예제 #1
 public static string SerializeHp(HourProcessor hp)
     using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) {
         new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(stream, hp);
예제 #2
 public void Add(HourProcessor e)
     this.hp["nsu_proper_day_normal"]      += e.hp["nsu_proper_day_normal"];
     this.hp["nsu_proper_day_special"]     += e.hp["nsu_proper_day_special"];
     this.hp["nsu_proper_day_regular"]     += e.hp["nsu_proper_day_regular"];
     this.hp["nsu_proper_night_normal"]    += e.hp["nsu_proper_night_normal"];
     this.hp["nsu_proper_night_special"]   += e.hp["nsu_proper_night_special"];
     this.hp["nsu_proper_night_regular"]   += e.hp["nsu_proper_night_regular"];
     this.hp["nsu_overtime_day_normal"]    += e.hp["nsu_overtime_day_normal"];
     this.hp["nsu_overtime_day_special"]   += e.hp["nsu_overtime_day_special"];
     this.hp["nsu_overtime_day_regular"]   += e.hp["nsu_overtime_day_regular"];
     this.hp["nsu_overtime_night_normal"]  += e.hp["nsu_overtime_night_normal"];
     this.hp["nsu_overtime_night_special"] += e.hp["nsu_overtime_night_special"];
     this.hp["nsu_overtime_night_regular"] += e.hp["nsu_overtime_night_regular"];
     this.hp["sun_proper_day_normal"]      += e.hp["sun_proper_day_normal"];
     this.hp["sun_proper_day_special"]     += e.hp["sun_proper_day_special"];
     this.hp["sun_proper_day_regular"]     += e.hp["sun_proper_day_regular"];
     this.hp["sun_proper_night_normal"]    += e.hp["sun_proper_night_normal"];
     this.hp["sun_proper_night_special"]   += e.hp["sun_proper_night_special"];
     this.hp["sun_proper_night_regular"]   += e.hp["sun_proper_night_regular"];
     this.hp["sun_overtime_day_normal"]    += e.hp["sun_overtime_day_normal"];
     this.hp["sun_overtime_day_special"]   += e.hp["sun_overtime_day_special"];
     this.hp["sun_overtime_day_regular"]   += e.hp["sun_overtime_day_regular"];
     this.hp["sun_overtime_night_normal"]  += e.hp["sun_overtime_night_normal"];
     this.hp["sun_overtime_night_special"] += e.hp["sun_overtime_night_special"];
     this.hp["sun_overtime_night_regular"] += e.hp["sun_overtime_night_regular"];
예제 #3
        public static string AddDutyDetail(int aid, String TI_hr, String TI_min, String TI_ampm, String TO_hr, String TO_min, String TO_ampm, Days days, DateTime DateEffective, DateTime DateDismissed)
            bool isOverlap = HasOverlap(aid, ($@"{TI_hr}:{TI_min}"), ($@"{TO_hr}:{TO_min}"), days, DateEffective, DateDismissed);

            if (isOverlap)
            DateTime      ti       = DateTime.Parse($"3/1/0001 {TI_hr}:{TI_min} {TI_ampm}");
            DateTime      to       = DateTime.Parse($"3/1/0001 {TO_hr}:{TO_min} {TO_ampm}");
            HourProcessor hp       = new HourProcessor(ti, to, ti, to);
            DateTime      to_props = ti.AddHours(8);
            TimeSpan      e        = hp.GetTotalTS();
            String        q        = $@"
                        INSERT INTO `msadb`.`dutydetails` 
                        `TI_hh`, `TI_mm`, `TI_period`, 
                        `TO_hh`, `TO_mm`, `TO_period`,
                        `Mon`, `Tue`, `Wed`, `Thu`, `Fri`, `Sat`, `Sun`, 
                        `DStatus`, `minutediff`,`to_actual_hh`,`to_actual_mm`,`to_actual_period`, `date_effective`, `date_dismissal`) 
                        '{Enumeration.DutyDetailStatus.Pending}', {(int)e.TotalMinutes},
                        '{TO_hr}','{TO_min}','{TO_ampm}', '{DateEffective:yyyy-MM-dd}', '{DateDismissed:yyyy-MM-dd}');

            //if (e.TotalHours > 8) { return "="; } else if (e.TotalHours < 8) { return "="; }
예제 #4
        public Hours GetAttendanceSummary()
            String    q = $@"
                       select atid, dutydetails.did, DATE_FORMAT(date, '%Y-%m-%d') as Date, SUBSTRING(DAYNAME(DATE_FORMAT(date, '%Y-%m-%d')) FROM 1 FOR 3)  as day, 
							concat (ti_hh,':',ti_mm,' ',ti_period, ' - ',to_actual_hh,':',to_actual_mm,' ',to_actual_period) as Schedule,
                            ' ' as normal_day, ' ' as normal_night, ' ' as holiday_day, ' ' as holiday_night, ' ' as total, CONCAT(`year`, '-',period.month,'-', (DATE_FORMAT(date, '%d')), '  ') as Datex,
                            CONCAT(to_hh,':',to_mm,' ',to_period) as asto,
                            CONCAT(ti_hh,':',ti_mm,' ',ti_period) as asti
                            from attendance
                            left join dutydetails 
                            on dutydetails.did=attendance.did
                            left join period 
                            on period.pid=attendance.pid
                            where period = '{period.period}'
                            and month = '{period.month}'
                            and year = '{period.year}'
                            and period.gid = {this.GID}
                            and aid = {AID}
                            order by date asc
            DataTable d = SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(q);

            foreach (DataRow f in d.Rows)
                var           sti   = f["Datex"].ToString() + f["TimeIn"].ToString();
                var           sto   = f["Datex"].ToString() + f["TimeOut"].ToString();
                var           sti_c = f["Datex"].ToString() + f["asti"].ToString();
                var           sto_c = f["Datex"].ToString() + f["asto"].ToString();
                DateTime      ti    = DateTime.Parse(sti);
                DateTime      to    = DateTime.Parse(sto);
                HourProcessor proc  = new HourProcessor(ti, to, DateTime.Parse(sti_c), DateTime.Parse(sto_c));
                f["normal_day"]    = proc.GetNormalDay();
                f["normal_night"]  = proc.GetNormalNight();
                f["holiday_day"]   = proc.GetHolidayDay();
                f["holiday_night"] = proc.GetHolidayNight();
                f["total"]         = proc.GetTotal();
            Hours h = new Hours();

            attendance_cached = d;
            TimeSpan holiday_day, holiday_night, normal_day, normal_night, total;

            holiday_day = holiday_night = normal_day = normal_night = total = new TimeSpan();

            foreach (HourProcessor x in hourlist)
                TotalHours      += x;
                h.holiday_day   += x.GetHolidayDayTS();
                h.holiday_night += x.GetHolidayNightTS();
                h.normal_day    += x.GetNormalDayTS();
                h.normal_night  += x.GetNormalNightTS();;
                h.total         += x.GetTotalTS();
                int pc = 1 + 1;
예제 #5
        public DataTable GetAttendance_View(int month, int period, int year)
            String    q = $@"
                            select atid, dutydetails.did, 
							    CONCAT((DATE_FORMAT(date, '%d')), ' / ' ,
							    (CONCAT (ti_hh,':',ti_mm,' ',SUBSTRING(ti_period,1,1), '-',to_actual_hh,':',to_actual_mm,SUBSTRING(to_actual_period,1,1)))) as Schedule,
                                concat( SUBSTRING(timein,1,7), '-' ,SUBSTRING(timeout,1,7)) as ti_to,
                                ' ' as normal_day, ' ' as normal_night, ' ' as holiday_day, ' ' as holiday_night, ' ' as total, timein, timeout, CONCAT(`year`, '-',period.month,'-', (DATE_FORMAT(date, '%d')), ' ') as Date
                                from attendance
                                left join dutydetails 
                                on dutydetails.did=attendance.did
                                left join period 
                                on period.pid=attendance.pid
                            where period = '{period}'
                            and month = '{month}'
                            and year = '{year}'    
                            and gid = '{GID}'
                            and aid='{AID}'
                            order by date asc
            DataTable d = SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(q);

            foreach (DataRow f in d.Rows)
                DateTime      ti   = DateTime.Parse(f["Date"].ToString() + f["TimeIn"].ToString());
                DateTime      to   = DateTime.Parse(f["Date"].ToString() + f["TimeOut"].ToString());
                HourProcessor proc = new HourProcessor(ti, to, ti, to);
                f["normal_day"]    = proc.GetNormalDay();
                f["normal_night"]  = proc.GetNormalNight();
                f["holiday_day"]   = proc.GetHolidayDay();
                f["holiday_night"] = proc.GetHolidayNight();
                f["total"]         = proc.GetTotal();
            Hours h = new Hours();

            attendance_cached = d;
            TimeSpan holiday_day, holiday_night, normal_day, normal_night, total;

            holiday_day = holiday_night = normal_day = normal_night = total = new TimeSpan();
            foreach (HourProcessor x in hourlist)
                h.holiday_day   += x.GetHolidayDayTS();
                h.holiday_night += x.GetHolidayNightTS();
                h.normal_day    += x.GetNormalDayTS();
                h.normal_night  += x.GetNormalNightTS();;
                h.total         += x.GetTotalTS();
예제 #6
        public static HourProcessor operator +(HourProcessor c1, HourProcessor c2)
            HourProcessor f = new HourProcessor();

            string[] keys = f.hp.Keys.ToArray();
            foreach (string key in keys)
                f.hp[key] = c1.hp[key] + c2.hp[key];
            f.total      = c1.total + c2.total;
            f.totalday   = c1.totalday + c2.totalday;
            f.totalnight = c1.totalnight + c2.totalnight;
예제 #7
        public static string UpdateDutyDetail(int did, String TI_hr, String TI_min, String TI_ampm, String TO_hr, String TO_min, String TO_ampm, Days days)
            string    wq = $@"SELECT * FROM msadb.dutydetails where did = '{did}';";
            DataTable dt = SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(wq);
            int       aid;

            if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
                aid = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["aid"].ToString());
                MessageBox.Show("No duty details found.");

            DateTime deff      = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["date_effective"].ToString());
            DateTime dend      = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["date_dismissal"].ToString());
            bool     isOverlap = HasOverlap(aid, did, ($@"{TI_hr}:{TI_min}"), ($@"{TO_hr}:{TO_min}"), days, deff, dend);

            if (isOverlap)
            DateTime      ti       = DateTime.Parse($"3/1/0001 {TI_hr}:{TI_min} {TI_ampm}");
            DateTime      to       = DateTime.Parse($"3/1/0001 {TO_hr}:{TO_min} {TO_ampm}");
            DateTime      to_props = ti.AddHours(8);
            HourProcessor hp       = new HourProcessor(ti, to, ti, to);
            TimeSpan      e        = hp.GetTotalTS();

            //if (e.TotalHours > 8) { return ">"; } else if (e.TotalHours < 8) { return "<"; }
            String q = $@"
                        UPDATE `msadb`.`dutydetails` SET 
                        `TI_hh`='{TI_hr}', `TI_mm`='{TI_min}', `TI_period`='{TI_ampm}', 
                        `TO_actual_hh`='{TO_hr}', `TO_actual_mm`='{TO_min}', `TO_actual_period`='{TO_ampm}',
                        `TO_hh`='{to_props:hh}', `TO_mm`='{to_props:mm}', `TO_period`='{to_props:tt}',
                        `Mon`='{ToInt32(days.Mon)}', `Tue`='{ToInt32(days.Tue)}', 
                        `Wed`='{ ToInt32(days.Wed)}', `Thu`='{ToInt32(days.Thu)}', 
                        `Fri`='{ToInt32(days.Fri)}', `Sat`='{ToInt32(days.Sat)}', 
                        `Sun`='{ToInt32(days.Sun)}', `minutediff`={(int)(e.TotalMinutes)}
                        WHERE `DID`='{did}';

예제 #8
        public static string[] GetAttendanceTooltip(int aid, int period, int month, int year)
            string hpblob =
                    $@"SELECT hp FROM msadbarchive.period where gid={aid} and period={period} and month = {
                        } and year={year};");
            HourProcessor h = (HourProcessor)Payroll._DeserializeObject(hpblob);

            string[] a = new string[24];
            string[] b =
                #region +Keys

            for (int c = 0; c < b.Length; c++)
                TimeSpan ts = h.hp[b[c]];
                a[c] = (b[c][4] == 'p' ? "Regular" : "Overtime") + ": " + (((int)(ts.TotalHours)).ToString("00") + ":" + ((int)ts.Minutes).ToString("00")).ToString() + " hrs.";
예제 #9
        public string[] GetAttendanceTooltip()
            HourProcessor h = TotalHours;

            string[] a = new string [24];
            string[] b =
                #region +Keys

            for (int c = 0; c < b.Length; c++)
                TimeSpan ts = h.hp[b[c]];
                a[c] = (b[c][4] == 'p'?"Regular":"Overtime") + ": " + (((int)(ts.TotalHours)).ToString("00") + ":" + ((int)ts.Minutes).ToString("00")).ToString() + " hrs.";
예제 #10
        public static void ComputeArchivedHours(int GuardId)
            string    q          = $@"
                            select msadbarchive.period.pid, msadbarchive.attendance.atid, msadbarchive.dutydetails.did, DATE_FORMAT(msadbarchive.attendance.date, '%Y-%m-%d') as Date, SUBSTRING(DAYNAME(DATE_FORMAT(msadbarchive.attendance.date, '%Y-%m-%d')) FROM 1 FOR 3)  as day, 
							concat (msadbarchive.dutydetails.ti_hh,':',msadbarchive.dutydetails.ti_mm,' ',msadbarchive.dutydetails.ti_period, ' - ',msadbarchive.dutydetails.to_hh,':',msadbarchive.dutydetails.to_mm,' ',msadbarchive.dutydetails.to_period) as Schedule,
                            from msadbarchive.attendance
                            left join msadbarchive.dutydetails 
                            on msadbarchive.dutydetails.did=msadbarchive.attendance.did
                            left join msadbarchive.period 
                            on msadbarchive.period.pid=msadbarchive.attendance.pid
                            where msadbarchive.period.gid = '{GuardId}'
                            order by date asc;";
            DataTable dt         = SQLTools.ExecuteQuery(q);
            var       hourlist   = new List <HourProcessor>();
            bool      firstiter  = true;
            int       CurrentPid = 0;
            DataRow   LastDataRow;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                int ThisPid = int.Parse(dr["PID"].ToString());
                if (firstiter)
                    CurrentPid = int.Parse(dr["PID"].ToString());
                    firstiter  = false;
                if (CurrentPid != ThisPid)
                    Hours    h = new Hours();
                    TimeSpan holiday_day, holiday_night, normal_day, normal_night, total;
                    holiday_day = holiday_night = normal_day = normal_night = total = new TimeSpan();
                    foreach (HourProcessor x in hourlist)
                        h.holiday_day   += x.GetHolidayDayTS();
                        h.holiday_night += x.GetHolidayNightTS();
                        h.normal_day    += x.GetNormalDayTS();
                        h.normal_night  += x.GetNormalNightTS();;
                        h.total         += x.GetTotalTS();
                            UPDATE `msadbarchive`.`period` SET 
                            `total` = '{h.GetTotal()}'
                            WHERE `PID`='{CurrentPid}';
                    CurrentPid = ThisPid;

                DateTime      ti   = Attendance.GetDateTime_(dr["TimeIn"].ToString());
                DateTime      to   = Attendance.GetDateTime_(dr["TimeOut"].ToString());
                HourProcessor proc = new HourProcessor(ti, to, ti, to);
                    UPDATE `msadbarchive`.`attendance` SET 
                    WHERE `AtID`='{dr["atid"]}';
                LastDataRow = dr;

            // The General Attendance sumamry starts here.
            // i shoulve put more comments damn,
            // kani ang totalsummary, gi convert to hourprocessor for dat breakdonw,
            HourProcessor cumhours = new HourProcessor();
            Hours         lh       = new Hours();

            foreach (HourProcessor x in hourlist)
                lh.holiday_day   += x.GetHolidayDayTS();
                lh.holiday_night += x.GetHolidayNightTS();
                lh.normal_day    += x.GetNormalDayTS();
                lh.normal_night  += x.GetNormalNightTS();;
                lh.total         += x.GetTotalTS();
                cumhours         += x;
                            UPDATE `msadbarchive`.`period` SET 
                            `total` = '{lh.GetTotal()}'
                            WHERE `PID`='{CurrentPid}';