public override Object RegenerateOTP <T>(T entity) { BO.OTP otpUser = (BO.OTP)(object) entity; var otpOld = _context.OTPs.Where(p => p.UserID == otpUser.User.ID).ToList <OTP>(); otpOld.ForEach(a => { a.IsDeleted = true; a.UpdateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; a.UpdateByUserID = System.Convert.ToInt32(Utility.GetConfigValue("DefaultAdminUserID")); }); if (otpOld != null) { _context.SaveChanges(); } OTP otpDB = new OTP(); otpDB.OTP1 = Utility.GenerateRandomNumber(6); otpDB.Pin = Utility.GenerateRandomNo(); otpDB.UserID = otpUser.User.ID; otpDB.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; otpDB.CreateByUserID = System.Convert.ToInt32(Utility.GetConfigValue("DefaultAdminUserID")); _dbSet.Add(otpDB); _context.SaveChanges(); BO.OTP acc = Convert <BO.OTP, OTP>(otpDB); dynamic data_ = _context.Users.Where(x => == otpUser.User.ID && (x.IsDeleted == null || x.IsDeleted == false)).FirstOrDefault(); BO.User acc_ = Convert <BO.User, User>(data_); string Message = "Dear " + acc_.UserName + ",<br><br>As per your request, a One Time Password (OTP) has been generated and the same is <i><b>" + otpDB.OTP1.ToString() + "</b></i><br><br>Please use this OTP to complete the Login. Reference number is " + otpDB.Pin.ToString() + " <br><br>*** This is an auto-generated email. Please do not reply to this email.*** <br><br>Thanks"; try { BO.Email objEmail = new BO.Email { ToEmail = acc_.UserName, Subject = "Alert Message From GBX MIDAS", Body = Message }; objEmail.SendMail(); } catch (Exception ex) { return(acc); } return(Convert <BO.OTP, OTP>(otpDB)); }
public override Object GeneratePasswordLink <T>(T entity) { BO.PasswordToken passwordBO = (BO.PasswordToken)(object) entity; dynamic data_ = _context.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == passwordBO.UserName).FirstOrDefault(); if (data_ == null) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No record found for this user.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } PasswordToken passwordDB = new PasswordToken(); passwordDB.TokenHash = Guid.NewGuid(); passwordDB.UserName = passwordBO.UserName; passwordDB.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; passwordDB.CreateByUserID = System.Convert.ToInt32(Utility.GetConfigValue("DefaultAdminUserID")); _dbSet.Add(passwordDB); _context.SaveChanges(); BO.PasswordToken acc = Convert <BO.PasswordToken, PasswordToken>(passwordDB); string Message = "Dear " + passwordBO.UserName + ",<br><br>You are receiving this email because you (or someone pretending to be you) requested that your password be reset on the " + Utility.GetConfigValue("Website") + " site. If you do not wish to reset your password, please ignore this message.<br><br>To reset your password, please click the following link, or copy and paste it into your web browser:<br><br>" + Utility.GetConfigValue("ForgotPasswordLink") + "/" + passwordDB.TokenHash + " <br><br>Your username, in case you've forgotten: " + passwordDB.UserName + "<br><br>Thanks"; try { BO.Email objEmail = new BO.Email { ToEmail = passwordBO.UserName, Subject = "Password Reset on MIDAS GBX", Body = Message }; objEmail.SendMail(); } catch (Exception ex) { return(acc); } return(acc); }
public override Object UpdateCompany <T>(T data) { BO.Signup signUPBO = (BO.Signup)(object) data; BO.User userBO = signUPBO.user; BO.Company companyBO =; BO.AddressInfo addressBO = signUPBO.addressInfo; BO.ContactInfo contactinfoBO = signUPBO.contactInfo; BO.Role roleBO = signUPBO.role; Guid invitationDB_UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid(); Company companyDB = new Company(); User userDB = new User(); AddressInfo addressDB = new AddressInfo(); ContactInfo contactinfoDB = new ContactInfo(); UserCompany userCompanyDB = new UserCompany(); UserCompanyRole userCompanyRoleDB = new UserCompanyRole(); Invitation invitationDB = new Invitation(); using (var dbContextTransaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { if (signUPBO == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } if ( == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } if (signUPBO.user == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } if (signUPBO.contactInfo == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } #region Company companyDB = _context.Companies.Where(p => == companyBO.ID && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (companyDB == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "Company Record Not Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } companyDB.TaxID = companyBO.TaxID; if (companyBO.SubsCriptionType != null) { companyDB.SubscriptionPlanType = (int)companyBO.SubsCriptionType; } else { companyDB.SubscriptionPlanType = null; } companyDB.CompanyStatusTypeID = 2; // CompanyStatusTypeID = 2 --- RegistrationComplete _context.SaveChanges(); #endregion #region contactInfo contactinfoDB = _context.ContactInfoes.Where(p => == contactinfoBO.ID && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (contactinfoDB == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "Contact Record Not Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } contactinfoDB.CellPhone = contactinfoBO.CellPhone; _context.SaveChanges(); #endregion #region User userDB = _context.Users.Where(p => == userBO.ID && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (userDB == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "User Record Not Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } userDB.FirstName = userBO.FirstName; userDB.LastName = userBO.LastName; userDB.C2FactAuthEmailEnabled = System.Convert.ToBoolean(Utility.GetConfigValue("Default2FactEmail")); userDB.C2FactAuthSMSEnabled = System.Convert.ToBoolean(Utility.GetConfigValue("Default2FactSMS")); #region password BO.ResetPassword resetPassword = new BO.ResetPassword(); resetPassword.OldPassword = userDB.Password; //if (userDB != null) //{ // resetPassword.NewPassword = PasswordHash.HashPassword(userBO.Password); // userDB.Password = resetPassword.NewPassword; // } if (userDB != null) { if (companyDB.CompanyStatusTypeID == 2) //CompanyStatusTypeID == 2 --- Registration Complete { resetPassword.NewPassword = PasswordHash.HashPassword(userBO.Password); userDB.Password = resetPassword.NewPassword; companyDB.CompanyStatusTypeID = 3; //CompanyStatusTypeID = 3 --- Active } } #endregion _context.SaveChanges(); userDB = _context.Users.Where(p => == userBO.ID && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); #endregion dbContextTransaction.Commit(); } BO.Company acc_ = Convert <BO.Company, Company>(companyDB); try { if (userDB != null) { var updateCompany = _context.MailTemplates.Where(x => x.TemplateName.ToUpper() == "CompanyUpdated".ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault(); if (updateCompany == null) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No record found Mail Template.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } else { #region Send mail to attorney string msg1 = updateCompany.EmailBody; string subject1 = updateCompany.EmailSubject; string message1 = string.Format(msg1, userDB.FirstName); BO.Email objEmail1 = new BO.Email { ToEmail = userDB.UserName, Subject = subject1, Body = message1 }; objEmail1.SendMail(); #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { } var res = (BO.GbObject)(object) acc_; return((object)res); }
public override Object Signup <T>(T data) { BO.Signup signUPBO = (BO.Signup)(object) data; bool flagUser = false; BO.User userBO = signUPBO.user; BO.Company companyBO =; BO.AddressInfo addressBO = signUPBO.addressInfo; BO.ContactInfo contactinfoBO = signUPBO.contactInfo; BO.Role roleBO = signUPBO.role; Company companyDB = new Company(); User userDB = new User(); AddressInfo addressDB = new AddressInfo(); ContactInfo contactinfoDB = new ContactInfo(); UserCompany userCompanyDB = new UserCompany(); UserCompanyRole userCompanyRoleDB = new UserCompanyRole(); Invitation invitationDB = new Invitation(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyBO.TaxID) == false && _context.Companies.Any(o => o.TaxID == companyBO.TaxID)) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "TaxID already exists.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } if (_context.Companies.Any(o => o.Name == companyBO.Name)) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "Company already exists.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } else if (_context.Users.Any(o => o.UserName == userBO.UserName)) { flagUser = true; } #region Company companyDB.Name = companyBO.Name; = companyBO.ID; companyDB.TaxID = companyBO.TaxID; companyDB.Status = System.Convert.ToByte(companyBO.Status); companyDB.CompanyType = System.Convert.ToByte(companyBO.CompanyType); if (companyBO.SubsCriptionType.HasValue == true) { companyDB.SubscriptionPlanType = System.Convert.ToInt16(companyBO.SubsCriptionType); } else { companyDB.SubscriptionPlanType = null; } companyDB.CompanyStatusTypeID = 2; // CompanyStatusTypeID = 2 --- RegistrationComplete companyDB.BlobStorageTypeId = 1; if (companyDB.IsDeleted.HasValue) { companyDB.IsDeleted = companyBO.IsDeleted.Value; } #endregion #region Address if (addressBO != null) { = addressBO.ID; addressDB.Name = addressBO.Name; addressDB.Address1 = addressBO.Address1; addressDB.Address2 = addressBO.Address2; addressDB.City = addressBO.City; addressDB.State = addressBO.State; addressDB.ZipCode = addressBO.ZipCode; addressDB.Country = addressBO.Country; } #endregion #region Contact Info if (contactinfoBO != null) { = contactinfoBO.ID; contactinfoDB.Name = contactinfoBO.Name; contactinfoDB.CellPhone = contactinfoBO.CellPhone; contactinfoDB.EmailAddress = contactinfoBO.EmailAddress; contactinfoDB.HomePhone = contactinfoBO.HomePhone; contactinfoDB.WorkPhone = contactinfoBO.WorkPhone; contactinfoDB.FaxNo = contactinfoBO.FaxNo; if (contactinfoBO.IsDeleted.HasValue) { contactinfoDB.IsDeleted = contactinfoBO.IsDeleted; } } #endregion #region User if (!flagUser) { userDB.UserName = userBO.UserName; userDB.MiddleName = userBO.MiddleName; userDB.FirstName = userBO.FirstName; userDB.LastName = userBO.LastName; userDB.Gender = System.Convert.ToByte(userBO.Gender); userDB.UserType = System.Convert.ToByte(userBO.UserType); userDB.C2FactAuthEmailEnabled = System.Convert.ToBoolean(Utility.GetConfigValue("Default2FactEmail")); userDB.C2FactAuthSMSEnabled = System.Convert.ToBoolean(Utility.GetConfigValue("Default2FactSMS")); userDB.ImageLink = userBO.ImageLink; if (userBO.DateOfBirth.HasValue) { userDB.DateOfBirth = userBO.DateOfBirth.Value; } if (userBO.IsDeleted.HasValue) { userDB.IsDeleted = userBO.IsDeleted.Value; } userDB.AddressInfo = addressDB; userDB.ContactInfo = contactinfoDB; userCompanyDB.User = userDB; userCompanyDB.IsAccepted = true; } else { //Find Record By Name User user_ = _context.Users.Where(p => p.UserName == userBO.UserName).FirstOrDefault <User>(); userCompanyDB.User = user_; userCompanyDB.IsAccepted = true; _context.Entry(user_).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; } #endregion UserCompany cmp = new UserCompany(); cmp.Company = companyDB; companyDB.AddressInfo = addressDB; companyDB.ContactInfo = contactinfoDB; if ( > 0) { //For Update Record } else { companyDB.CreateDate = companyBO.CreateDate; companyDB.CreateByUserID = companyBO.CreateByUserID; userDB.CreateDate = companyBO.CreateDate; userDB.CreateByUserID = companyBO.CreateByUserID; addressDB.CreateDate = companyBO.CreateDate; addressDB.CreateByUserID = companyBO.CreateByUserID; contactinfoDB.CreateDate = companyBO.CreateDate; contactinfoDB.CreateByUserID = companyBO.CreateByUserID; _dbSet.Add(companyDB); } _context.SaveChanges(); #region Insert User Block userCompanyDB.IsAccepted = true; userCompanyDB.Company = companyDB; userCompanyDB.UserStatusID = 1; //UserStatusID = 1 --- UserStatus Pending userCompanyDB.CreateDate = companyBO.CreateDate; userCompanyDB.CreateByUserID = companyBO.CreateByUserID; _dbUserCompany.Add(userCompanyDB); _context.SaveChanges(); #endregion #region Insert User Company Role userCompanyRoleDB.User = userCompanyDB.User; userCompanyRoleDB.RoleID = (int)roleBO.RoleType; userCompanyRoleDB.CreateDate = companyBO.CreateDate; userCompanyRoleDB.CreateByUserID = companyBO.CreateByUserID; _dbUserCompanyRole.Add(userCompanyRoleDB); _context.SaveChanges(); #endregion #region Insert Invitation invitationDB.User = userCompanyDB.User; invitationDB.Company = companyDB; invitationDB.UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid(); invitationDB.CreateDate = companyBO.CreateDate; invitationDB.CreateByUserID = companyBO.CreateByUserID; _dbInvitation.Add(invitationDB); _context.SaveChanges(); #endregion #region Update referral //var referral = _context.Referrals.Where(p => p.ReferredToEmail == userDB.UserName && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).ToList<Referral>(); //foreach (var eachReferral in referral) //{ // eachReferral.ReferredToCompanyId =; // eachReferral.ReferralAccepted = true; //} _context.SaveChanges(); #endregion BO.Company acc_ = Convert <BO.Company, Company>(companyDB); try { #region Send Email string VerificationLink = "<a href='" + Utility.GetConfigValue("VerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB.UniqueID + "' target='_blank'>" + Utility.GetConfigValue("VerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB.UniqueID + "</a>"; string Message = "Dear " + userBO.FirstName + ",<br><br>Thanks for registering with us.<br><br> Your user name is:- " + userBO.UserName + "<br><br> Please confirm your account by clicking below link in order to use.<br><br><b>" + VerificationLink + "</b><br><br>Thanks"; BO.Email objEmail = new BO.Email { ToEmail = userBO.UserName, Subject = "Company registered", Body = Message }; objEmail.SendMail(); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { //Message sending failed } var res = (BO.GbObject)(object) acc_; return((object)res); }
public override object UpdateAttorneyProvider <T>(T entity) { BO.PreferredAttorneyProviderSignUp preferredÀttorneyProviderBO = (BO.PreferredAttorneyProviderSignUp)(object) entity; PreferredAttorneyProvider preferredAttorneyProviderDB = new PreferredAttorneyProvider(); BO.Signup prefAttProviderBO = preferredÀttorneyProviderBO.Signup; //BO.Company company = preferredÀttorneyProviderBO.Company; PreferredAttorneyProvider prefAttProvider = new PreferredAttorneyProvider(); Guid invitationDB_UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid(); User userDB = new User(); Company prefAttProvider_CompanyDB = new Company(); using (var dbContextTransaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { if (prefAttProviderBO == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } if ( == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } if (prefAttProviderBO.user == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } if (prefAttProviderBO.contactInfo == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( == false && _context.Companies.Any(o => o.TaxID == && != // && (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && o.IsDeleted.Value == false)))) //{ // dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); // return new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "TaxID already exists.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }; //} if (_context.Companies.Any(o => o.Name == && != && (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && o.IsDeleted.Value == false)))) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "Company already exists.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } else if (_context.Users.Any(o => o.UserName == prefAttProviderBO.user.UserName && != prefAttProviderBO.user.ID && (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && o.IsDeleted.Value == false)))) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "User Name already exists.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } BO.Company prefAttProviderCompanyBO =; BO.ContactInfo ContactInfoBO = prefAttProviderBO.contactInfo; BO.User userBO = prefAttProviderBO.user; BO.Role roleBO = prefAttProviderBO.role; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB = _context.Companies.Where(p => == prefAttProviderCompanyBO.ID && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (prefAttProvider_CompanyDB == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "Company Record Not Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.Name = prefAttProviderCompanyBO.Name; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.Status = System.Convert.ToByte(prefAttProviderCompanyBO.Status); prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.CompanyType = System.Convert.ToByte(prefAttProviderCompanyBO.CompanyType); if (prefAttProviderCompanyBO.SubsCriptionType != null) { prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.SubscriptionPlanType = System.Convert.ToByte(prefAttProviderCompanyBO.SubsCriptionType); } else { prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.SubscriptionPlanType = null; } prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.TaxID = prefAttProviderCompanyBO.TaxID; //prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.AddressId = prefAttProviderCompanyBO.AddressInfo.ID; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.ContactInfoID = ContactInfoBO.ID; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.CompanyStatusTypeID = System.Convert.ToByte(prefAttProviderCompanyBO.CompanyStatusTypeID); prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.IsDeleted = false; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.UpdateByUserID = 0; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.UpdateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; _context.SaveChanges(); ContactInfo ContactInfo = _context.ContactInfoes.Where(p => == ContactInfoBO.ID && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (ContactInfo == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "Contact Record Not Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } ContactInfo.CellPhone = ContactInfoBO.CellPhone; ContactInfo.EmailAddress = ContactInfoBO.EmailAddress; _context.SaveChanges(); userDB = _context.Users.Where(p => == userBO.ID && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (userDB == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "User Record Not Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } userDB.FirstName = userBO.FirstName; userDB.LastName = userBO.LastName; userDB.UserType = 3; userDB.C2FactAuthEmailEnabled = System.Convert.ToBoolean(Utility.GetConfigValue("Default2FactEmail")); userDB.C2FactAuthSMSEnabled = System.Convert.ToBoolean(Utility.GetConfigValue("Default2FactSMS")); userDB.AddressId = prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.AddressId; userDB.ContactInfoId = prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.ContactInfoID; userDB.IsDeleted = false; userDB.CreateByUserID = 0; userDB.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; _context.SaveChanges(); prefAttProvider.PrefAttorneyProviderId =; prefAttProvider.CompanyId = preferredÀttorneyProviderBO.CompanyId; prefAttProvider.IsCreated = true; prefAttProvider.IsDeleted = false; prefAttProvider.CreateByUserID = prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.CreateByUserID; prefAttProvider.UpdateByUserID = prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.UpdateByUserID; prefAttProvider.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; _context.PreferredAttorneyProviders.Add(prefAttProvider); _context.SaveChanges(); dbContextTransaction.Commit(); } try { #region Send Email var userId = _context.UserCompanies.Where(p => p.CompanyID == prefAttProvider.PrefAttorneyProviderId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).Select(p2 => p2.UserID).ToList(); var userBO = _context.Users.Where(p => userId.Contains( && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault(); //var userBO = _context.Users.Where(p => == caseDB.AttorneyId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault(); if (userBO != null) { var mailTemplateDB = _context.MailTemplates.Where(x => x.TemplateName.ToUpper() == "PrefAttorneyProviderUpdated".ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault(); if (mailTemplateDB == null) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No record found Mail Template.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } else { #region Insert Invitation Invitation invitationDB = new Invitation(); invitationDB.User = userDB; invitationDB_UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid(); invitationDB.UniqueID = invitationDB_UniqueID; invitationDB.CompanyID = != 0 ? : 0; invitationDB.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; invitationDB.CreateByUserID =; _context.Invitations.Add(invitationDB); _context.SaveChanges(); #endregion //string VerificationLink = "<a href=''> </a>"; string VerificationLink = "<a href=''> </a>"; string msg = mailTemplateDB.EmailBody; string subject = mailTemplateDB.EmailSubject; string message = string.Format(msg, userBO.FirstName, userBO.UserName, VerificationLink); BO.Email objEmail = new BO.Email { ToEmail = userBO.UserName, Subject = subject, Body = message }; objEmail.SendMail(); } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { } var result = _context.PreferredAttorneyProviders.Include("Company").Include("Company1") .Where(p => p.PrefAttorneyProviderId == && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); BO.PreferredAttorneyProviderSignUp acc_ = ConvertPreferredAttorneyProviderSignUp <BO.PreferredAttorneyProviderSignUp, PreferredAttorneyProvider>(result); var res = (BO.GbObject)(object) acc_; return((object)res); }
public override object Save <T>(T entity) { BO.PreferredAttorneyProviderSignUp preferredAttorneyProviderBO = (BO.PreferredAttorneyProviderSignUp)(object) entity; PreferredAttorneyProvider preferredMedicalProviderDB = new PreferredAttorneyProvider(); BO.Company companyBO = preferredAttorneyProviderBO.Company; BO.Signup prefAttProviderBO = preferredAttorneyProviderBO.Signup; Guid invitationDB_UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid(); User userDB = new User(); UserCompany UserCompanyDB = new UserCompany(); PreferredAttorneyProvider prefAttProvider = new PreferredAttorneyProvider(); bool IsEditMode = false; IsEditMode = (preferredAttorneyProviderBO != null && preferredAttorneyProviderBO.ID > 0) ? true : false; using (var dbContextTransaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { if (companyBO == null || (companyBO != null && companyBO.ID <= 0)) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } if (prefAttProviderBO == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } if ( == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } if (prefAttProviderBO.user == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } if (prefAttProviderBO.contactInfo == null) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No Record Found.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( == false && _context.Companies.Any(o => o.TaxID == && (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && o.IsDeleted.Value == false)))) //{ // dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); // return new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "TaxID already exists.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }; //} if (_context.Companies.Any(o => o.Name == && (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && o.IsDeleted.Value == false)))) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "Company already exists.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } else if (_context.Users.Any(o => o.UserName == prefAttProviderBO.user.UserName && (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (o.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && o.IsDeleted.Value == false)))) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "User Name already exists.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } BO.Company prefAttProviderCompanyBO =; BO.ContactInfo ContactInfoBO = prefAttProviderBO.contactInfo; BO.User userBO = prefAttProviderBO.user; BO.Role roleBO = prefAttProviderBO.role; Company prefAttProvider_CompanyDB = new Company(); AddressInfo AddressInfo = new AddressInfo(); ContactInfo ContactInfo = new ContactInfo() { CellPhone = ContactInfoBO.CellPhone, EmailAddress = ContactInfoBO.EmailAddress }; _context.AddressInfoes.Add(AddressInfo); _context.SaveChanges(); _context.ContactInfoes.Add(ContactInfo); _context.SaveChanges(); prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.Name = prefAttProviderCompanyBO.Name; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.Status = System.Convert.ToByte(prefAttProviderCompanyBO.Status); prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.CompanyType = System.Convert.ToByte(prefAttProviderCompanyBO.CompanyType); if (prefAttProviderCompanyBO.SubsCriptionType != null) { prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.SubscriptionPlanType = System.Convert.ToByte(prefAttProviderCompanyBO.SubsCriptionType); } else { prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.SubscriptionPlanType = null; } prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.TaxID = prefAttProviderCompanyBO.TaxID; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.AddressId =; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.ContactInfoID =; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.BlobStorageTypeId = 1; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.CompanyStatusTypeID = 1; // CompanyStatusTypeID = 1 -- RegistrationImcomplete prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.IsDeleted = prefAttProviderCompanyBO.IsDeleted; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.CreateByUserID = prefAttProviderCompanyBO.CreateByUserID; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.UpdateByUserID = prefAttProviderCompanyBO.UpdateByUserID; prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; _context.Companies.Add(prefAttProvider_CompanyDB); _context.SaveChanges(); userDB.FirstName = userBO.FirstName; userDB.LastName = userBO.LastName; userDB.UserName = userBO.UserName; userDB.UserType = 3; userDB.C2FactAuthEmailEnabled = System.Convert.ToBoolean(Utility.GetConfigValue("Default2FactEmail")); userDB.C2FactAuthSMSEnabled = System.Convert.ToBoolean(Utility.GetConfigValue("Default2FactSMS")); userDB.AddressId = prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.AddressId; userDB.ContactInfoId = prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.ContactInfoID; userDB.IsDeleted = false; userDB.CreateByUserID = userBO.CreateByUserID; userDB.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; _context.Users.Add(userDB); _context.SaveChanges(); UserCompanyDB.UserID =; UserCompanyDB.CompanyID =; UserCompanyDB.UserStatusID = 1; UserCompanyDB.IsDeleted = false; UserCompanyDB.CreateByUserID = 0; UserCompanyDB.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; UserCompanyDB.IsAccepted = true; _context.UserCompanies.Add(UserCompanyDB); _context.SaveChanges(); UserCompanyRole UserCompanyRoleDB = new UserCompanyRole(); UserCompanyRoleDB.UserID =; UserCompanyRoleDB.RoleID = (int)roleBO.RoleType; UserCompanyRoleDB.IsDeleted = false; UserCompanyRoleDB.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; UserCompanyRoleDB.CreateByUserID = 0; _context.UserCompanyRoles.Add(UserCompanyRoleDB); _context.SaveChanges(); prefAttProvider.PrefAttorneyProviderId =; prefAttProvider.CompanyId = companyBO.ID; prefAttProvider.IsCreated = true; prefAttProvider.IsDeleted = false; prefAttProvider.CreateByUserID = prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.CreateByUserID; prefAttProvider.UpdateByUserID = prefAttProvider_CompanyDB.UpdateByUserID; prefAttProvider.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; _context.PreferredAttorneyProviders.Add(prefAttProvider); _context.SaveChanges(); dbContextTransaction.Commit(); } #region Insert Invitation Invitation invitationDB = new Invitation(); invitationDB.User = userDB; invitationDB_UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid(); invitationDB.UniqueID = invitationDB_UniqueID; invitationDB.CompanyID = UserCompanyDB.CompanyID != 0 ? UserCompanyDB.CompanyID : 0; invitationDB.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; invitationDB.CreateByUserID =; _context.Invitations.Add(invitationDB); _context.SaveChanges(); #endregion if (IsEditMode == false) { try { #region Send Email var CurrentUser = _context.Users.Where(p => == prefAttProvider.CreateByUserID && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault <User>(); var CurrentCompanyId = _context.UserCompanies.Where(p => p.UserID == && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).Select(p2 => p2.CompanyID).FirstOrDefault(); var CurrentCompany = _context.Companies.Where(p => == CurrentCompanyId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault(); if (CurrentUser != null) { if (CurrentUser.UserType == 3) { var attorneyprovider_UserId = _context.UserCompanies.Where(p => p.CompanyID == prefAttProvider.PrefAttorneyProviderId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).Select(p2 => p2.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); var attorneyprovider_user = _context.Users.Where(p => == attorneyprovider_UserId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault(); if (attorneyprovider_user != null) { var PreferredAttorneyAddByAttorney = _context.MailTemplates.Where(x => x.TemplateName.ToUpper() == "PreferredAttorneyAddByAttorney".ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault(); if (PreferredAttorneyAddByAttorney == null) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No record found Mail Template.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } else { #region Send mail to attorney string VarificationLink1 = "<a href='" + Utility.GetConfigValue("VerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "' target='_blank'>" + Utility.GetConfigValue("VerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "</a>"; string msg1 = PreferredAttorneyAddByAttorney.EmailBody; string subject1 = PreferredAttorneyAddByAttorney.EmailSubject; string message1 = string.Format(msg1, attorneyprovider_user.FirstName, CurrentUser.FirstName, CurrentCompany.Name, VarificationLink1); BO.Email objEmail1 = new BO.Email { ToEmail = attorneyprovider_user.UserName, Subject = subject1, Body = message1 }; objEmail1.SendMail(); #endregion } } } else if (CurrentUser.UserType == 2 || CurrentUser.UserType == 4) { var attorneyprovider_UserId = _context.UserCompanies.Where(p => p.CompanyID == prefAttProvider.PrefAttorneyProviderId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).Select(p2 => p2.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); var attorneyprovider_user = _context.Users.Where(p => == attorneyprovider_UserId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault(); if (attorneyprovider_user != null) { var PreferredAttorneyAddByProvider = _context.MailTemplates.Where(x => x.TemplateName.ToUpper() == "PreferredAttorneyAddByProvider".ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault(); if (PreferredAttorneyAddByProvider == null) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No record found Mail Template.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } else { #region Send mail to attorney string VarificationLink1 = "<a href='" + Utility.GetConfigValue("AttorneyVerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "' target='_blank'>" + Utility.GetConfigValue("AttorneyVerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "</a>"; string msg1 = PreferredAttorneyAddByProvider.EmailBody; string subject1 = PreferredAttorneyAddByProvider.EmailSubject; string message1 = string.Format(msg1, attorneyprovider_user.FirstName, CurrentUser.FirstName, CurrentCompany.Name, VarificationLink1); BO.Email objEmail1 = new BO.Email { ToEmail = attorneyprovider_user.UserName, Subject = subject1, Body = message1 }; objEmail1.SendMail(); #endregion } } } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { } } else { #region Send Email var userId = _context.UserCompanies.Where(p => p.CompanyID == prefAttProvider.PrefAttorneyProviderId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).Select(p2 => p2.UserID).ToList(); var userBO = _context.Users.Where(p => userId.Contains( && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault(); if (userBO != null) { var mailTemplateDB = _context.MailTemplates.Where(x => x.TemplateName.ToUpper() == "PrefAttorneyProviderUpdated".ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault(); if (mailTemplateDB == null) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No record found Mail Template.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } else { //string VerificationLink = "<a href='" + Utility.GetConfigValue("VerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "' target='_blank'>" + Utility.GetConfigValue("VerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "</a>"; string LoginLink2 = "<a href=''> </a>"; string msg = mailTemplateDB.EmailBody; string subject = mailTemplateDB.EmailSubject; string message = string.Format(msg, userBO.FirstName, userBO.UserName, LoginLink2); BO.Email objEmail = new BO.Email { ToEmail = userBO.UserName, Subject = subject, Body = message }; objEmail.SendMail(); } } #endregion } var result = _context.PreferredAttorneyProviders.Include("Company").Include("Company1") .Where(p => p.Id == prefAttProvider.Id && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); BO.PreferredAttorneyProvider acc_ = Convert <BO.PreferredAttorneyProvider, PreferredAttorneyProvider>(result); var res = (BO.GbObject)(object) acc_; return((object)res); }
public override object AssociateUserToCompany(string UserName, int CompanyId, bool sendEmail) { User UserDB = _context.Users.Where(p => p.UserName == UserName && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (UserDB == null) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "User dosent exists.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Information }); } Company CompanyDB = _context.Companies.Where(p => == CompanyId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (CompanyDB == null) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "Company dosent exists.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Information }); } UserCompany UserCompanyDB1 = _context.UserCompanies.Where(p => (p.UserID == && p.CompanyID == CompanyId && p.IsAccepted == true) && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (UserCompanyDB1 == null) { UserCompany UserCompanyDB = new UserCompany(); Guid invitationDB_UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid(); using (var dbContextTransaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { if (UserDB != null && CompanyDB != null) { UserCompanyDB.UserID =; UserCompanyDB.CompanyID =; UserCompanyDB.IsAccepted = true; UserCompanyDB.IsDeleted = false; UserCompanyDB.CreateByUserID = 0; UserCompanyDB.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; UserCompanyDB = _context.UserCompanies.Add(UserCompanyDB); _context.SaveChanges(); if (sendEmail == true) { #region Insert Invitation Invitation invitationDB = new Invitation(); invitationDB.User = UserCompanyDB.User; invitationDB_UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid(); invitationDB.UniqueID = invitationDB_UniqueID; invitationDB.CompanyID = UserCompanyDB.CompanyID; invitationDB.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; invitationDB.CreateByUserID = UserCompanyDB.CreateByUserID; _context.Invitations.Add(invitationDB); _context.SaveChanges(); #endregion } } else { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "Please pass valid user and company details.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Information }); } dbContextTransaction.Commit(); UserDB = _context.Users.Include("AddressInfo") .Include("ContactInfo") .Include("UserCompanyRoles") .Include("UserCompanies") .Where(p => == && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))) .FirstOrDefault <User>(); } if (sendEmail == true) { try { #region Send Email string VerificationLink = "<a href='" + Utility.GetConfigValue("VerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "' target='_blank'>" + Utility.GetConfigValue("VerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "</a>"; string Message = "Dear " + UserDB.FirstName + ",<br><br>Thanks for registering with us.<br><br> Your user name is:- " + UserDB.UserName + "<br><br> Please confirm your account by clicking below link in order to use.<br><br><b>" + VerificationLink + "</b><br><br>Thanks"; BO.Email objEmail = new BO.Email { ToEmail = UserDB.UserName, Subject = "User registered", Body = Message }; objEmail.SendMail(); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { } } } else { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "User is already associated with this Company.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Information }); } var res = Convert <BO.User, User>(UserDB); return((object)res); }
public override object AssociateDoctorWithCompany(int DoctorId, int CompanyId) { bool add_UserCompany = false; bool sendEmail = false; Guid invitationDB_UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid(); var company = _context.Companies.Where(p => == CompanyId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault(); if (company == null) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No record found for this Company.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } var Doctor = _context.Doctors.Where(p => p.Id == DoctorId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault(); if (Doctor == null) { return(new BO.ErrorObject { ErrorMessage = "No record found for this Doctor.", errorObject = "", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error }); } var userCompany = _context.UserCompanies.Where(p => p.UserID == DoctorId && p.CompanyID == CompanyId && p.IsAccepted == true && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault(); if (userCompany == null) { userCompany = new UserCompany(); add_UserCompany = true; sendEmail = true; } userCompany.CompanyID = CompanyId; userCompany.UserID = DoctorId; userCompany.UserStatusID = 1; userCompany.IsAccepted = true; if (add_UserCompany) { _context.UserCompanies.Add(userCompany); } _context.SaveChanges(); var doctorDB = _context.Doctors.Include("User") .Include("User.AddressInfo") .Include("User.ContactInfo") .Include("DoctorSpecialities") .Include("DoctorSpecialities.Specialty") .Include("User.UserCompanyRoles") .Include("User.UserCompanies") .Where(p => p.Id == DoctorId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault <Doctor>(); #region Send Email if (sendEmail == true) { try { string VerificationLink = "<a href='" + Utility.GetConfigValue("VerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "' target='_blank'>" + Utility.GetConfigValue("VerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "</a>"; string Message = "Dear " + doctorDB.User.FirstName + ",<br><br>Thanks for registering with us.<br><br> Your user name is:- " + doctorDB.User.UserName + "<br><br> Please confirm your account by clicking below link in order to use.<br><br><b>" + VerificationLink + "</b><br><br>Thanks"; BO.Email objEmail = new BO.Email { ToEmail = doctorDB.User.UserName, Subject = "User registered", Body = Message }; objEmail.SendMail(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } #endregion var res = Convert <BO.Doctor, Doctor>(doctorDB); return((object)res); }