public Present Evaluate(Present[] paramList) { StringParameter stringParameter = (StringParameter)paramList[0]; IntParameter intParameter = (IntParameter)paramList[1]; D.Assert(paramList.Length == 2); Present result; try { result = new WPFOpenDocument(stringParameter.value, intParameter.value); } catch (DllNotFoundException ex) { MessageBox.Show("It appears that .Net 3.0 is not installed on this machine. Please install .Net 3.0 and restart the application.", "Missing Dependency"); result = new PresentFailureCode(ex); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex2) { if (ex2.Source == "PresentationCore") { MessageBox.Show("It appears that .Net 3.0 is not installed on this machine. Please install .Net 3.0 and restart the application.", "Missing Dependency"); } result = new PresentFailureCode(ex2); } catch (Exception ex3) { result = new PresentFailureCode(ex3); } return(result); }
public Present Evaluate(Present[] paramList) { StringParameter stringParameter = (StringParameter)paramList[0]; IntParameter intParameter = (IntParameter)paramList[1]; D.Assert(paramList.Length == 2); Present result; try { result = new FoxitOpenDocument(stringParameter.value, intParameter.value); } catch (Exception ex) { result = new PresentFailureCode(ex); } return(result); }
internal Present ImageDetail(System.Drawing.Size assumedDisplaySize) { Monitor.Enter(this); Present result; try { double num = Math.Max((double)this.primarySource.PixelWidth / (double)assumedDisplaySize.Width, (double)this.primarySource.PixelHeight / (double)assumedDisplaySize.Height); num = Math.Max(num, 1.0); int num2 = 1 + (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(num) / Math.Log(2.0)); D.Assert(num2 >= 0); result = new IntParameter(num2); } finally { Monitor.Exit(this); } return(result); }