private void GeneratorForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing) { e.Cancel = false; fm.Delete_generated(); } }
public GeneratorForm(string search, int iter, int sleep) { InitializeComponent(); SaveBtn.Enabled = false; Search_path = search; Iterator = iter; Sleep = sleep; fm = new FileManager(); fm.Delete_generated(); t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(p => { Generate(); })); t.Start(); this.FormClosing += GeneratorForm_FormClosing; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Word Generator"; int correct_words = 0; ConsoleKeyInfo yn; bool ok = false; do { Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Use default settings? (y/n): "); yn = Console.ReadKey(); if (yn.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { Search_path_choice = default_search_path; Words_path_choice = default_word_path; Iter_choice = default_iter; Sleep_choice = default_sleep; Control_Print(); } else if (yn.Key == ConsoleKey.N) { Console.WriteLine("\nChoose your own settings..."); SettingsForm settings_f = new SettingsForm(default_word_path, default_iter, default_sleep.ToString()); settings_f.ShowDialog(); Words_path_choice = settings_f.PathChoice; Iter_choice = settings_f.IterChoice; Sleep_choice = int.Parse(settings_f.TimeChoice); Search_path_choice = default_search_path; Control_Print(); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease only input keys 'y' or 'n'. Press any key to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); } try { Algorythm.Read_SeedFile(Words_path_choice); ok = true; } catch (Exception ex) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(Words_path_choice); Console.WriteLine("File by the name " + fileName + " was not found.", ex); Console.WriteLine("Check if the file path is correct. Press any key to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); } } while (yn.Key != ConsoleKey.Y && yn.Key != ConsoleKey.N || ok == false); Console.WriteLine("\nPlease wait...\n"); Console.WriteLine("Word matrix: \n"); Algorythm.PrintMatrix(); Console.Write("\nShow words being created? (y/n): "); ConsoleKeyInfo choice = Console.ReadKey(); if (choice.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { GeneratorForm gf = new GeneratorForm(Search_path_choice, int.Parse(Iter_choice), Sleep_choice); gf.ShowDialog(); } else { Searcher search = new Searcher(Search_path_choice); FileManager fm = new FileManager(); List <string> generated_words = new List <string>(); fm.Delete_generated(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nGenerating words...\n"); for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(Iter_choice); i++) { search.Word = Algorythm.Generate_Word(); bool is_eng = search.Is_English_Word(); generated_words.Add(search.Word); if (i == int.Parse(Iter_choice) - 1) { Console.WriteLine(Iter_choice + "/" + Iter_choice); } if (is_eng) { correct_words++; Console.WriteLine(search.Word); } } fm.AddTo_GeneratedWords(generated_words); Console.WriteLine("\nEnglish words generated: " + correct_words + "/" + Iter_choice); Console.Write("\nWould you like to save the generated words? (y/n): "); ConsoleKeyInfo yesno = Console.ReadKey(); if (yesno.Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { Thread saveThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(p => { SaveToFile(); })); saveThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); saveThread.Start(); } } Console.WriteLine("\n\n ~ FIN ~ \n\nPress any key to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); Environment.Exit(0); }