예제 #1
         * TRANSFORMATIONS :  FF , GG , HH , II  acc to RFC 1321
         * where each Each letter represnets the aux function used

        /// <summary>
        /// perform transformatio using f(((b&c) | (~(b)&d))
        /// </summary>
        public void TransF(ref uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint k, ushort s, uint i)
            //0:31ms TransF enter { a = 1298439783, b = 3640036287, c = 4287987886, d = 1158240751, k = 15, s = 22, i = 16 } view-source:36394
            //0:31ms TransF exit { a = 3230906716, b = 3640036287, c = 4287987886, d = 1158240751, k = 15, s = 22, i = 16 } view-source:36394
            //0:32ms PerformTransformation exit { AA = 1732584193, A = 1676787624, AAA = 3409371817 }

            //TransF enter { a = 1298439783, b = 3640036287, c = 4287987886, d = 1158240751, k = 15, s = 22, i = 16 }
            //TransF exit { a = 3063134556, b = 3640036287, c = 4287987886, d = 1158240751, k = 15, s = 22, i = 16 }
            //PerformTransformation exit { AA = 1732584193, A = 3271237212, AAA = 708854109 }

            //   ref$b[0] = (c + ZAAABlo95zeSv7E3WiwqXw((((ref$b[0] + ((((c & d) >>> 0) | ((~c & e) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) + a[0].X[(~~f)]) + DwAABCsrrziddgpvRTLKgg[(~~(h - 1))]), g));

            var X_k = X[k];

                "TransF enter " +
                new { a, b, c, d, k, s, i, X_k }

            var T_i = T[i - 1];

            var b_c = (b & c);
            var b_d = (~(b) & d);

            var b_c_b_d = b_c | b_d;

            // ((((ref$b[0] + m) + i) + j) & 0xffffffff) >>> 0
            // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\test\TestUInt32AddOvf\TestUInt32AddOvf\Application.cs

            var uiNumber = a
                           + b_c_b_d
                           + X_k + T_i;

            a = b + MD5Helper.RotateLeft(

                "TransF exit " +
                new { a, b, c, d, k, s, i }
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// perform transformatio using i (c^(b|~d))
 /// </summary>
 protected void TransI(ref uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint k, ushort s, uint i)
     a = b + MD5Helper.RotateLeft((a + (c ^ (b | ~d)) + X[k] + T[i - 1]), s);
예제 #3
         * TRANSFORMATIONS :  FF , GG , HH , II  acc to RFC 1321
         * where each Each letter represnets the aux function used

        /// <summary>
        /// perform transformatio using f(((b&c) | (~(b)&d))
        /// </summary>
        protected void TransF(ref uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint k, ushort s, uint i)
            a = b + MD5Helper.RotateLeft((a + ((b & c) | (~(b) & d)) + X[k] + T[i - 1]), s);
예제 #4
 protected void TransI(ref uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint k, ushort s, uint i)
     a = b + MD5Helper.RotateLeft(a + (c ^ (b | ~d)) + this.X[(int)k] + MD5.T[(int)(i - 1u)], s);