         * /// <summary>
         * /// Contains for each voxel, the type for which oncreated has been called
         * /// WARNING: this way of doing lifetime makes that when changing object types, they only come into correct existence on the next frame
         * /// This means that changing the type of a voxel and then directly manipulating it can cause problems!!
         * /// </summary>
         * private Dictionary<IVoxel, IGameVoxelType> initializedTypes = new Dictionary<IVoxel, IGameVoxelType>();
         * private void simulateCreateAndDestroy()
         * {
         *  var gameVoxels = changedVoxels.Cast<GameVoxel>().ToArray();
         *  changedVoxels.Clear(); // Clear so that we capture change events from within the oncreated and ondestroyed events
         *  gameVoxels.ForEach(v =>
         *  {
         *      IGameVoxelType current = null;
         *      initializedTypes.TryGetValue(v, out current);
         *      if (current == v.Data.Type) return;//No change
         *      if (current != null && current.ReceiveCreationEvents)
         *          current.OnDestroyed(v);
         *      if (v.Data.Type.ReceiveCreationEvents) v.Data.Type.OnCreated(v);
         *      initializedTypes[v] = v.Data.Type;
         *  });
         * }*/

        private void simulatePerVoxelTick()
            world.ForEach((v, p) =>
                if (v.Type == null)
 private void normalizeWorld()
     world.ForEach((voxel, _) => voxel.Data.Height = (float)Math.Floor(voxel.Data.Height));