public ActionResult AddType(AddTypeViewModel permissionViewModel) { using (var unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { try { var permission = new Permission { Name = permissionViewModel.Name, }; _permissionService.Add(permission); TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel { Message = "Permission Added", MessageType = GenericMessages.success }; unitOfWork.Commit(); } catch(Exception ex) { unitOfWork.Rollback(); LoggingService.Error(ex); throw; } } return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
public void Update(Permission item) { // Check there's not an object with same identifier already in context if (_context.Permission.Local.Select(x => x.Id == item.Id).Any()) { throw new ApplicationException("Object already exists in context - you do not need to call Update. Save occurs on Commit"); } _context.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified; }
/// <summary> /// Delete permission and associated category permission for roles /// </summary> /// <param name="permission"></param> public void Delete(Permission permission) { var catPermForRoles = _categoryPermissionForRoleService.GetByPermission(permission.Id); foreach (var categoryPermissionForRole in catPermForRoles) { _categoryPermissionForRoleService.Delete(categoryPermissionForRole); } _context.Permission.Remove(permission); }
/// <summary> /// Delete permission and associated category permission for roles /// </summary> /// <param name="permission"></param> public void Delete(Permission permission) { var catPermForRoles = _categoryPermissionForRoleRepository.GetByPermission(permission.Id); foreach (var categoryPermissionForRole in catPermForRoles) { _categoryPermissionForRoleRepository.Delete(categoryPermissionForRole); } _permissionRepository.Delete(permission); }
public void Delete_Check_CategoryPermissionForRoles_Are_Deleted() { var permissionRepository = Substitute.For<IPermissionRepository>(); var categoryPermissionForRoleRepository = Substitute.For<ICategoryPermissionForRoleRepository>(); var permissionService = new PermissionService(permissionRepository, categoryPermissionForRoleRepository); var permission = new Permission { Name = "Ghost Rider", Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; var catePermOne = new CategoryPermissionForRole {Id = Guid.NewGuid()}; var catePermTwo = new CategoryPermissionForRole {Id = Guid.NewGuid()}; var catepermrole = new List<CategoryPermissionForRole>{ catePermOne, catePermTwo }; categoryPermissionForRoleRepository.GetByPermission(permission.Id).Returns(catepermrole); permissionService.Delete(permission); categoryPermissionForRoleRepository.Received().Delete(Arg.Is<CategoryPermissionForRole>(x => x.Id == catePermOne.Id)); categoryPermissionForRoleRepository.Received().Delete(Arg.Is<CategoryPermissionForRole>(x => x.Id == catePermTwo.Id)); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new permission /// </summary> /// <param name="permission"></param> public Permission Add(Permission permission) { permission.Name = StringUtils.SafePlainText(permission.Name); return _context.Permission.Add(permission); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new permission /// </summary> /// <param name="permission"></param> public void Add(Permission permission) { permission.Name = StringUtils.SafePlainText(permission.Name); _permissionRepository.Add(permission); }
private InstallerResult CreateInitialData() { var installerResult = new InstallerResult { Successful = true, Message = "Congratulations, MVC Forum has installed successfully" }; // I think this is all I need to call to kick EF into life //EFCachingProviderConfiguration.DefaultCache = new AspNetCache(); //EFCachingProviderConfiguration.DefaultCachingPolicy = CachingPolicy.CacheAll; // Now setup the services as we can't do it in the constructor InitialiseServices(); // First UOW to create the data needed for other saves using (var unitOfWork = _UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { try { // Check if category exists or not, we only do a single check for the first object within this // UOW because, if anything failed inside. Everything else would be rolled back to because of the // transaction const string exampleCatName = "Example Category"; if (_categoryService.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == exampleCatName) == null) { // Doesn't exist so add the example category var exampleCat = new Category { Name = exampleCatName, ModeratePosts = false, ModerateTopics = false}; _categoryService.Add(exampleCat); // Add the default roles var standardRole = new MembershipRole { RoleName = "Standard Members" }; var guestRole = new MembershipRole { RoleName = "Guest" }; var moderatorRole = new MembershipRole { RoleName = "Moderator" }; var adminRole = new MembershipRole { RoleName = "Admin" }; _roleService.CreateRole(standardRole); _roleService.CreateRole(guestRole); _roleService.CreateRole(moderatorRole); _roleService.CreateRole(adminRole); unitOfWork.Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { unitOfWork.Rollback(); installerResult.Exception = ex.InnerException; installerResult.Message = "Error creating the initial data >> Category & Roles"; installerResult.Successful = false; return installerResult; } } // Add / Update the default language strings installerResult = AddOrUpdateTheDefaultLanguageStrings(installerResult); if (!installerResult.Successful) { return installerResult; } // Now we have saved the above we can create the rest of the data using (var unitOfWork = _UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { try { // if the settings already exist then do nothing if (_settingsService.GetSettings(false) == null) { // Get the default language var startingLanguage = _localizationService.GetLanguageByName("en-GB"); // Get the Standard Members role var startingRole = _roleService.GetRole("Standard Members"); // create the settings var settings = new Settings { ForumName = "MVC Forum", ForumUrl = "", IsClosed = false, EnableRSSFeeds = true, DisplayEditedBy = true, EnablePostFileAttachments = false, EnableMarkAsSolution = true, EnableSpamReporting = true, EnableMemberReporting = true, EnableEmailSubscriptions = true, ManuallyAuthoriseNewMembers = false, EmailAdminOnNewMemberSignUp = true, TopicsPerPage = 20, PostsPerPage = 20, EnablePrivateMessages = true, MaxPrivateMessagesPerMember = 50, PrivateMessageFloodControl = 1, EnableSignatures = false, EnablePoints = true, PointsAllowedToVoteAmount = 1, PointsAddedPerPost = 1, PointsAddedForSolution = 4, PointsDeductedNagativeVote = 2, AdminEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", NotificationReplyEmail = "*****@*****.**", SMTPEnableSSL = false, Theme = "Metro", NewMemberStartingRole = startingRole, DefaultLanguage = startingLanguage, ActivitiesPerPage = 20, EnableAkisment = false, EnableSocialLogins = false, EnablePolls = true }; _settingsService.Add(settings); unitOfWork.Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { unitOfWork.Rollback(); installerResult.Exception = ex.InnerException; installerResult.Message = "Error creating the initial data >> Settings"; installerResult.Successful = false; return installerResult; } } // Now we have saved the above we can create the rest of the data using (var unitOfWork = _UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork()) { try { // If the admin user exists then don't do anything else if (_membershipService.GetUser("admin") == null) { // Set up the initial permissions var readOnly = new Permission { Name = "Read Only" }; var deletePosts = new Permission { Name = "Delete Posts" }; var editPosts = new Permission { Name = "Edit Posts" }; var stickyTopics = new Permission { Name = "Sticky Topics" }; var lockTopics = new Permission { Name = "Lock Topics" }; var voteInPolls = new Permission { Name = "Vote In Polls" }; var createPolls = new Permission { Name = "Create Polls" }; var createTopics = new Permission { Name = "Create Topics" }; var attachFiles = new Permission { Name = "Attach Files" }; var denyAccess = new Permission { Name = "Deny Access" }; _permissionService.Add(readOnly); _permissionService.Add(deletePosts); _permissionService.Add(editPosts); _permissionService.Add(stickyTopics); _permissionService.Add(lockTopics); _permissionService.Add(voteInPolls); _permissionService.Add(createPolls); _permissionService.Add(createTopics); _permissionService.Add(attachFiles); _permissionService.Add(denyAccess); // create the admin user and put him in the admin role var admin = new MembershipUser { Email = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******", Password = "******", IsApproved = true, DisableEmailNotifications = false, DisablePosting = false, DisablePrivateMessages = false }; _membershipService.CreateUser(admin); // Do a save changes just in case unitOfWork.SaveChanges(); // Put the admin in the admin role var adminRole = _roleService.GetRole("Admin"); admin.Roles = new List<MembershipRole> { adminRole }; unitOfWork.Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { unitOfWork.Rollback(); installerResult.Exception = ex.InnerException; installerResult.Message = "Error creating the initial data >> Admin user & Permissions"; installerResult.Successful = false; return installerResult; } } // Do this so search works and doesn't create a null reference. _luceneService.UpdateIndex(); return installerResult; }
public void Delete(Permission item) { _context.Permission.Remove(item); }
public Permission Add(Permission permission) { return _context.Permission.Add(permission); }