// log notes: // Editing codebase to allow calls passing and receiving structures // miktek 8.15.2011 public static void Main(string[] args) { int iRet = 999; // ErrorMEssage will be used to access error message // from the mt4 wrapper. String ErrorMessage = "none received"; Console.WriteLine("testing 8.28.12"); iRet = myManager.ManagerFactory(); // hardwire the server name for short term. // put into a config.xml file for longer term sanity String ServerName = "mtdem01.primexm.com:443"; // connect to the server iRet = myManager.Connect(ServerName); // get errorMessage from the CMTManager ErrorMessage = myManager.ErrorDescription(iRet); Console.WriteLine("Connect ErrMsg: {0}", ErrorMessage); // login in credentials. Don't dawdle here. // you have aprox. 15 seconds between connecting to the server // to enter your creds. Otherwise, say after 15 seconds, the server // drops your connection iRet = myManager.Login(900, "!FQS123!!"); ErrorMessage = myManager.ErrorDescription(iRet); Console.WriteLine("Login ErrMsg: {0}", ErrorMessage); if (iRet != 0) { return; } int choice = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("\nEnter your choice(1,2,3,4,5) to:\n1. Add the User.\n2. Update the User." + "\n3. History of closed trades.\n4. TradesRequest.\n5. TradesGet.\n6. Exit.\n"); string sChoice = Console.ReadLine(); choice = int.Parse(sChoice); switch (choice) { case 1: UserRecordNET user = new UserRecordNET(); user.group = "FQ-IB-One"; Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Login:"******"\nEnter Name:"); user.name = Console.ReadLine(); user.password = "******"; iRet = myManager.UserRecordNew(user); if (iRet == 0) { Console.WriteLine("\nUser Added Successfully.\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nUser cannot added successfully.\n"); ErrorMessage = myManager.ErrorDescription(iRet); Console.WriteLine("Login ErrMsg: {0}", ErrorMessage); } break; case 2: UserRecordNET existingUser = new UserRecordNET(); existingUser.group = "FQ-IB-One"; Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Login to update:"); string tempLogin = Console.ReadLine(); existingUser.login = int.Parse(tempLogin); Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Name:"); existingUser.name = Console.ReadLine(); existingUser.password = "******"; iRet = myManager.UserRecordUpdate(existingUser); if (iRet == 0) { Console.WriteLine("\nUser Modified Successfully.\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nUser cannot Modified successfully.\n"); ErrorMessage = myManager.ErrorDescription(iRet); Console.WriteLine("ErrMsg: {0}", ErrorMessage); } break; case 3: TimeZone tZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone; DateTime baseTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); DateTime startTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); TimeSpan fromSpan = baseTime - startTime + tZone.GetUtcOffset(baseTime); DateTime endTime = new DateTime(2012, 12, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0); TimeSpan toSpan = baseTime - endTime + tZone.GetUtcOffset(baseTime); Int64 from = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Abs(fromSpan.TotalSeconds)); Int64 to = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Abs(toSpan.TotalSeconds)); Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Login:"******"Deals: " + TradeInfo[0].order + " Login: "******" Type: " + TradeInfo[0].cmd + "\nSymbol: " + TradeInfo[0].symbol + " TradeInfo[0].conv_rates[1]: " + TradeInfo[0].conv_rates[1] + "Closed Price: " + TradeInfo[0].close_price); } else { Console.WriteLine("No trade Info.\n"); } break; case 4: int val = 0; TradeInfo = myManager.TradesRequest(ref val); if (TradeInfo != null) { Console.WriteLine("Deals: " + TradeInfo[0].order + " Login: "******" Type: " + TradeInfo[0].cmd + "\nSymbol: " + TradeInfo[0].symbol + " TradeInfo[0].conv_rates[1]: " + TradeInfo[0].conv_rates[1] + "\nTotal No. of Trades: " + val); } break; case 5: val = 0; TradeInfo = myManager.TradesGet(ref val); if (TradeInfo != null) { Console.WriteLine("Deals: " + TradeInfo[0].order + " Login: "******" Type: " + TradeInfo[0].cmd + "\nSymbol: " + TradeInfo[0].symbol + " TradeInfo[0].conv_rates[1]: " + TradeInfo[0].conv_rates[1]); } else { Console.Write("No Trade Info.\n"); } break; default: break; } } while (choice > 0 && choice < 6); // declare a PumpFuncDelegate and then create an instance // of it. This will be used to start up the pumping asnycn // call back mechanism from the mtmanapi.dll, up through // the c++/cli wrapper to the C# client code here. MT4ManLibraryNETv03.PumpFuncDelegate myPumpFunc = new MT4ManLibraryNETv03.PumpFuncDelegate(miktekCSConAppTestHarness.CallBackMethod); // now we pass the delegate named myPumpFunc which acutally // is a function pointer the CallBackMethod declared iRet = myManager.PassMeADelegate(myPumpFunc); // enable the pumping switch myManager.PumpingSwitch(); ExposureValueNET ExposureInfo = new ExposureValueNET(); SymbolSummaryNET SummaryInfo = new SymbolSummaryNET(); int iCnt; // SummaryGet is passed a ref to a SymbolSummaryNET record // which will be populated by the SummaryGet call // and returned. miktek 9.10.12 string symbol = "AUDCAD"; // FROM MTSampleAPI exec'ing. iCnt = myManager.SummaryGet(symbol, ref SummaryInfo); SymbolSummaryNET[] SymbolSummaryArray; // pass in and return a array Symbol Summary records SymbolSummaryArray = myManager.SummaryGetAll(ref iCnt); // risk mgmt call #4 int iResult = 0; String cur = "AUD "; const int maxchars = 256; iResult = myManager.SummaryCurrency(cur, maxchars); // for testing what value should this be? const int sectype = 10; iResult = myManager.SummaryGetByType(sectype, ref SummaryInfo); const int symbolType = 10; iResult = myManager.SummaryGetByCount(symbolType, ref SummaryInfo); iResult = myManager.ExposureValueGet(cur, ref ExposureInfo); ExposureValueNET[] ExposedArray; // miktek 9.9.12 int iRecCount = 0; int iLoopCtr = 0; while (iLoopCtr < 4) { ExposedArray = myManager.ExposureGet(ref iRecCount); Console.WriteLine("ExposureGet attempt: {0} Recs Gotten: ", iLoopCtr, iRecCount); iLoopCtr++; } int iKey = 0; iKey = Console.Read(); myManager.Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine("End of test run 9.10.12"); iKey = Console.Read(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { int iRet = 999; // ErrorMEssage will be used to access error message // from the mt4 wrapper. String ErrorMessage = "none received"; Console.WriteLine("testing 8.28.12"); iRet = myManager.ManagerFactory(); // hardwire the server name for short term. // put into a config.xml file for longer term sanity String ServerName = "mtdem01.primexm.com:443"; // connect to the server iRet = myManager.Connect(ServerName); // get errorMessage from the CMTManager ErrorMessage = myManager.ErrorDescription(iRet); Console.WriteLine("Connect ErrMsg: {0}", ErrorMessage); // login in credentials. Don't dawdle here. // you have aprox. 15 seconds between connecting to the server // to enter your creds. Otherwise, say after 15 seconds, the server // drops your connection iRet = myManager.Login(900, "!FQS123!!"); ErrorMessage = myManager.ErrorDescription(iRet); Console.WriteLine("Login ErrMsg: {0}", ErrorMessage); if (iRet != 0) { return; } int choice = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("\nEnter your choice(1,2,3,4,5) to:\n1. Add the User.\n2. Update the User." + "\n3. History of closed trades.\n4. TradesRequest.\n5. Delete User.\n6. Users Request." + "\n7. User Records Request \n8. Symbol Refresh\n9. UserPasswordSet.\n10. Exit.\n"); string sChoice = Console.ReadLine(); choice = int.Parse(sChoice); switch (choice) { case 1: UserRecordNET user = new UserRecordNET(); user.group = "FQ-IB-One"; Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Name:"); user.name = Console.ReadLine(); user.password = "******"; user.enable = 1; user.enable_change_password = 1; iRet = myManager.UserRecordNew(user); if (iRet == 0) { Console.WriteLine("\nUser Added Successfully."); Console.WriteLine("User Login value: " + user.login); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nUser cannot added successfully."); ErrorMessage = myManager.ErrorDescription(iRet); Console.WriteLine("Login ErrMsg: {0}", ErrorMessage); } break; case 2: UserRecordNET existingUser = new UserRecordNET(); existingUser.group = "FQ-IB-One"; Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Login to update:"); string tempLogin = Console.ReadLine(); existingUser.login = int.Parse(tempLogin); Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Name:"); existingUser.name = Console.ReadLine(); existingUser.enable = 1; iRet = myManager.UserRecordUpdate(existingUser); if (iRet == 0) { Console.WriteLine("\nUser Modified Successfully.\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nUser cannot Modified successfully.\n"); ErrorMessage = myManager.ErrorDescription(iRet); Console.WriteLine("ErrMsg: {0}", ErrorMessage); } break; case 3: TimeZone tZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone; DateTime baseTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); DateTime startTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); TimeSpan fromSpan = baseTime - startTime + tZone.GetUtcOffset(baseTime); DateTime endTime = new DateTime(2012, 12, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0); TimeSpan toSpan = baseTime - endTime + tZone.GetUtcOffset(baseTime); Int64 from = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Abs(fromSpan.TotalSeconds)); Int64 to = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Abs(toSpan.TotalSeconds)); Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Login:"******"Deals: " + TradeInfo[0].order + " Login: "******" Type: " + TradeInfo[0].cmd + "\nSymbol: " + TradeInfo[0].symbol + " TradeInfo[0].conv_rates[1]: " + TradeInfo[0].conv_rates[1] + "Closed Price: " + TradeInfo[0].close_price); } else { Console.WriteLine("No trade Info.\n"); } break; case 4: int val = 0; TradeInfo = myManager.TradesRequest(ref val); if (TradeInfo != null) { Console.WriteLine("Deals: " + TradeInfo[0].order + " Login: "******" Type: " + TradeInfo[0].cmd + "\nSymbol: " + TradeInfo[0].symbol + " TradeInfo[0].conv_rates[1]: " + TradeInfo[0].conv_rates[1] + "\nTotal No. of Trades: " + val); } break; case 5: GroupCommandInfoNET info = new GroupCommandInfoNET(); info.command = (int)GroupOperation.GROUP_DELETE; //set the leverage accordingly.. info.leverage = 0; Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of login values to be entered:"); string strUserAccountsLength = Console.ReadLine(); int nUserAcctLength = int.Parse(strUserAccountsLength); //info.len consist the number of user accounts.. info.len = nUserAcctLength; int[] logins = new int[nUserAcctLength]; Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < nUserAcctLength; i++) { Console.Write(" " + (i + 1) + ". Enter Login value: "); logins[i] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(); } iRet = myManager.UsersGroupOp(info, ref logins[0]); ErrorMessage = myManager.ErrorDescription(iRet); Console.WriteLine("ErrMsg: {0}", ErrorMessage); break; case 6: int nNoOfUserAcct = 0; UserRecordNET[] userInfo; userInfo = myManager.UsersRequest(ref nNoOfUserAcct); break; case 7: int[] log = new int[4]; log[0] = 123456; log[1] = 10020; log[2] = 10021; log[3] = 123423; int nNoOfUsers = log.Length; userInfo = myManager.UserRecordsRequest(ref log[0], ref nNoOfUsers); break; case 8: iRet = myManager.SymbolsRefresh(); break; case 9: iRet = myManager.UserPasswordSet(10021, "Testing", 0, 0); break; default: break; } } while (choice > 0 && choice < 10); Console.WriteLine("\nChoose which pumping you want to activate:\n1. PumpingSwitch.\n2. PumpingSwitchEx."); string pumpChoice = Console.ReadLine(); choice = int.Parse(pumpChoice); if (choice == 1) { // declare a PumpFuncDelegate and then create an instance // of it. This will be used to start up the pumping asnycn // call back mechanism from the mtmanapi.dll, up through // the c++/cli wrapper to the C# client code here. MT4ManLibraryNETv03.PumpFuncDelegate myPumpFunc = new MT4ManLibraryNETv03.PumpFuncDelegate(miktekCSConAppTestHarness.CallBackMethod); // now we pass the delegate named myPumpFunc which actually // is a function pointer the CallBackMethod declared iRet = myManager.PassMeADelegate(myPumpFunc); // enable the pumping switch myManager.PumpingSwitch(); } else if (choice == 2) { MT4ManLibraryNETv03.PumpFuncExDelegate myPumpEx = new MT4ManLibraryNETv03.PumpFuncExDelegate(miktekCSConAppTestHarness.CallBackMethodEx); UserRecordNET exUser = new UserRecordNET(); exUser.group = "FQ-IB-One"; exUser.login = 123; Object param = exUser; int flags = ((int)PumpingFlags.CLIENT_FLAGS_HIDEMAIL) | ((int)PumpingFlags.CLIENT_FLAGS_HIDENEWS) | ((int)PumpingFlags.CLIENT_FLAGS_HIDETICKS); iRet = myManager.PassMeAnExDelegate(myPumpEx); iRet = myManager.PumpingSwitchEx(flags, param); } ExposureValueNET ExposureInfo = new ExposureValueNET(); SymbolSummaryNET SummaryInfo = new SymbolSummaryNET(); int iCnt; // SummaryGet is passed a ref to a SymbolSummaryNET record // which will be populated by the SummaryGet call // and returned. miktek 9.10.12 string symbol = "AUDCAD"; // FROM MTSampleAPI exec'ing. iCnt = myManager.SummaryGet(symbol, ref SummaryInfo); SymbolSummaryNET[] SymbolSummaryArray; // pass in and return a array Symbol Summary records SymbolSummaryArray = myManager.SummaryGetAll(ref iCnt); // risk mgmt call #4 int iResult = 0; String cur = "AUD "; const int maxchars = 256; iResult = myManager.SummaryCurrency(cur, maxchars); // for testing what value should this be? const int sectype = 10; iResult = myManager.SummaryGetByType(sectype, ref SummaryInfo); const int symbolType = 10; iResult = myManager.SummaryGetByCount(symbolType, ref SummaryInfo); iResult = myManager.ExposureValueGet(cur, ref ExposureInfo); ExposureValueNET[] ExposedArray; // miktek 9.9.12 int iRecCount = 0; int iLoopCtr = 0; while (iLoopCtr < 4) { ExposedArray = myManager.ExposureGet(ref iRecCount); Console.WriteLine("ExposureGet attempt: {0} Recs Gotten: ", iLoopCtr, iRecCount); iLoopCtr++; } int iKey = 0; iKey = Console.Read(); myManager.Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine("End of test run 9.10.12"); iKey = Console.Read(); }