예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the Correlation Coefficient (pearson's)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">independent variable</param>
        /// <param name="x_avg">mean</param>
        /// <param name="y">dependent variable</param>
        /// <param name="y_avg">mean</param>
        /// <returns>Correlation Coefficient</returns>
        public static double[] CorrCoeff(Constants.RawData data, Constants.DataInfo info)
            List <int> demquant     = data.SellQuantity;
            List <int> supquant     = data.BuyQuantity;
            List <int> demprice     = data.BuyPrice;
            List <int> supprice     = data.SellPrice;
            double     demprice_avg = (double)info.BuyPriceInfo[0, 0];
            double     supprice_avg = (double)info.SellPriceInfo[0, 0];
            double     demquant_avg = (double)info.SellQuantInfo[0, 0];
            double     supquant_avg = (double)info.BuyQuantInfo[0, 0];

            double[] Corrs       = new double[2];
            double   nominator   = 0;
            double   denominator = 0;
            double   Denomxx     = 0;
            double   Denomyy     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < demquant.Count(); i++)
                nominator += (demprice.ElementAt(i) - demprice_avg) * (demquant.ElementAt(i) - demquant_avg);
                Denomxx   += Math.Pow(demprice.ElementAt(i) - demprice_avg, 2);
                Denomyy   += Math.Pow(demquant.ElementAt(i) - demquant_avg, 2);
            denominator = Math.Sqrt(Denomxx * Denomyy);
            Corrs[0]    = nominator / denominator;
            for (int i = 0; i < demquant.Count(); i++)
                nominator += (supprice.ElementAt(i) - supprice_avg) * (supquant.ElementAt(i) - supquant_avg);
                Denomxx   += Math.Pow(supprice.ElementAt(i) - supprice_avg, 2);
                Denomyy   += Math.Pow(supquant.ElementAt(i) - supquant_avg, 2);
            denominator = Math.Sqrt(Denomxx * Denomyy);
            Corrs[1]    = nominator / denominator;
        public App()
            int i       = 3;
            var RawData = DataPreparer.Splicer(i);

            Constants.Item    item = Constants.Item.GetItem(RawData, 4000);
            Constants.RawData raw  = Constants.Item.GetRawData();
            MainWindow window = new MainWindow();

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Raw Data Z-Score standardiser
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawData">Raw data from item</param>
        /// <returns>Population standardised score of each data</returns>
        public static Constants.StrdData Z_Score(Constants.RawData rawData)
            var strdbquant = new List <double>();
            var strdbprice = new List <double>();
            var strdsprice = new List <double>();
            var strdsquant = new List <double>();

            List <double>[] AccessList = new List <double>[] { strdbprice, strdbquant, strdsprice, strdsquant };
            var             DataLists  = new List <List <int> > {
                rawData.BuyPrice, rawData.BuyQuantity, rawData.SellPrice, rawData.SellQuantity

            Constants.StrdData z_score = new Constants.StrdData(strdbprice, strdbquant, strdsprice, strdsquant);

            for (int j = 0; j < AccessList.Count(); j++)
                var WorkingList = new List <int>();
                double Mean  = WorkingList.Average();
                int    Count = WorkingList.Count();
                double Prev  = 0;
                double Sum   = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                    //current is always the next element in the list
                    double Current = WorkingList.ElementAt(i);

                    double Working = (Current - Mean);
                    double Ans     = Math.Pow(Working, 2);
                    Sum  = Prev + Ans;
                    Prev = Ans;
                //gets the standard deviation
                double StrdDev = Math.Sqrt(Sum / Count);
                double Strd    = 0;

                //standardises the input list
                foreach (int i in WorkingList)
                    Strd = (i - Mean) / StrdDev;
            z_score._strdBuyPrice  = strdbprice;
            z_score._strdBuyQuant  = strdbquant;
            z_score._strdSellPrice = strdsprice;
            z_score._strdSellQuant = strdsquant;
예제 #4
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            int i = 3;

            Console.WriteLine("Operation on dataset: Item ({0})...", Constants.id[i]);
            //get initial data from files
            var RawData = DataPreparer.Splicer(i);

            Console.WriteLine("Getting data from files");
            //subset length, total set size is 4*n (buy/sell quant, buy/sell price)
            //trim dataset to n before singleton implemented!
            int n = 4000;

            Console.WriteLine("trimmng datset...");
            DataPreparer.Trimmer(RawData, n);
            //get item specific data for raw dataset as a singleton class
            Console.WriteLine("Getting item...");
            Constants.Item    item = Constants.Item.GetItem(RawData, n);
            Constants.RawData Data = Constants.Item.GetRawData();
            //standardised dataset as well as weighted and standardised weighted data
            Console.WriteLine("Standardising dataset");
            Constants.StrdData strdData = DataPreparer.Z_Score(Data);
            //LSR fitting solutions to each set (standardised & non-standardised)
            Console.WriteLine("Fitting function parameters");
            double[,] FitEq     = FittingFunctions.FitLin(Data, n);
            double[,] StrdFitEq = FittingFunctions.StrdFitLin(strdData, n);
            Constants.DataInfo Info = DataPreparer.DataInfo();
            Console.WriteLine("Getting model information");
            double[] Corrs = ModelInfo.CorrCoeff(Data, Info);
            //Get prediction lists and convert to List<int> for StrdDev function
            var        _DemPreds = FittingFunctions.Predictor(Data.BuyPrice, FitEq[0, 0], FitEq[1, 0]);
            List <int> DemPreds  = _DemPreds.Select(x => (int)x).ToList();
            var        _SupPreds = FittingFunctions.Predictor(Data.SellPrice, FitEq[0, 1], FitEq[1, 1]);
            List <int> SupPreds  = _SupPreds.Select(x => (int)x).ToList();

            //Standard deviations of data, standard deviations of predicted data & correlations
            double[] FitData =
                ModelInfo.StrdDev(Data.SellQuantity, Info.SellQuantInfo, n),
                ModelInfo.StrdDev(Data.BuyQuantity,  Info.BuyQuantInfo,  n),
                ModelInfo.StrdDev(DemPreds,          Info.BuyQuantInfo,  n),
                ModelInfo.StrdDev(SupPreds,          Info.BuyQuantInfo,  n),
                ModelInfo.RMSE(FitEq[2,                              0], n),ModelInfo.RMSE(FitEq[2,1], n),
                Corrs[0],                            Corrs[1]
            Console.WriteLine("Printing results to files...");
            DataWriter.FileMaker(Info, i, FitEq, StrdFitEq, FitData);
            Console.Write("Check the desktop!");
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Trims the raw data object length to desired length, leaves original length - n
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawData"></param>
        /// <param name="ListLength">Datapoints to remove</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void Trimmer(Constants.RawData rawData, int ListLength)
            int BQcount = rawData.BuyQuantity.Count - ListLength;

            rawData.BuyQuantity.RemoveRange(ListLength, BQcount);
            int BPcount = rawData.BuyPrice.Count - ListLength;

            rawData.BuyPrice.RemoveRange(ListLength, BPcount);
            int SQcount = rawData.SellQuantity.Count - ListLength;

            rawData.SellQuantity.RemoveRange(ListLength, SQcount);
            int SPcount = rawData.SellPrice.Count - ListLength;

            rawData.SellPrice.RemoveRange(ListLength, SPcount);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        ///  Raw data file reader of item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">Takes input of which item from Constants.Id[]</param>
        /// <returns>returns list of each of the four parameters</returns>
        public static Constants.RawData Splicer(int a)
            var sprice = new List <int>();
            var squant = new List <int>();
            var bprice = new List <int>();
            var bquant = new List <int>();

            Constants.RawData rawdata = new Constants.RawData(sprice, squant, bprice, bquant);

            int    id   = Constants.id[a];
            string file = @"C:\Users\iTzEinstein118Xx\Documents\ItemDataOutput\" + id + ".txt";

            using (TextReader tr = File.OpenText(file))
                int linecount = File.ReadLines(file).Count();
                for (int y = 0; y < linecount; y++)
                    string line = tr.ReadLine();
                    //{ "buy price", "buy quantity", "sell price", "sell quantity" };
                    foreach (string match in Constants.StringToMatch)
                        if (line.Contains(match))
                            string[] bits = line.Split(' ');
                            int      j    = bits.Length;
                                //parsing bits, the number is always at the end of the line
                                int num = Int32.Parse(bits[j - 1]);
                                //add the number to dataset
                                //use GetRawData method, Constants.RawData
                                //list title as string, returning the list itself
                                List <int> workingdata = rawdata.GetRawData(match);
                            catch (FormatException)
                                Console.WriteLine("Bad Format");
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// weighting function for non-standardised data (raw data)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawdata">Raw data object</param>
        /// <param name="Alpha">higher alpha discards quicker</param>
        /// <returns>Pure weighted data</returns>
        public static Constants.StrdData Weighter(Constants.RawData rawdata, double Alpha)
            var strdbquant = new List <double>();
            var strdbprice = new List <double>();
            var strdsprice = new List <double>();
            var strdsquant = new List <double>();

            List <double> BuyQ  = rawdata.BuyQuantity.Select <int, double>(i => i).ToList();
            List <double> BuyP  = rawdata.BuyPrice.Select <int, double>(i => i).ToList();
            List <double> SellQ = rawdata.SellQuantity.Select <int, double>(i => i).ToList();
            List <double> SellP = rawdata.SellPrice.Select <int, double>(i => i).ToList();

            List <double>[]    AccessList = new List <double>[] { strdbprice, strdbquant, strdsprice, strdsquant };
            List <double>[]    DataLists  = new List <double>[] { BuyP, BuyQ, SellP, SellQ };
            Constants.StrdData ewma       = new Constants.StrdData(strdbprice, strdbquant, strdsprice, strdsquant);

            for (int j = 0; j < DataLists.Count(); j++)
                double[]      WeightedArray = new double[DataLists.ElementAt(j).Count()];
                List <double> CurrentList   = DataLists.ElementAt(j);

                double X_init = CurrentList.ElementAt(0);
                //first X value is not weighted, used to initiallise weighting
                WeightedArray[0] = X_init;
                double Weight_prev    = X_init;
                double Weight_Current = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < CurrentList.Count(); i++)
                    Weight_Current   = Alpha * CurrentList.ElementAt(i) + (1 - Alpha) * Weight_prev;
                    WeightedArray[i] = Weight_Current;
                    Weight_prev      = Weight_Current;


            ewma._strdBuyPrice  = strdbprice;
            ewma._strdBuyQuant  = strdbquant;
            ewma._strdSellPrice = strdsprice;
            ewma._strdSellQuant = strdsquant;

예제 #8
        public TimeSeries()
            Constants.RawData data = Constants.Item.GetRawData();
            int n    = Constants.Item.GetCount();
            var Ewma = DataPreparer.Weighter(data, 0.5);

            YFormatter = value => value.ToString("C");

            List <double> BuyQ  = data.BuyQuantity.Select <int, double>(i => i).ToList();
            List <double> BuyP  = data.BuyPrice.Select <int, double>(i => i).ToList();
            List <double> SellQ = data.SellQuantity.Select <int, double>(i => i).ToList();
            List <double> SellP = data.SellPrice.Select <int, double>(i => i).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < BuyQ.Count(); i++)
                EWMAPrice.Add(new ObservablePoint(i, Ewma._strdBuyPrice.ElementAt(i)));
                Price.Add(new ObservablePoint(i, BuyP.ElementAt(i)));
            DataContext = this;
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Fits a line in a univariate analysis to data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Input</param>
        /// <param name="n">Range of Input</param>
        /// <returns>Fit Param's, first column is gradients</returns>
        public static double[,] FitLin(Constants.RawData data, int n)
            //S(p)=BuyQuantity = b + m*SellPrice
            //D(p)=SellQuantity = b - m*BuyPrice
            double[,] Params = new double[3, 2];
            var BQuant = data.BuyQuantity;
            var BPrice = data.BuyPrice;
            var SQuant = data.SellQuantity;
            var SPrice = data.SellPrice;

            //array location 0, 0 is mean value
            var InfoObject = DataPreparer.DataInfo();
            var BPMean     = (double)InfoObject.BuyPriceInfo[0, 0];
            var BQMean     = (double)InfoObject.BuyQuantInfo[0, 0];
            var SPMean     = (double)InfoObject.SellPriceInfo[0, 0];
            var SQMean     = (double)InfoObject.SellQuantInfo[0, 0];

            //return B1/Grad for demand and supply
            var GradDem = GradSolver(BPrice, SQuant, n, BPMean, SQMean);
            var GradSup = GradSolver(SPrice, BQuant, n, SPMean, BQMean);
            //return B0/intercept for demand and supply
            var DemInt = IntSolver(GradDem, SQMean, BPMean);
            var SupInt = IntSolver(GradSup, BQMean, SPMean);
            //create predictions of data and add to predictions lists
            var PredDem = Predictor(BPrice, GradDem, DemInt);
            var PredSup = Predictor(SPrice, GradSup, SupInt);
            //return error on predicitons
            var DemErr = ErrorSolver(SQuant, PredDem);
            var SupErr = ErrorSolver(BQuant, PredSup);

            //add to Params and return
            Params[0, 0] = Math.Round(GradDem);
            Params[0, 1] = Math.Round(GradSup);
            Params[1, 0] = Math.Round(DemInt);
            Params[1, 1] = Math.Round(SupInt);
            Params[2, 0] = Math.Round(DemErr);
            Params[2, 1] = Math.Round(SupErr);
            Console.WriteLine(Params[2, 1]);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Item data, Mean, Min, Max, Median and Set Length
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawdata">Input data object, with four lists</param>
        /// <returns>DataInfo object, Mean, Min, Max, Median and Set Length</returns>
        public static Constants.DataInfo DataInfo()
            Constants.RawData rawdata = Constants.Item.GetRawData();
            Object[,] spriceinfo = new Object[, ] {
                { 0, "Mean" }, { 0, "Min" }, { 0, "Max" }, { 0, "Median" }, { 0, "Set Length" }
            Object[,] squantinfo = new Object[, ] {
                { 0, "Mean" }, { 0, "Min" }, { 0, "Max" }, { 0, "Median" }, { 0, "Set Length" }
            Object[,] bpriceinfo = new Object[, ] {
                { 0, "Mean" }, { 0, "Min" }, { 0, "Max" }, { 0, "Median" }, { 0, "Set Length" }
            Object[,] bquantinfo = new Object[, ] {
                { 0, "Mean" }, { 0, "Min" }, { 0, "Max" }, { 0, "Median" }, { 0, "Set Length" }
            List <int> sprice = new List <int>();
            List <int> squant = new List <int>();
            List <int> bprice = new List <int>();
            List <int> bquant = new List <int>();

            Constants.DataInfo datainfo = new Constants.DataInfo(spriceinfo, squantinfo, bpriceinfo, bquantinfo);

            bpriceinfo[0, 0] = rawdata.BuyPrice.Average();
            bpriceinfo[1, 0] = rawdata.BuyPrice.Min();
            bpriceinfo[2, 0] = rawdata.BuyPrice.Max();
            bpriceinfo[4, 0] = rawdata.BuyPrice.Count();
            int i = (bprice.Count() + 1) / 2;

            bpriceinfo[3, 0] = bprice.ElementAt(i);

            spriceinfo[0, 0] = rawdata.SellPrice.Average();
            spriceinfo[1, 0] = rawdata.SellPrice.Min();
            spriceinfo[2, 0] = rawdata.SellPrice.Max();
            spriceinfo[4, 0] = rawdata.SellPrice.Count();
            int j = (sprice.Count() + 1) / 2;

            spriceinfo[3, 0] = sprice.ElementAt(j);

            bquantinfo[0, 0] = rawdata.BuyQuantity.Average();
            bquantinfo[1, 0] = rawdata.BuyQuantity.Min();
            bquantinfo[2, 0] = rawdata.BuyQuantity.Max();
            bquantinfo[4, 0] = rawdata.BuyQuantity.Count();
            int k = (bquant.Count() + 1) / 2;

            bquantinfo[3, 0] = bquant.ElementAt(k);

            squantinfo[0, 0] = rawdata.SellQuantity.Average();
            squantinfo[1, 0] = rawdata.SellQuantity.Min();
            squantinfo[2, 0] = rawdata.SellQuantity.Max();
            squantinfo[4, 0] = rawdata.SellQuantity.Count();
            int l = (squant.Count() + 1) / 2;

            squantinfo[3, 0]       = squant.ElementAt(l);
            datainfo.BuyPriceInfo  = bpriceinfo;
            datainfo.BuyQuantInfo  = bquantinfo;
            datainfo.SellQuantInfo = squantinfo;
            datainfo.SellPriceInfo = spriceinfo;
