public Venue AddCustomVenue(string venueName, IPAddress ipAddress) { if (venues.ContainsKey(venueName)) { throw new Exception("Trying to add custom venue '" + venueName + "', but that name is already in use."); } IPEndPoint ipEp = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 5004); return(AddCustomVenue(new VenueData(venueName, ipEp, 128, VenueType.Custom, null))); }
public Venue AddCustomVenue(string venueName, IPAddress ipAddress) { if (venues.ContainsKey(venueName)) { throw new Exception(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.TryingToAddCustomVenue, venueName)); } IPEndPoint ipEp = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 5004); return(AddCustomVenue(new VenueData(venueName, ipEp, 128, VenueType.Custom, null))); }