIndexY + j, out posX, out posY); posX += psig_u_hat_square.ResolutionX / 2; posY += psig_u_hat_square.ResolutionY / 2; double x = posX - r_hat_ENU[0, 0]; double y = posY - r_hat_ENU[1, 0]; double z = (x * x) / (sigX * sigX) - (2 * rho * x * y / (sigX * sigY)) + (y * y) / (sigY * sigY); double xTerm = -0.5 * z / xTermDenom; // chi2 test //if ((2 * (1 - (rho * rho))) * ((x * x) / (sigX * sigX) + (y * y) / (sigY * sigY) - (2 * rho * x * y) / (sigX * sigY)) > 15.2) // continue; pijCell[j + rangeToApplyY, i + rangeToApplyX] = Math.Exp(xTerm - logTerm) * psig_u_hat_square.ResolutionX * psig_u_hat_square.ResolutionY; laserHit.SetCellByIdx(laserPointIndexX + i, laserPointIndexY + j, laserHit.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(laserPointIndexX + i, laserPointIndexY + j) + 1); } } //---------------------------// // COMPUTE HEIGHT ESTIMATION // //---------------------------// UMatrix PEN = covRHatENU.Submatrix(0, 1, 0, 1); UMatrix PENInv = PEN.Inverse2x2; UMatrix PuEN = new UMatrix(1, 2); UMatrix PENu = new UMatrix(2, 1); UMatrix PuENPENInv = PuEN * PENInv; UMatrix uHatMatrix = new UMatrix(rangeToApplyY * 2 + 1, rangeToApplyX * 2 + 1); UMatrix sigUHatMatrix = new UMatrix(rangeToApplyY * 2 + 1, rangeToApplyX * 2 + 1); PuEN[0, 0] = covRHatENU[2, 0]; PuEN[0, 1] = covRHatENU[2, 1]; PENu[0, 0] = covRHatENU[0, 2]; PENu[1, 0] = covRHatENU[1, 2]; double sig_u_hat_product = (PuENPENInv * PENu)[0, 0]; // output = 1x1 UMatrix for (int i = -rangeToApplyX; i <= rangeToApplyX; i++) // row { for (int j = -rangeToApplyY; j <= rangeToApplyY; j++) // column { UMatrix ENmr_EN = new UMatrix(2, 1); double posX = 0; double posY = 0; psig_u_hat_square.GetReals(laserPointIndexX + i, laserPointIndexY + j, out posX, out posY); ENmr_EN[0, 0] = posX - r_hat_ENU[0, 0]; ENmr_EN[1, 0] = posY - r_hat_ENU[1, 0]; double u_hat_product = (PuENPENInv * (ENmr_EN))[0, 0]; // output = 1x1 UMatrix uHatMatrix[j + rangeToApplyY, i + rangeToApplyX] = r_hat_ENU[2, 0] + u_hat_product; sigUHatMatrix[j + rangeToApplyY, i + rangeToApplyX] = covRHatENU[2, 2] - sig_u_hat_product; } } //-------------------------------------------// // ASSIGN FINAL VALUES TO THE OCCUPANCY GRID // //-------------------------------------------// for (int i = -rangeToApplyX; i <= rangeToApplyX; i++) { for (int j = -rangeToApplyY; j <= rangeToApplyY; j++) { int indexXToUpdate = laserPointIndexX + i; int indexYToUpdate = laserPointIndexY + j; // if the cell to update is out of range, continue if (!psig_u_hat_square.CheckValidIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)) continue; pij_sum.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, pijCell[j + rangeToApplyY, i + rangeToApplyX] + pij_sum.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); pu_hat.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, pijCell[j + rangeToApplyY, i + rangeToApplyX] * uHatMatrix[j + rangeToApplyY, i + rangeToApplyX] + pu_hat.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); pu_hat_square.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, pijCell[j + rangeToApplyY, i + rangeToApplyX] * uHatMatrix[j + rangeToApplyY, i + rangeToApplyX] * uHatMatrix[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] + pu_hat_square.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); psig_u_hat_square.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, pijCell[j + rangeToApplyY, i + rangeToApplyX] * sigUHatMatrix[j + rangeToApplyY, i + rangeToApplyX] + psig_u_hat_square.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); uhatGM.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, (pu_hat.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) / pij_sum.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate))); double largeU = (pu_hat.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) / pij_sum.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); double largeSig = (psig_u_hat_square.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) + pu_hat_square.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)) / pij_sum.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) - largeU * largeU; if (pij_sum.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) > 1) thresholdedHeightMap.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, largeU);//pij_sum.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) / laserHit.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); uhatGM.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, largeU); //sigSqrGM.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, largeU + 2 * Math.Sqrt(largeSig)); if (indexMap.GetCellByIdxUnsafe(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) != 1.0) { Index index = new Index(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate); indicesDictionary.Add(index, indicesDictionary.Count); indexMap.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, 1.0); } } } } // end foreach //Console.WriteLine("1: " + sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " 2: " + sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " 3: " + sw3.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " 4: " + sw4.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " 5: " + sw5.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " 6: " + sw6.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " TOTAL: " + (sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds + sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds + sw3.ElapsedMilliseconds + sw4.ElapsedMilliseconds + sw5.ElapsedMilliseconds + sw6.ElapsedMilliseconds).ToString()); } // end function }
public void UpdateSensorPose(SensorPose p) { curLidarToBody = new SensorPose(p); }
public GaussianMixMappingQ(IOccupancyGrid2D ocToUpdate, SensorPose laserRelativePositionToRover) : this(ocToUpdate, laserRelativePositionToRover, 10) { }
public static List<Vector2> ExtractGlobalFeature(ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint> scan, SensorPose sensorPose, RobotPose currentPose, double wheelRadius) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); List<Vector2> features = new List<Vector2>(); List<ILidar2DPoint> filteredScan = new List<ILidar2DPoint>(); //foreach (ILidar2DPoint pt in scan.Points) for (int i = 0; i < scan.Points.Count; i++) { if (scan.Points[i].RThetaPoint.R > 0.20) filteredScan.Add(scan.Points[i]); } Matrix4 laser2robotDCM = new Matrix4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, Math.Cos(sensorPose.pitch), Math.Sin(sensorPose.pitch), 0, 0, -Math.Sin(sensorPose.pitch), Math.Cos(sensorPose.pitch), sensorPose.z, 0, 0, 0, 1); int neighbor = 3; for (int i = neighbor; i < filteredScan.Count - neighbor; i++) { // AGAIN, these codes are written respect to ENU coordinate frame double currentX = -filteredScan[i].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(filteredScan[i].RThetaPoint.theta) - sensorPose.y; double currentY = filteredScan[i].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(filteredScan[i].RThetaPoint.theta) + sensorPose.x; double lastX = -filteredScan[i - neighbor].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(filteredScan[i - neighbor].RThetaPoint.theta) - sensorPose.y; double lastY = filteredScan[i - neighbor].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(filteredScan[i - neighbor].RThetaPoint.theta) + sensorPose.x; double nextX = -filteredScan[i + neighbor].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Sin(filteredScan[i + neighbor].RThetaPoint.theta) - sensorPose.y; double nextY = filteredScan[i + neighbor].RThetaPoint.R * Math.Cos(filteredScan[i + neighbor].RThetaPoint.theta) + sensorPose.x; Matrix localPt = new Matrix(4, 1), lastLocalPt = new Matrix(4, 1), nextLocalPt = new Matrix(4, 1); localPt[0, 0] = currentX; localPt[1, 0] = currentY; localPt[3, 0] = 1; lastLocalPt[0, 0] = lastX; lastLocalPt[1, 0] = lastY; lastLocalPt[3, 0] = 1; nextLocalPt[0, 0] = nextX; nextLocalPt[1, 0] = nextY; nextLocalPt[3, 0] = 1; Vector4 currentPt = laser2robotDCM * localPt; Vector4 lastPt = laser2robotDCM * lastLocalPt; Vector4 nextPt = laser2robotDCM * nextLocalPt; // check if the z position of the laser return is higher than 10 cm of current z-state //if (currentPt.Z > currentPose.z + 0.1) // features.Add(new Vector2(currentPt.X, currentPt.Y)); // height comparison Vector2 neighborPt = FindNeighborToCompare(filteredScan, sensorPose, i, 0.1); Matrix neighbotPtM = new Matrix(4, 1); neighbotPtM[0, 0] = neighborPt.X; neighbotPtM[1, 0] = neighborPt.Y; neighbotPtM[3, 0] = 1; Vector4 neighborPtV = laser2robotDCM * neighbotPtM; double yaw = currentPose.yaw - Math.PI / 2; double heightDiff = neighborPtV.Z - currentPt.Z; if (heightDiff > 0.1) { features.Add(new Vector2(neighborPtV.X * Math.Cos(yaw) - neighborPtV.Y * Math.Sin(yaw) + currentPose.x, neighborPtV.X * Math.Sin(yaw) + neighborPtV.Y * Math.Cos(yaw) + currentPose.y)); } else if (heightDiff < -0.10) { features.Add(new Vector2(currentPt.X * Math.Cos(yaw) - currentPt.Y * Math.Sin(yaw) + currentPose.x, currentPt.X * Math.Sin(yaw) + currentPt.Y * Math.Cos(yaw) + currentPose.y)); } } Console.WriteLine("Jump(?) Extraction Time:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); return features; }
public void SetLidarPose(SensorPose p) { lock (dataLocker) { curLidarToBody = p; } }
public GaussianMixMappingQ(IOccupancyGrid2D ocToUpdate, SensorPose laserRelativePositionToRover, int cellToUpdate) { //currentLaserPoseToRobot = laserRelativePositionToRover; this.rangeToApply = cellToUpdate; Matrix4 laser2RobotDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(laserRelativePositionToRover); laserToRobotDCM = new UMatrix(4, 4); robotToGlocalDCM = new UMatrix(4, 4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { laserToRobotDCM[i, j] = laser2RobotDCM[i, j]; } } covRobotPose = new UMatrix(6, 6); covLaserPose = new UMatrix(6, 6); covLaserScan = new UMatrix(2, 2); pij_sum = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); pu_hat = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); pu_hat_square = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); psig_u_hat_square = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); uhatGM = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); sigSqrGM = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); laserHit = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); thresholdedHeightMap = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); resetCountMap = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); indexMap = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); this.numCellX = ocToUpdate.NumCellX; this.numCellY = ocToUpdate.NumCellY; #region Initial setup double[] Qp_robot = new double[36]{0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01}; double[] Qp_laser = new double[36]{0.001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0001}; double[] Qr = new double[4] { .01 * .01, 0, 0, (0.1 * Math.PI / 180.0) * (0.1 * Math.PI / 180.0) }; // assign to our UMatrix for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { covRobotPose[j, i] = Qp_robot[j * 6 + i];// *1e-6; covLaserPose[j, i] = Qp_laser[j * 6 + i];// *1e-6; } } covLaserScan[0, 0] = Qr[0]; covLaserScan[0, 1] = 0; covLaserScan[1, 0] = 0; covLaserScan[1, 1] = Qr[3]; #endregion int k = 0; sinLookupHokuyo = new double[682]; cosLookupHokuyo = new double[682]; for (double i = -120; i <= 120; i += 0.35190615835777126099706744868035) { sinLookupHokuyo[k] = (Math.Sin(i * Math.PI / 180.0)); cosLookupHokuyo[k] = (Math.Cos(i * Math.PI / 180.0)); k++; } laserHalfAngleHokuyo = 120; MAXRANGEHokuyo = 5.0; MINRANGEHokuyo = 0.5; k = 0; sinLookupSick = new double[361]; cosLookupSick = new double[361]; for (double i = -90; i <= 90; i += .5) { sinLookupSick[k] = (Math.Sin(i * Math.PI / 180.0)); cosLookupSick[k] = (Math.Cos(i * Math.PI / 180.0)); k++; } laserHalfAngleSick = 90; MAXRANGESick = 30.0; MINRANGESick = 0.5; hokuyoStartIdx = 100; hokuyoEndIdx = 500; indicesList = new List<Index>(); heightList = new List<float>(); covList = new List<float>(); pijSumList = new List<float>(); laser2RobotTransMatrixDictionary = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, UMatrix>>(); jacobianLaserPoseDictionary = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, UMatrix>>(); indicesDictionary = new Dictionary<Index, int>(); }
public LidarPolyExtractor(double threshold, RobotPose curRobotPose, SensorPose curLidarToBody) { this.curLidarToBody = curLidarToBody; this.curRobotPose = curRobotPose; this.threshold = threshold; }
public GaussianMixMapping(IOccupancyGrid2D ocToUpdate, SensorPose laserRelativePositionToRover) { //currentLaserPoseToRobot = laserRelativePositionToRover; Matrix4 laser2RobotDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(laserRelativePositionToRover); laserToRobotDCM = new UMatrix(4, 4); robotToGlocalDCM = new UMatrix(4, 4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { laserToRobotDCM[i, j] = laser2RobotDCM[i, j]; } } covRobotPose = new UMatrix(6, 6); covLaserPose = new UMatrix(6, 6); covLaserScan = new UMatrix(2, 2); pij_sum = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); pu_hat = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); pu_hat_square = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); psig_u_hat_square = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); uhatGM = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); sigSqrGM = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); laserHit = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); normalisedPijSum = new OccupancyGrid2D((OccupancyGrid2D)ocToUpdate); #region Initial setup // initial setup // these matrices were obtained from Jon using Vicon with Pioneer and HOKUYO laser // these matrices need to be redefined // these matrices are in row-wise //double[] Qp_robot = new double[36]{0.0026, 0.0011, -0.0008, -0.0019, 0.0125, -0.0047, // 0.0011, 0.0082, -0.0054, 0.0098, 0.0116, -0.0330, // -0.0008, -0.0054, 0.0132, -0.0173, -0.0154, 0.0115, // -0.0019, 0.0098, -0.0173, 0.0542, 0.0076, -0.0319, // 0.0125, 0.0116, -0.0154, 0.0076, 0.0812, -0.0397, // -0.0047, -0.0330, 0.0115, -0.0319, -0.0397, 0.1875}; //double[] Qp_laser = new double[36]{0.0077, -0.0009, -0.0016, -0.0127, -0.0415, -0.0011, // -0.0009, 0.0051, -0.0013, -0.0035, 0.0045, 0.0197, // -0.0016, -0.0013, 0.0101, -0.0167, 0.0189, 0.0322, // -0.0127, -0.0035, -0.0167, 0.2669, -0.0548, -0.2940, // -0.0415, 0.0045, 0.0189, -0.0548, 0.8129, 0.3627, // -0.0011, 0.0197, 0.0322, -0.2940, 0.3627, 0.7474}; double[] Qp_robot = new double[36]{0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01}; double[] Qp_laser = new double[36]{0.001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0001}; double[] Qr = new double[4] { .01 * .01, 0, 0, (0.1 * Math.PI / 180.0) * (0.1 * Math.PI / 180.0) }; // assign to our UMatrix for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { covRobotPose[j, i] = Qp_robot[j * 6 + i];// *1e-6; covLaserPose[j, i] = Qp_laser[j * 6 + i];// *1e-6; } } covLaserScan[0, 0] = Qr[0]; covLaserScan[0, 1] = 0; covLaserScan[1, 0] = 0; covLaserScan[1, 1] = Qr[3]; #endregion //JTpl = ComputeJacobian(currentLaserPoseToRobot.yaw, currentLaserPoseToRobot.pitch, currentLaserPoseToRobot.roll); // int thetaDegIndex = (int)((p.RThetaPoint.theta * 180.0/Math.PI) * 2) + 180; int k = 0; for (double i = -90; i <= 90; i += .5) { sinLookup[k] = (Math.Sin(i * Math.PI / 180.0)); cosLookup[k] = (Math.Cos(i * Math.PI / 180.0)); k++; } // initialize arrays //pijToSend = new float[361 * rangeLong * rangeLong]; //largeUToSend = new float[361 * rangeLong * rangeLong]; //largeSigToSend = new float[361 * rangeLong * rangeLong]; //colIdxChange = new int[361 * rangeLong * rangeLong]; //rowIdxChange = new int[361 * rangeLong * rangeLong]; indicesList = new List<Index>(); heightList = new List<float>(); covList = new List<float>(); pijSumList = new List<float>(); laser2RobotTransMatrixDictionary = new Dictionary<int, UMatrix>(); jacobianLaserPoseDictionary = new Dictionary<int, UMatrix>(); indicesDictionary = new Dictionary<Index, int>(); }
public TSIPGPS(NetworkAddress na, SensorPose toBodyTransform) { this.ip = na.Address; this.port = na.Port; this.toBodyTransform = toBodyTransform; }
/// <summary> /// Update OccupancyGrid based on lidarScan and robotPose received /// </summary> /// <param name="lidarScan"></param> /// <param name="currentRobotPose"></param> public void UpdateOccupancyGrid(ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint> lidarScan, int robotID, RobotPose currentRobotPose, SensorPose lidarPose, List<Polygon> dynamicObstacles) { if (lidarPose == null) { lidarPose = new SensorPose(0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0 * Math.PI / 180.0, 0, 0); } if (laser2RobotTransMatrixDictionary.ContainsKey(robotID)) { JTpl = jacobianLaserPoseDictionary[robotID]; laserToRobotDCM = laser2RobotTransMatrixDictionary[robotID]; } else { Matrix4 laser2RobotDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(lidarPose); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { laserToRobotDCM[i, j] = laser2RobotDCM[i, j]; } } laser2RobotTransMatrixDictionary.Add(robotID, laserToRobotDCM); jacobianLaserPoseDictionary.Add(robotID, ComputeJacobian(lidarPose.yaw, lidarPose.pitch, lidarPose.roll)); JTpl = jacobianLaserPoseDictionary[robotID]; } // calculate robot2global transformation matrix Matrix4 robot2GlocalDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(currentRobotPose); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { robotToGlocalDCM[i, j] = robot2GlocalDCM[i, j]; } } if (lidarScan == null) return; Stopwatch sw1 = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch sw3 = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch sw4 = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch sw5 = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch sw6 = new Stopwatch(); UMatrix JTpr = ComputeJacobian(currentRobotPose.yaw, currentRobotPose.pitch, currentRobotPose.roll); List<UMatrix> JfPrCubixLaserToRobotDCM = new List<UMatrix>(6); List<UMatrix> RobotToGlocalDCMJfPlCubix = new List<UMatrix>(6); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //derivative of the robot transform matrtix w.r.t. some element of the robot psoe UMatrix j = new UMatrix(4, 4); j[0, 0] = JTpr[0, i]; j[1, 0] = JTpr[1, i]; j[2, 0] = JTpr[2, i]; j[3, 0] = JTpr[3, i]; j[0, 1] = JTpr[4, i]; j[1, 1] = JTpr[5, i]; j[2, 1] = JTpr[6, i]; j[3, 1] = JTpr[7, i]; j[0, 2] = JTpr[8, i]; j[1, 2] = JTpr[9, i]; j[2, 2] = JTpr[10, i]; j[3, 2] = JTpr[11, i]; j[0, 3] = JTpr[12, i]; j[1, 3] = JTpr[13, i]; j[2, 3] = JTpr[14, i]; j[3, 3] = JTpr[15, i]; JfPrCubixLaserToRobotDCM.Add(j * laserToRobotDCM); UMatrix tempJacobianPl = new UMatrix(4, 4); tempJacobianPl[0, 0] = JTpl[0, i]; tempJacobianPl[1, 0] = JTpl[1, i]; tempJacobianPl[2, 0] = JTpl[2, i]; tempJacobianPl[3, 0] = JTpl[3, i]; tempJacobianPl[0, 1] = JTpl[4, i]; tempJacobianPl[1, 1] = JTpl[5, i]; tempJacobianPl[2, 1] = JTpl[6, i]; tempJacobianPl[3, 1] = JTpl[7, i]; tempJacobianPl[0, 2] = JTpl[8, i]; tempJacobianPl[1, 2] = JTpl[9, i]; tempJacobianPl[2, 2] = JTpl[10, i]; tempJacobianPl[3, 2] = JTpl[11, i]; tempJacobianPl[0, 3] = JTpl[12, i]; tempJacobianPl[1, 3] = JTpl[13, i]; tempJacobianPl[2, 3] = JTpl[14, i]; tempJacobianPl[3, 3] = JTpl[15, i]; RobotToGlocalDCMJfPlCubix.Add(robotToGlocalDCM * tempJacobianPl); } UMatrix laserToENU = robotToGlocalDCM * laserToRobotDCM; UMatrix pijCell = new UMatrix(rangeToApply * 2 + 1, rangeToApply * 2 + 1); // update covariance UpdateCovariance(currentRobotPose.covariance); //SickPoint p = new SickPoint(new RThetaCoordinate(1.0f, 0.0f)); for (int laserIndex = 0; laserIndex < lidarScan.Points.Count; laserIndex++) { lock (locker) { ILidar2DPoint p = lidarScan.Points[laserIndex]; if (p.RThetaPoint.R >= MAXRANGE) continue; bool hitDynamicObstacles = false; // figure out if this lidar point is hitting other robot // find laser points in 3D space // first define 2D point on the laser plane UMatrix laserPoint = new UMatrix(4, 1); double deg = (p.RThetaPoint.theta * 180.0 / Math.PI); int thetaDegIndex = (int)Math.Round((deg + 90.0) * 2.0) % 360; double cosTheta = cosLookup[thetaDegIndex]; double sinTheta = sinLookup[thetaDegIndex]; laserPoint[0, 0] = p.RThetaPoint.R * cosTheta; laserPoint[1, 0] = p.RThetaPoint.R * sinTheta; laserPoint[2, 0] = 0; laserPoint[3, 0] = 1; //calculate r_hat_ENU UMatrix r_hat_ENU = laserToENU * laserPoint; foreach (Polygon dp in dynamicObstacles) { if (dp.IsInside(new Vector2(r_hat_ENU[0, 0], r_hat_ENU[1, 0]))) { hitDynamicObstacles = true; break; } } if (hitDynamicObstacles) continue; //-------------------------------// // COVARIANCE UMatrix CALCULATION // //-------------------------------// UMatrix JRr = new UMatrix(4, 2); JRr.Zero(); JRr[0, 0] = cosTheta; JRr[0, 1] = -p.RThetaPoint.R * sinTheta; JRr[1, 0] = sinTheta; JRr[1, 1] = p.RThetaPoint.R * cosTheta; UMatrix Jfr = new UMatrix(3, 2); // 3x2 Jfr = (laserToENU * JRr).Submatrix(0, 2, 0, 1); // 4x4 * 4x4 * 4x2 UMatrix Jfpr = new UMatrix(3, 6); UMatrix Jfpl = new UMatrix(3, 6); sw1.Reset(); sw1.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) //for each state var (i.e. x,y,z,y,p,r) { UMatrix JfprTemp = (JfPrCubixLaserToRobotDCM[i]) * laserPoint; // 4 by 1 UMatrix Jfpr[0, i] = JfprTemp[0, 0]; Jfpr[1, i] = JfprTemp[1, 0]; Jfpr[2, i] = JfprTemp[2, 0]; //UMatrix JfplTemp = (RobotToGlocalDCMJfPlCubix[i]) * laserPoint; // 4 by 1 UMatrix //Jfpl[0, i] = JfplTemp[0, 0]; //Jfpl[1, i] = JfplTemp[1, 0]; //Jfpl[2, i] = JfplTemp[2, 0]; } sw1.Stop(); sw2.Reset(); sw2.Start(); UMatrix JfprQprJfprT = new UMatrix(3, 3); UMatrix JfplQplJfplT = new UMatrix(3, 3); UMatrix JfrQrJfrT = new UMatrix(3, 3); JfprQprJfprT = (Jfpr * covRobotPose) * Jfpr.Transpose(); //JfplQplJfplT = (Jfpl * covLaserPose) * Jfpl.Transpose(); JfrQrJfrT = (Jfr * covLaserScan) * Jfr.Transpose(); // add above variables together and get the covariance UMatrix covRHatENU = JfprQprJfprT + /*JfplQplJfplT +*/ JfrQrJfrT; // 3x3 UMatrix sw2.Stop(); sw3.Reset(); sw3.Start(); //-----------------------------// // FIND WHICH CELLS TO COMPUTE // //-----------------------------// // find out cells around this laser point int laserPointIndexX = 0; int laserPointIndexY = 0; //this is used just to do the transformation from reaal to grid and visa versa psig_u_hat_square.GetIndicies(r_hat_ENU[0, 0], r_hat_ENU[1, 0], out laserPointIndexX, out laserPointIndexY); // get cell (r_hat_ENU_X, r_hat_ENU_y) sw3.Stop(); sw4.Reset(); sw4.Start(); //-----------------------------------------// // COMPUTE THE DISTRIBUTION OF UNCERTAINTY // //-----------------------------------------// double sigX = Math.Sqrt(covRHatENU[0, 0]); double sigY = Math.Sqrt(covRHatENU[1, 1]); double rho = covRHatENU[1, 0] / (sigX * sigY); double logTerm = Math.Log(2 * Math.PI * sigX * sigY * Math.Sqrt(1 - (rho * rho))); double xTermDenom = (1 - (rho * rho)); for (int i = -rangeToApply; i <= rangeToApply; i++) // column { for (int j = -rangeToApply; j <= rangeToApply; j++) // row { // estimate using Bivariate Normal Distribution double posX = 0; double posY = 0; psig_u_hat_square.GetReals(laserPointIndexX + i, laserPointIndexY + j, out posX, out posY); posX += psig_u_hat_square.ResolutionX / 2; posY += psig_u_hat_square.ResolutionY / 2; double x = posX - r_hat_ENU[0, 0]; double y = posY - r_hat_ENU[1, 0]; double z = (x * x) / (sigX * sigX) - (2 * rho * x * y / (sigX * sigY)) + (y * y) / (sigY * sigY); double xTerm = -0.5 * z / xTermDenom; // chi2 test //if ((2 * (1 - (rho * rho))) * ((x * x) / (sigX * sigX) + (y * y) / (sigY * sigY) - (2 * rho * x * y) / (sigX * sigY)) > 15.2) // continue; pijCell[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] = Math.Exp(xTerm - logTerm) * psig_u_hat_square.ResolutionX * psig_u_hat_square.ResolutionY; laserHit.SetCellByIdx(laserPointIndexX + i, laserPointIndexY + j, laserHit.GetCellByIdx(laserPointIndexX + i, laserPointIndexY + j) + 1); } } sw4.Stop(); sw5.Reset(); sw5.Start(); //---------------------------// // COMPUTE HEIGHT ESTIMATION // //---------------------------// // Matrix2 PEN = new Matrix2(covRHatENU[0, 0], covRHatENU[0, 1], covRHatENU[1, 0], covRHatENU[1, 1]); UMatrix PEN = covRHatENU.Submatrix(0, 1, 0, 1); UMatrix PENInv = PEN.Inverse2x2; UMatrix PuEN = new UMatrix(1, 2); UMatrix PENu = new UMatrix(2, 1); UMatrix PuENPENInv = PuEN * PENInv; UMatrix uHatMatrix = new UMatrix(rangeToApply * 2 + 1, rangeToApply * 2 + 1); UMatrix sigUHatMatrix = new UMatrix(rangeToApply * 2 + 1, rangeToApply * 2 + 1); PuEN[0, 0] = covRHatENU[2, 0]; PuEN[0, 1] = covRHatENU[2, 1]; PENu[0, 0] = covRHatENU[0, 2]; PENu[1, 0] = covRHatENU[1, 2]; double sig_u_hat_product = (PuENPENInv * PENu)[0, 0]; // output = 1x1 UMatrix for (int i = -rangeToApply; i <= rangeToApply; i++) // column { for (int j = -rangeToApply; j <= rangeToApply; j++) // row { UMatrix ENmr_EN = new UMatrix(2, 1); double posX = 0; double posY = 0; psig_u_hat_square.GetReals(laserPointIndexX + i, laserPointIndexY + j, out posX, out posY); ENmr_EN[0, 0] = posX - r_hat_ENU[0, 0]; ENmr_EN[1, 0] = posY - r_hat_ENU[1, 0]; double u_hat_product = (PuENPENInv * (ENmr_EN))[0, 0]; // output = 1x1 UMatrix uHatMatrix[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] = r_hat_ENU[2, 0] + u_hat_product; sigUHatMatrix[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] = covRHatENU[2, 2] - sig_u_hat_product; } } sw5.Stop(); sw6.Reset(); sw6.Start(); //-------------------------------------------// // ASSIGN FINAL VALUES TO THE OCCUPANCY GRID // //-------------------------------------------// for (int i = -rangeToApply; i <= rangeToApply; i++) { for (int j = -rangeToApply; j <= rangeToApply; j++) { int indexXToUpdate = laserPointIndexX + i; int indexYToUpdate = laserPointIndexY + j; // if the cell to update is out of range, continue if (!psig_u_hat_square.CheckValidIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)) { //Console.WriteLine("Laser points out of the occupancy grid map"); continue; } pij_sum.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, pijCell[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] + pij_sum.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); pu_hat.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, pijCell[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] * uHatMatrix[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] + pu_hat.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); pu_hat_square.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, pijCell[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] * uHatMatrix[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] * uHatMatrix[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] + pu_hat_square.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); psig_u_hat_square.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, pijCell[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] * sigUHatMatrix[j + rangeToApply, i + rangeToApply] + psig_u_hat_square.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); uhatGM.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, (pu_hat.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) / pij_sum.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate))); normalisedPijSum.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, pij_sum.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) / laserHit.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); double largeU = (pu_hat.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) / pij_sum.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); double largeSig = (psig_u_hat_square.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) + pu_hat_square.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)) / pij_sum.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate) - largeU * largeU; uhatGM.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, largeU); sigSqrGM.SetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate, largeSig); Index index = new Index(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate); if (!indicesDictionary.ContainsKey(index)) indicesDictionary.Add(index, indicesDictionary.Count); /* if (indicesDictionary.ContainsKey(index)) { int indexOfIndices = indicesDictionary[index]; heightList[indexOfIndices] = (float)largeU; covList[indexOfIndices] = (float)largeSig; pijSumList[indexOfIndices] = (float)pij_sum.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate); } else { indicesDictionary.Add(index, indicesDictionary.Count); indicesList.Add(new Index(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); heightList.Add((float)largeU); covList.Add((float)largeSig); pijSumList.Add((float)pij_sum.GetCellByIdx(indexXToUpdate, indexYToUpdate)); } */ } } sw6.Stop(); } // end foreach //Console.WriteLine("1: " + sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " 2: " + sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " 3: " + sw3.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " 4: " + sw4.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " 5: " + sw5.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " 6: " + sw6.ElapsedMilliseconds + // " TOTAL: " + (sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds + sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds + sw3.ElapsedMilliseconds + sw4.ElapsedMilliseconds + sw5.ElapsedMilliseconds + sw6.ElapsedMilliseconds).ToString()); } // end function }
public void UpdateSensorPose(SensorPose sensorPose) { Matrix4 laser2RobotDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(sensorPose); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { laserToRobotDCM[i, j] = laser2RobotDCM[i, j]; } } }