public void FindItem(ItemMasterRow item) { try { string hash = CitationTools.GetItemHash(item); if (currentSearchingItemHash != hash) { listSearchingItemFieldIndexes = new List<int>(); foreach (TextCitationItem tci in rci.TextCitations) { if (tci.HashList.Contains(hash)) { int index = tci.HashList.IndexOf(hash); listSearchingItemFieldIndexes.Add(tci.FieldIndexes[index]); } } currentSearchingItemHash = hash; iCurrentSearchingItemCursor = 0; } if (listSearchingItemFieldIndexes.Count > iCurrentSearchingItemCursor) { editor.JumpToNextMatchingItem(listSearchingItemFieldIndexes[iCurrentSearchingItemCursor]); iCurrentSearchingItemCursor++; } else { MessageBox.Show(Lang.en_US.Alert_NoMoreMatching_Msg); iCurrentSearchingItemCursor = 0; } } catch(Exception ex) { log.WriteLine(LogType.Error, "DocumentFormatter::FindItem", ex.ToString()); } }
public Dictionary<string, object> GetResults(int iStart) { if (SearchQuery == string.Empty || SearchQuery.Length == 0) return null; Dictionary<string, object> Data = new Dictionary<string, object>(); int iPageNumber = (int)Math.Floor((double)(iStart / Properties.Settings.Default.NUM_OF_SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)) + 1; string strSPSearchURL = SCHOLARSPORTAL_SEARCHURL.Replace("{term}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(SearchQuery)); strSPSearchURL = strSPSearchURL.Replace("{page}", iPageNumber + ""); strSPSearchURL = strSPSearchURL.Replace("{number}", "20"); try { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(strSPSearchURL); XmlNamespaceManager nm = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable); nm.AddNamespace("atom", ""); nm.AddNamespace("os", ""); nm.AddNamespace("sp", ""); //Find Total Number List<ItemMasterRow> listItems = new List<ItemMasterRow>(); XmlNode nodeTotalNumber = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//os:totalResults", nm); if (nodeTotalNumber != null) { Data["Count"] = nodeTotalNumber.InnerText; } XmlNodeList resultNodes = _FindResultNodes(xmlDoc, nm); if (resultNodes != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in resultNodes) { ItemMasterRow item = new ItemMasterRow(); XmlDocument newXmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); newXmlDoc.LoadXml(node.OuterXml); nm = new XmlNamespaceManager(newXmlDoc.NameTable); nm.AddNamespace("atom", ""); nm.AddNamespace("os", ""); nm.AddNamespace("sp", ""); if (_ProcessingNode(newXmlDoc, nm, ref item)) { listItems.Add(item); } } } if (listItems.Count > 0) { Data["ItemList"] = listItems; } } catch { Data["Count"] = "0"; } return Data; }
public Dictionary<string, object> GetResults(int iStart) { if (SearchQuery == string.Empty || SearchQuery.Length == 0) return null; Dictionary<string, object> Data = new Dictionary<string, object>(); string strWCSearchURL = WORLDCAT_SEARCHURL.Replace("{term}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(SearchQuery)); strWCSearchURL = strWCSearchURL.Replace("{start}", iStart + ""); strWCSearchURL = strWCSearchURL.Replace("{count}", NumberResultsPerPage + ""); strWCSearchURL = strWCSearchURL.Replace("{key}", WORLDCAT_APIKEY); try { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(strWCSearchURL); XmlNamespaceManager nm = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable); nm.AddNamespace("atom", ""); nm.AddNamespace("opensearch", ""); //Find Total Number List<ItemMasterRow> listItems = new List<ItemMasterRow>(); XmlNode nodeTotalNumber = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//opensearch:totalResults", nm); if (nodeTotalNumber != null) { Data["Count"] = nodeTotalNumber.InnerText; } XmlNodeList resultNodes = _FindResultNodes(xmlDoc, nm); if (resultNodes != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in resultNodes) { ItemMasterRow item = new ItemMasterRow(); XmlDocument newXmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); newXmlDoc.LoadXml(node.OuterXml); nm = new XmlNamespaceManager(newXmlDoc.NameTable); nm.AddNamespace("atom", ""); nm.AddNamespace("opensearch", ""); nm.AddNamespace("oclcterms", ""); if (_ProcessingNode(newXmlDoc, nm, ref item)) { listItems.Add(item); } } } if (listItems.Count > 0) { Data["ItemList"] = listItems; } } catch { Data["Count"] = "0"; } return Data; }
public ItemMasterRow AddItem(ref ItemMasterRow item, string url) { string hash = CitationTools.GetItemHash(item); int index = this.MasterHashList.IndexOf(hash); if (index > -1) return this.MasterRefList[index]; else { this.MasterRefList.Add(item); this.MasterURLList.Add(url); this.MasterHashList.Add(hash); this.UserList[int.Parse(item.UserID)] = new User(int.Parse(item.UserID)); return item; } }
public Dictionary<string, object> GetResults(int iStart) { if (SearchQuery == string.Empty || SearchQuery.Length == 0) return null; Dictionary<string, object> Data = new Dictionary<string, object>(); int iPageNumber = (int)Math.Floor((double)(iStart / int.Parse(CITEULIKE_NUMOFRESULTSPERPAGE))) + 1; string strSearchURL = CITEULIKE_SEARCHURL.Replace("{term}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(SearchQuery)); strSearchURL = strSearchURL.Replace("{page}", iPageNumber + ""); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(strSearchURL); XmlNamespaceManager nm = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable); nm.AddNamespace("rdf", ""); nm.AddNamespace("rss", ""); nm.AddNamespace("rdfs", ""); nm.AddNamespace("prism", ""); nm.AddNamespace("dcterms", ""); nm.AddNamespace("dc", ""); List<ItemMasterRow> listItems = new List<ItemMasterRow>(); XmlNodeList resultNodes = _FindResultNodes(xmlDoc, nm); if (resultNodes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < resultNodes.Count; i++) { XmlNode node = resultNodes[i]; ItemMasterRow item = new ItemMasterRow(); XmlDocument newXmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); newXmlDoc.LoadXml(node.OuterXml); nm = new XmlNamespaceManager(newXmlDoc.NameTable); nm.AddNamespace("rdf", ""); nm.AddNamespace("rss", ""); nm.AddNamespace("rdfs", ""); nm.AddNamespace("prism", ""); nm.AddNamespace("dcterms", ""); nm.AddNamespace("dc", ""); if (_ProcessingNode(newXmlDoc, nm, ref item)) { listItems.Add(item); } } } if (listItems.Count > 0) { Data["ItemList"] = listItems; } return Data; }
public string Format(ItemMasterRow item, bool bInHtmlFormat) { string text = string.Empty; try { if (this.ItemTypeID == item.ItemTypeID) { for (int i = 0; i < this.Template.Count; i++) { object field = Fields.GetType().GetField(this.Template[i]).GetValue(Fields); text += field.GetType().GetMethod("Format").Invoke(field, new object[] { item, bInHtmlFormat }); } } } catch(Exception ex) { this.log.WriteLine(LogType.Error, "CitationFormatter::Format", ex.ToString() + " ItemID: " + item.ItemID + " ItemTitle:" + item.Title); } return text; }
public string Format(ItemMasterRow item, bool bInHtmlFormat) { string text = string.Empty; string itemtypes = item.ItemTypeID.ToString(); if (item.ItemTypeID == Enums.ItemTypes.LectureNote) itemtypes = Enums.ItemTypes.Document.ToString(); else if (item.ItemTypeID == Enums.ItemTypes.Video || item.ItemTypeID == Enums.ItemTypes.Audio) itemtypes = Enums.ItemTypes.WebPage.ToString(); text = ItemTypes[itemtypes].Format(item, bInHtmlFormat); for (int i = 0; i < LineSpacing; i++) { if(bInHtmlFormat) text += CitationTools.GetHtmlFormatString("", TextFormat.LineBreak); else text += CitationTools.GetWordMLFormatString("", TextFormat.Paragraph); } if (bInHtmlFormat) text += CitationTools.GetHtmlFormatString("", TextFormat.LineBreak); return text; }
public ItemMasterRow GetResult(string strBibTexURI) { ItemMasterRow item = new ItemMasterRow(); if (strBibTexURI == string.Empty || strBibTexURI.Length == 0) return null; try { HttpWebRequest req = _PrepareBibTeXRequest(strBibTexURI); HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8); string strResp = sr.ReadToEnd(); resp.Close(); if (!_ProcessBibTexBlock(ref item, strResp)) { return null; } } catch {} return item; }
public string Format(ItemMasterRow item, bool bInHtmlFormat) { string text = CitationTools.FormateDate(item.PubDate, this, bInHtmlFormat); if(item.ItemTypeID == ItemTypes.Patent) { if (text.Length == 0) text = CitationTools.FormateDate(item.IssueDate, this, bInHtmlFormat); if (text.Length == 0) text = CitationTools.FormateDate(item.Date3, this, bInHtmlFormat); } return text; }
public string Format(ItemMasterRow item, bool bInHtmlFormat) { if (Regex.Replace(item.Title, @"\s+", "").Length == 0) return string.Empty; string text = string.Empty; switch(this.Capitalization) { case Capitalization.AsIs: text = item.Title; break; case Capitalization.FirstIsCapital: string[] terms = Regex.Split(item.Title.ToLower(), @"\s+"); string[] stopwords = {"a", "an", "and", "as", "at", "but", "by", "for", "from", "in", "into", "nor", "of", "on", "or", "over", "per", "the", "to", "upon", "vs.", "with", "gi"}; bool bTextBefore = false; for (int i = 0; i < terms.Length; i++) { if(bTextBefore) text += " "; else bTextBefore = true; if (stopwords.Contains(terms[i])) text += terms[i]; else text += terms[i].Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + terms[i].Substring(1); } if(text.Length > 0) text = text.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + text.Substring(1); break; case Capitalization.AllCapital: text = item.Title.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + item.Title.Substring(1).ToLower(); break; } text = Regex.Replace(text, @"^\s+|\.*\s*$", ""); text = CitationTools.ApplyStandardFormat(this, text, bInHtmlFormat); return text; }
public string Format(ItemMasterRow item, bool bInHtmlFormat) { string pages = item.Pages; bool bIsJournal = item.ItemTypeID == ItemTypes.JournalArticle; string text = string.Empty; if (Regex.Replace(item.Pages, @"\s+", "").Length == 0) return text; string[] pageTokens = Regex.Split(pages, @"\s*[" + Convert.ToChar(8211).ToString() + "|" + Convert.ToChar(45).ToString() + @"]\s*"); string startpage = string.Empty; string endpage = string.Empty; if (pageTokens.Length > 0) startpage = Regex.Replace(pageTokens[0], @"^\s+|\s+$", ""); if (pageTokens.Length > 1) { endpage = Regex.Replace(pageTokens[1], @"^\s+|\s+$", ""); if (endpage.Length < startpage.Length) endpage = startpage.Substring(0, startpage.Length - endpage.Length) + endpage; } switch (this.PageFormat) { case PageNumberFormat.AsIs: default: text = pages; break; case PageNumberFormat.FirstPageOnly: text = startpage; break; case PageNumberFormat.LastPageOnly: text = endpage; break; case PageNumberFormat.Full: text = startpage; if (endpage.Length > 0) text += "-" + endpage; break; case PageNumberFormat.AbbrLastPageOneDigit: for (int i = 0; i < startpage.Length && endpage.Length > 0; i++) { if (startpage.Substring(i, 1) == endpage.Substring(0, 1)) endpage = endpage.Substring(1); else break; } text = startpage; if (endpage.Length > 0) text += '-' + endpage; break; case PageNumberFormat.AbbrLastPageTwoDigits: for (int i = 0; i < startpage.Length && endpage.Length > 0; i++) { if (startpage.Substring(i, 1) == endpage.Substring(0, 1) && endpage.Length > 2) endpage = endpage.Substring(1); else break; } text = startpage; if (endpage.Length > 0) text += '-' + endpage; break; case PageNumberFormat.FirstPageOnlyForJournals: text = startpage; if (!bIsJournal) { if (endpage.Length > 0) text += '-' + endpage; } break; } text = CitationTools.ApplyStandardFormat(this, text, bInHtmlFormat); return text; }
public bool SetNotFound(ItemMasterRow item) { string hash = CitationTools.GetItemHash(item); int index = this.MasterHashList.IndexOf(hash); if(index > -1) { this.MasterRefList.RemoveAt(index); this.MasterURLList.RemoveAt(index); this.MasterHashList.RemoveAt(index); foreach (TextCitationItem tci in this.TextCitations) tci.SetNotFound(item); return true; } return false; }
public string Format(ItemMasterRow item, bool bInHtmlFormat) { string link = string.Empty; if (item.ItemTypeID == ItemTypes.WebPage) link = item.Affiliation; else link = item.Links; if (Regex.Replace(link, @"\s+", "").Length == 0) return string.Empty; return CitationTools.ApplyStandardFormat(this, link, bInHtmlFormat); }
public string Format(ItemMasterRow item, bool bInHtmlFormat) { return CitationTools.FormateDate(item.IssueDate, this, bInHtmlFormat); }
private ReferenceCitationItem getRCI() { ReferenceCitationItem rci = new ReferenceCitationItem(); try { rci.DocType = "MSWORD"; TextCitationItem currtci = null; WordHyperLink prevlink = null; int fieldDelCount = 0; List<int> listDeletedFields = new List<int>(); List<int> listNullURL = new List<int>(); int iLinkCount = editor.GetLinkCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= iLinkCount; i++) { try { WordHyperLink link = editor.GetLinkAt(i); if (link == null || link.URL == null) { listNullURL.Add(i); fieldDelCount++; prevlink = null; continue; } else if (Regex.Match(link.URL, @"pifolio\.com", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)//from wizfolio to pifolio { if (Regex.Match(link.URL, @"\?citation\=1&", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { string strRangeText = string.Empty; if (prevlink == null) strRangeText = " "; else if (prevlink != null && prevlink.End != link.Start) strRangeText = editor.GetTextInRange(prevlink.End, link.Start); if (rci.TextCitations.Count == 0 || strRangeText.Length > 0) { currtci = new TextCitationItem(rci); rci.TextCitations.Add(currtci); } Dictionary<string, object> obj = CitationTools.ParseQueryString(link.URL); ItemMasterRow item = new ItemMasterRow(); item.UserID = obj["UserID"] + ""; item.ItemID = int.Parse(obj["ItemID"] + ""); item.AccessCode = obj["AccessCode"] + ""; currtci.AddItem(item, link.URL, i - fieldDelCount, ""); } else if (Regex.Match(link.URL, @"\?style\=1&", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { if (rci.FieldIndex == -1) { rci.URL = link.URL; rci.FieldIndex = i - fieldDelCount; Dictionary<string, object> obj = CitationTools.ParseQueryString(link.URL); rci.StyleInfo = new StyleInformation(int.Parse(obj["UserID"] + ""), obj["StyleName"] + ""); if (rci.StyleInfo.UserID != -1) rci.UserList[rci.StyleInfo.UserID] = new User(rci.StyleInfo.UserID); } else { listDeletedFields.Add(i); fieldDelCount++; } } else { prevlink = null; continue; } prevlink = link; } else { prevlink = null; continue; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.WriteLine(LogType.Error, "DocumentFormatter::getRCI", ex.ToString()); } } fieldDelCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < listNullURL.Count; i++) { editor.RemoveHyperLink(listNullURL[i] - fieldDelCount); fieldDelCount++; } for (int i = 0; i < listDeletedFields.Count; i++) { editor.RemoveCitation(listDeletedFields[i] - fieldDelCount); fieldDelCount++; } } catch(Exception ex) { log.WriteLine(LogType.Error, "DocumentFormatter::getRCI", ex.ToString()); } return rci; }
/// <summary> /// _s the fetch item. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <param name="strPMID">The STR PMID.</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool _ProcessingNode(XmlDocument xmlDoc, ref ItemMasterRow item) { Dictionary<string, string> Data = new Dictionary<string, string>(); item.ItemTypeID = ItemTypes.JournalArticle; XmlNodeList authorsList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//Article/AuthorList/Author"); int count = 0; foreach (XmlNode author in authorsList) { XmlNode lastname = author.SelectSingleNode("LastName"); XmlNode firstname = author.SelectSingleNode("ForeName"); if(lastname != null && firstname != null){ NameMasterRow nmr = new NameMasterRow(); nmr.NameTypeID = NameTypes.Author; nmr.SequenceNo = count; count++; nmr.LastName = lastname.InnerText; nmr.ForeName = firstname.InnerText; item.Authors.Add(nmr); } } XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Article/Abstract/AbstractText"); if(node != null) item.Abstract = node.InnerText; node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Article/Affiliation"); if (node != null) item.Affiliation = node.InnerText; node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//PMID"); if (node != null) item.ID2 = node.InnerText; node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Article/ArticleTitle"); if (node != null) item.Title = node.InnerText; node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Article/Journal/ISSN"); if (node != null) item.ID1 = node.InnerText; node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Article/Journal//Volume"); if (node != null) item.Volume = node.InnerText; node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Article/Journal//Issue"); if (node != null) item.Volume2 = node.InnerText; node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Article/Journal//PubDate/Year"); if (node != null) { item.PubDate = node.InnerText; item.PubYear = node.InnerText; } node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Article/Journal/Title"); if (node != null) item.Title2 = node.InnerText; node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Article/Pagination/MedlinePgn"); if (node != null) item.Pages = node.InnerText; node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//ArticleIdList/ArticleId[@IdType=doi]"); if (node != null) item.DOI = node.InnerText; item.Links += "mainLink|" + PUBMED_LINK.Replace("{pmid}", item.ID2) + "|"; item.Links += "relatedLinks|" + PUBMED_RELATEDLINK.Replace("{pmid}", item.ID2); return true; }
/// <summary> /// _s the processing node. /// </summary> /// <param name="ProcessingNode">The processing node.</param> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool _ProcessingNode(XmlNode ProcessingNode, XmlNamespaceManager nm, ref ItemMasterRow item) { try { item.ItemTypeID = ItemTypes.JournalArticle; XmlNode node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//rss:title", nm); if(node!=null) item.Title = node.InnerText; node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//rss:link", nm); if (node != null) item.Links += "mainLink|" + node.InnerText + "|"; node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//rss:description", nm); if (node != null) { string strContent = node.InnerText; strContent = Regex.Replace(strContent, @"[\n|\t|\r]", ""); strContent = Regex.Replace(strContent, @"<i>.*?</i>", ""); strContent = Regex.Replace(strContent, @"<.*?>", ""); item.Abstract = strContent; } node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//prism:publicationYear", nm); if (node != null) { item.PubDate = node.InnerText; item.PubYear = Regex.Match(item.PubDate, @"\d{4}").Value; } node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//prism:publicationName", nm); if (node != null) item.Title2 = node.InnerText; node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//prism:volume", nm); if (node != null) item.Volume = node.InnerText; node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//prism:number", nm); if (node != null) item.Volume2 = node.InnerText; node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//dc:identifier", nm); if (node != null) { string strContent = node.InnerText; item.DOI = Regex.Replace(strContent, @"^doi:", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } int count = 0; foreach(XmlNode sNode in ProcessingNode.SelectNodes("//dc:creator", nm)) { NameMasterRow nmr = new NameMasterRow(); nmr.NameTypeID = NameTypes.Author; nmr.SequenceNo = count; count++; string strContent = sNode.InnerText; int index = strContent.LastIndexOf(" "); nmr.LastName = strContent.Substring(index); nmr.ForeName = strContent.Substring(0, index); item.Authors.Add(nmr); } node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//prism:publisher", nm); if(node!=null) { NameMasterRow nmr = new NameMasterRow(); nmr.NameTypeID = NameTypes.Publisher; nmr.LastName = node.InnerText; nmr.ForeName = ""; item.Authors.Add(nmr); } return true; } catch { } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the item hash. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetItemHash(ItemMasterRow item) { return item.UserID + "_" + item.ItemID; }
/// <summary> /// Formats the citation screen tip. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string FormatCitationScreenTip(ItemMasterRow item) { string screentip = string.Empty; foreach (NameMasterRow name in item.Authors) { if (name.NameTypeID == NameTypes.Author) { screentip += name.LastName; break; } } if (item.PubYear.Length > 0 || item.PubDate.Length > 0 || item.IssueDate.Length > 0 || item.Date3.Length > 0) { string date = item.PubYear.Length > 0 ? item.PubYear : (item.PubDate.Length > 0 ? item.PubDate : (item.IssueDate.Length > 0 ? item.IssueDate : (item.Date3.Length > 0 ? item.Date3 : ""))); screentip += date.Length > 0 ? ((screentip.Length > 0 ? ", " : "") + date) : ""; } if (screentip.Length > 0) screentip = "(" + screentip + ")"; if (item.Title.Length > 0) screentip = (item.Title.Length > Properties.Settings.Default.DEFAULT_SCREENTIP_TITLE_WORDLIMIT ? (item.Title.Substring(0, Properties.Settings.Default.DEFAULT_SCREENTIP_TITLE_WORDLIMIT) + "...") : item.Title) + "\r\n" + screentip; return screentip; }
public ReferenceCitationItem CreateRCI() { ReferenceCitationItem currrci = new ReferenceCitationItem(); currrci.OldFormatString = this.OldFormatString; currrci.FormatString = this.FormatString; currrci.FieldIndex = this.FieldIndex; currrci.DocType = this.DocType; currrci.URL = this.URL; currrci.StyleInfo = this.StyleInfo; if (Regex.Match(this.URL, @"\?style\=(.*?)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) { Dictionary<string, object> obj = CitationTools.ParseQueryString(this.URL); currrci.StyleInfo = new StyleInformation(int.Parse(obj["UserID"] + ""), obj["StyleName"]+""); if(currrci.StyleInfo.UserID != -1) currrci.UserList[currrci.StyleInfo.UserID] = new User(currrci.StyleInfo.UserID); } List<TextCitationItem> newtci = this.TextCitations; TextCitationItem currtci; for (int i = 0; i < newtci.Count; i++) { currtci = currrci.AddBlock(); currtci.FormatString = newtci[i].FormatString; currtci.FieldIndexes = newtci[i].FieldIndexes; if(newtci[i].StartIndex != -1) { currtci.StartIndex = newtci[i].StartIndex; } for(int j=0; j<newtci[i].URLList.Count; j++) { Dictionary<string, object> obj = CitationTools.ParseQueryString(newtci[i].URLList[j]); ItemMasterRow item = new ItemMasterRow(); item.UserID = obj["UserID"] + ""; item.ItemID = int.Parse(obj["ItemID"] + ""); item.AccessCode = obj["AccessCode"] + ""; currtci.AddItem(item, newtci[i].URLList[j], newtci[i].FieldIndexes[j], newtci[i].FormatString[j]); } } return currrci; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the total. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Dictionary<string, object> GetResults(int iStart) { if (SearchQuery == string.Empty || SearchQuery.Length == 0) return null; Dictionary<string, object> Data = new Dictionary<string, object>(); Int64 iTotal = 0; string strPubMedSearchURL = PUBMED_SEARCHURL.Replace("{term}", SearchQuery); strPubMedSearchURL = strPubMedSearchURL.Replace("{start}", iStart + ""); strPubMedSearchURL = strPubMedSearchURL.Replace("{max}", Properties.Settings.Default.NUM_OF_SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE + ""); try { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(strPubMedSearchURL); XmlNodeList resultNodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/eSearchResult/Count"); if (resultNodeList.Count > 0) { iTotal = Int64.Parse(resultNodeList[0].InnerText); } Data["Count"] = iTotal; List<string> listPMID = new List<string>(); if (iTotal > 0) { XmlNodeList pubmedIDList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/eSearchResult/IdList/Id"); if (pubmedIDList.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlNode node in pubmedIDList) listPMID.Add(node.InnerText); } } JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string pmids = String.Join(",", listPMID.ToArray()); strPubMedSearchURL = PUBMED_FETCHURL.Replace("{pmid}", pmids); xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(strPubMedSearchURL); List<ItemMasterRow> listItems = new List<ItemMasterRow>(); XmlNodeList resultNodes = _FindResultNodes(xmlDoc); if (resultNodes != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in resultNodes) { ItemMasterRow item = new ItemMasterRow(); XmlDocument newXmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); newXmlDoc.LoadXml(node.OuterXml); if (_ProcessingNode(newXmlDoc, ref item)) { listItems.Add(item); } } } if (listItems.Count > 0) { Data["ItemList"] = listItems; } } catch { } return Data; }
public override string Format(ItemMasterRow item, bool bInHtmlFormat) { List<NameMasterRow> authors = item.Authors; string text = string.Empty; if (Tools.CitationTools.CountAuthor(authors, NameTypes.Author) > 0) { text = Tools.CitationTools.FormatAuthor(authors, this, NameTypes.Author, bInHtmlFormat); } return text; }
public string Format(ItemMasterRow item, bool bInHtmlFormat) { if (Regex.Replace(item.Volume2, @"\s+", "").Length == 0) return string.Empty; return CitationTools.ApplyStandardFormat(this, item.Volume2, bInHtmlFormat); }
public bool GetItem(ref ItemMasterRow item, int itemID) { foreach (ItemMasterRow curritem in itemList) { if (curritem.ItemID == itemID) { item = curritem; return true; } } return false; }
public string Format(ItemMasterRow item, bool bInHtmlFormat) { string text = string.Empty; text = item.Title2; if(NameFormat == JournalNameFormat.Abbreviation) { if (Regex.Replace(item.JournalAbbr, @"\s+", "").Length > 0) text = item.JournalAbbr; } if (this.RemovePeriod) text.Replace(".", ""); if(IsAPA && text.Length > 0) { string temp = string.Empty; // Capitalization each words string[] terms = Regex.Split(text.ToLower(), @"\s+"); string[] stopwords = { "a", "an", "and", "as", "at", "but", "by", "for", "from", "in", "into", "nor", "of", "on", "or", "over", "per", "the", "to", "upon", "vs.", "with", "gi" }; bool bTextBefore = false; for (int i = 0; i < terms.Length; i++) { if (bTextBefore) temp += " "; else bTextBefore = true; if (stopwords.Contains(terms[i])) temp += terms[i]; else temp += terms[i].Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + terms[i].Substring(1); } if (temp.Length > 0) temp = temp.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + temp.Substring(1); text = temp; } text = CitationTools.ApplyStandardFormat(this, text, bInHtmlFormat); return text; }
private void _ConvertBibTex2WizFolioItemType(ref ItemMasterRow item, string strBibTexItemType) { item.ItemTypeID = mappingBibTex2WizFolio.ContainsKey(strBibTexItemType) ? mappingBibTex2WizFolio[strBibTexItemType] : ItemTypes.JournalArticle; }
public string Format(ItemMasterRow item, bool bInHtmlFormat) { return CitationTools.ApplyStandardFormat(this, item.SequenceNo + "", bInHtmlFormat); }
private bool _ProcessBibTexBlock(ref ItemMasterRow item, string strBibTexBlock) { _InitializeBibTexParser(); Dictionary<string, string> dataBibTex = new Dictionary<string, string>(); try { if (_ParseBibTexBlock(ref dataBibTex, strBibTexBlock)) { item = new ItemMasterRow(); item.ItemTypeID = ItemTypes.JournalArticle; if (dataBibTex.ContainsKey("ItemType")) _ConvertBibTex2WizFolioItemType(ref item, dataBibTex["ItemType"].ToLower()); item.Title = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Title") ? dataBibTex["Title"] : item.Title; item.Title2 = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Title2") ? dataBibTex["Title2"] : item.Title2; item.Affiliation = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Affiliation") ? dataBibTex["Affiliation"] : item.Affiliation; item.Edition = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Edition") ? dataBibTex["Edition"] : item.Edition; item.Volume = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Volume") ? dataBibTex["Volume"] : item.Volume; item.Volume2 = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Volume2") ? dataBibTex["Volume2"] : item.Volume2; item.Abstract = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Abstract") ? dataBibTex["Abstract"] : item.Abstract; item.Notes = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Notes") ? dataBibTex["Notes"] : item.Notes; item.PubPlace = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("PubPlace") ? dataBibTex["PubPlace"] : item.PubPlace; item.PubDate = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("PubDate") ? dataBibTex["PubDate"] : item.PubDate; item.Pages = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Pages") ? dataBibTex["Pages"] : item.Pages; item.ID1 = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("ID1") ? dataBibTex["ID1"] : item.ID1; item.Links = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Links") ? ("Source|" + dataBibTex["Links"] + "|") : item.Links; item.Keywords = dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Keywords") ? dataBibTex["Keywords"] : item.Keywords; if (dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Authors")) { string[] Contributors = dataBibTex["Authors"].Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < Contributors.Length - 1; i = i + 2) { NameMasterRow Contributor = new NameMasterRow(); Contributor.LastName = Contributors[i]; Contributor.ForeName = Contributors[i + 1]; Contributor.SequenceNo = i / 2; item.Authors.Add(Contributor); } } if (item.ItemTypeID == ItemTypes.BookWhole || item.ItemTypeID == ItemTypes.BookChapter) { if (dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Editors")) { string[] editors = dataBibTex["Editors"].Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < editors.Length - 1; i = i + 2) { NameMasterRow editor = new NameMasterRow(); editor.NameTypeID = NameTypes.Editor; editor.LastName = editors[i]; editor.ForeName = editors[i + 1]; editor.SequenceNo = i / 2; item.Authors.Add(editor); } } } if (item.ItemTypeID == ItemTypes.BookWhole || item.ItemTypeID == ItemTypes.BookChapter || item.ItemTypeID == ItemTypes.Proceeding) { if (dataBibTex.ContainsKey("Publisher")) { NameMasterRow publisher = new NameMasterRow(); publisher.NameTypeID = NameTypes.Publisher; publisher.LastName = dataBibTex["Publisher"]; publisher.ForeName = ""; item.Authors.Add(publisher); } } item.Trim(); } } catch { return false; } return true; }
private string prepareFullText(ItemMasterRow item) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int iFilterFields = Properties.Settings.Default.DEFAULT_FILTER_FIELDS; if ((iFilterFields & (int)FilterFields.Title) == (int)FilterFields.Title) sb.Append(item.Title + " "); if ((iFilterFields & (int)FilterFields.Title2) == (int)FilterFields.Title2) sb.Append(item.Title2 + " "); if ((iFilterFields & (int)FilterFields.Authors) == (int)FilterFields.Authors) sb.Append(item.Author + " "); if ((iFilterFields & (int)FilterFields.Abstract) == (int)FilterFields.Abstract) sb.Append(item.Abstract + " "); if ((iFilterFields & (int)FilterFields.Keywords) == (int)FilterFields.Keywords) sb.Append(item.Keywords + " "); if ((iFilterFields & (int)FilterFields.Notes) == (int)FilterFields.Notes) sb.Append(item.Notes + " "); if ((iFilterFields & (int)FilterFields.PubDate) == (int)FilterFields.PubDate) { sb.Append(item.PubDate + " "); if(item.ItemTypeID == ItemTypes.Patent) sb.Append(item.IssueDate + " " + item.Date3 + " "); } if ((iFilterFields & (int)FilterFields.Tags) == (int)FilterFields.Tags) sb.Append(item.Tags + " "); return sb.ToString(); }
private bool _ProcessingNode(XmlNode ProcessingNode, XmlNamespaceManager nm, ref ItemMasterRow item) { try { item.ItemTypeID = ItemTypes.BookWhole; XmlNode node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//atom:title", nm); if (node != null) item.Title = node.InnerText; node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//atom:link", nm); if (node != null) item.Links += "mainLink|" + node.Attributes["href"].Value + "|"; node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//atom:summary", nm); if (node != null) { string strContent = node.InnerText; item.Abstract = strContent; } node = ProcessingNode.SelectSingleNode("//oclcterms:recordIdentifier", nm); if (node != null) { string id = node.InnerText; string strItemDetailsURL = WORLDCAT_ITEMURL.Replace("{identifier}", id); strItemDetailsURL = strItemDetailsURL.Replace("{key}", WORLDCAT_APIKEY); XmlDocument xmlItemDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlItemDoc.Load(strItemDetailsURL); XmlNamespaceManager nmItem = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlItemDoc.NameTable); nmItem.AddNamespace("dc", ""); int count = 0; foreach (XmlNode sNode in xmlItemDoc.SelectNodes("//dc:creator", nmItem)) { string text = sNode.InnerText; string[] split = Regex.Split(text, @"\s*\,\s*"); if(split.Length > 1) { NameMasterRow nmr = new NameMasterRow(); nmr.NameTypeID = NameTypes.Author; nmr.SequenceNo = count; count++; nmr.LastName = Regex.Replace(split[0], @"^\s+|\s+$|\.\s*$", ""); nmr.ForeName = Regex.Replace(split[1], @"^\s+|\s+$|\.\s*$", ""); item.Authors.Add(nmr); } } foreach (XmlNode sNode in xmlItemDoc.SelectNodes("//dc:contributor", nmItem)) { string text = sNode.InnerText; string[] split = Regex.Split(text, @"\s*\,\s*"); if (split.Length > 1) { NameMasterRow nmr = new NameMasterRow(); nmr.NameTypeID = NameTypes.Author; nmr.SequenceNo = count; count++; nmr.LastName = Regex.Replace(split[0], @"^\s+|\s+$|\.\s*$", ""); nmr.ForeName = Regex.Replace(split[1], @"^\s+|\s+$|\.\s*$", ""); item.Authors.Add(nmr); } } foreach (XmlNode sNode in xmlItemDoc.SelectNodes("//dc:publisher", nmItem)) { NameMasterRow nmr = new NameMasterRow(); nmr.NameTypeID = NameTypes.Publisher; nmr.SequenceNo = count; count++; nmr.LastName = Regex.Replace(sNode.InnerText, @"^\s+|\s+$|\.\s*$", ""); item.Authors.Add(nmr); } XmlNode tempNode = xmlItemDoc.SelectSingleNode("//dc:date", nmItem); if(tempNode != null) { if (Regex.Match(tempNode.InnerText, @"\d{4}").Success) { item.PubYear = item.PubDate = Regex.Match(tempNode.InnerText, @"\d{4}").Value; } } tempNode = xmlItemDoc.SelectSingleNode("//dc:format", nmItem); if(tempNode != null) { if (Regex.Match(tempNode.InnerText, @"\d+\sp\.\s").Success) { string temp = Regex.Match(tempNode.InnerText, @"\d+\sp\.\s").Value; item.Pages = Regex.Match(temp, @"\d+").Value; } } //XmlNodeList listKeyNodes = xmlItemDoc.SelectNodes("//dc:subject", nmItem); //foreach (XmlNode sNode in listKeyNodes) //{ // if (sNode.Attributes["xsi:type"].Value.Contains("LCSH")) // item.Keywords += sNode.InnerText + "|"; //} } return true; } catch { } return false; }