public void Prepare(PipelineResources.CameraRenderingPath renderingPath) { RequireEventAttribute requireEvt = GetType().GetCustomAttribute <RequireEventAttribute>(true); this.renderingPath = renderingPath; if (requireEvt != null) { if (dependingEvents == null) { dependingEvents = new List <PipelineEvent>(; } foreach (var t in { PipelineEvent targetevt = RenderPipeline.GetEvent(renderingPath, t); if (targetevt != null) { if (targetevt.dependedEvents == null) { targetevt.dependedEvents = new List <PipelineEvent>(); } targetevt.dependedEvents.Add(this); dependingEvents.Add(targetevt); } } } }
protected override void Init(PipelineResources resources) { proper = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <PropertySetEvent>(); probeBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(maximumProbe, sizeof(ReflectionData)); lightingEvents = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <LightingEvent>(); reflectionIndices = new ComputeBuffer(CBDRSharedData.XRES * CBDRSharedData.YRES * CBDRSharedData.ZRES * (maximumProbe + 1), sizeof(int)); string old = "_ReflectionCubeMap"; string newStr = new string(' ', old.Length + 1); reflectionCubemapIDs = new NativeList <int>(maximumProbe, maximumProbe, Allocator.Persistent); fixed(char *ctr = old) { fixed(char *newCtr = newStr) { for (int i = 0; i < old.Length; ++i) { newCtr[i] = ctr[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < reflectionCubemapIDs.Length; ++i) { newCtr[old.Length] = (char)(i + 48); reflectionCubemapIDs[i] = Shader.PropertyToID(newStr); } } } reflectionMat = new Material(resources.shaders.reflectionShader); ssrEvents.Init(resources); }
/* * private static int SSR_ProjectionMatrix_ID = Shader.PropertyToID("_SSR_ProjectionMatrix"); * private static int SSR_InverseProjectionMatrix_ID = Shader.PropertyToID("_SSR_InverseProjectionMatrix"); * private static int SSR_WorldToCameraMatrix_ID = Shader.PropertyToID("_SSR_WorldToCameraMatrix"); * private static int SSR_CameraToWorldMatrix_ID = Shader.PropertyToID("_SSR_CameraToWorldMatrix"); * private static int SSR_ProjectToPixelMatrix_ID = Shader.PropertyToID("_SSR_ProjectToPixelMatrix"); */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void Init(PipelineResources res) { StochasticScreenSpaceReflectionMaterial = new Material(res.shaders.ssrShader); ssrDatas = new ComputeBuffer(1, sizeof(SSRData), ComputeBufferType.Constant); rand = new Random((uint)System.Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); propertySetEvent = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <PropertySetEvent>(); }
private void Awake() { if (singleton) { Debug.LogError("Render Pipeline should be Singleton!"); DestroyImmediate(gameObject); return; } data.buffer = new CommandBuffer(); DontDestroyOnLoad(this); singleton = this; data.arrayCollection = new RenderArray(true); clusterResources = Resources.Load <ClusterMatResources>("MapMat/" + mapResources); int clusterCount = 0; allScenes = new List <SceneStreaming>(clusterResources.clusterProperties.Count); foreach (var i in clusterResources.clusterProperties) { clusterCount += i.clusterCount; allScenes.Add(new SceneStreaming(, i.clusterCount)); } PipelineFunctions.InitBaseBuffer(ref data.baseBuffer, clusterResources, mapResources, clusterCount); allEvents = new List <PipelineEvent>(GetComponentsInChildren <PipelineEvent>()); foreach (var i in allEvents) { i.InitEvent(resources); } SceneStreaming.pointerContainer = new NativeList <ulong>(clusterCount, Allocator.Persistent); SceneStreaming.commandQueue = new LoadingCommandQueue(); }
public RenderPipeline(PipelineResources resources) { resources.SetRenderingPath(); var allEvents = resources.allEvents; GraphicsUtility.UpdatePlatform(); MLight.ClearLightDict(); this.resources = resources; current = this; data.buffer = new CommandBuffer(); data.frustumPlanes = new Vector4[6]; for (int i = 0; i < allEvents.Length; ++i) { PipelineEvent[] events = allEvents[i]; if (events == null) { continue; } foreach (var j in events) { j.Prepare((PipelineResources.CameraRenderingPath)i); } foreach (var j in events) { j.InitEvent(resources); } } }
protected override void Init(PipelineResources resources) { proper = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <PropertySetEvent>(); if (useTBDR) { minMaxBoundMat = new Material(resources.shaders.minMaxDepthBounding); } needCheckedShadows = new NativeList <ShadowAvaliable>(20, Allocator.Persistent); cbdr = new CBDRSharedData(resources); for (int i = 0; i < cascadeShadowMapVP.Length; ++i) { cascadeShadowMapVP[i] = Matrix4x4.identity; } cubeDepthMaterial = new Material(resources.shaders.cubeDepthShader); spotBuffer = new RenderSpotShadowCommand(); spotBuffer.Init(resources.shaders.spotLightDepthShader); whiteTex = new Texture2DArray(1, 1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, false); whiteTex.SetPixels(new Color[] { Color.white }, 0); if (iesTextures.Length > 0) { ComputeShader texCopyShader = resources.shaders.texCopyShader; iesAtlas = new RenderTexture(new RenderTextureDescriptor { colorFormat = RenderTextureFormat.R8, dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2DArray, width = 256, height = 1, volumeDepth = iesTextures.Length, enableRandomWrite = true, msaaSamples = 1 }); ((RenderTexture)iesAtlas).Create(); UpdateIESTexture(texCopyShader); } }
protected override void Init(PipelineResources resources) { // debugMat = new Material(debug); downSampleDepthMat = new Material(resources.shaders.depthDownSample); GTAOMaterial = new Material(resources.shaders.gtaoShader); propertySetEvent = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <PropertySetEvent>(); }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { base.Dispose(disposing); if (current != this) { return; } current = null; data.buffer.Dispose(); var allEvents = resources.allEvents; foreach (var i in allEvents) { if (i != null) { foreach (var j in i) { j.DisposeEvent(); } } } foreach (var i in PipelineCamera.allCamera) { PipelineCamera cam = MUnsafeUtility.GetObject <PipelineCamera>(i.ToPointer()); var values = cam.allDatas.Values; foreach (var j in values) { j.DisposeProperty(); } cam.allDatas.Clear(); } }
protected override void OnDisable() { RenderPipeline.ExecuteBufferAtFrameEnding((buffer) => { buffer.DisableShaderKeyword("ENABLE_REFLECTION"); }); }
// public Shader debug; // private Material debugMat; /* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* *//* */ protected override void Init(PipelineResources resources) { // debugMat = new Material(debug); GTAOMaterial = new Material(resources.shaders.gtaoShader); propertySetEvent = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <PropertySetEvent>(); dataBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(1, sizeof(AOData), ComputeBufferType.Constant); proper = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <PropertySetEvent>(); }
public void Init(PipelineResources res) { getDataFunc = (c) => new SSRCameraData(new Vector2Int(,, 2); StochasticScreenSpaceReflectionMaterial = new Material(res.shaders.ssrShader); ssrDatas = new ComputeBuffer(1, sizeof(SSRData), ComputeBufferType.Constant); rand = new Random((uint)System.Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); propertySetEvent = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <PropertySetEvent>(); }
public void Init(PipelineResources res) { cbdrShader = res.shaders.cbdrShader; proper = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <PropertySetEvent>(); lightingEvt = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <LightingEvent>(); decalBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(INITCOUNT, sizeof(DecalStrct)); sortJob.sortedDecalDatas = new NativeList <DecalStrct>(INITCOUNT, Allocator.Persistent); minMaxBoundMat = new Material(res.shaders.minMaxDepthBounding); }
protected override void OnDisable() { RenderPipeline.ExecuteBufferAtFrameEnding((buffer) => { buffer.DisableShaderKeyword("ENABLE_SUN"); buffer.DisableShaderKeyword("SPOTLIGHT"); buffer.DisableShaderKeyword("POINTLIGHT"); }); }
private void Awake() { cam = GetComponent <Camera>(); cam.enabled = false; cam.orthographic = true; cam.aspect = 1; renderingCommand = new NativeList <CameraState>(10, Allocator.Persistent); idfs = new RenderTargetIdentifier[3]; RenderPipeline.AddRunnableObject(GetInstanceID(), this); }
public void DebugTry() { if (!SceneController.gpurpEnabled) { Debug.Log("Cluster Rendering not enabled!"); return; } BakeMap(0); RenderPipeline.ExecuteBufferAtFrameEnding(cbuffer); }
protected override void Init(PipelineResources resources) { cbdr = new CBDRSharedData(resources); volumetricEvent = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <VolumetricLightEvent>(renderingPath); for (int i = 0; i < cascadeShadowMapVP.Length; ++i) { cascadeShadowMapVP[i] = Matrix4x4.identity; } cubeDepthMaterial = new Material(resources.shaders.cubeDepthShader); spotBuffer = new RenderSpotShadowCommand(); spotBuffer.Init(resources.shaders.spotLightDepthShader); }
private void BakeCubemap() { PerspCam persp = new PerspCam(); persp.aspect = 1; persp.farClipPlane = considerRange; persp.nearClipPlane = 0.1f; persp.fov = 90f; NativeList <float4x4> worldToCameras = new NativeList <float4x4>(6, 6, Allocator.TempJob); NativeList <float4x4> projection = new NativeList <float4x4>(6, 6, Allocator.TempJob); GetMatrix(worldToCameras.unsafePtr, ref persp, transform.position); persp.UpdateProjectionMatrix(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { projection[i] = persp.projectionMatrix; } RenderTexture rt = new RenderTexture(new RenderTextureDescriptor { autoGenerateMips = false, bindMS = false, colorFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, depthBufferBits = 16, dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2DArray, enableRandomWrite = false, height = 128, width = 128, volumeDepth = 6, msaaSamples = 1, useMipMap = true }); rt.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear; rt.Create(); RenderTexture tempRT = new RenderTexture(new RenderTextureDescriptor { autoGenerateMips = false, bindMS = false, colorFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, depthBufferBits = 16, dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2D, enableRandomWrite = false, height = 128, width = 128, volumeDepth = 1, msaaSamples = 1 }); cbuffer.Clear(); cbuffer.SetGlobalTexture("_Cubemap", rt); cbuffer.GenerateMips(rt); RenderPipeline.AddRenderingMissionInEditor(worldToCameras, projection, targetCamera, rt, tempRT, cbuffer); }
public void Init(PipelineResources res) { cbdrShader = res.shaders.cbdrShader; copyMat = new Material(res.shaders.copyShader); proper = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <PropertySetEvent>(); lightingEvt = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <LightingEvent>(); decalBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(INITCOUNT, sizeof(DecalStrct)); decalIndexBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(CBDRSharedData.XRES * CBDRSharedData.YRES * CBDRSharedData.ZRES * (CBDRSharedData.MAXLIGHTPERCLUSTER + 1), sizeof(int)); if (decalAlbedoAtlasNames.Length > 0) { decalAlbedoAtlas = new RenderTexture(new RenderTextureDescriptor { width = atlasWidth, height = atlasHeight, volumeDepth = decalAlbedoAtlasNames.Length, dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2DArray, msaaSamples = 1, colorFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32 }); } if (decalNormalAtlasNames.Length > 0) { decalNormalAtlas = new RenderTexture(new RenderTextureDescriptor { width = atlasWidth, height = atlasHeight, volumeDepth = decalAlbedoAtlasNames.Length, dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2DArray, msaaSamples = 1, colorFormat = RenderTextureFormat.RGHalf }); } for (int i = 0; i < decalAlbedoAtlasNames.Length; ++i) { Graphics.SetRenderTarget(decalAlbedoAtlas.colorBuffer, decalAlbedoAtlas.depthBuffer, 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, i); Texture tex = Resources.Load <Texture>(decalAlbedoAtlasNames[i]); copyMat.SetTexture(ShaderIDs._MainTex, tex); copyMat.SetPass(0); Graphics.DrawMeshNow(GraphicsUtility.mesh, Matrix4x4.identity); Resources.UnloadAsset(tex); } for (int i = 0; i < decalNormalAtlasNames.Length; ++i) { Graphics.SetRenderTarget(decalNormalAtlas.colorBuffer, decalNormalAtlas.depthBuffer, 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, i); Texture tex = Resources.Load <Texture>(decalNormalAtlasNames[i]); copyMat.SetTexture(ShaderIDs._MainTex, tex); copyMat.SetPass(1); Graphics.DrawMeshNow(GraphicsUtility.mesh, Matrix4x4.identity); Resources.UnloadAsset(tex); } Object.DestroyImmediate(copyMat); }
public void QueueJob() { jobHandle = (new MoveTransform { offset = offset }).Schedule(transformArray); jobHandle.Complete(); Shader.SetGlobalVector(ShaderIDs._SceneOffset, new float4(, lengthsq( > 0.01f ? 1 : 0)); mainCamera.transform.position += (Vector3)offset; SceneController.TransformMapPosition(0); RenderPipeline.AddCommandAfterFrame(this, (o) => Shader.SetGlobalVector(ShaderIDs._SceneOffset,; }
protected override void Init(PipelineResources resources) { lightingData = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <LightingEvent>(); randomBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(downSampledSize.x * downSampledSize.y * downSampledSize.z, sizeof(uint)); NativeArray <uint> randomArray = new NativeArray <uint>(randomBuffer.count, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); uint *randPtr = randomArray.Ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < randomArray.Length; ++i) { randPtr[i] = (uint)-System.Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode(); } randomBuffer.SetData(randomArray); randomArray.Dispose(); }
private void OnDestroy() { if (singleton != this) { return; } singleton = null; foreach (var i in allEvents) { i.DisposeEvent(); } allEvents = null; data.arrayCollection.Dispose(); }
private IEnumerator FinishLoading() { coeff.SetData(bytes); yield return(null); RenderPipeline.ExecuteBufferAtFrameEnding(cubeToCoeff); yield return(null); yield return(null); coeffTextures.Add(currentTexture); loadedIrradiance.Add(currentIrr); isLoading = false; }
protected override void Init(PipelineResources resources) { linearMat = new Material(resources.shaders.linearDepthShader); linearDrawerMat = new Material(resources.shaders.linearDrawerShader); motionVecMat = new Material(resources.shaders.motionVectorShader); if (useHiZ) { hizDepth.InitHiZ(resources, new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height)); clusterMat = new Material(resources.shaders.clusterRenderShader); } ao = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <AOEvents>(); reflection = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <ReflectionEvent>(); proper = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <PropertySetEvent>(); downSampleMat = new Material(resources.shaders.depthDownSample); }
private void OnDestroy() { if (singleton != this) { return; } singleton = null; DisposeScene(); foreach (var i in allEvents) { i.DisposeEvent(); } allEvents = null; data.buffer.Dispose(); }
private void Awake() { if (singleton) { Debug.LogError("Render Pipeline should be Singleton!"); Destroy(this); return; } data.arrayCollection = RenderArray.GetRenderArray(); singleton = this; allEvents = new List <PipelineEvent>(eventParent.GetComponentsInChildren <PipelineEvent>()); foreach (var i in allEvents) { i.InitEvent(resources); } }
protected override void Init(PipelineResources resources) { proper = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <PropertySetEvent>(); if (useEmissionGeometry) { geometry.Init(); } if (useNoiseEvents) { noiseEvents.Init(resources); } lightingData = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <LightingEvent>(); reflectData = RenderPipeline.GetEvent <ReflectionEvent>(); lightingMat = new Material(resources.shaders.volumetricShader); cameraNormalBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(3, sizeof(float3)); }
private void OnDestroy() { if (current != this) { return; } current = null; foreach (var i in allEvents) { i.DisposeEvent(); } allEvents = null; data.buffer.Dispose(); sceneController.OnDestroy(); PipelineSharedData.DisposeAll(); }
private void OnEnable() { heightTempTex = new RenderTexture(MTerrain.HEIGHT_RESOLUTION * 4, MTerrain.HEIGHT_RESOLUTION * 4, 16, MTerrain.HEIGHT_FORMAT, 3); heightTempTex.useMipMap = true; heightTempTex.autoGenerateMips = false; heightTempTex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; heightTempTex.antiAliasing = 1; heightTempTex.Create(); cam = GetComponent <Camera>(); cam.enabled = false; cam.orthographic = true; cam.aspect = 1; renderingCommand = new NativeList <CameraState>(10, Allocator.Persistent); idfs = new RenderTargetIdentifier[3]; RenderPipeline.AddRunnableObject(GetInstanceID(), this); }
public void Prepare() { RequireEventAttribute requireEvt = GetType().GetCustomAttribute <RequireEventAttribute>(true); if (requireEvt != null) { foreach (var t in { PipelineEvent targetevt = RenderPipeline.GetEvent(t); if (targetevt != null) { targetevt.dependedEvents.Add(new UIntPtr(MUnsafeUtility.GetManagedPtr(this))); dependingEvents.Add(new UIntPtr(MUnsafeUtility.GetManagedPtr(targetevt))); } } } }
private void OnDestroy() { if (singleton != this) { return; } singleton = null; PipelineFunctions.Dispose(ref data.baseBuffer); foreach (var i in allEvents) { i.DisposeEvent(); } allEvents = null; data.buffer.Dispose(); SceneStreaming.pointerContainer.Dispose(); SceneStreaming.commandQueue = null; }