public SplashPage() : base(0, 0, UIManager.Desktop.Width, UIManager.Desktop.Height) { tbTitle = new TextBlock(0, 0, UIManager.Desktop.Width, UIManager.Desktop.Height / 2, UIManager.FontTitle, "") { ForeColor = Color.CornflowerBlue, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, TextWrap = true }; Children.Add(tbTitle); pbLoad = new ProgressBar(UIManager.Desktop.Width / 6, 5 * UIManager.Desktop.Height / 6, 2 * UIManager.Desktop.Width / 3, 20) { Background = new LinearGradientBrush(Color.CornflowerBlue, Color.Black), Foreground = new LinearGradientBrush(Color.CornflowerBlue, Color.LimeGreen), Value = 0 }; Children.Add(pbLoad); tbLoad = new TextBlock(pbLoad.X, pbLoad.Y, pbLoad.Width, pbLoad.Height, UIManager.FontCourierNew10, "0 %") { TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, TextWrap = true }; Children.Add(tbLoad); }
public SplashPage() : base(0, 0, DemoManager.Desktop.Width, DemoManager.Desktop.Height) { tbTitle = new TextBlock(0, 0, DemoManager.Desktop.Width, DemoManager.Desktop.Height, DemoManager.FontTitle, "MFE Graphics Library") { ForeColor = Color.Blue,//.CornflowerBlue, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, TextWrap = true }; Children.Add(tbTitle); }
public DebugPage() : base(0, 0, UIManager.Desktop.Width, UIManager.Desktop.Height) { tbText = new TextBlock(0, 0, UIManager.Desktop.Width, UIManager.Desktop.Height, UIManager.FontRegular, "") { ForeColor = Color.White, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left, TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, TextWrap = true }; Children.Add(tbText); }
protected override void Run() { if (!Utils.IsEmulator) { bool reboot = false; reboot |= LCDManager.SetLCDConfiguration_800_480(); //reboot |= LCDManager.SetLCDConfiguration_320_240(); //reboot |= LCDManager.SetBootLogo(null, 0, 0); reboot |= LCDManager.SetLCDBootupMessages(true); if (reboot) { Util.FlushExtendedWeakReferences(); PowerState.RebootDevice(false); } } GraphicsManager.Initialize(); if (LCDManager.IsScreenAvailable) { if (!CalibrationManager.IsCalibrated) { CalibrationWindow winCal = new CalibrationWindow(); winCal.Background = new LinearGradientBrush(Color.Blue, Color.Black); winCal.CrosshairPen = new Pen(Color.LimeGreen, 1); TextBlock text = new TextBlock(0, winCal.Height / 4, winCal.Width, 40, Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.CourierNew_10), "Please tap the crosshairs to calibrate the screen"); text.ForeColor = Color.White; text.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; text.TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; text.TextWrap = true; winCal.Children.Add(text); winCal.ShowModal(); } MainWindow wndMain = new MainWindow(); wndMain.Show(); // place your code here } }
public static void CheckCalibration() { if (!gm.IsCalibrated) { var cw = gm.CalibrationWindow; cw.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.CornflowerBlue); cw.CrosshairPen = new Pen(Color.Red, 1); TextBlock text = new TextBlock(0, 0, cw.Width, cw.Height / 2, Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.CourierNew_10), "Please touch the crosshair") { ForeColor = Color.White, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, TextWrap = true }; cw.Children.Add(text); cw.Show(); } }
private void CreateToolButton(ref int x, string name, string text, Bitmap bitmap) { ToolButton btn = new ToolButton(x, 250, Program.ShortcutIconSize, Program.ShortcutIconSize) { Name = name, Foreground = new ImageBrush(bitmap) }; //btn.Foreground.Opacity = 200; btn.Click += new EventHandler(ToolButton_Click); Children.Add(btn); TextBlock lbl = new TextBlock(x, btn.Area.Bottom, Program.ShortcutIconSize, 20, Program.FontCourierNew10, text) { ForeColor = Program.ButtonTextColor, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top }; Children.Add(lbl); x += btn.Width + 10; }
private void Demo() { Background = new ImageBrush(Resources.GetBitmap(Resources.BitmapResources.reWalls)) { Stretch = Stretch.Fill }; ImageBrush bar = new ImageBrush(Resources.GetBitmap(Resources.BitmapResources.Bar)); // left panel Panel panelNavigation = new Panel(10, 10, 150, 460); panelNavigation.Background = new LinearGradientBrush(Color.Bisque, Color.Black, 0, 500, 1000, 500); panelNavigation.Background.Opacity = 120; panelNavigation.Border = new Pen(Color.Black, 1); Children.Add(panelNavigation); Panel tlb = new Panel(1, 1, panelNavigation.Width - 2, 25); tlb.Background = bar; tlb.Children.Add(new Label(10, 5, fontCourierNew10, "Navigation") { ForeColor = Color.CornflowerBlue }); tlb.TouchDown += delegate(object sender, TouchEventArgs e) { TouchCapture.Capture(tlb); p = e.Point; }; tlb.TouchMove += delegate(object sender, TouchEventArgs e) { if (TouchCapture.Captured == tlb) { panelNavigation.Translate(e.Point.X - p.X, e.Point.Y - p.Y); p = e.Point; } }; tlb.TouchUp += delegate(object sender, TouchEventArgs e) { if (TouchCapture.Captured == tlb) TouchCapture.ReleaseCapture(); }; panelNavigation.Children.Add(tlb); //int d = 15; //int x = 0; ////int y = 5; //RadioButtonGroup rbgNavigation = new RadioButtonGroup(10, 30, 15, panelNavigation.Height - 40); //panelNavigation.Children.Add(rbgNavigation); //rbgNavigation.AddRadioButton(new RadioButton(x, 5, d, true)); //rbgNavigation.AddRadioButton(new RadioButton(x, 25, d)); //rbgNavigation.AddRadioButton(new RadioButton(x, 45, d)); //rbgNavigation.AddRadioButton(new RadioButton(x, 65, d)); //rbgNavigation.AddRadioButton(new RadioButton(x, 85, d)); //rbgNavigation.AddRadioButton(new RadioButton(x, 105, d)); //panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Label(30, 35, fontCourierNew10, "Checkboxes") { ForeColor = Color.White }); //panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Label(30, 55, fontCourierNew10, "Buttons") { ForeColor = Color.White }); int x = 5; int w = panelNavigation.Width - 2 * x; int h = 18; int y = 35; int step = h + 5; //Font fnt = fontRegular; Font fnt = fontCourierNew10; panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "Checkbox", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "Button", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "Image", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "Label", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "Level", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "MultiImage", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "Panel", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "ProgressBar", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "RadioButton", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "Slider", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "TextBlock", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; //panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; //panelNavigation.Children.Add(new Button(x, y, w, h, fnt, "", Color.White) { BackgroundUnpressed = bar }); y += step; foreach (Control ctrl in panelNavigation.Children) { if (ctrl is Button) (ctrl as Button).Click += new EventHandler(Button_Click); } // title TextBlock txtTitle = new TextBlock(200, panelNavigation.Y, 590, 60, fontTitle, "MFE graphics"); txtTitle.ForeColor = Color.CornflowerBlue; txtTitle.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; txtTitle.TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; Children.Add(txtTitle); // right panel int yy = txtTitle.Height + 10; panelPresentation = new Panel(txtTitle.X, panelNavigation.Y + yy, txtTitle.Width, panelNavigation.Height - yy); panelPresentation.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.Black); panelPresentation.Background.Opacity = 50; panelPresentation.Border = new Pen(Color.Black, 1); Children.Add(panelPresentation); tlb2 = new Panel(1, 1, panelPresentation.Width - 2, 25); tlb2.Background = bar; tlb2.Children.Add(lblActiveDemo = new Label(10, 5, fontCourierNew10, "Presentation: [Please select control type on the left]") { ForeColor = Color.CornflowerBlue }); tlb2.TouchDown += delegate(object sender, TouchEventArgs e) { TouchCapture.Capture(tlb2); p = e.Point; }; tlb2.TouchMove += delegate(object sender, TouchEventArgs e) { if (TouchCapture.Captured == tlb2) { panelPresentation.Translate(e.Point.X - p.X, e.Point.Y - p.Y); p = e.Point; } }; tlb2.TouchUp += delegate(object sender, TouchEventArgs e) { if (TouchCapture.Captured == tlb2) TouchCapture.ReleaseCapture(); }; panelPresentation.Children.Add(tlb2); }