예제 #1
        public PlayerDashboardExt Map(PlayerDashboard model)
            PlayerDashboardExt tblModel = new PlayerDashboardExt()
                PlayerDashboardID    = model.PlayerDashboardID,
                PlayerID             = model.PlayerID,
                PlayerFullName       = model.Players.FullName,
                PlayerEmailAddress   = model.Players.EmailAddress,
                PlayerHeight_cm      = model.Players.Heights.Height_Value,
                IsPlayerActive       = model.Players.Active,
                DashboardURL         = model.DashboardURL,
                DashboardPassword    = SecurityUtils.DecryptCypher(model.DashboardPassword),
                TargetWeight         = model.TargetWeight,
                PasswordResetCode    = model.PasswordResetCode,
                ResetCodeExpiry      = model.ResetCodeExpiry,
                Locked               = model.Locked,
                Deleted              = model.Deleted,
                IsFirstLogin         = model.IsFirstLogin,
                LoginSessionID       = model.LoginSessionID,
                DashboardCreatedDate = model.DashboardCreatedDate,
                DashboardExpiryDate  = model.DashboardExpiryDate,

                //Share Data Settings
                ShareDataFrequency   = model.ShareDataFrequency,
                ShareDataWith        = model.ShareDataWith,
                DayOfWeek            = model.DayOfWeek,
                AdditionalRecipients = model.AdditionalRecipients,
                OptionalMessage      = model.OptionalMessage,
                LastSentDate         = model.LastSentDate,

                ReminderTime = model.ReminderTime

예제 #2
        public bool ValidateLogin(PlayerDashboardExt playerDashboard, Controller ctrl, ref string Reason)
            bool     IsValid   = false;
            DateTime TodayDate = DateTime.Now.Date;

            if (playerDashboard != null)
                CookiesRespository cookie = new CookiesRespository();
                var LoginCookie           = cookie.GetDashboardLoginCookie(ctrl);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LoginCookie.LoginSessionID) == false &&
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerDashboard.LoginSessionID) == false &&
                    LoginCookie.LoginSessionID == playerDashboard.LoginSessionID &&
                    playerDashboard.DashboardExpiryDate >= TodayDate &&
                    playerDashboard.IsPlayerActive == true)
                    IsValid = true;
            if (IsValid == false && (playerDashboard.DashboardExpiryDate >= TodayDate) == false)
                Reason = "Your Premium Membership has been Expired.";
            else if (IsValid == false && playerDashboard.IsPlayerActive == false)
                Reason = "Your status as a MANvFAT Player is not Active.";
예제 #3
        public PlayerDashboard Map(PlayerDashboardExt model)
            PlayerDashboard tblModel = new PlayerDashboard()
                PlayerDashboardID    = model.PlayerDashboardID,
                PlayerID             = model.PlayerID,
                DashboardURL         = model.DashboardURL,
                DashboardPassword    = model.DashboardPassword,
                TargetWeight         = model.TargetWeight,
                PasswordResetCode    = model.PasswordResetCode,
                ResetCodeExpiry      = model.ResetCodeExpiry,
                Locked               = model.Locked,
                Deleted              = model.Deleted,
                IsFirstLogin         = model.IsFirstLogin,
                LoginSessionID       = model.LoginSessionID,
                DashboardCreatedDate = model.DashboardCreatedDate,
                DashboardExpiryDate  = model.DashboardExpiryDate,

                //Share Data Settings
                ShareDataFrequency   = model.ShareDataFrequency,
                ShareDataWith        = model.ShareDataWith,
                DayOfWeek            = model.DayOfWeek,
                AdditionalRecipients = model.AdditionalRecipients,
                OptionalMessage      = model.OptionalMessage,
                LastSentDate         = model.LastSentDate,

                ReminderTime = model.ReminderTime

예제 #4
        public bool Delete(PlayerDashboardExt model, ref string Msg, Controller ctrl)
            bool status = true;

            //TODO: Get Current Object from DB
            var ItemToDelete = db.PlayerDashboard.Include("Players").FirstOrDefault(m => m.PlayerID == model.PlayerID);

                if (ItemToDelete != null)
                    var ForAudiLog = Map(ItemToDelete);
                    //TODO: Check if it is not null, then Remove from DB

                    //Add To Log
                    AuditLog(ctrl, AuditAction.Delete, null, ForAudiLog);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Msg    = ErrorHandling.HandleException(ex);
                status = false;
예제 #5
        //public void UpdateDashboardURLs()
        //    var playerDashboard = db.PlayerDashboard.Include("Players").ToList();
        //    List<PlayerDashboardExt> ListOfPlayerDashboardExt = new List<PlayerDashboardExt>();

        //    foreach (var item in playerDashboard)
        //    {
        //        PlayerDashboardExt model = Map(item);

        //        List<char> invalidURLChar = SecurityUtils.GetInvalidURLCharacters();

        //        if (item.DashboardURL.Contains(" ") || invalidURLChar.Any(m => item.DashboardURL.Contains(m)))
        //        {
        //            string _DashboardURL = item.DashboardURL;

        //            SecurityUtils.Check_RemoveInvalidURLChar(ref _DashboardURL);

        //            item.DashboardURL = _DashboardURL;
        //            db.SaveChanges();

        //            model.DashboardURL = _DashboardURL;

        //            ListOfPlayerDashboardExt.Add(model);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    //Now Re-Send Email to Each Player, the Standalone Email

        //    MandrillRepository mandrillRepo = new MandrillRepository();

        //    foreach (var item in ListOfPlayerDashboardExt)
        //    {
        //        mandrillRepo.ProgressDashboard_Standalone(item);
        //    }


        //Create Progress Dashboard for All Player of a League if Enable Progress Dashboard checkbox is ticked for this League
        public void CreateProgressDashboardForSinglePlayer(PlayersExt model)
                PlayerDashboardRepository pdRepo = new PlayerDashboardRepository();

                //Create Premium Dashboard Default Setting for User
                string _DashboardURL = SecurityUtils.EncryptText(model.EmailAddress);

                SecurityUtils.Check_RemoveInvalidURLChar(ref _DashboardURL);

                PlayerDashboardExt modelDashExt = new PlayerDashboardExt()
                    PlayerID             = model.PlayerID,
                    DashboardURL         = _DashboardURL,
                    IsFirstLogin         = true,
                    PlayerFullName       = model.FullName,
                    PlayerEmailAddress   = model.EmailAddress,
                    DashboardCreatedDate = DateTime.Now.Date,
                    DashboardExpiryDate  = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(98), //14 Weeks => 14 x 7 = 98 Days
                    ReminderTime         = 19                             //By Default 19:00 when Creating new Player's Dashboard

                string RandomPassword = System.Web.Security.Membership.GeneratePassword(6, 1);
                modelDashExt.DashboardPassword = SecurityUtils.EncryptText(RandomPassword);

                //TODO: Map to DB Object
                var dbmodel = Map(modelDashExt);

                //Save to DB

                //Now Send Email to Each Player, the Standalone Email

                MandrillRepository mandrillRepo = new MandrillRepository();


                SecurityUtils.AddAuditLog("The Progress Dashboard For Player when Player Added to Team. Success", "For Player Email " + model.EmailAddress);
            catch (Exception ex)

                string ErrorMsg = ex.Message + " - " + ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "";
                SecurityUtils.AddAuditLog("The Progress Dashboard For Player when Player Added to Team. Error Occurred", "For Player Email " + model.EmailAddress + " But Error Occurred: " + ErrorMsg);
예제 #6
        public void MapUpdate(ref PlayerDashboard dbmodel, PlayerDashboardExt model)
            dbmodel.PlayerID          = model.PlayerID;
            dbmodel.DashboardURL      = model.DashboardURL;
            dbmodel.DashboardPassword = SecurityUtils.EncryptText(model.DashboardPassword);
            dbmodel.IsFirstLogin      = false;
            dbmodel.TargetWeight      = model.TargetWeight;
            dbmodel.Locked            = model.Locked;
            dbmodel.Deleted           = model.Deleted;

            //Share Data Settings
            dbmodel.ShareDataFrequency   = model.ShareDataFrequency;
            dbmodel.ShareDataWith        = model.ShareDataWith;
            dbmodel.DayOfWeek            = model.DayOfWeek;
            dbmodel.AdditionalRecipients = model.AdditionalRecipients;
            dbmodel.OptionalMessage      = model.OptionalMessage;
            dbmodel.ReminderTime         = model.ReminderTime;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the Action to Audit Log
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The Object for which this Auditlog took place</param>
        /// <param name="Action">"Added New User OR Updated User Details OR Deleted User"</param>

        private void AuditLog(Controller ctrl, AuditAction auditAction, PlayerDashboardExt dbmodel = null, PlayerDashboardExt model = null)
            string AuditLogShortDesc = "", AuditLogLongDesc = "";

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (auditAction == AuditAction.Create) //Creating new Record
                AuditLogShortDesc = AuditLogLongDesc = "New Player Dashboard has been Added PlayerID = " + dbmodel.PlayerID + " DashboardURL = " + dbmodel.DashboardURL;
            else if (auditAction == AuditAction.Update)
                AuditLogShortDesc = AuditLogLongDesc = "Player Dashboard has been Updated PlayerID = " + model.PlayerID + " DashboardURL = " + model.DashboardURL;
            else if (auditAction == AuditAction.Delete)
                AuditLogShortDesc = AuditLogLongDesc = "Player Dashboard has been Deleted PlayerID = " + model.PlayerID + " DashboardURL = " + model.DashboardURL;

            SecurityUtils.AddAuditLog(AuditLogShortDesc, AuditLogLongDesc, ctrl);
예제 #8
        public bool CreateOrUpdate(PlayerDashboardExt model, ref string Msg, Controller ctrl)
            bool status = true;

            if (model.PlayerDashboardID == 0)
                    string RandomPassword = System.Web.Security.Membership.GeneratePassword(6, 1);
                    model.DashboardPassword = SecurityUtils.EncryptText(RandomPassword);

                    //TODO: Map to DB Object
                    var dbmodel = Map(model);
                    //TODO: Save DB Changes and Set the Return Primary Key ID
                    //TOD: Add to Audit Log
                    AuditLog(ctrl, AuditAction.Create, model, null);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Msg    = ErrorHandling.HandleException(ex);
                    status = false;
                    var dbmodel = db.PlayerDashboard.Include("Players").FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlayerDashboardID == model.PlayerDashboardID);

                    var proceedToSave = true;
                    //Validate Dashboard URL
                    ValidateDashboardURL(dbmodel.DashboardURL, model.DashboardURL, ref Msg, ref status);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.DashboardPassword))
                        if (SecurityUtils.DecryptCypher(dbmodel.DashboardPassword).Equals(model.DashboardPassword))
                            status = false;
                            Msg    = "New Password shouldn't be same as your previous Password";
                        model.DashboardPassword = SecurityUtils.DecryptCypher(dbmodel.DashboardPassword);

                    proceedToSave = status;

                    if (proceedToSave)
                        var ForAuditLog = Map(dbmodel);
                        //TODO: Map to DB Object
                        MapUpdate(ref dbmodel, model);
                        //TODO: Update DB Changes

                        //TOD: Add to Audit Log
                        AuditLog(ctrl, AuditAction.Update, ForAuditLog, model);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Msg    = ErrorHandling.HandleException(ex);
                    status = false;

        public bool ProgressDashboard_Standalone(PlayerDashboardExt model)
            SystemSettingsRepository sysRepo = new SystemSettingsRepository();
            var sys = sysRepo.GetSystemSettings();

            var DashboardURL = sys.CurrentDomain + "/Member/" + model.DashboardURL;

            //Add this Postfix if it is a TESTING Site.
            string TestSitePostfix = (sys.CurrentDomain.Contains("test") || sys.CurrentDomain.Contains("localhost")) ? "_TestSite" : "";

            dynamic sendParams = new ExpandoObject();

            sendParams.template_name = "ProgressDashboard_Standalone" + TestSitePostfix;

            sendParams.template_content = new List <dynamic>();

            sendParams.message         = new ExpandoObject();
            sendParams.message.subject = "Your Progress Dashboard at MAN v FAT Football";
            sendParams.message.to      = new List <dynamic>();

            sendParams.message.to.Add(new ExpandoObject());
            sendParams.message.to[0].email = model.PlayerEmailAddress;
            sendParams.message.to[0].name  = model.PlayerFullName;

            //sendParams.message.track_opens = true;
            //sendParams.message.track_clicks = true;

            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars = new List <dynamic>();

            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars.Add(new ExpandoObject());
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[0].name    = "PROGRESSDASHLINK";
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[0].content = DashboardURL;

            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars.Add(new ExpandoObject());
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[1].name    = "PROGRESSDASHPASS";
            sendParams.message.global_merge_vars[1].content = SecurityUtils.DecryptCypher(model.DashboardPassword);

            MandrillError merr     = SendMessage(sendParams, sys);
            string        errorMsg = "";

            switch (merr)
            case MandrillError.OK:
                SecurityUtils.AddAuditLog("Mandrill Email Success", "\"ProgressDashboard_Standalone\" Email Sent To PlayerID: " + model.PlayerID + " Email = " + model.PlayerEmailAddress);

            case MandrillError.WebException:
            case MandrillError.HttpNotOk:
                errorMsg = "There was an issue sending your activation e-mail. Please try again later or call us directly.";
                SecurityUtils.AddAuditLog("Mandrill Email Error", "\"ProgressDashboard_Standalone\" Attempt to Send Email To = PlayerID: " + model.PlayerID + " Email = " + model.PlayerEmailAddress + " - HttpNotOK: " + errorMsg);

            case MandrillError.Invalid:
                errorMsg = "Your email address appears to be invalid. Please try again with a valid address, or call us directly.";
                SecurityUtils.AddAuditLog("Mandrill Email Error", "\"ProgressDashboard_Standalone\" Invalid: " + errorMsg);

            case MandrillError.Rejected:
                errorMsg = "Your activation email was rejected. Please try again with a valid address, or call us directly.";
                SecurityUtils.AddAuditLog("Mandrill Email Error", "\"ProgressDashboard_Standalone\" Rejected: " + errorMsg);

            case MandrillError.Unknown:
                errorMsg = "There was an unknown problem sending your activation email. Please try again, or call us directly.";
                SecurityUtils.AddAuditLog("Mandrill Email Error", "\"ProgressDashboard_Standalone\" Unknown: " + errorMsg);