예제 #1
        internal static void Init()
            if (!ms_inited)
                if (!ms_canInit)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("mobjc was used, but CanInit is false");

                // This will force AppKit and Foundation to load if they have not already been loaded
                // (normally the static NSApplication ctor in mcocoa will take care of this, but some
                // apps may want to create NSObjects before that).
                Unused.Value = NSAvailableWindowDepths();

                NSObject pool = new NSObject(NSObject.AllocAndInitInstance("NSAutoreleasePool"));


                // NSAutoreleasePool cannot be used within Posix threads unless Cocoa
                // is switched to "multithreading mode". We always have at least two
                // threads (the main thread and the finalizer thread) so we'll switch
                // to multithreading mode here.
                Selector selector = new Selector("foo");
                NSObject thread   = new Class("NSThread").Call("alloc").Call("initWithTarget:selector:object:", null, selector, null).To <NSObject>();
                Unused.Value = thread.Call("start");

                ms_inited = true;