/// <summary>
        /// Run reproduction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellCohorts">The cohorts in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellStocks">The stocks in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohort">The position of the acting cohort in the jagged array of grid cell cohorts</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="deltas">The sorted list to track changes in biomass and abundance of the acting cohort in this grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyCohortDefinitions">The definitions for cohort functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyStockDefinitions">The definitions for stock functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimeStep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="processTracker">An instance of ProcessTracker to hold diagnostics for eating</param>
        /// <param name="partial">Thread-locked variables for the parallelised version</param>
        /// <param name="specificLocations">Whether the model is being run for specific locations</param>
        /// <param name="outputDetail">The level of output detail being used for this model run</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current model month</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        public void RunEcologicalProcess(GridCellCohortHandler gridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler gridCellStocks, 
            int[] actingCohort, SortedList<string, double[]> cellEnvironment, Dictionary<string,Dictionary<string,double>> deltas , 
            FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions,
            uint currentTimeStep, ProcessTracker processTracker, ref ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial,
            Boolean specificLocations, string outputDetail, uint currentMonth, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)
            // Holds the reproductive strategy of a cohort
            bool _Iteroparous = madingleyCohortDefinitions.GetTraitNames("reproductive strategy", actingCohort[0])=="iteroparity";

            // Assign mass to reproductive potential
            Implementations["reproduction basic"].RunReproductiveMassAssignment(gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort, cellEnvironment, deltas,
                madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions, currentTimeStep, processTracker);

            // Run reproductive events. Note that we can't skip juveniles here as they could conceivably grow to adulthood and get enough biomass to reproduce in a single time step
            // due to other ecological processes
            Implementations["reproduction basic"].RunReproductionEvents(gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort, cellEnvironment,
                    deltas, madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions, currentTimeStep, processTracker, ref partial, _Iteroparous, currentMonth);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate new cohorts from reproductive potential mass
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellCohorts">The cohorts in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellStocks">The stocks in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohort">The position of the acting cohort in the jagged array of grid cell cohorts</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment of the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="deltas">The sorted list to track changes in biomass and abundance of the acting cohort in this grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyCohortDefinitions">The definitions of cohort functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyStockDefinitions">The definitions of stock functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimestep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="tracker">An instance of ProcessTracker to hold diagnostics for reproduction</param>
        /// <param name="partial">Thread-locked variables</param>
        public void RunReproduction(GridCellCohortHandler gridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler gridCellStocks,
            int[] actingCohort, SortedList<string, double[]> cellEnvironment, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>>
            deltas, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions,
            uint currentTimestep, ProcessTracker tracker, ref ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial)
            // Check that the abundance in the cohort to produce is greater than or equal to zero
            Debug.Assert(_OffspringCohortAbundance >= 0.0, "Offspring abundance < 0");

            // Get the adult and juvenile masses of the cohort to produce
            double[] OffspringProperties = GetOffspringCohortProperties(gridCellCohorts, actingCohort,

            // Update cohort abundance in case juvenile mass has been altered
            _OffspringCohortAbundance = (_OffspringCohortAbundance * gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].JuvenileMass) /

            //Create the offspring cohort
            Cohort OffspringCohort = new Cohort((byte)actingCohort[0],
                                                (ushort)currentTimestep, ref partial.NextCohortIDThreadLocked);

            // Add the offspring cohort to the grid cell cohorts array

            // If the cohort has never been merged with another cohort, then add it to the tracker for output as diagnostics
            if ((!gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].Merged) && tracker.TrackProcesses)
                    (uint)cellEnvironment["LonIndex"][0], currentTimestep, _OffspringCohortAbundance,
                    gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].AdultMass, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex);

            // Subtract all of the reproductive potential mass of the parent cohort, which has been used to generate the new
            // cohort, from the delta reproductive potential mass
            deltas["reproductivebiomass"]["reproduction"] -= (gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualReproductivePotentialMass);

        /// <summary>
        /// Run metabolism
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellCohorts">The cohorts in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellStocks">The stocks in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohort">The position of the acting cohort in the jagged array of grid cell cohorts</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="deltas">The sorted list to track changes in biomass and abundance of the acting cohort in this grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyCohortDefinitions">The definitions for cohort functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyStockDefinitions">The definitions for stock functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimestep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="trackProcesses">An instance of ProcessTracker to hold diagnostics for metabolism</param>
        /// <param name="partial">Thread-locked variables</param>
        /// <param name="specificLocations">Whether the model is being run for specific locations</param>
        /// <param name="outputDetail">The level of output detail being used for the current model run</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current model month</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        public void RunEcologicalProcess(GridCellCohortHandler gridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler gridCellStocks, 
            int[] actingCohort, SortedList<string, double[]> cellEnvironment, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> deltas, 
            FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions, 
            uint currentTimestep, ProcessTracker trackProcesses, ref ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial,
            Boolean specificLocations, string outputDetail, uint currentMonth, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)
            double Realm = cellEnvironment["Realm"][0];
            if (madingleyCohortDefinitions.GetTraitNames("Heterotroph/Autotroph", gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex) == "heterotroph")
                if (madingleyCohortDefinitions.GetTraitNames("Endo/Ectotherm", gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex) == "endotherm")

                        Implementations["basic endotherm"].RunMetabolism(gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort, cellEnvironment, deltas, madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions, currentTimestep, currentMonth);
                        Implementations["basic ectotherm"].RunMetabolism(gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort, cellEnvironment, deltas, madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions, currentTimestep, currentMonth);



            // If the process tracker is on and output detail is set to high and this cohort has not been merged yet, then record
            // the number of individuals that have died
            if (trackProcesses.TrackProcesses && (outputDetail == "high"))


        /// <summary>
        /// Run processes for cells sequentially
        /// </summary>
        public void RunCellsSequentially(MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)
            // Instantiate a class to hold thread locked global diagnostic variables
            ThreadLockedParallelVariables singleThreadDiagnostics = new ThreadLockedParallelVariables { Extinctions = 0, Productions = 0, NextCohortIDThreadLocked = NextCohortID };

            if (initialisation.RunRealm == "")

                for (int ii = 0; ii < _CellList.Count; ii++)
                    RunCell(ii, singleThreadDiagnostics, initialisation.DispersalOnly, initialisation);


                if (initialisation.RunRealm == "marine")
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < _CellList.Count; ii++)
                        if (EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellEnvironment(_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1])["Realm"][0] == 2.0) RunCell(ii, singleThreadDiagnostics, initialisation.DispersalOnly, initialisation);
                else if (initialisation.RunRealm == "terrestrial")
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < _CellList.Count; ii++)
                        if (EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellEnvironment(_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1])["Realm"][0] == 1.0) RunCell(ii, singleThreadDiagnostics, initialisation.DispersalOnly, initialisation);
                    Console.WriteLine("Run Single Realm needs to be 'marine', 'terrestrial', or blank");

            // Update the variable tracking cohort unique IDs
            NextCohortID = singleThreadDiagnostics.NextCohortIDThreadLocked;

            // Take the results from the thread local variables and apply to the global diagnostic variables
            GlobalDiagnosticVariables["NumberOfCohortsExtinct"] = singleThreadDiagnostics.Extinctions - singleThreadDiagnostics.Combinations;
            GlobalDiagnosticVariables["NumberOfCohortsProduced"] = singleThreadDiagnostics.Productions;
            GlobalDiagnosticVariables["NumberOfCohortsInModel"] = GlobalDiagnosticVariables["NumberOfCohortsInModel"] + singleThreadDiagnostics.Productions - singleThreadDiagnostics.Extinctions;
            GlobalDiagnosticVariables["NumberOfCohortsCombined"] = singleThreadDiagnostics.Combinations;
        /// <summary>
        /// A method to run the main ecosystem model loop in parallel (latitudinal strips)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellIndex">The index of the current cell in the list of all cells to run the model for</param>
        /// <param name="partial">A threadlockedparallelvariable that is used to pass global diagnostic information back with locking or race conditions</param>
        /// <param name="dispersalOnly">Whether to run dispersal only (i.e. to turn all other ecological processes off</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model intialisation</param>
        /// <remarks>Note that variables and instances of classes that are written to within this method MUST be local within this method to prevent 
        /// race issues and multiple threads attempting to write to the same variable when running the program in parallel</remarks>
        public void RunCell(int cellIndex, ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial, Boolean dispersalOnly, 
            MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)
            // Apply any climate change impacts
                EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellEnvironment(_CellList[cellIndex][0], _CellList[cellIndex][1]),
                ((initialisation.ImpactCellIndices.Contains((uint)cellIndex) || initialisation.ImpactAll)));

            // Create a temporary internal copy of the grid cell cohorts
            GridCellCohortHandler WorkingGridCellCohorts = EcosystemModelGrid.GetGridCellCohorts(_CellList[cellIndex][0], _CellList[cellIndex][1]);

            // Create a temporary internal copy of the grid cell stocks
            GridCellStockHandler WorkingGridCellStocks = EcosystemModelGrid.GetGridCellStocks(_CellList[cellIndex][0], _CellList[cellIndex][1]);

            // Run stock ecology
            RunWithinCellStockEcology(_CellList[cellIndex][0], _CellList[cellIndex][1], WorkingGridCellStocks, cellIndex,

            // Run within cell ecology if we are not doing dispersal only
            if (dispersalOnly)
                // Run cohort ecology
                RunWithinCellDispersalOnly(_CellList[cellIndex][0], _CellList[cellIndex][1], partial, WorkingGridCellCohorts, WorkingGridCellStocks);
                // Run cohort ecology
                RunWithinCellCohortEcology(_CellList[cellIndex][0], _CellList[cellIndex][1], partial, WorkingGridCellCohorts, WorkingGridCellStocks, InitialisationFileStrings["OutputDetail"], cellIndex, initialisation);


            // Apply any direct harvesting impacts
            HarvestingSimulator.RemoveHarvestedIndividuals(WorkingGridCellCohorts, _HarvestingScenario, CurrentTimeStep, NumBurninSteps,
                NumImpactSteps,NumTimeSteps, EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellEnvironment(_CellList[cellIndex][0], _CellList[cellIndex][1]),
                (initialisation.ImpactCellIndices.Contains((uint)cellIndex) || initialisation.ImpactAll), _GlobalModelTimeStepUnit, CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions);

            // For runs with specific locations and where track processes has been specified, write out mass flows data and reset the mass flow tracker
            // for the next time step
            if (SpecificLocations && ProcessTrackers[cellIndex].TrackProcesses)
        private void RunWithinCellDispersalOnly(uint latCellIndex, uint lonCellIndex, ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial,
                   GridCellCohortHandler workingGridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler workingGridCellStocks)
            // Merge cohorts. Requires cohorts to be identical, for testing purposes (remember that they don't grow etc)
            //partial.Combinations = Merger.MergeForResponsiveDispersalOnly(workingGridCellCohorts);

            // Loop over cohorts and remove any whose abundance is below the extinction threshold
            for (int kk = 0; kk < CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions.GetNumberOfFunctionalGroups(); kk++)
                // Create a list to hold the cohorts to remove
                List<int> CohortIndicesToRemove = new List<int>();

                // Loop through each cohort in the functional group
                for (int ll = 0; ll < workingGridCellCohorts[kk].Count; ll++)
                    // If cohort abundance is less than the extinction threshold then add to the list for extinction
                    if (workingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].CohortAbundance <= _ExtinctionThreshold)

                        partial.Extinctions += 1;

                // Note that we don't keep track of the organic biomass pool if running dispersal only, since there are cohorts with strange biomasses
                for (int ll = (CohortIndicesToRemove.Count - 1); ll >= 0; ll--)
                    // Remove the extinct cohort from the list of cohorts


            // Write out the updated cohort numbers after all ecological processes have occured
            EcosystemModelGrid.SetGridCellCohorts(workingGridCellCohorts, latCellIndex, lonCellIndex);
        private void RunWithinCellCohortEcology(uint latCellIndex, uint lonCellIndex, ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial, 
            GridCellCohortHandler workingGridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler workingGridCellStocks,string outputDetail, int cellIndex, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)
            // Local instances of classes
            EcologyCohort MadingleyEcologyCohort = new EcologyCohort();
            Activity CohortActivity = new Activity();
            CohortMerge CohortMerger = new CohortMerge(DrawRandomly);

            // A list of the original cohorts inside a particular grid cell
            int[] OriginalGridCellCohortsNumbers;
            // A vector to hold the order in which cohorts will act
            uint[] RandomCohortOrder;
            // A jagged array to keep track of cohorts that are being worked on
            uint[][] CohortIndices;
            // The location of the acting cohort
            int[] ActingCohort = new int[2];
            // Temporary local variables
            int EcosystemModelParallelTempval1;
            int EcosystemModelParallelTempval2;
            // Boolean to pass into function to get cell environmental data to check if the specified variable exists
            bool VarExists;
            // variable to track cohort number
            uint TotalCohortNumber = 0;

            // Fill in the array with the number of cohorts per functional group before ecological processes are run
            OriginalGridCellCohortsNumbers = new int[workingGridCellCohorts.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < workingGridCellCohorts.Count; i++)
                OriginalGridCellCohortsNumbers[i] = workingGridCellCohorts[i].Count;

            // Initialize ecology for stocks and cohorts
            MadingleyEcologyCohort.InitializeEcology(EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellEnvironment(latCellIndex, lonCellIndex)["Cell Area"][0],
                _GlobalModelTimeStepUnit, DrawRandomly);

            // Create a jagged array indexed by functional groups to hold cohort indices
            CohortIndices = new uint[CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions.GetNumberOfFunctionalGroups()][];

            // Loop over functional groups
            for (int ll = 0; ll < CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions.GetNumberOfFunctionalGroups(); ll++)
                // Dimension the number of columns in each row of the jagged array to equal number of gridCellCohorts in each functional group
                if (workingGridCellCohorts[ll] == null)
                    CohortIndices[ll] = new uint[0];
                    CohortIndices[ll] = new uint[workingGridCellCohorts[ll].Count()];
                // Loop over gridCellCohorts in the functional group
                for (int kk = 0; kk < CohortIndices[ll].Count(); kk++)
                    // Fill jagged array with indices for each cohort
                    CohortIndices[ll][kk] = TotalCohortNumber;
                    TotalCohortNumber += 1;


            if (DrawRandomly)
                // Randomly order the cohort indices
                RandomCohortOrder = Utilities.RandomlyOrderedIndices(TotalCohortNumber);
                RandomCohortOrder = Utilities.NonRandomlyOrderedCohorts(TotalCohortNumber, CurrentTimeStep);

            // Diagnostic biological variables don't need to be reset every cohort, but rather every grid cell
            EcosystemModelParallelTempval2 = 0;

            // Initialise eating formulations
            MadingleyEcologyCohort.EatingFormulations["Basic eating"].InitializeEcologicalProcess(workingGridCellCohorts, workingGridCellStocks,
                CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, StockFunctionalGroupDefinitions, "revised predation");
            MadingleyEcologyCohort.EatingFormulations["Basic eating"].InitializeEcologicalProcess(workingGridCellCohorts, workingGridCellStocks
                , CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, StockFunctionalGroupDefinitions, "revised herbivory");

            // Loop over randomly ordered gridCellCohorts to implement biological functions
            for (int ll = 0; ll < RandomCohortOrder.Length; ll++)

                // Locate the randomly chosen cohort within the array of lists of gridCellCohorts in the grid cell
                ActingCohort = Utilities.FindJaggedArrayIndex(RandomCohortOrder[ll], CohortIndices, TotalCohortNumber);

                // Perform all biological functions except dispersal (which is cross grid cell)
                if (workingGridCellCohorts[ActingCohort].CohortAbundance.CompareTo(_ExtinctionThreshold) > 0)
                    // Calculate number of cohorts in this functional group in this grid cell before running ecology
                    EcosystemModelParallelTempval1 = workingGridCellCohorts[ActingCohort[0]].Count;

                    CohortActivity.AssignProportionTimeActive(workingGridCellCohorts[ActingCohort], EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellEnvironment(latCellIndex, lonCellIndex), CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, CurrentTimeStep, CurrentMonth);

                    // Run ecology
                    MadingleyEcologyCohort.RunWithinCellEcology(workingGridCellCohorts, workingGridCellStocks,
                        ActingCohort, EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellEnvironment(latCellIndex, lonCellIndex),
                        EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellDeltas(latCellIndex, lonCellIndex),
                        CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, StockFunctionalGroupDefinitions, CurrentTimeStep,
                        ProcessTrackers[cellIndex], ref partial, SpecificLocations,outputDetail, CurrentMonth, initialisation);

                    // Update the properties of the acting cohort
                    MadingleyEcologyCohort.UpdateEcology(workingGridCellCohorts, workingGridCellStocks, ActingCohort,
                        EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellEnvironment(latCellIndex, lonCellIndex), EcosystemModelGrid.GetCellDeltas(
                        latCellIndex, lonCellIndex), CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, StockFunctionalGroupDefinitions, CurrentTimeStep,

                    // Add newly produced cohorts to the tracking variable
                    EcosystemModelParallelTempval2 += workingGridCellCohorts[ActingCohort[0]].Count - EcosystemModelParallelTempval1;

                    // Check that the mass of individuals in this cohort is still >= 0 after running ecology
                    Debug.Assert(workingGridCellCohorts[ActingCohort].IndividualBodyMass >= 0.0, "Biomass < 0 for this cohort");

                // Check that the mass of individuals in this cohort is still >= 0 after running ecology
                Debug.Assert(workingGridCellCohorts[ActingCohort].IndividualBodyMass >= 0.0, "Biomass < 0 for this cohort");

            // Update diagnostics of productions
            partial.Productions += EcosystemModelParallelTempval2;

            RunExtinction(latCellIndex, lonCellIndex, partial, workingGridCellCohorts, cellIndex);

            // Merge cohorts, if necessary
            if (workingGridCellCohorts.GetNumberOfCohorts() > initialisation.MaxNumberOfCohorts)
                partial.Combinations = CohortMerger.MergeToReachThresholdFast(workingGridCellCohorts, workingGridCellCohorts.GetNumberOfCohorts(), initialisation.MaxNumberOfCohorts);

                //Run extinction a second time to remove those cohorts that have been set to zero abundance when merging
                RunExtinction(latCellIndex, lonCellIndex, partial, workingGridCellCohorts, cellIndex);
                partial.Combinations = 0;

            // Write out the updated cohort numbers after all ecological processes have occured
            EcosystemModelGrid.SetGridCellCohorts(workingGridCellCohorts, latCellIndex, lonCellIndex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Carries out extinction on cohorts that have an abundance below a defined extinction threshold
        /// </summary>
        private void RunExtinction(uint latCellIndex, uint lonCellIndex, ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial,
            GridCellCohortHandler workingGridCellCohorts, int cellIndex)
            bool VarExists;

            // Loop over cohorts and remove any whose abundance is below the extinction threshold
            for (int kk = 0; kk < CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions.GetNumberOfFunctionalGroups(); kk++)
                // Create a list to hold the cohorts to remove
                List<int> CohortIndicesToRemove = new List<int>();

                // Loop through each cohort in the functional group
                for (int ll = 0; ll < workingGridCellCohorts[kk].Count; ll++)
                    // If cohort abundance is less than the extinction threshold then add to the list for extinction
                    if (workingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].CohortAbundance.CompareTo(_ExtinctionThreshold) <= 0 || workingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].IndividualBodyMass.CompareTo(0.0) == 0)

                        partial.Extinctions += 1;

                        // If track processes is set and output detail is set to high and the cohort being made extinct has never been merged,
                        // then output its mortality profile
                        if (ProcessTrackers[cellIndex].TrackProcesses && (InitialisationFileStrings["OutputDetail"] == "high") && (workingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].CohortID.Count == 1))

                // Code to add the biomass to the biomass pool and dispose of the cohort
                for (int ll = (CohortIndicesToRemove.Count - 1); ll >= 0; ll--)
                    // Add biomass of the extinct cohort to the organic matter pool
                    EcosystemModelGrid.SetEnviroLayer("Organic Pool", 0, EcosystemModelGrid.GetEnviroLayer("Organic Pool", 0, latCellIndex, lonCellIndex, out VarExists) +
                        (workingGridCellCohorts[kk][CohortIndicesToRemove[ll]].IndividualBodyMass + workingGridCellCohorts[kk][CohortIndicesToRemove[ll]].IndividualReproductivePotentialMass) * workingGridCellCohorts[kk][CohortIndicesToRemove[ll]].CohortAbundance, latCellIndex, lonCellIndex);
                    Debug.Assert(EcosystemModelGrid.GetEnviroLayer("Organic Pool", 0, latCellIndex, lonCellIndex, out VarExists) > 0, "Organic pool < 0");

                    if (ProcessTrackers[cellIndex].TrackProcesses && SpecificLocations == true)
                        ProcessTrackers[cellIndex].RecordExtinction(latCellIndex, lonCellIndex, CurrentTimeStep, workingGridCellCohorts[kk][CohortIndicesToRemove[ll]].Merged, workingGridCellCohorts[kk][CohortIndicesToRemove[ll]].CohortID);

                    // Remove the extinct cohort from the list of cohorts


        /// <summary>
        /// Run eating
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellCohorts">The cohorts in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellStocks">The stocks in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohort">The position of the acting cohort in the jagged array of grid cell cohorts</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="deltas">The sorted list to track changes in biomass and abundance of the acting cohort in this grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyCohortDefinitions">The definitions for cohort functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyStockDefinitions">The definitions for stock functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimestep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="trackProcesses">An instance of ProcessTracker to hold diagnostics for eating</param>
        /// <param name="partial">Thread-locked variables</param>
        /// <param name="specificLocations">Whether the model is being run for specific locations</param>
        /// <param name="outputDetail">The level of output detail being used for the current model run</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current model month</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        public void RunEcologicalProcess(GridCellCohortHandler gridCellCohorts, 
            GridCellStockHandler gridCellStocks, int[] actingCohort, 
            SortedList<string, double[]> cellEnvironment, 
            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> deltas, 
            FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions, 
            FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions, 
            uint currentTimestep, ProcessTracker trackProcesses, 
            ref ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial, Boolean specificLocations,
            string outputDetail, uint currentMonth, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)
            PreviousTrophicIndex = gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].TrophicIndex;
            //Reset this cohort's trohic index ready for calculation across its feeding this timetsstep
            gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].TrophicIndex = 0.0;

            // Get the nutrition source (herbivory, carnivory or omnivory) of the acting cohort
            string NutritionSource = madingleyCohortDefinitions.GetTraitNames("Nutrition source", gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex);

            // Switch to the appropriate eating process(es) given the cohort's nutrition source
            switch (NutritionSource)
                case "herbivore":

                    // Get the assimilation efficiency for herbivory for this cohort from the functional group definitions
                    Implementations["revised herbivory"].AssimilationEfficiency =
                        ("herbivory assimilation", gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex);

                    // Get the proportion of time spent eating for this cohort from the functional group definitions
                    Implementations["revised herbivory"].ProportionTimeEating = gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].ProportionTimeActive;

                    // Calculate the potential biomass available from herbivory
                    if (cellEnvironment["Realm"][0] == 2.0)
                        Implementations["revised herbivory"].GetEatingPotentialMarine
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                        cellEnvironment, madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions);

                        Implementations["revised herbivory"].GetEatingPotentialTerrestrial
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                        cellEnvironment, madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions);

                    // Run herbivory to apply changes in autotroph biomass from herbivory and add biomass eaten to the delta arrays
                    Implementations["revised herbivory"].RunEating
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                        cellEnvironment, deltas, madingleyCohortDefinitions,
                        madingleyStockDefinitions, trackProcesses,
                        currentTimestep, specificLocations,outputDetail, initialisation);


                case "carnivore":

                    // Get the assimilation efficiency for predation for this cohort from the functional group definitions
                    Implementations["revised predation"].AssimilationEfficiency =
                        ("carnivory assimilation", gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex);

                    Implementations["revised predation"].ProportionTimeEating = gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].ProportionTimeActive;

                    // Calculate the potential biomass available from predation
                    if (cellEnvironment["Realm"][0] == 2.0)
                        Implementations["revised predation"].GetEatingPotentialMarine
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                        cellEnvironment, madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions);
                        Implementations["revised predation"].GetEatingPotentialTerrestrial
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                        cellEnvironment, madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions);
                    // Run predation to apply changes in prey biomass from predation and add biomass eaten to the delta arrays
                    Implementations["revised predation"].RunEating
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort, cellEnvironment, deltas,
                        madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions, trackProcesses,
                        currentTimestep, specificLocations,outputDetail, initialisation);


                case "omnivore":

                    // Get the assimilation efficiency for predation for this cohort from the functional group definitions
                    Implementations["revised predation"].AssimilationEfficiency =
                        ("carnivory assimilation", gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex);

                    // Get the assimilation efficiency for herbivory for this cohort from the functional group definitions
                    Implementations["revised herbivory"].AssimilationEfficiency =
                        ("herbivory assimilation", gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex);

                    // Get the proportion of time spent eating and assign to both the herbivory and predation implementations
                    double ProportionTimeEating = gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].ProportionTimeActive;
                    Implementations["revised predation"].ProportionTimeEating = ProportionTimeEating;
                    Implementations["revised herbivory"].ProportionTimeEating = ProportionTimeEating;

                    // Calculate the potential biomass available from herbivory
                    if (cellEnvironment["Realm"][0] == 2.0)
                        Implementations["revised herbivory"].GetEatingPotentialMarine
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                        cellEnvironment, madingleyCohortDefinitions,
                        Implementations["revised herbivory"].GetEatingPotentialTerrestrial
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                        cellEnvironment, madingleyCohortDefinitions,

                    // Calculate the potential biomass available from predation
                    if (cellEnvironment["Realm"][0] == 2.0)
                        Implementations["revised predation"].GetEatingPotentialMarine
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                        cellEnvironment, madingleyCohortDefinitions,
                        Implementations["revised predation"].GetEatingPotentialTerrestrial
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                        cellEnvironment, madingleyCohortDefinitions,

                    // Calculate the total handling time for all expected kills from predation and expected plant matter eaten in herbivory
                    TotalTimeToEatForOmnivores =
                        Implementations["revised herbivory"].TimeUnitsToHandlePotentialFoodItems +
                        Implementations["revised predation"].TimeUnitsToHandlePotentialFoodItems;

                    // Assign this total time to the relevant variables in both herbviory and predation, so that actual amounts eaten are calculated correctly
                    Implementations["revised herbivory"].TimeUnitsToHandlePotentialFoodItems = TotalTimeToEatForOmnivores;
                    Implementations["revised predation"].TimeUnitsToHandlePotentialFoodItems = TotalTimeToEatForOmnivores;

                    // Run predation to update prey cohorts and delta biomasses for the acting cohort
                    Implementations["revised predation"].RunEating
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                        cellEnvironment, deltas, madingleyCohortDefinitions,
                        madingleyStockDefinitions, trackProcesses,
                        currentTimestep, specificLocations,outputDetail, initialisation);

                    // Run herbivory to update autotroph biomass and delta biomasses for the acting cohort
                    Implementations["revised herbivory"].RunEating
                        (gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                        cellEnvironment, deltas, madingleyCohortDefinitions,
                        madingleyStockDefinitions, trackProcesses,
                        currentTimestep, specificLocations,outputDetail, initialisation);



                    // For nutrition source that are not supported, throw an error
                    Debug.Fail("The model currently does not contain an eating model for nutrition source:" + NutritionSource);



            // Check that the biomasses from predation and herbivory in the deltas is a number
            Debug.Assert(!double.IsNaN(deltas["biomass"]["predation"]), "BiomassFromEating is NaN");
            Debug.Assert(!double.IsNaN(deltas["biomass"]["herbivory"]), "BiomassFromEating is NaN");

            double biomassEaten = 0.0;
            if (madingleyCohortDefinitions.GetBiologicalPropertyOneFunctionalGroup("carnivory assimilation",
                gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex) > 0)
                biomassEaten += (deltas["biomass"]["predation"] / madingleyCohortDefinitions.GetBiologicalPropertyOneFunctionalGroup("carnivory assimilation",
            if (madingleyCohortDefinitions.GetBiologicalPropertyOneFunctionalGroup("herbivory assimilation",
                gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex) > 0)
                biomassEaten += (deltas["biomass"]["herbivory"]/madingleyCohortDefinitions.GetBiologicalPropertyOneFunctionalGroup("herbivory assimilation",

            if (biomassEaten > 0.0)
                gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].TrophicIndex = 1 +
                    (gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].TrophicIndex / (biomassEaten * gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortAbundance));
                gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].TrophicIndex = PreviousTrophicIndex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate new cohorts from reproductive potential mass
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellCohorts">The cohorts in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellStocks">The stocks in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohort">The position of the acting cohort in the jagged array of grid cell cohorts</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment of the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="deltas">The sorted list to track changes in biomass and abundance of the acting cohort in this grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyCohortDefinitions">The definitions of cohort functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyStockDefinitions">The definitions of stock functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimestep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="tracker">An instance of ProcessTracker to hold diagnostics for reproduction</param>
        /// <param name="partial">Thread-locked variables</param>
        /// <param name="iteroparous">Whether the acting cohort is iteroparous, as opposed to semelparous</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current model month</param>
        public void RunReproductionEvents(GridCellCohortHandler gridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler gridCellStocks,
            int[] actingCohort, SortedList<string, double[]> cellEnvironment, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>>
            deltas, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions,
            uint currentTimestep, ProcessTracker tracker, ref ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial, bool iteroparous, uint currentMonth)
            // Adult non-reproductive biomass lost by semelparous organisms
            double AdultMassLost;

            // Offspring cohort abundance
            double _OffspringCohortAbundance;

            // Mass ratio of body mass + reproductive mass to adult body mass
            double CurrentMassRatio;

            // Individual body mass including change this time step as a result of other ecological processes
            double BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep;

            // Offspring juvenile and adult body masses
            double[] OffspringJuvenileAndAdultBodyMasses = new double[2];

            // Offspring cohort
            Cohort OffspringCohort;

            // Individual reproductive mass including change this time step as a result of other ecological processes
            double ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep;

            // Calculate the biomass of an individual in this cohort including changes this time step from other ecological processes  
            BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep = 0.0;

            foreach (var Biomass in deltas["biomass"])
                // Add the delta biomass to net biomass
                BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += Biomass.Value;


            BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualBodyMass;

            // Calculate the reproductive biomass of an individual in this cohort including changes this time step from other ecological processes  
            ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep = 0.0;

            foreach (var ReproBiomass in deltas["reproductivebiomass"])
                // Add the delta reproductive biomass to net biomass
                ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += ReproBiomass.Value;

            ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualReproductivePotentialMass;

            // Get the current ratio of total individual mass (including reproductive potential) to adult body mass
            CurrentMassRatio = (BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep + ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep) / gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].AdultMass;

            // Must have enough mass to hit reproduction threshold criterion, and either (1) be in breeding season, or (2) be a marine cell (no breeding season in marine cells)
            if ((CurrentMassRatio > _MassRatioThreshold) && ((cellEnvironment["Breeding Season"][currentMonth] == 1.0) || ((cellEnvironment["Realm"][0] == 2.0))))
                // Iteroparous and semelparous organisms have different strategies
                if (iteroparous)
                    // Iteroparous organisms do not allocate any of their current non-reproductive biomass to reproduction
                    AdultMassLost = 0.0;

                    // Calculate the number of offspring that could be produced given the reproductive potential mass of individuals
                    _OffspringCohortAbundance = gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortAbundance * ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep /
                    // Semelparous organisms allocate a proportion of their current non-reproductive biomass (including the effects of other ecological processes) to reproduction
                    AdultMassLost = _SemelparityAdultMassAllocation * BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep;

                    // Calculate the number of offspring that could be produced given the reproductive potential mass of individuals
                    _OffspringCohortAbundance = gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortAbundance * (AdultMassLost + ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep) /

                // Check that the abundance in the cohort to produce is greater than or equal to zero
                Debug.Assert(_OffspringCohortAbundance >= 0.0, "Offspring abundance < 0");

                // Get the adult and juvenile masses of the offspring cohort
                OffspringJuvenileAndAdultBodyMasses = GetOffspringCohortProperties(gridCellCohorts, actingCohort, madingleyCohortDefinitions);

                // Update cohort abundance in case juvenile mass has been altered through 'evolution'
                _OffspringCohortAbundance = (_OffspringCohortAbundance * gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].JuvenileMass) / OffspringJuvenileAndAdultBodyMasses[0];

                double TrophicIndex;
                switch (madingleyCohortDefinitions.GetTraitNames("nutrition source", actingCohort[0]))
                    case "herbivore":
                        TrophicIndex = 2;
                    case "omnivore":
                        TrophicIndex = 2.5;
                    case "carnivore":
                        TrophicIndex = 3;
                        Debug.Fail("Unexpected nutrition source trait value when assigning trophic index");
                        TrophicIndex = 0.0;

                // Create the offspring cohort
                OffspringCohort = new Cohort((byte)actingCohort[0], OffspringJuvenileAndAdultBodyMasses[0], OffspringJuvenileAndAdultBodyMasses[1], OffspringJuvenileAndAdultBodyMasses[0],
                                                    _OffspringCohortAbundance, Math.Exp(gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].LogOptimalPreyBodySizeRatio),
                                                    (ushort)currentTimestep, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].ProportionTimeActive, ref partial.NextCohortIDThreadLocked, TrophicIndex, tracker.TrackProcesses);

                // Add the offspring cohort to the grid cell cohorts array

                // If track processes has been specified then add the new cohort to the process tracker 
                if (tracker.TrackProcesses)
                    tracker.RecordNewCohort((uint)cellEnvironment["LatIndex"][0], (uint)cellEnvironment["LonIndex"][0],
                        currentTimestep, _OffspringCohortAbundance, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].AdultMass, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].FunctionalGroupIndex,
                        gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortID, (uint)partial.NextCohortIDThreadLocked);

                // Subtract all of the reproductive potential mass of the parent cohort, which has been used to generate the new
                // cohort, from the delta reproductive potential mass and delta adult body mass
                deltas["reproductivebiomass"]["reproduction"] -= ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep;
                deltas["biomass"]["reproduction"] -= AdultMassLost;

                // Organism is not large enough, or it is not the breeding season, so take no action

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Run mortality
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellCohorts">The cohorts in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellStocks">The stocks in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohort">The position of the acting cohort in the jagged array of grid cell cohorts</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="deltas">The sorted list to track changes in biomass and abundance of the acting cohort in this grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyCohortDefinitions">The definitions for cohort functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyStockDefinitions">The definitions for stock functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimestep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="trackProcesses">An instance of ProcessTracker to hold diagnostics for mortality</param>
        /// <param name="partial">Thread-locked variables</param>
        /// <param name="specificLocations">Whether the model is being run for specific locations</param>
        /// <param name="outputDetail">The level output detail being used for the current model run</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current model month</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        public void RunEcologicalProcess(GridCellCohortHandler gridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler gridCellStocks,
            int[] actingCohort, SortedList<string, double[]> cellEnvironment, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> deltas,
            FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions,
            uint currentTimestep, ProcessTracker trackProcesses, ref ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial,
            Boolean specificLocations, string outputDetail, uint currentMonth, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)

            // Variables to hold the mortality rates
            double MortalityRateBackground;
            double MortalityRateSenescence;
            double MortalityRateStarvation;

            // Variable to hold the total abundance lost to all forms of mortality
            double MortalityTotal;

            // Individual body mass including change this time step as a result of other ecological processes
            double BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep;

            // Individual reproductive mass including change this time step as a result of other ecological processes
            double ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep;

            // Calculate the body mass of individuals in this cohort including mass gained through eating this time step, up to but not exceeding adult body mass for this cohort. 
            // Should be fine because these deductions are made in the reproduction implementation, but use Math.Min to double check.

            BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep = 0.0;

            // Loop over all items in the biomass deltas
            foreach (var Biomass in deltas["biomass"])
                // Add the delta biomass to net biomass
                BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += Biomass.Value;
            BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep = Math.Min(gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].AdultMass, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep + gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualBodyMass);

            // Temporary variable to hold net reproductive biomass change of individuals in this cohort as a result of other ecological processes
            ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep = 0.0;

            // Loop over all items in the biomass deltas
            foreach (var Biomass in deltas["reproductivebiomass"])
                // Add the delta biomass to net biomass
                ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += Biomass.Value;

            ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep += gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualReproductivePotentialMass;

            // Check to see if the cohort has already been killed by predation etc
            if ((BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep).CompareTo(0.0) <= 0)
                // If individual body mass is not greater than zero, then all individuals become extinct
                MortalityTotal = gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortAbundance;
                // Calculate background mortality rate
                MortalityRateBackground = Implementations["basic background mortality"].CalculateMortalityRate(gridCellCohorts,
                    actingCohort, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep, deltas, currentTimestep);

                // If the cohort has matured, then calculate senescence mortality rate, otherwise set rate to zero
                if (gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].MaturityTimeStep != uint.MaxValue)
                    MortalityRateSenescence = Implementations["basic senescence mortality"].CalculateMortalityRate(gridCellCohorts,
                        actingCohort, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep, deltas, currentTimestep);
                    MortalityRateSenescence = 0.0;

                // Calculate the starvation mortality rate based on individual body mass and maximum body mass ever
                // achieved by this cohort
                MortalityRateStarvation = Implementations["basic starvation mortality"].CalculateMortalityRate(gridCellCohorts, actingCohort, BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep, deltas, currentTimestep);

                // Calculate the number of individuals that suffer mortality this time step from all sources of mortality
                MortalityTotal = (1 - Math.Exp(-MortalityRateBackground - MortalityRateSenescence -
                    MortalityRateStarvation)) * gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortAbundance;

            // If the process tracker is on and output detail is set to high and this cohort has not been merged yet, then record
            // the number of individuals that have died
            if (trackProcesses.TrackProcesses && (outputDetail == "high") && (!gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].Merged))
                trackProcesses.RecordMortality((uint)cellEnvironment["LatIndex"][0], (uint)cellEnvironment["LonIndex"][0], gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].BirthTimeStep,
                    currentTimestep, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].IndividualBodyMass, gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].AdultMass,
                    gridCellCohorts[actingCohort].CohortID[0], MortalityTotal, "sen/bg/starv");

            // Remove individuals that have died from the delta abundance for this cohort
            deltas["abundance"]["mortality"] = -MortalityTotal;

            // Add the biomass of individuals that have died to the delta biomass in the organic pool (including reproductive 
            // potential mass, and mass gained through eating, and excluding mass lost through metabolism)
            deltas["organicpool"]["mortality"] = MortalityTotal * (BodyMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep + ReproductiveMassIncludingChangeThisTimeStep);
        /// <summary>
        /// Run ecological processes that operate on cohorts within a single grid cell
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellCohorts">The cohorts in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellStocks">The stocks in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohort">The acting cohort</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment in the current grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="deltas">A sorted list of deltas to track changes in abundances and biomasses during the ecological processes</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyCohortDefinitions">The definitions for cohort functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="madingleyStockDefinitions">The definitions for stock functional groups in the model</param>
        /// <param name="currentTimestep">The current model time step</param>
        /// <param name="trackProcesses">An instance of the process tracker</param>
        /// <param name="partial">Thread-locked local variables</param>
        /// <param name="specificLocations">Whether the model is being run for specific locations</param>
        /// <param name="outputDetail">The level of output detail being used for this model run</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current model month</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        public void RunWithinCellEcology(GridCellCohortHandler gridCellCohorts, GridCellStockHandler gridCellStocks, int[] actingCohort, 
            SortedList<string, double[]> cellEnvironment, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> deltas, FunctionalGroupDefinitions 
            madingleyCohortDefinitions, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions, uint currentTimestep, ProcessTracker trackProcesses, 
            ref ThreadLockedParallelVariables partial, Boolean specificLocations,string outputDetail, uint currentMonth, 
            MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation)
            // RUN EATING
            _EatingFormulations["Basic eating"].RunEcologicalProcess(gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort, cellEnvironment,
                deltas, madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions, currentTimestep, trackProcesses, ref partial,
                specificLocations, outputDetail, currentMonth, initialisation);

            _MetabolismFormulations["Basic metabolism"].RunEcologicalProcess(gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                cellEnvironment, deltas, madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions, currentTimestep, trackProcesses, ref partial,
                specificLocations, outputDetail, currentMonth, initialisation);

            _ReproductionFormulations["Basic reproduction"].RunEcologicalProcess(gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                cellEnvironment, deltas, madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions, currentTimestep, trackProcesses, ref partial,
                specificLocations, outputDetail, currentMonth, initialisation);

            _MortalityFormulations["Basic mortality"].RunEcologicalProcess(gridCellCohorts, gridCellStocks, actingCohort,
                cellEnvironment, deltas, madingleyCohortDefinitions, madingleyStockDefinitions, currentTimestep, trackProcesses, ref partial,
                specificLocations, outputDetail, currentMonth, initialisation);