protected internal NSMessageProcessor(ConnectivitySettings connectivitySettings) { if (connectivitySettings.HttpPoll) { Processor = new HttpSocketMessageProcessor(connectivitySettings, new NSMessagePool()); } else { Processor = new TcpSocketMessageProcessor(connectivitySettings, new NSMessagePool()); } }
/// <summary> /// Copy constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="x"></param> public ConnectivitySettings(ConnectivitySettings x) : this(x.LocalHost, x.LocalPort, x.Host, x.Port, x.ProxyHost, x.Port, x.ProxyUsername, x.ProxyPassword, x.ProxyType, x.WebProxy) { }
private bool useLifespan; // Don't set lifespan until SignedIn #endregion Fields #region Constructors public HttpSocketMessageProcessor(ConnectivitySettings connectivitySettings, MessagePool messagePool) : base(connectivitySettings, messagePool) { gatewayIP = connectivitySettings.Host; host = gatewayIP; pollTimer.Elapsed += pollTimer_Elapsed; pollTimer.AutoReset = true; }
private static void ProcessDCRespInvite(SLPMessage message, NSMessageHandler ns, P2PSession startupSession) { MimeDictionary bodyValues = message.BodyValues; // Check the protocol if (bodyValues.ContainsKey("Bridge") && bodyValues["Bridge"].ToString() == "TCPv1" && bodyValues.ContainsKey("Listening") && bodyValues["Listening"].ToString().ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf("true") >= 0) { Contact remote = ns.ContactList.GetContactWithCreate(message.FromEmailAccount, IMAddressInfoType.WindowsLive); Guid remoteGuid = message.FromEndPoint; DCNonceType dcNonceType; Guid remoteNonce = ParseDCNonce(message.BodyValues, out dcNonceType); bool hashed = (dcNonceType == DCNonceType.Sha1); Guid replyGuid = hashed ? remote.dcPlainKey : remoteNonce; IPEndPoint[] selectedPoint = SelectIPEndPoint(bodyValues, ns); if (selectedPoint != null && selectedPoint.Length > 0) { P2PVersion ver = message.P2PVersion; // We must connect to the remote client ConnectivitySettings settings = new ConnectivitySettings(); settings.EndPoints = selectedPoint; remote.DirectBridge = CreateDirectConnection(remote, remoteGuid, ver, settings, replyGuid, remoteNonce, hashed, ns, startupSession); bool needConnectingEndpointInfo; if (bodyValues.ContainsKey("NeedConnectingEndpointInfo") && bool.TryParse(bodyValues["NeedConnectingEndpointInfo"], out needConnectingEndpointInfo) && needConnectingEndpointInfo == true) { IPEndPoint ipep = ((TCPv1Bridge)remote.DirectBridge).LocalEndPoint; string desc = "stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI"; char[] rev = ipep.ToString().ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(rev); string ipandport = new string(rev); SLPRequestMessage slpResponseMessage = new SLPRequestMessage(message.Source, MSNSLPRequestMethod.ACK); slpResponseMessage.Source = message.Target; slpResponseMessage.Via = message.Via; slpResponseMessage.CSeq = 0; slpResponseMessage.CallId = Guid.Empty; slpResponseMessage.MaxForwards = 0; slpResponseMessage.ContentType = @"application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate"; slpResponseMessage.BodyValues[desc] = ipandport; slpResponseMessage.BodyValues["Nat-Trav-Msg-Type"] = "WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Updated-Connecting-Port"; P2PMessage msg = new P2PMessage(ver); msg.InnerMessage = slpResponseMessage; ns.SDGBridge.Send(null, remote, remoteGuid, msg); } return; } } if (startupSession != null) startupSession.DirectNegotiationFailed(); }
private static TCPv1Bridge ListenForDirectConnection( Contact remote, Guid remoteGuid, NSMessageHandler nsMessageHandler, P2PVersion ver, P2PSession startupSession, IPAddress host, int port, Guid replyGuid, Guid remoteNonce, bool hashed) { ConnectivitySettings cs = new ConnectivitySettings(); if (nsMessageHandler.ConnectivitySettings.LocalHost == string.Empty) { cs.LocalHost = host.ToString(); cs.LocalPort = port; } else { cs.LocalHost = nsMessageHandler.ConnectivitySettings.LocalHost; cs.LocalPort = nsMessageHandler.ConnectivitySettings.LocalPort; } TCPv1Bridge tcpBridge = new TCPv1Bridge(cs, ver, replyGuid, remoteNonce, hashed, startupSession, nsMessageHandler, remote, remoteGuid); tcpBridge.Listen(IPAddress.Parse(cs.LocalHost), cs.LocalPort); Trace.WriteLineIf(Settings.TraceSwitch.TraceInfo, "Listening on " + cs.LocalHost + ":" + cs.LocalPort.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); return tcpBridge; }
private static TCPv1Bridge CreateDirectConnection(Contact remote, Guid remoteGuid, P2PVersion ver, ConnectivitySettings cs, Guid replyGuid, Guid remoteNonce, bool hashed, NSMessageHandler nsMessageHandler, P2PSession startupSession) { string[] points = new string[cs.EndPoints.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { points[i] = cs.EndPoints[i].ToString(); } TCPv1Bridge tcpBridge = new TCPv1Bridge(cs, ver, replyGuid, remoteNonce, hashed, startupSession, nsMessageHandler, remote, remoteGuid); Trace.WriteLineIf(Settings.TraceSwitch.TraceInfo, "Trying to setup direct connection with remote hosts " + string.Join(",", points)); tcpBridge.Connect(); return tcpBridge; }
/// <summary> /// Called when a XFR command has been received. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Indicates that the notification server has send us the location that we must switch to a new notification server. /// <code>XFR 0 [NS] [*] [G] [D] [HopString]</code> /// <code>XFR [Transaction] [NS] [IP:Port] [U] [D] [HopString]</code> /// </remarks> /// <param name="message"></param> protected virtual void OnXFRReceived(NSMessage message) { if ((string)message.CommandValues[0] == "NS") { // switch to a new notification server. That means reconnecting our current message processor. NSMessageProcessor processor = (NSMessageProcessor)MessageProcessor; // set new connectivity settings ConnectivitySettings newSettings = new ConnectivitySettings(processor.ConnectivitySettings); // disconnect first processor.Disconnect(); processor = null; string[] hostAndPort = ((string)message.CommandValues[1]).Split(new char[] { ':' }); bool isGateway = message.CommandValues[2].ToString() == "G"; // Get hop count. Version: 1\r\nXfrCount: 2\r\n if (message.CommandValues.Count >= 5) { string hopString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String((string)message.CommandValues[4])); Match m = Regex.Match(hopString, @"(\d+)").NextMatch(); if (m.Success) { hopCount = Convert.ToInt32(m.Value); } } if (Settings.DisableHttpPolling && isGateway) { newSettings.HttpPoll = false; newSettings.Host = ConnectivitySettings.DefaultHost; newSettings.Port = ConnectivitySettings.DefaultPort; } else { newSettings.HttpPoll = isGateway; newSettings.Host = hostAndPort[0]; newSettings.Port = int.Parse(hostAndPort[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } // Register events and handler, NSMessageProcessor mp = new NSMessageProcessor(newSettings); this.MessageProcessor = mp; mp.Connect(); // then reconnect. The login procedure will now start over again. } }
public TcpSocketMessageProcessor(ConnectivitySettings connectivitySettings, MessagePool messagePool) : base(connectivitySettings, messagePool) { }
protected SocketMessageProcessor(ConnectivitySettings connectivitySettings, MessagePool messagePool) { ConnectivitySettings = connectivitySettings; MessagePool = messagePool; }