예제 #1
        public ActionResult GiveBadge()
            User signedin = new Models.User();

            ViewBag.Message = "Your Give Badge tab page";
            signedin        = LoginController.GetSessionUser();
예제 #2
        public ActionResult Index()
            if (!LoginController.IsSessionValid())
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login",
                                        new { returnUrl = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery }));

예제 #3
        //pass user recpeient and user sender, get info from those
        public ActionResult Confirmation(string recepientid, string badgeid, string comment)
            Badge newBadge = new Badge();
            //get our recepient
            int  recepientID = Int32.Parse(recepientid);
            User Recepient   = new Models.User();

            Recepient = Db.Db.GetUser(recepientID);

            //get our sender
            //access the user who is logged in
            User sender = new User();

            sender = LoginController.GetSessionUser();

            //create a new gift to add to the DB
            int      convertBadgeID = Int32.Parse(badgeid);
            Gift     newGift        = new Gift();
            DateTime?GiftTime       = DateTime.Now;             //get the current date

            newGift.GiftDate    = GiftTime;
            newGift.BadgeId     = convertBadgeID;
            newGift.SenderId    = sender.UserId;
            newGift.RecipientId = Recepient.UserId;
            newGift.Comment     = comment;

                Point location = GetNewBadgeLocation(Recepient);
                newGift.TreeLocX = location.X;
                newGift.TreeLocY = location.Y;
            catch (Exception e)
                // ignore for now

            Db.Db.CreateGift(newGift);         //add gift to db

            //create a confdata model for the view
            ConfirmationData confdata = new ConfirmationData();

            confdata.name    = Recepient.FirstName + " " + Recepient.LastName;
            newBadge         = Db.Db.GetBadge(convertBadgeID);
            confdata.badge   = newBadge.Name;
            confdata.comment = comment;
            // confdata.username = sender. + " " + sender.lastname;

            //Do query to get the email connected to the name
            EmailManager.SendTextEmail(comment, "YOU RECIEVED A BADGE", Recepient.Email, "GSTBADGESYSTEM", "noreply", response => { });
예제 #4
        public ActionResult Home()
            if (!LoginController.IsSessionValid())
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login",
                                        new { returnUrl = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery }));
            User curUser = LoginController.GetSessionUser();

            //go to the tree view if it's a student
            if (curUser.UserType == UserType.Student)
예제 #5
        public ActionResult GridIndex()
            User student   = LoginController.GetSessionUser();
            int  shortList = 0;
            int  nextList  = 0;
            int  longest   = 0; // keeps track of the longest list of badges

            GridViewModel GVM = new GridViewModel();
            List <List <BadgeViewModel> > allBadgesList = new List <List <BadgeViewModel> >();

            List <Badge> tempCoreList = Db.Db.GetBadges(BadgeType.Apple);

            int i = 0;

            foreach (Badge b in tempCoreList)
                BadgeViewModel tempBVM = new BadgeViewModel();

                tempBVM.badge = b;

                allBadgesList.Add(new List <BadgeViewModel>()); // 1 list per core


                List <Badge> tempCompList = Db.Db.GetPrerequisites(b.BadgeId);

                foreach (Badge c in tempCompList)
                    BadgeViewModel tempCompBadge = new BadgeViewModel();
                    tempCompBadge.badge = c;

                    allBadgesList[i].Add(tempCompBadge);  // add all of a core's prereqs to its list
                } // end foreach c

                i++; // move to the next list
            } // end foreach b

            // keep track of shortest list
            for (int j = 0; j < allBadgesList.Count; j++)
                if (allBadgesList[j].Count < allBadgesList[shortList].Count)
                    nextList  = shortList;
                    shortList = j;
                } // end if count

            // The badges the user actually has
            List <Gift> tempGiftList = Db.Db.GetGiftsGivenTo(student.UserId);

            List <Badge> tempGCores      = new List <Badge>();
            List <Badge> tempGComps      = new List <Badge>();
            List <Badge> tempComendsHold = new List <Badge>();
            List <Badge> tempGComends;

            foreach (Gift g in tempGiftList)
                switch (g.BadgeGift.Type)
                case BadgeType.Apple:

                case BadgeType.Flower:

                case BadgeType.Leaf:

                    Console.WriteLine("How'd we get this wrong?");

            tempGComends = tempComendsHold.GroupBy(p => p.BadgeId).Select(g => g.First()).ToList(); // make sure to only show each comend badge once

            // activate cores and competencies that are obtained
            foreach (Badge core in tempGCores)
                foreach (List <BadgeViewModel> relList in allBadgesList)
                    if (relList[0].badge.BadgeId == core.BadgeId)
                        foreach (BadgeViewModel bvm in relList)
                            bvm.obtained = true; // if you have a core, you have all its competencies
                        } // end foreach bvm
                    } // end if
                } // end foreach relList
            }     // end foreach core

            // activate all competencies that aren't associated with an activated core
            foreach (Badge comp in tempGComps)
                foreach (List <BadgeViewModel> relList in allBadgesList)
                    foreach (BadgeViewModel bvm in relList)
                        if (bvm.badge.BadgeId == comp.BadgeId)
                            bvm.obtained = true;
                    } // end foreach bvm
                }     // end foreach relList
            }         // end foreach comp

            // add all comendation badges to the list list
            foreach (Badge comend in tempGComends)
                BadgeViewModel tempCBVM = new BadgeViewModel();
                tempCBVM.obtained = true;
                tempCBVM.badge    = comend;


                // keep track of the shortest list
                if (allBadgesList[shortList].Count >= allBadgesList[0].Count)
                    shortList = 0;
                    for (int index = 0; index < allBadgesList.Count; index++)
                        if (allBadgesList[shortList].Count > allBadgesList[index].Count)
                            shortList = index;
                        } // end if
                    }     // end for
                }         // end if
            }             // end foreach comend
              // at this point, we have a list of lists w/ counts that are w/i 1 element of each other in length

            for (int j = 0; j < allBadgesList.Count; j++)
                if (allBadgesList[j].Count > allBadgesList[longest].Count)
                    longest = j;

            GVM.student = student;
            GVM.grid    = allBadgesList;
            GVM.longest = longest;
