public CodeBodyParser(TokenStream<String> tokens, CodeBody body, SymbolTable symbols, ASTNode containingNode, MessageLog log = null) { Log = log ?? new MessageLog(); Symbols = symbols; Tokens = tokens; _loopCount = 0; _switchCount = 0; Node = containingNode; Body = body; OuterClassScope = NodeUtils.GetOuterClassScope(containingNode); // TODO: refactor a better solution to this mess if (IsState) NodeVariables = (containingNode as State); else if (IsFunction) NodeVariables = (containingNode as Function); else if (IsOperator) NodeVariables = (containingNode as OperatorDeclaration); }
public ClassValidationVisitor(MessageLog log, SymbolTable symbols) { Log = log; Symbols = symbols; Success = true; }
public void BasicClassTest() { var source = "class Test Deprecated Transient; \n" + "var enum ETestnumeration {\n" + " TEST_value1,\n" + " TEST_value2,\n" + " TEST_value3,\n" + "} inlineNumeration, testnum2;\n" + "var private deprecated int X; \n" + "VAR INT Y, Z; \n" + "var ETestnumeration testnum;\n" + "struct transient testStruct\n" + "{ var float a, b, c; };\n" + "var private struct transient twoStruct extends testStruct\n" + "{\n" + " var etestnumeration num;\n" + "} structA, structB;\n" + "function float funcB( testStruct one, float two ) \n" + "{\n" + " local float c;" + " one.a = 1.3 * c;" + " while (true)" + " {" + " c = c - c - c;" + " }" + " if (false) {" + " switch(one.a) {" + " case one.a:" + " c = one.a;" + " break;" + " case 1.2:" + " case 1.3:" + " c = c + 0.5;" + " break;" + " default:" + " c = 6.6;" + " }" + " }" + " return one.a + 0.33 * (0.66 + 0.1) * 1.5;\n" + "}\n" + "private simulated function float MyFunc( out testStruct one, coerce optional float two ) \n" + "{\n" + " return one.b + funcB(one, two);\n" + "}\n" + "auto state MyState\n" + "{\n" + "ignores MyFunc;\n" + "function StateFunc()\n" + "{\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "Begin:\n" + " moredragons\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "final static operator(254) int >>>( coerce float left, coerce float right )\n" + "{\n" + " all the dragons\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n"; var parser = new ClassOutlineParser(new TokenStream<String>(new StringLexer(source)), log); var symbols = new SymbolTable(); Class obj = new Class("Object", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); obj.OuterClass = obj; symbols.PushScope(obj.Name); symbols.AddSymbol(obj.Name, obj); VariableType integer = new VariableType("int", null, null); symbols.AddSymbol(integer.Name, integer); VariableType floatingpoint = new VariableType("float", null, null); symbols.AddSymbol(floatingpoint.Name, floatingpoint); InOpDeclaration plus_float = new InOpDeclaration("+", 20, false, null, floatingpoint, new FunctionParameter(floatingpoint, null, null, null, null), new FunctionParameter(floatingpoint, null, null, null, null), null, null, null); symbols.AddOperator(plus_float); InOpDeclaration sub_float = new InOpDeclaration("-", 20, false, null, floatingpoint, new FunctionParameter(floatingpoint, null, null, null, null), new FunctionParameter(floatingpoint, null, null, null, null), null, null, null); symbols.AddOperator(sub_float); InOpDeclaration mult_float = new InOpDeclaration("*", 16, false, null, floatingpoint, new FunctionParameter(floatingpoint, null, null, null, null), new FunctionParameter(floatingpoint, null, null, null, null), null, null, null); symbols.AddOperator(mult_float); Class node = (Class)parser.ParseDocument(); var ClassValidator = new ClassValidationVisitor(log, symbols); node.AcceptVisitor(ClassValidator); symbols.GoDirectlyToStack(node.GetInheritanceString()); foreach (Function f in node.Functions) { symbols.PushScope(f.Name); var p = new CodeBodyParser(new TokenStream<String>(new StringLexer(source)), f.Body, symbols, f, log); var b = p.ParseBody(); symbols.PopScope(); } var CodeBuilder = new CodeBuilderVisitor(); node.AcceptVisitor(CodeBuilder); Console.Write(CodeBuilder.GetCodeString()); Assert.IsTrue(log.AllErrors.Count == 0); return; }