public ZipEntry(ZipEntry entry) { externalFileAttributes = -1; method = CompressionMethod.Deflated; zipFileIndex = -1L; if (entry == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entry"); } known = entry.known; name =; size = entry.size; compressedSize = entry.compressedSize; crc = entry.crc; dosTime = entry.dosTime; method = entry.method; comment = entry.comment; versionToExtract = entry.versionToExtract; versionMadeBy = entry.versionMadeBy; externalFileAttributes = entry.externalFileAttributes; flags = entry.flags; zipFileIndex = entry.zipFileIndex; offset = entry.offset; forceZip64_ = entry.forceZip64_; if (entry.extra != null) { extra = new byte[entry.extra.Length]; Array.Copy(entry.extra, 0, extra, 0, entry.extra.Length); } }
public Stream GetSource(ZipEntry entry, string name) { Stream stream = null; if (name != null) { stream = File.Open(name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); } return stream; }
private void WriteAESHeader(ZipEntry entry) { byte[] buffer; byte[] buffer2; InitializeAESPassword(entry, Password, out buffer, out buffer2); baseOutputStream_.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); baseOutputStream_.Write(buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length); }
public ZipEntry MakeDirectoryEntry(string directoryName, bool useFileSystem) { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(nameTransform_.TransformDirectory(directoryName)) { IsUnicodeText = isUnicodeText_, Size = 0L }; int num = 0; DirectoryInfo info = null; if (useFileSystem) { info = new DirectoryInfo(directoryName); } if ((info == null) || !info.Exists) { if (timeSetting_ == TimeSetting.Fixed) { entry.DateTime = fixedDateTime_; } } else { switch (timeSetting_) { case TimeSetting.LastWriteTime: entry.DateTime = info.LastWriteTime; break; case TimeSetting.LastWriteTimeUtc: entry.DateTime = info.LastWriteTimeUtc; break; case TimeSetting.CreateTime: entry.DateTime = info.CreationTime; break; case TimeSetting.CreateTimeUtc: entry.DateTime = info.CreationTimeUtc; break; case TimeSetting.LastAccessTime: entry.DateTime = info.LastAccessTime; break; case TimeSetting.LastAccessTimeUtc: entry.DateTime = info.LastAccessTimeUtc; break; case TimeSetting.Fixed: entry.DateTime = fixedDateTime_; break; default: throw new ZipException("Unhandled time setting in MakeDirectoryEntry"); } num = ((int)info.Attributes) & getAttributes_; } num |= setAttributes_ | 0x10; entry.ExternalFileAttributes = num; return entry; }
public Stream GetInputStream(ZipEntry entry) { if (entry == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entry"); } if (isDisposed_) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("ZipFile"); } long zipFileIndex = entry.ZipFileIndex; if (((zipFileIndex < 0L) || (zipFileIndex >= entries_.Length)) || (entries_[(int)((IntPtr)zipFileIndex)].Name != entry.Name)) { zipFileIndex = FindEntry(entry.Name, true); if (zipFileIndex < 0L) { throw new ZipException("Entry cannot be found"); } } return GetInputStream(zipFileIndex); }
public void Add(ZipEntry entry) { if (entry == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entry"); } CheckUpdating(); if ((entry.Size != 0L) || (entry.CompressedSize != 0L)) { throw new ZipException("Entry cannot have any data"); } AddUpdate(new ZipUpdate(UpdateCommand.Add, entry)); }
public ZipUpdate(IStaticDataSource dataSource, string entryName, CompressionMethod compressionMethod) { sizePatchOffset_ = -1L; crcPatchOffset_ = -1L; _offsetBasedSize = -1L; command_ = UpdateCommand.Add; entry_ = new ZipEntry(entryName); entry_.CompressionMethod = compressionMethod; dataSource_ = dataSource; }
public ZipUpdate(UpdateCommand command, ZipEntry entry) { sizePatchOffset_ = -1L; crcPatchOffset_ = -1L; _offsetBasedSize = -1L; command_ = command; entry_ = (ZipEntry)entry.Clone(); }
private int FindExistingUpdate(ZipEntry entry) { int num = -1; string transformedFileName = GetTransformedFileName(entry.Name); if (updateIndex_.ContainsKey(transformedFileName)) { num = (int)updateIndex_[transformedFileName]; } return num; }
private Stream CreateAndInitEncryptionStream(Stream baseStream, ZipEntry entry) { CryptoStream stream = null; if ((entry.Version < 50) || ((entry.Flags & 0x40) == 0)) { PkzipClassicManaged managed = new PkzipClassicManaged(); OnKeysRequired(entry.Name); if (!HaveKeys) { throw new ZipException("No password available for encrypted stream"); } stream = new CryptoStream(new UncompressedStream(baseStream), managed.CreateEncryptor(key, null), CryptoStreamMode.Write); if ((entry.Crc < 0L) || ((entry.Flags & 8) != 0)) { WriteEncryptionHeader(stream, entry.DosTime << 0x10); return stream; } WriteEncryptionHeader(stream, entry.Crc); } return stream; }
private Stream CreateAndInitDecryptionStream(Stream baseStream, ZipEntry entry) { if ((entry.Version < 50) || ((entry.Flags & 0x40) == 0)) { PkzipClassicManaged managed = new PkzipClassicManaged(); OnKeysRequired(entry.Name); if (!HaveKeys) { throw new ZipException("No password available for encrypted stream"); } CryptoStream classicCryptoStream = new CryptoStream(baseStream, managed.CreateDecryptor(key, null), CryptoStreamMode.Read); CheckClassicPassword(classicCryptoStream, entry); return classicCryptoStream; } if (entry.Version != 0x33) { throw new ZipException("Decryption method not supported"); } OnKeysRequired(entry.Name); if (!HaveKeys) { throw new ZipException("No password available for AES encrypted stream"); } int aESSaltLen = entry.AESSaltLen; byte[] buffer = new byte[aESSaltLen]; int num2 = baseStream.Read(buffer, 0, aESSaltLen); if (num2 != aESSaltLen) { throw new ZipException(string.Concat(new object[] { "AES Salt expected ", aESSaltLen, " got ", num2 })); } byte[] buffer2 = new byte[2]; baseStream.Read(buffer2, 0, 2); int blockSize = entry.AESKeySize / 8; ZipAESTransform transform = new ZipAESTransform(rawPassword_, buffer, blockSize, false); byte[] pwdVerifier = transform.PwdVerifier; if ((pwdVerifier[0] != buffer2[0]) || (pwdVerifier[1] != buffer2[1])) { throw new Exception("Invalid password for AES"); } return new ZipAESStream(baseStream, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Read); }
public int WriteDataDescriptor(ZipEntry entry) { if (entry == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entry"); } int num = 0; if ((entry.Flags & 8) == 0) { return num; } WriteLEInt(0x8074b50); WriteLEInt((int)entry.Crc); num += 8; if (entry.LocalHeaderRequiresZip64) { WriteLELong(entry.CompressedSize); WriteLELong(entry.Size); return (num + 0x10); } WriteLEInt((int)entry.CompressedSize); WriteLEInt((int)entry.Size); return (num + 8); }
private void ExtractFileEntry(ZipEntry entry, string targetName) { bool flag = true; if ((overwrite_ != Overwrite.Always) && File.Exists(targetName)) { if ((overwrite_ == Overwrite.Prompt) && (confirmDelegate_ != null)) { flag = confirmDelegate_(targetName); } else { flag = false; } } if (flag) { if (events_ != null) { continueRunning_ = events_.OnProcessFile(entry.Name); } if (continueRunning_) { try { using (FileStream stream = File.Create(targetName)) { if (buffer_ == null) { buffer_ = new byte[0x1000]; } if ((events_ != null) && (events_.Progress != null)) { StreamUtils.Copy(zipFile_.GetInputStream(entry), stream, buffer_, events_.Progress, events_.ProgressInterval, this, entry.Name, entry.Size); } else { StreamUtils.Copy(zipFile_.GetInputStream(entry), stream, buffer_); } if (events_ != null) { continueRunning_ = events_.OnCompletedFile(entry.Name); } } if (restoreDateTimeOnExtract_) { File.SetLastWriteTime(targetName, entry.DateTime); } if ((RestoreAttributesOnExtract && entry.IsDOSEntry) && (entry.ExternalFileAttributes != -1)) { FileAttributes fileAttributes = ((FileAttributes)entry.ExternalFileAttributes) & (FileAttributes.Normal | FileAttributes.Archive | FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.ReadOnly); File.SetAttributes(targetName, fileAttributes); } } catch (Exception exception) { if (events_ == null) { continueRunning_ = false; throw; } continueRunning_ = events_.OnFileFailure(targetName, exception); } } } }
private void ExtractEntry(ZipEntry entry) { bool flag = entry.IsCompressionMethodSupported(); string name = entry.Name; if (flag) { if (entry.IsFile) { name = extractNameTransform_.TransformFile(name); } else if (entry.IsDirectory) { name = extractNameTransform_.TransformDirectory(name); } flag = (name != null) && (name.Length != 0); } string path = null; if (flag) { if (entry.IsDirectory) { path = name; } else { path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(name)); } } if ((flag && !Directory.Exists(path)) && (!entry.IsDirectory || CreateEmptyDirectories)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } catch (Exception exception) { flag = false; if (events_ != null) { if (entry.IsDirectory) { continueRunning_ = events_.OnDirectoryFailure(name, exception); } else { continueRunning_ = events_.OnFileFailure(name, exception); } } else { continueRunning_ = false; throw; } } } if (flag && entry.IsFile) { ExtractFileEntry(entry, name); } }
public void CloseEntry() { if (curEntry == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No open entry"); } long compressedSize = size; if (curMethod == CompressionMethod.Deflated) { if (size >= 0L) { Finish(); compressedSize = deflater_.TotalOut; } else { deflater_.Reset(); } } if (curEntry.AESKeySize > 0) { baseOutputStream_.Write(AESAuthCode, 0, 10); } if (curEntry.Size < 0L) { curEntry.Size = size; } else if (curEntry.Size != size) { throw new ZipException(string.Concat(new object[] { "size was ", size, ", but I expected ", curEntry.Size })); } if (curEntry.CompressedSize < 0L) { curEntry.CompressedSize = compressedSize; } else if (curEntry.CompressedSize != compressedSize) { throw new ZipException(string.Concat(new object[] { "compressed size was ", compressedSize, ", but I expected ", curEntry.CompressedSize })); } if (curEntry.Crc < 0L) { curEntry.Crc = crc.Value; } else if (curEntry.Crc != crc.Value) { throw new ZipException(string.Concat(new object[] { "crc was ", crc.Value, ", but I expected ", curEntry.Crc })); } offset += compressedSize; if (curEntry.IsCrypted) { if (curEntry.AESKeySize > 0) { curEntry.CompressedSize += curEntry.AESOverheadSize; } else { curEntry.CompressedSize += 12L; } } if (patchEntryHeader) { patchEntryHeader = false; long position = baseOutputStream_.Position; baseOutputStream_.Seek(crcPatchPos, SeekOrigin.Begin); WriteLeInt((int)curEntry.Crc); if (curEntry.LocalHeaderRequiresZip64) { if (sizePatchPos == -1L) { throw new ZipException("Entry requires zip64 but this has been turned off"); } baseOutputStream_.Seek(sizePatchPos, SeekOrigin.Begin); WriteLeLong(curEntry.Size); WriteLeLong(curEntry.CompressedSize); } else { WriteLeInt((int)curEntry.CompressedSize); WriteLeInt((int)curEntry.Size); } baseOutputStream_.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin); } if ((curEntry.Flags & 8) != 0) { WriteLeInt(0x8074b50); WriteLeInt((int)curEntry.Crc); if (curEntry.LocalHeaderRequiresZip64) { WriteLeLong(curEntry.CompressedSize); WriteLeLong(curEntry.Size); offset += 0x18L; } else { WriteLeInt((int)curEntry.CompressedSize); WriteLeInt((int)curEntry.Size); offset += 0x10L; } } entries.Add(curEntry); curEntry = null; }
public ZipUpdate(IStaticDataSource dataSource, ZipEntry entry) { sizePatchOffset_ = -1L; crcPatchOffset_ = -1L; _offsetBasedSize = -1L; command_ = UpdateCommand.Add; entry_ = entry; dataSource_ = dataSource; }
public ZipUpdate(ZipEntry original, ZipEntry updated) { sizePatchOffset_ = -1L; crcPatchOffset_ = -1L; _offsetBasedSize = -1L; throw new ZipException("Modify not currently supported"); }
private Stream GetOutputStream(ZipEntry entry) { Stream baseStream = baseStream_; if (entry.IsCrypted) { baseStream = CreateAndInitEncryptionStream(baseStream, entry); } CompressionMethod compressionMethod = entry.CompressionMethod; if (compressionMethod != CompressionMethod.Stored) { if (compressionMethod != CompressionMethod.Deflated) { throw new ZipException("Unknown compression method " + entry.CompressionMethod); } } else { return new UncompressedStream(baseStream); } return new DeflaterOutputStream(baseStream, new Deflater(9, true)) { IsStreamOwner = false }; }
public ZipUpdate(string fileName, ZipEntry entry) { sizePatchOffset_ = -1L; crcPatchOffset_ = -1L; _offsetBasedSize = -1L; command_ = UpdateCommand.Add; entry_ = entry; filename_ = fileName; }
private long LocateEntry(ZipEntry entry) { return TestLocalHeader(entry, HeaderTest.Extract); }
public ZipUpdate(string fileName, string entryName, CompressionMethod compressionMethod) { sizePatchOffset_ = -1L; crcPatchOffset_ = -1L; _offsetBasedSize = -1L; command_ = UpdateCommand.Add; entry_ = new ZipEntry(entryName); entry_.CompressionMethod = compressionMethod; filename_ = fileName; }
private void ReadEntries() { if (!baseStream_.CanSeek) { throw new ZipException("ZipFile stream must be seekable"); } long endLocation = LocateBlockWithSignature(0x6054b50, baseStream_.Length, 0x16, 0xffff); if (endLocation < 0L) { throw new ZipException("Cannot find central directory"); } ushort num2 = ReadLEUshort(); ushort num3 = ReadLEUshort(); ulong num4 = ReadLEUshort(); ulong num5 = ReadLEUshort(); ulong num6 = ReadLEUint(); long num7 = ReadLEUint(); uint num8 = ReadLEUshort(); if (num8 > 0) { byte[] buffer = new byte[num8]; StreamUtils.ReadFully(baseStream_, buffer); comment_ = ZipConstants.ConvertToString(buffer); } else { comment_ = string.Empty; } bool flag = false; if ((((num2 == 0xffff) || (num3 == 0xffff)) || ((num4 == 0xffffL) || (num5 == 0xffffL))) || ((num6 == 0xffffffffL) || (num7 == 0xffffffffL))) { flag = true; if (LocateBlockWithSignature(0x7064b50, endLocation, 0, DefaultBufferSize) < 0L) { throw new ZipException("Cannot find Zip64 locator"); } ReadLEUint(); ulong num10 = ReadLEUlong(); ReadLEUint(); baseStream_.Position = (long)num10; long num11 = ReadLEUint(); if (num11 != 0x6064b50L) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Invalid Zip64 Central directory signature at {0:X}", num10)); } ReadLEUlong(); ReadLEUshort(); ReadLEUshort(); ReadLEUint(); ReadLEUint(); num4 = ReadLEUlong(); num5 = ReadLEUlong(); num6 = ReadLEUlong(); num7 = (long)ReadLEUlong(); } entries_ = new ZipEntry[num4]; if (!flag && (num7 < (long)(((ulong)endLocation) - (4L + num6)))) { offsetOfFirstEntry = endLocation - ((4L + ((long)num6)) + num7); if (offsetOfFirstEntry <= 0L) { throw new ZipException("Invalid embedded zip archive"); } } baseStream_.Seek(offsetOfFirstEntry + num7, SeekOrigin.Begin); for (ulong i = 0L; i < num4; i += (ulong)1L) { if (ReadLEUint() != 0x2014b50) { throw new ZipException("Wrong Central Directory signature"); } int madeByInfo = ReadLEUshort(); int versionRequiredToExtract = ReadLEUshort(); int flags = ReadLEUshort(); int num16 = ReadLEUshort(); uint num17 = ReadLEUint(); uint num18 = ReadLEUint(); long num19 = ReadLEUint(); long num20 = ReadLEUint(); int num21 = ReadLEUshort(); int num22 = ReadLEUshort(); int num23 = ReadLEUshort(); ReadLEUshort(); ReadLEUshort(); uint num24 = ReadLEUint(); long num25 = ReadLEUint(); byte[] buffer2 = new byte[Math.Max(num21, num23)]; StreamUtils.ReadFully(baseStream_, buffer2, 0, num21); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(ZipConstants.ConvertToStringExt(flags, buffer2, num21), versionRequiredToExtract, madeByInfo, (CompressionMethod)num16) { Crc = num18 & 0xffffffffL, Size = num20 & 0xffffffffL, CompressedSize = num19 & 0xffffffffL, Flags = flags, DosTime = num17, ZipFileIndex = (long)i, Offset = num25, ExternalFileAttributes = (int)num24 }; if ((flags & 8) == 0) { entry.CryptoCheckValue = (byte)(num18 >> 0x18); } else { entry.CryptoCheckValue = (byte)((num17 >> 8) & 0xff); } if (num22 > 0) { byte[] buffer3 = new byte[num22]; StreamUtils.ReadFully(baseStream_, buffer3); entry.ExtraData = buffer3; } entry.ProcessExtraData(false); if (num23 > 0) { StreamUtils.ReadFully(baseStream_, buffer2, 0, num23); entry.Comment = ZipConstants.ConvertToStringExt(flags, buffer2, num23); } entries_[(int)((IntPtr)i)] = entry; } }
public void Delete(ZipEntry entry) { if (entry == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entry"); } CheckUpdating(); int num = FindExistingUpdate(entry); if (num < 0) { throw new ZipException("Cannot find entry to delete"); } contentsEdited_ = true; updates_[num] = null; updateCount_ -= 1L; }
private long TestLocalHeader(ZipEntry entry, HeaderTest tests) { lock (baseStream_) { bool flag = (tests & HeaderTest.Header) != 0; bool flag2 = (tests & HeaderTest.Extract) != 0; baseStream_.Seek(offsetOfFirstEntry + entry.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (ReadLEUint() != 0x4034b50) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Wrong local header signature @{0:X}", offsetOfFirstEntry + entry.Offset)); } short num = (short)ReadLEUshort(); short flags = (short)ReadLEUshort(); short num3 = (short)ReadLEUshort(); short num4 = (short)ReadLEUshort(); short num5 = (short)ReadLEUshort(); uint num6 = ReadLEUint(); long num7 = ReadLEUint(); long num8 = ReadLEUint(); int num9 = ReadLEUshort(); int num10 = ReadLEUshort(); byte[] buffer = new byte[num9]; StreamUtils.ReadFully(baseStream_, buffer); byte[] buffer2 = new byte[num10]; StreamUtils.ReadFully(baseStream_, buffer2); ZipExtraData data = new ZipExtraData(buffer2); if (data.Find(1)) { num8 = data.ReadLong(); num7 = data.ReadLong(); if ((flags & 8) != 0) { if ((num8 != -1L) && (num8 != entry.Size)) { throw new ZipException("Size invalid for descriptor"); } if ((num7 != -1L) && (num7 != entry.CompressedSize)) { throw new ZipException("Compressed size invalid for descriptor"); } } } else if ((num >= 0x2d) && ((((uint)num8) == uint.MaxValue) || (((uint)num7) == uint.MaxValue))) { throw new ZipException("Required Zip64 extended information missing"); } if (flag2 && entry.IsFile) { if (!entry.IsCompressionMethodSupported()) { throw new ZipException("Compression method not supported"); } if ((num > 0x33) || ((num > 20) && (num < 0x2d))) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Version required to extract this entry not supported ({0})", num)); } if ((flags & 0x3060) != 0) { throw new ZipException("The library does not support the zip version required to extract this entry"); } } if (flag) { if (((((num <= 0x3f) && (num != 10)) && ((num != 11) && (num != 20))) && (((num != 0x15) && (num != 0x19)) && ((num != 0x1b) && (num != 0x2d)))) && ((((num != 0x2e) && (num != 50)) && ((num != 0x33) && (num != 0x34))) && (((num != 0x3d) && (num != 0x3e)) && (num != 0x3f)))) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Version required to extract this entry is invalid ({0})", num)); } if ((flags & 0xc010) != 0) { throw new ZipException("Reserved bit flags cannot be set."); } if (((flags & 1) != 0) && (num < 20)) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Version required to extract this entry is too low for encryption ({0})", num)); } if ((flags & 0x40) != 0) { if ((flags & 1) == 0) { throw new ZipException("Strong encryption flag set but encryption flag is not set"); } if (num < 50) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Version required to extract this entry is too low for encryption ({0})", num)); } } if (((flags & 0x20) != 0) && (num < 0x1b)) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Patched data requires higher version than ({0})", num)); } if (flags != entry.Flags) { throw new ZipException("Central header/local header flags mismatch"); } if (entry.CompressionMethod != ((CompressionMethod)num3)) { throw new ZipException("Central header/local header compression method mismatch"); } if (entry.Version != num) { throw new ZipException("Extract version mismatch"); } if (((flags & 0x40) != 0) && (num < 0x3e)) { throw new ZipException("Strong encryption flag set but version not high enough"); } if (((flags & 0x2000) != 0) && ((num4 != 0) || (num5 != 0))) { throw new ZipException("Header masked set but date/time values non-zero"); } if (((flags & 8) == 0) && (num6 != ((uint)entry.Crc))) { throw new ZipException("Central header/local header crc mismatch"); } if (((num8 == 0L) && (num7 == 0L)) && (num6 != 0)) { throw new ZipException("Invalid CRC for empty entry"); } if (entry.Name.Length > num9) { throw new ZipException("File name length mismatch"); } string name = ZipConstants.ConvertToStringExt(flags, buffer); if (name != entry.Name) { throw new ZipException("Central header and local header file name mismatch"); } if (entry.IsDirectory) { if (num8 > 0L) { throw new ZipException("Directory cannot have size"); } if (entry.IsCrypted) { if (num7 > 14L) { throw new ZipException("Directory compressed size invalid"); } } else if (num7 > 2L) { throw new ZipException("Directory compressed size invalid"); } } if (!ZipNameTransform.IsValidName(name, true)) { throw new ZipException("Name is invalid"); } } if ((((flags & 8) == 0) || (num8 > 0L)) || (num7 > 0L)) { if (num8 != entry.Size) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Size mismatch between central header({0}) and local header({1})", entry.Size, num8)); } if (((num7 != entry.CompressedSize) && (num7 != 0xffffffffL)) && (num7 != -1L)) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Compressed size mismatch between central header({0}) and local header({1})", entry.CompressedSize, num7)); } } int num11 = num9 + num10; return (((offsetOfFirstEntry + entry.Offset) + 30L) + num11); } }
private static void CheckClassicPassword(CryptoStream classicCryptoStream, ZipEntry entry) { byte[] buffer = new byte[12]; StreamUtils.ReadFully(classicCryptoStream, buffer); if (buffer[11] != entry.CryptoCheckValue) { throw new ZipException("Invalid password"); } }
private int WriteCentralDirectoryHeader(ZipEntry entry) { if (entry.CompressedSize < 0L) { throw new ZipException("Attempt to write central directory entry with unknown csize"); } if (entry.Size < 0L) { throw new ZipException("Attempt to write central directory entry with unknown size"); } if (entry.Crc < 0L) { throw new ZipException("Attempt to write central directory entry with unknown crc"); } WriteLEInt(0x2014b50); WriteLEShort(0x33); WriteLEShort(entry.Version); WriteLEShort(entry.Flags); WriteLEShort((byte)entry.CompressionMethod); WriteLEInt((int)entry.DosTime); WriteLEInt((int)entry.Crc); if (entry.IsZip64Forced() || (entry.CompressedSize >= 0xffffffffL)) { WriteLEInt(-1); } else { WriteLEInt((int)(((ulong)entry.CompressedSize) & 0xffffffffL)); } if (entry.IsZip64Forced() || (entry.Size >= 0xffffffffL)) { WriteLEInt(-1); } else { WriteLEInt((int)entry.Size); } byte[] buffer = ZipConstants.ConvertToArray(entry.Flags, entry.Name); if (buffer.Length > 0xffff) { throw new ZipException("Entry name is too long."); } WriteLEShort(buffer.Length); ZipExtraData data = new ZipExtraData(entry.ExtraData); if (entry.CentralHeaderRequiresZip64) { data.StartNewEntry(); if ((entry.Size >= 0xffffffffL) || (useZip64_ == UseZip64.On)) { data.AddLeLong(entry.Size); } if ((entry.CompressedSize >= 0xffffffffL) || (useZip64_ == UseZip64.On)) { data.AddLeLong(entry.CompressedSize); } if (entry.Offset >= 0xffffffffL) { data.AddLeLong(entry.Offset); } data.AddNewEntry(1); } else { data.Delete(1); } byte[] entryData = data.GetEntryData(); WriteLEShort(entryData.Length); WriteLEShort((entry.Comment != null) ? entry.Comment.Length : 0); WriteLEShort(0); WriteLEShort(0); if (entry.ExternalFileAttributes != -1) { WriteLEInt(entry.ExternalFileAttributes); } else if (entry.IsDirectory) { WriteLEUint(0x10); } else { WriteLEUint(0); } if (entry.Offset >= 0xffffffffL) { WriteLEUint(uint.MaxValue); } else { WriteLEUint((uint)((int)entry.Offset)); } if (buffer.Length > 0) { baseStream_.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } if (entryData.Length > 0) { baseStream_.Write(entryData, 0, entryData.Length); } byte[] buffer3 = (entry.Comment != null) ? Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(entry.Comment) : new byte[0]; if (buffer3.Length > 0) { baseStream_.Write(buffer3, 0, buffer3.Length); } return (((0x2e + buffer.Length) + entryData.Length) + buffer3.Length); }
public ZipEntry MakeFileEntry(string fileName, bool useFileSystem) { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(nameTransform_.TransformFile(fileName)) { IsUnicodeText = isUnicodeText_ }; int num = 0; bool flag = setAttributes_ != 0; FileInfo info = null; if (useFileSystem) { info = new FileInfo(fileName); } if ((info == null) || !info.Exists) { if (timeSetting_ == TimeSetting.Fixed) { entry.DateTime = fixedDateTime_; } } else { switch (timeSetting_) { case TimeSetting.LastWriteTime: entry.DateTime = info.LastWriteTime; break; case TimeSetting.LastWriteTimeUtc: entry.DateTime = info.LastWriteTimeUtc; break; case TimeSetting.CreateTime: entry.DateTime = info.CreationTime; break; case TimeSetting.CreateTimeUtc: entry.DateTime = info.CreationTimeUtc; break; case TimeSetting.LastAccessTime: entry.DateTime = info.LastAccessTime; break; case TimeSetting.LastAccessTimeUtc: entry.DateTime = info.LastAccessTimeUtc; break; case TimeSetting.Fixed: entry.DateTime = fixedDateTime_; break; default: throw new ZipException("Unhandled time setting in MakeFileEntry"); } entry.Size = info.Length; flag = true; num = ((int)info.Attributes) & getAttributes_; } if (flag) { num |= setAttributes_; entry.ExternalFileAttributes = num; } return entry; }
public ZipEntryEnumerator(ZipEntry[] entries) { array = entries; }
public ZipUpdate(ZipEntry entry) : this(UpdateCommand.Copy, entry) { }
private static void AddExtraDataAES(ZipEntry entry, ZipExtraData extraData) { extraData.StartNewEntry(); extraData.AddLeShort(2); extraData.AddLeShort(0x4541); extraData.AddData(entry.AESEncryptionStrength); extraData.AddLeShort((int)entry.CompressionMethod); extraData.AddNewEntry(0x9901); }