static void Main(string[] args) { #region Instance Connection Code try { var clsid = Marshal.GetTypeFromCLSID( new Guid("44983CB8-19B0-4695-937A-6FF0B74ECFC5") ); dynamic _server = Activator.CreateInstance(clsid); _server.SetEnvironment(""); string VxVersion = _server.sddVersion; string strSDD_HOME = _server.sddHome; int length = strSDD_HOME.IndexOf("SDD_HOME"); strSDD_HOME = strSDD_HOME.Substring(0, length).Replace("\\", "\\\\") + "SDD_HOME"; _server.SetEnvironment(strSDD_HOME); string progID = _server.ProgIDVersion; object[,] _releases = (object[, ])_server.GetInstalledReleases(); dynamic pcbApp = null; for (int i = 1; i < _releases.Length / 4; i++) { string _com_version = Convert.ToString(_releases[i, 0]); try { pcbApp = Interaction.GetObject(null, "MGCPCB.Application." + _com_version); pcbDoc = pcbApp.ActiveDocument; dynamic licApp = Interaction.CreateObject("MGCPCBAutomationLicensing.Application." + _com_version); int _token = licApp.GetToken(pcbDoc.Validate(0)); pcbDoc.Validate(_token); break; } catch (Exception m) { } } if (pcbApp == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Could not found active Xpedition or PADSPro Application"); System.Environment.Exit(1); } } catch (Exception m) { MessageBox.Show(m.Message + "\r\n" + m.Source + "\r\n" + m.StackTrace); } #endregion #region Work Code MGCSDDOUTPUTWINDOWLib.MGCSDDOutputLogControl msgWnd = null; MGCSDDOUTPUTWINDOWLib.HtmlCtrl _tabCtrl = null; foreach (dynamic addin in (dynamic)pcbDoc.Application.Addins) { if (addin.Name == "Message Window") { Console.WriteLine(addin.Control); addin.Visible = true; msgWnd = addin.Control; } } if (msgWnd != null) { _tabCtrl = msgWnd.AddTab("Ref-Des Arranger"); _tabCtrl.Clear(); _tabCtrl.Activate(); } var addText = new Action <string>(text => { if (_tabCtrl != null) { _tabCtrl.AppendText(text + "\r\n"); } }); var addHtml = new Action <string>(html => { if (_tabCtrl != null) { _tabCtrl.AppendHTML(html); } }); addText("*THIS CODE IS A OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE UNDER MIT LICENSE"); addText("*PROVIDED \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,"); addText("*EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED"); addText("*WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND / OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE."); addText(""); addHtml("<p style=\"{color: red; font-weight: bold;}\">Copyright 2008-2020; Milbitt Engineering. All rights reserved.<br />" + "<a href=\"\"></a><br />" + "<a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a></p>"); // Everything is OK, then.... System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); MGCPCB.Components _comps = pcbDoc.get_Components(EPcbSelectionType.epcbSelectSelected); if (_comps.Count == 0) { pcbDoc.Application.Gui.StatusBarText("Select some components", EPcbStatusField.epcbStatusFieldError); addText("Error: Select some components"); return; } pcbDoc.Application.Gui.ProgressBarInitialize(false, "", 0, 0); pcbDoc.Application.Gui.ProgressBarInitialize(true, "Starting Ref-Des Arranger", 100, 0); addText("Starting Ref-Des Arranger"); try { pcbDoc.TransactionStart(EPcbDRCMode.epcbDRCModeNone); CellFixEngine _cfe = new CellFixEngine(); Parallel.ForEach(pcbDoc.get_Components(EPcbSelectionType.epcbSelectSelected, EPcbComponentType.epcbCompAll, EPcbCelltype.epcbCelltypeAll).OfType <MGCPCB.Component>(), comp => { addText(string.Format("Processing Part: {0}({1})", comp.RefDes, comp.CellName)); _cfe.BatchFixComponent(ref comp); } ); } catch (Exception m) { addHtml("<p style=\"{color: red; font-weight: bold;}\">Error! " + m.Message + "<br/>" + m.Source + "<br/>" + m.StackTrace + "</p>"); } finally { pcbDoc.TransactionEnd(); pcbDoc.Application.Gui.ProgressBar(100); pcbDoc.Application.Gui.ProgressBarInitialize(false, "Ref-Des Arranger: Completed"); addHtml("<p style=\"{color: #006600; font-weight: bold;}\">Operation Competed</p>"); addText(""); addHtml("<p style=\"{color: red; font-weight: bold;}\">Copyright 2008-2020; Milbitt Engineering. All rights reserved.<br />" + "<a href=\"\"></a></p>"); addText(""); } #endregion }
//反向与OrCAD交互,从 Xpedition ---> Capture void OnSelectionChange(EPcbOnSelectionType eType) { strComps = ""; strNets = ""; strPins = ""; //从 OrCAD ---> Xpedition 选定交互的过程中有Slected操作 //会同时调用该点击事件处理函数,因此必须检测是正向还是反向操作 //在正向操作时给定值为True,处理完毕后再重新设定回默认反向操作 if (bFromCapture2xpedition) { Console.WriteLine("点击原理图时又调用了一次该选定事件!"); //bFromCapture2xpedition = false; } else { if (crossProbeEnable) { //* switch (pcbApp.Gui.ActiveMode) { case EPcbMode.epcbModeDrawing: break; case EPcbMode.epcbModeModeless: compsCollection = pcbDoc.get_Components(EPcbSelectionType.epcbSelectSelected, EPcbComponentType.epcbCompGeneral, EPcbCelltype.epcbCelltypePackage, ""); netsCollection = pcbDoc.get_Nets(EPcbSelectionType.epcbSelectSelected, true, ""); break; case EPcbMode.epcbModePlace: compsCollection = pcbDoc.get_Components(EPcbSelectionType.epcbSelectSelected, EPcbComponentType.epcbCompGeneral, EPcbCelltype.epcbCelltypePackage, ""); break; case EPcbMode.epcbModeRF: break; case EPcbMode.epcbModeRoute: netsCollection = pcbDoc.get_Nets(EPcbSelectionType.epcbSelectSelected, true, ""); pinsCollection = pcbDoc.get_Pins(EPcbSelectionType.epcbSelectSelected); break; default: break; } //*/ if (compsCollection != null) { foreach (MGCPCB.Component comp in compsCollection) { listComps2capture.Add(comp.RefDes); strComps += comp.RefDes + ","; } } if (netsCollection != null) { foreach (MGCPCB.Net net in netsCollection) { listNets2capture.Add(net.Name); strNets += net.Name + ","; } } if (pinsCollection != null) { foreach (MGCPCB.Pin pin in pinsCollection) { listPins2capture.Add(pin.Component.RefDes + "-" + pin.Name); strPins += pin.Component.RefDes + "-" + pin.Name + ","; } } //以下代码供测试用,左侧调用后,清除集合内容(但是正向操作时选定操作会同时调用此过程?) //同时检测crossProbeEnable选项是否打开,以判断是否对 CaptureCIS 原理图作操作 CrossProbe2capture(); //bFromCapture2xpedition = true; } else { WriteLog(MsgSvr.Info, "反向操作交互已关闭 !"); } } }