예제 #1
        public static List <S> GetStopByStopID(int stopID)
            MajicBusEntities context = new MajicBusEntities();

            DateTime now         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-7);
            DateTime utcMidnight = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-7);

            utcMidnight = utcMidnight.AddHours(-1 * utcMidnight.Hour);
            utcMidnight = utcMidnight.AddMinutes(-1 * utcMidnight.Minute);
            utcMidnight = utcMidnight.AddSeconds(-1 * utcMidnight.Second);
            TimeSpan ts            = now - utcMidnight;
            DateTime normalizedNow = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1) + ts;

            List <S> times = (from st in context.StopTimes
                              join t in context.Trips on st.TripID equals t.TripID
                              where st.StopID == stopID && st.dtDeparture >= normalizedNow
                              orderby st.dtDeparture.Value
                              group new { t, st } by t.RouteID into aggregate
                              select new S
                RouteID = aggregate.Select(a => a.t.RouteID.Value).FirstOrDefault(),
                StopID = stopID,
                Dtimes = aggregate.Select(a => a.st.dtDeparture.Value.ToString("hh:mm")).Take(5).ToList()

예제 #2
        public static List <BL.SMSLog> GetSMSLogs()
            var context = new MajicBusEntities();

            return((from sms in context.SMSLogs
                    select sms).ToList());
예제 #3
        public static List <RouteShape> GetRouteShapeByRouteID(int routeID)
            MajicBusEntities  context       = new MajicBusEntities();
            List <RouteShape> shapePosition = (from rs in context.RouteShapes
                                               where rs.RouteID == routeID
                                               orderby rs.RouteShapeID, rs.SortID
                                               select rs).ToList();

예제 #4
        public static List <BL.SMSLog.MessageCounts> GetMessageCounts()
            var context = new MajicBusEntities();

            return((from sms in context.SMSLogs
                    group sms by sms.MessageBody into aggregate
                    select new BL.SMSLog.MessageCounts {
                MessageBody = aggregate.Key, Count = aggregate.Count()
예제 #5
        //For RouteList for App
        public static List <Route> GetRoutesJ()
            var context = new MajicBusEntities();

            //return (from r in context.Routes
            //        join t in context.Trips on r.RouteID equals t.RouteID
            //        select r).Distinct().ToList();

예제 #6
        public static List <SMSLog> GetMessagesByPhone(string phoneNumber)
            MajicBusEntities context = new MajicBusEntities();

            phoneNumber = Classes.Utility.SanitizePhoneNumber(phoneNumber);
            List <SMSLog> messages = (from sms in context.SMSLogs
                                      where sms.ReceivedFrom == phoneNumber ||
                                      sms.SentTo == phoneNumber
                                      select sms).ToList();

            return(messages); //Classes.Utility.S
예제 #7
        public static void UpdateSmsLog(String from, String to, String body)
            MajicBusEntities context = new MajicBusEntities();

            context.SMSLogs.Add(new SMSLog
                MessageBody  = body,
                ReceivedFrom = from,
                SentTo       = to,
                dtSent       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                dtReceived   = DateTime.UtcNow
예제 #8
        //create stops to return lat / long  and stop ids
        public static List <Stop> GetStopsByRouteID(int routeID)
            var         context = new MajicBusEntities();
            List <Stop> stops   = (from r in context.Routes
                                   let t = context.Trips.FirstOrDefault(tr => tr.RouteID == r.RouteID)
                                           join st in context.StopTimes on t.TripID equals st.TripID
                                           join s in context.Stops on st.StopID equals s.StopID
                                           where r.RouteID == routeID
                                           orderby st.SortID
                                           select s).ToList();

            DateTime now         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-7);
            DateTime utcMidnight = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-7);

            utcMidnight = utcMidnight.AddHours(-1 * utcMidnight.Hour);
            utcMidnight = utcMidnight.AddMinutes(-1 * utcMidnight.Minute);
            utcMidnight = utcMidnight.AddSeconds(-1 * utcMidnight.Second);
            TimeSpan ts            = now - utcMidnight;
            DateTime normalizedNow = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1) + ts;

            List <StopTime> times = (from r in context.Routes
                                     join t in context.Trips on r.RouteID equals t.RouteID
                                     join st in context.StopTimes on t.TripID equals st.TripID
                                     where r.RouteID == routeID && st.dtDeparture >= normalizedNow
                                     orderby st.dtDeparture, st.SortID
                                     select st).ToList();

            foreach (Stop s in stops)
                s.Dtimes = times.Where(st => st.StopID == s.StopID).Select(st => st.dtDeparture.Value.ToString("HH:mm")).Distinct().Take(5).ToList();

            //TODO: select the next 5 times or so from the database based on routeID (for each stop!!)
            //you will need to compare the time for this, so compare the dtDeparture >= DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-7)
            //compile this information into a List<KeyValuePair<int, List<String>>>, the first list's key will be the stopid,
            //and the nested list will be the times. We only really care about departure times, just ignore arrival for now.

            //I've added a stops.cs class in the BL folder. you will need to modify that and add the list of stop times to the stop class.

예제 #9
        public static List <Coordinate> GetBusPosition(int routeID)
            MajicBusEntities context = new MajicBusEntities();
            List <usp_estimatedBusLineSegment_Result> res = context.usp_estimatedBusLineSegment(DateTime.UtcNow, "-7:00", routeID).ToList();
            List <RouteShape> shapePosition = (from rs in context.RouteShapes
                                               where rs.RouteID == routeID
                                               select rs).OrderBy(rs => rs.SortID).ToList();

            int routeShape = shapePosition.First().RouteShapeID;
            //shapePosition = shapePosition.Where(s => s.RouteShapeID == routeShape).OrderBy(rs => rs.SortID).ToList();
            List <Coordinate> busPositions = new List <Coordinate>();

            foreach (usp_estimatedBusLineSegment_Result startStop in res)
                RouteShape closestStart = null, closestFinish = null;
                double     minStartDist  = Double.MaxValue;
                double     minFinishDist = Double.MaxValue;
                double     distToStart   = Double.MaxValue;
                double     distToFinish  = Double.MaxValue;
                foreach (RouteShape pos in shapePosition)
                    if (closestStart == null && closestFinish == null)
                        closestStart  = pos;
                        closestFinish = pos;
                    distToStart = Classes.Utility.ComputeDistance((double)pos.Lat, (double)pos.Lon, (double)startStop.s1Lat, (double)startStop.s1Lon);
                    if (distToStart < minStartDist)
                        minStartDist = distToStart;
                        closestStart = pos;
                    distToFinish = Classes.Utility.ComputeDistance((double)pos.Lat, (double)pos.Lon, (double)startStop.s2Lat, (double)startStop.s2Lon);
                    if (distToFinish < minFinishDist)
                        minFinishDist = distToFinish;
                        closestFinish = pos;
                if (closestStart.SortID == closestFinish.SortID)
                    busPositions.Add(new Coordinate((double)closestStart.Lat, (double)closestStart.Lon));
                DateTime normalizedUtcNow = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-7).AddYears(-1 * DateTime.UtcNow.Year + 1900);
                normalizedUtcNow = normalizedUtcNow.AddMonths(1 - normalizedUtcNow.Month);
                normalizedUtcNow = normalizedUtcNow.AddDays(1 - normalizedUtcNow.Day);
                double ticksBetweenStops       = startStop.dtS2Departure.Value.Ticks - startStop.dtS1Departure.Value.Ticks;
                double ticksBetweenNowAndStart = normalizedUtcNow.Ticks - startStop.dtS1Departure.Value.Ticks;
                double percentageAlong         = ticksBetweenNowAndStart / ticksBetweenStops;

                double totalDistance = 0;
                //this is the stops we want
                List <RouteShape> shapesBetweenStops = shapePosition.Where(rs => rs.RouteShapeID == closestStart.RouteShapeID && rs.SortID >= closestStart.SortID && rs.SortID <= closestFinish.SortID).OrderBy(r => r.SortID).ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < shapesBetweenStops.Count - 1; i++)
                    Coordinate one = new Coordinate(shapesBetweenStops[i].Lat.Value, shapesBetweenStops[i].Lon.Value);
                    Coordinate two = new Coordinate(shapesBetweenStops[i + 1].Lat.Value, shapesBetweenStops[i + 1].Lon.Value);
                    totalDistance += Coordinate.ComputeDistance(one, two);
                totalDistance *= percentageAlong;
                for (int i = 0; i < shapesBetweenStops.Count - 1; i++)
                    Coordinate one      = new Coordinate(shapesBetweenStops[i].Lat.Value, shapesBetweenStops[i].Lon.Value);
                    Coordinate two      = new Coordinate(shapesBetweenStops[i + 1].Lat.Value, shapesBetweenStops[i + 1].Lon.Value);
                    double     distance = Coordinate.ComputeDistance(one, two);
                    if (totalDistance - distance > 0)
                        totalDistance -= distance;
                        double percentageBetweenRouteShapes = totalDistance / distance;
                        double lat = (two.Latitude - one.Latitude) * percentageBetweenRouteShapes + one.Latitude;
                        double lon = (two.Longitude - one.Longitude) * percentageBetweenRouteShapes + one.Longitude;
                        busPositions.Add(new Coordinate(lat, lon));