예제 #1
        public ConversionJob(ConversionJobOptions conversionJobOptions, VideoMetaData metaData)
            _conversionOptions = conversionJobOptions; // First thing to do
            _metaData = metaData; // Save the metadata if present

            _originalFileNameBackup = _conversionOptions.sourceVideo; // This is what we use to report to the world what we're working on, _sourceVideo may change under certain conditions below
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_conversionOptions.destinationPath))
                _conversionOptions.destinationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(_conversionOptions.sourceVideo); // No dest path = convert in place

            _jobStatus = new JobStatus();
            _jobStatus.SourceFile = _conversionOptions.sourceVideo;
            _jobStatus.TaskName = _conversionOptions.taskName;

            // Read various engine parameters
            _maxConcurrentJobs = MCEBuddyConf.GlobalMCEConfig.GeneralOptions.maxConcurrentJobs;
            _spaceCheck = MCEBuddyConf.GlobalMCEConfig.GeneralOptions.spaceCheck;
            _subtitleSegmentOffset = MCEBuddyConf.GlobalMCEConfig.GeneralOptions.subtitleSegmentOffset;

            // Read various profile parameters
            Ini configProfileIni = new Ini(GlobalDefs.ProfileFile);

            // Profile only parameters 
            _preConversionCommercialRemover = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(_conversionOptions.profile, "PreConversionCommercialRemover", false); // Check if the user wants to remove commercials before the actual conversion in which case we always return false - i.e. remove commercial during remux stage
            _copyLOGFile = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(_conversionOptions.profile, "CopyLogFile", false); // Check if the user wants to save the log file generated by Comskip
            _copyPropertiesFile = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(_conversionOptions.profile, "CopyPropertiesFile", false); // Check if the user wants to save the properties file for SageTV metadata

            if (configProfileIni.ReadString(_conversionOptions.profile, "AutoDeinterlace", "default") == "default")
                _autoDeinterlace = _conversionOptions.autoDeInterlace;
                _autoDeinterlace = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(_conversionOptions.profile, "AutoDeinterlace", false);

            if (_conversionOptions.renameOnly)
                _commercialSkipCut = true; //no cutting if we are renaming only
            else if (configProfileIni.ReadString(_conversionOptions.profile, "CommercialSkipCut", "default") == "default")
                _commercialSkipCut = _conversionOptions.commercialSkipCut;
            else _commercialSkipCut = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(_conversionOptions.profile, "CommercialSkipCut", false);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new name and path for a file using the metadata and options provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conversionOptions">Conversion job options</param>
        /// <param name="metaData">Metadata for video file</param>
        /// <param name="originalFileName">Full path and name for original video file</param>
        /// <param name="renamedFileExt">File extension for the renamed file</param>
        /// <param name="newFileName">Will contain the name of the renamed file if successful</param>
        /// <param name="subDestinationPath">Will contain the path of the renamed file if successful</param>
        /// <param name="jobLog">JobLog</param>
        /// <returns>True if rename was successful, false if there was no rename</returns>
        public static bool GetRenameByMetadata(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, VideoMetaData metaData, string originalFileName, string renamedFileExt, out string newFileName, out string subDestinationPath, Log jobLog)
            newFileName = subDestinationPath = "";

            if (metaData != null)
                if ((conversionOptions.renameBySeries) & (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(metaData.MetaData.Title)))
                    string title = metaData.MetaData.Title;
                    string subTitle = metaData.MetaData.SubTitle;

                    //Get the date field
                    string date;
                    if (metaData.MetaData.RecordedDateTime > GlobalDefs.NO_BROADCAST_TIME)
                        date = metaData.MetaData.RecordedDateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        DateTime dt = Util.FileIO.GetFileCreationTime(originalFileName);

                        if (dt > GlobalDefs.NO_BROADCAST_TIME)
                            date = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            jobLog.WriteEntry("Cannot get recorded date and time, using current date and time", Log.LogEntryType.Warning);
                            date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // Build the new file name, check which naming convention we are using
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(conversionOptions.customRenameBySeries))
                        jobLog.WriteEntry("Custom Renaming Command -> " + conversionOptions.customRenameBySeries, Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                            CustomRename.CustomRenameFilename(conversionOptions.customRenameBySeries, ref newFileName, ref subDestinationPath, originalFileName, metaData.MetaData, jobLog);

                            newFileName = newFileName.Replace(@"\\", @"\");
                            newFileName += renamedFileExt;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            jobLog.WriteEntry("Error in file naming format detected, fallback to default naming convention.\r\nError : " + e.ToString(), Log.LogEntryType.Warning); // We had an invalid format
                            newFileName = ""; // Reset since we had an error so fall back can work
                            subDestinationPath = ""; // Reset path for failure
                    else if (conversionOptions.altRenameBySeries) // Alternate renaming pattern

                        if ((metaData.MetaData.Season > 0) && (metaData.MetaData.Episode > 0))
                            newFileName += "S" + metaData.MetaData.Season.ToString("00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "E" + metaData.MetaData.Episode.ToString("00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            if (subTitle != "")
                                newFileName += "-" + subTitle;
                            jobLog.WriteEntry("No Season and Episode information available, using show name", Log.LogEntryType.Warning); // if there is not season episode name available
                            newFileName = title;
                            if (subTitle != "")
                                newFileName += "-" + subTitle;
                                newFileName += "-" + date + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:MM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        newFileName = newFileName.Replace(@"\\", @"\");
                        newFileName += renamedFileExt;

                        // Create the directory structure
                        subDestinationPath += metaData.MetaData.Title;
                        if ((metaData.MetaData.Season > 0))
                            subDestinationPath += "\\Season " + metaData.MetaData.Season.ToString("00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    if (newFileName == "") // this is our default/fallback option
                        // STANDARD --> SHOWNAME/SHOWNAME-SXXEYY-EPISODENAME<-RECORDDATE>.ext // Record date is used where there is no season and episode info

                        newFileName = title;

                        if ((metaData.MetaData.Season > 0) && (metaData.MetaData.Episode > 0))
                            newFileName += "-" + "S" + metaData.MetaData.Season.ToString("00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "E" + metaData.MetaData.Episode.ToString("00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            if (subTitle != "") newFileName += "-" + subTitle;
                            jobLog.WriteEntry("No Season and Episode information available, using episode name/record date", Log.LogEntryType.Warning); // if there is not season episode name available
                            if (subTitle != "")
                                newFileName += "-" + subTitle;
                                newFileName += "-" + date + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:MM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Backup to create a unique name if season/episode is not available

                        newFileName = newFileName.Replace(@"\\", @"\");
                        newFileName += renamedFileExt;

                        // Create the directory structure
                        subDestinationPath += metaData.MetaData.Title;

                    subDestinationPath = Util.FilePaths.RemoveIllegalFilePathChars(subDestinationPath); // clean it up
                    newFileName = Util.FilePaths.RemoveIllegalFileNameChars(newFileName); // clean it up

                    return true; // We have a new name and path

                    jobLog.WriteEntry("Skipping Renaming by Series details", Log.LogEntryType.Information);
                jobLog.WriteEntry("Renaming by Series, no Metadata", Log.LogEntryType.Warning);

            return false; // No new name
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the name of the destination (expected) conversion file along with full path after checking for renaming options
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conversionOptions">Conversion Options</param>
        /// <param name="metaData">Video MetaData</param>
        /// <param name="originalFileName">Original filename and Path</param>
        /// <returns>Destination (expected converted) filename and path</returns>
        public static string GetDestinationFilename(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, VideoMetaData metaData, string originalFileName, Log jobLog)
            string newFileName, subDestinationPath;
            // TODO: Do we need to ignore filename auto increment here?

            if (!CustomRename.GetRenameByMetadata(conversionOptions, metaData, originalFileName, Transcode.Convert.GetConversionExtension(conversionOptions), out newFileName, out subDestinationPath, jobLog)) // Get the new filename and path
                // If there is no renaming occuring then the converted video will have the same name as the original video, but the extension may be different
                newFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(originalFileName) + Transcode.Convert.GetConversionExtension(conversionOptions); // Original Filename + extension of the converted file

            // Check if there is a File Rename command in the profile and adjust the filename accordingly
            string renameExt = GetRenameFileExtension(conversionOptions.profile);
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(renameExt))
                newFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(newFileName) + renameExt; // Original Filename + new renamed extension of the converted file

            return Path.Combine(conversionOptions.destinationPath, subDestinationPath, newFileName);
예제 #4
        private VideoMetaData ExtractMetadata(ConversionJobOptions cjo)
            // Extract the video metadata first - we DO NOT download the information now since
            // 1. This will hang the thread and we have a queue lock already here, so the GUI will hang
            // 2. We dont' need the additional information, the information about Filename, Show and Network are already available in existing metadata is not overwritten/supplemented by internet data
            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("Extracting metadata from file " + cjo.sourceVideo, Log.LogEntryType.Information);
            VideoMetaData metaData = new VideoMetaData(cjo, new JobStatus(), Log.AppLog, true); // Do NOT download internet information
            metaData.Extract(true); // Ignore the suspend since we have a Queue lock right now otherwise the engine will hang if the user pauses

            return metaData;