public ColorString ToColorString() { // return DbgProvider.FormatAddress( BaseAddress, // Debugger.TargetIs32Bit, // true ) // .Append( " " ) // .Append( DbgProvider.FormatAddress( BaseAddress + Size, // Debugger.TargetIs32Bit, // true ) ) // .Append( " " ) // .AppendPushPopFgBg( ConsoleColor.Black, // ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, // Name ) // .Append( Name.Length < 20 ? new String( ' ', 20 - Name.Length ) : String.Empty ) // .Append( SymbolStatus ); return(DbgProvider.ColorizeModuleName(Name) .Append(" ") .Append(DbgProvider.FormatAddress(BaseAddress, Debugger.TargetIs32Bit, true)) .Append(" ") .Append(DbgProvider.FormatAddress(BaseAddress + Size, Debugger.TargetIs32Bit, true))); } // end ToColorString()
} // end _FormatBlocks() private ColorString _FormatCharsOnly(uint numColumns, uint bytesPerChar, Func <char, char> toDisplay) { if (0 == numColumns) { numColumns = 32; // documentation says it should be 48, but windbg seems to do 32 instead. } ColorString cs = new ColorString(); StringBuilder sbChars = new StringBuilder((int)numColumns + 8); ulong addr = StartAddress; for (int idx = 0; idx < Count; idx++) { if (0 == (idx % numColumns)) { // This is the beginning of a new line. // First finish off the last line if necessary: if (sbChars.Length > 1) { sbChars.Append('"'); cs.AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.Cyan, sbChars.ToString()); } sbChars.Clear(); sbChars.Append('"'); if (0 != idx) { cs.AppendLine(); } cs.Append(DbgProvider.FormatAddress(addr, m_is32Bit, true, true)).Append(" "); addr += (ulong)numColumns * bytesPerChar; } // end start of new line // Widen to ulong to accommodate largest possible item. ulong val = (ulong)this[idx]; if (0 == val) { break; } sbChars.Append(toDisplay((char)val)); } // end for( idx = 0 .. length ) // Finish off last line. if (sbChars.Length > 1) { sbChars.Append('"'); cs.AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.Cyan, sbChars.ToString()); } return(cs.MakeReadOnly()); } // end _FormatCharsOnly()
} // end _FormatCharsOnly() private ColorString _FormatBits() { ColorString cs = new ColorString(); uint bytesPerValue = sizeof(uint); uint bitsPerValue = bytesPerValue * 8; ulong addr = StartAddress; for (int idx = 0; idx < Count; idx++) { if (0 != idx) { cs.AppendLine(); } cs.Append(DbgProvider.FormatAddress(addr, m_is32Bit, true, true)).Append(" "); addr += (ulong)bytesPerValue; uint val = this[idx]; for (int i = 0; i < bitsPerValue; i++) { if (i % 8 == 0) { cs.Append(" "); } uint mask = 0x80000000 >> i; if ((mask & val) == mask) { cs.AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.Green, "1"); } else { cs.AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, "0"); } } cs.Append(" " + val.ToString("x").PadLeft(8, '0')); } // end for( idx = 0 .. length ) return(cs.MakeReadOnly()); } // end _FormatBits()
} // end _ZeroPad() private ColorString _FormatBlocks(int elemSize, int charsPerBlock, uint numColumns, AddtlInfo addtlInfo) { if (0 == numColumns) { numColumns = (uint)(16 / elemSize); } if (addtlInfo.HasFlag(AddtlInfo.Symbols)) { numColumns = 1; } int desiredLen = elemSize * 2; ColorString cs = new ColorString(); StringBuilder sbChars = new StringBuilder(20); ulong addr = StartAddress; cs.AppendPushFg(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); for (int idx = 0; idx < Count; idx++) { if (0 == (idx % numColumns)) { // This is the beginning of a new line. // First finish off the last line if necessary: if (addtlInfo.HasFlag(AddtlInfo.Ascii)) { if (sbChars.Length > 2) { cs.AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.Cyan, sbChars.ToString()); } sbChars.Clear(); sbChars.Append(" "); } if (0 != idx) { cs.AppendLine(); } cs.Append(DbgProvider.FormatAddress(addr, m_is32Bit, true, true)).Append(" "); addr += (ulong)(numColumns * elemSize); } // end start of new line else { cs.Append(" "); } // Widen to ulong to accommodate largest possible item. ulong val = (ulong)this[idx]; // This highlights the non-zero portion in [bright] green. cs.Append(_ZeroPad(val, desiredLen)); if (addtlInfo.HasFlag(AddtlInfo.Symbols)) { ColorString csSym = ColorString.Empty; if (val > 4096) // don't even bother trying if it's too low. { csSym = m_lookupSymbol(val); if (csSym.Length > 0) { cs.Append(" ").Append(csSym); } } if (addtlInfo.HasFlag(AddtlInfo.Ascii)) { if (0 == csSym.Length) { cs.Append(" "); _AppendChars(sbChars, idx * elemSize, elemSize); } } } // end if( symbols ) else if (addtlInfo.HasFlag(AddtlInfo.Ascii)) { _AppendChars(sbChars, idx * elemSize, elemSize); } // end else if( Ascii ) } // end for( idx = 0 .. length ) // Finish off last line. if (sbChars.Length > 2) { // It could be a partial line, so we may need to adjust for that. int numMissing = (int)numColumns - ((sbChars.Length - 2) / elemSize); Util.Assert(numMissing >= 0); if (numMissing > 0) { cs.Append(new String(' ', numMissing * charsPerBlock)); } cs.AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.Cyan, sbChars.ToString()); } cs.AppendPop(); // pop DarkGreen return(cs.MakeReadOnly()); } // end _FormatBlocks()
public ColorString ToColorString(ConsoleColor color) => DbgProvider.FormatAddress(Value, Is32Bit, true, true, color);
public ColorString ToColorString() => DbgProvider.FormatAddress(Value, Is32Bit, true, true);
public ColorString ToColorString() { if (DEBUG_EVENT.NONE == EventType) { return(ColorString.Empty); } ColorString csThreadId; if (0xffffffff == ThreadId) { csThreadId = new ColorString(ConsoleColor.Red, "ffffffff"); } else { csThreadId = new ColorString(m_debugger.GetUModeThreadByDebuggerId(ThreadId).Tid.ToString("x")); } ColorString cs = new ColorString(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.White, " Last event:") .Append(" ") .Append(m_debugger.GetProcessSystemId(ProcessId).ToString("x")) .Append(".") .Append(csThreadId) .Append(": "); DbgModuleInfo mod = null; string tmp = null; string[] lines = null; switch (EventType) { case DEBUG_EVENT.NONE: Util.Fail("can't get here"); // we returned ColorString.Empty above break; case DEBUG_EVENT.BREAKPOINT: cs.Append(Description); break; case DEBUG_EVENT.EXCEPTION: tmp = ExceptionEventArgs._CreateMessage(m_debugger, ExtraInformation.Exception.ExceptionRecord, ExtraInformation.Exception.FirstChance != 0, 0, null, false).ToString(DbgProvider.HostSupportsColor); lines = tmp.Split(sm_newline, StringSplitOptions.None); cs.AppendLine(lines[0]); for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++) { cs.AppendPushPopFgBg(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.White, " ") .Append(" ") .Append(lines[i]); if (i != lines.Length - 1) { cs.AppendLine(); } } break; case DEBUG_EVENT.CREATE_THREAD: cs.Append(Description); break; case DEBUG_EVENT.EXIT_THREAD: cs.Append(Description); break; case DEBUG_EVENT.CREATE_PROCESS: cs.Append(Description); break; case DEBUG_EVENT.EXIT_PROCESS: cs.Append(Description); break; case DEBUG_EVENT.LOAD_MODULE: // // Last event: 9c84.3984: Load module C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll at 00007ffb`b0cd0000 // debugger time: Mon Oct 20 19:30:56.164 2014 (UTC - 7:00) mod = m_debugger.GetModuleByAddress(ExtraInformation.LoadModule.Base); cs.Append("Loaded module ") .AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.White, mod.ImageName) .Append(" at ") .Append(DbgProvider.FormatAddress(ExtraInformation.LoadModule.Base, m_debugger.TargetIs32Bit, true)); break; case DEBUG_EVENT.UNLOAD_MODULE: // TODO: test this! mod = m_debugger.GetModuleByAddress(ExtraInformation.UnloadModule.Base); cs.AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.DarkRed, "Unloaded module ") .AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.White, mod.ImageName) .Append(" at ") .Append(DbgProvider.FormatAddress(ExtraInformation.UnloadModule.Base, m_debugger.TargetIs32Bit, true)); break; case DEBUG_EVENT.SYSTEM_ERROR: // TODO: test this! cs.AppendPushPopFgBg(ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Red, "System error:") .Append(" ") .AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.Red, Util.FormatErrorCode(ExtraInformation.SystemError.Error)) .Append(".") .AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.Red, Util.FormatErrorCode(ExtraInformation.SystemError.Level)); // TODO: This is a hack. var w32e = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception((int)ExtraInformation.SystemError.Error); cs.AppendLine(); cs.AppendPushPopFg(ConsoleColor.Red, w32e.Message).Append("."); break; case DEBUG_EVENT.SESSION_STATUS: // DbgEng doesn't save these as "last events". Util.Fail(Util.Sprintf("Unexpected last event type: {0}", EventType)); break; case DEBUG_EVENT.CHANGE_DEBUGGEE_STATE: // DbgEng doesn't save these as "last events". Util.Fail(Util.Sprintf("Unexpected last event type: {0}", EventType)); break; case DEBUG_EVENT.CHANGE_ENGINE_STATE: // DbgEng doesn't save these as "last events". Util.Fail(Util.Sprintf("Unexpected last event type: {0}", EventType)); break; case DEBUG_EVENT.CHANGE_SYMBOL_STATE: // DbgEng doesn't save these as "last events". Util.Fail(Util.Sprintf("Unexpected last event type: {0}", EventType)); break; default: Util.Fail(Util.Sprintf("Unexpected event type: {0}", EventType)); throw new Exception(Util.Sprintf("Unexpected event type: {0}", EventType)); } // end switch( event type ) cs.AppendLine() .AppendPushPopFgBg(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.White, " Debugger time:") .Append(" ") .Append(DbgProvider.FormatTimestamp(_GetDbgEngLastEventTimestamp(), true)); return(cs); } // end ToColorString()
} // end property Displacement public override string ToString() { if (null == Function) { // Let's see if dbgeng can do any better. try { Util.Fail("We don't have a Function."); ulong displacement; string fullname = GetNameByInlineContext(InstructionPointer, NativeFrameEx.InlineFrameContext, out displacement); string modName, funcName; ulong dontCare; DbgProvider.ParseSymbolName(fullname, out modName, out funcName, out dontCare); if (displacement == 0) { return(fullname); } else { return(Util.Sprintf("{0}+0x{1:x}", fullname, displacement)); } } catch (DbgProviderException dpe) { LogManager.Trace("Still couldn't get symbolic name: {0}", Util.GetExceptionMessages(dpe)); } } // end if( !Function ) try { string disp = String.Empty; if (Displacement != 0) { disp = "+0x" + Displacement.ToString("x"); } if (null != ManagedFrame) { // TODO: Ideally we wouldn't deal with this at this layer; we would // synthesize a DbgModuleInfo instead. But for now this is a handy // workaround. // // It seems like dbgeng likes to replace dots in module names with // underbars... why? I guess I should do the same? return(ManagedFrame.ModuleName.Replace('.', '_') + "!" + ManagedFrame.Method.GetFullSignature() + disp); } return(SymbolName + disp); } catch (DbgProviderException dpe) { LogManager.Trace("Could not get symbol name: {0}", Util.GetExceptionMessages(dpe)); } return(DbgProvider.FormatAddress(InstructionPointer, Debugger.TargetIs32Bit, useTick: true)); } // end ToString()
public DbgMemoryAccessException(ulong address, bool is32bit) : this(address, Util.Sprintf("Could not access memory: {0}", DbgProvider.FormatAddress(address, is32bit, true))) { }