private void LoadSong(string url, bool fromPlaylist = false) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(url); if (loaded) { wave.Dispose(); wvcn.Dispose(); strm.Dispose(); } if (ext.IndexOf("wav") >= 0) { strm = new WaveFileReader(url); } else if (ext.IndexOf("mp3") >= 0) { strm = new Mp3FileReader(url); } else { return; } if (!fromPlaylist && playlistActive) { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Add this song to the current Playlist?", "Update Playlist", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { currentPlaylist.AddSong(url); DialogResult mes = MessageBox.Show("Save Playlist?", "Save Playlist", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { currentPlaylist.Save(); } } else { playlistActive = false; } } wave = new WaveOut(); wvcn = new WaveChannel32(strm); wvcn.PadWithZeroes = false; wvcn.Sample += new EventHandler<SampleEventArgs>(SampleEvent); wave.PlaybackStopped += (pbss, e) => { playing = false; nextpos = 0; LoadNext(); }; wave.Volume = volume; wave.Init(wvcn); loaded = true; playing = true; currentSong = new Song(url, true); if (currentSong.HasArt) { SongColor = ImageProcessor.AverageColor(new Bitmap(; colorMode = ColorMode.Image; } else { colorMode = ColorMode.Random; } wave.Play(); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(SongInformation)) { g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit; StringFormat centered = new StringFormat(); centered.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; centered.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; RectangleF borp = new RectangleF(0, 10, SongInformation.Width, SongInformation.Height); borp.Inflate(-5, -10); g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Lime, borp); int amt = 1 + (currentSong.album != null ? 1 : 0) + (currentSong.albumArtists != "" ? 1 : 0); borp.Height /= amt; g.DrawString(currentSong.title, SongInfoTitleFont, Brushes.Black, borp, centered); borp.Y += borp.Height; if (currentSong.album != null) { g.DrawString(currentSong.album, SongInfoSubFont, Brushes.Black, borp, centered); borp.Y += borp.Height + 5; } if (currentSong.albumArtists != "") { g.DrawString(currentSong.albumArtists, SongInfoSubFont, Brushes.Black, borp, centered); borp.Y += borp.Height + 5; } } }
public void AddSong(String url) { Song song = new Song(url); Songs.Add(song); }