public override void OnShow() { // Initializing the pages on show in case the developer // manually changes versions in the project settings for testing Initialize(); // Run the gizmo disabler. It's an expansive operation, // so we don't do it on every assembly reload, but this way at least // we make sure that the gizmos will be properly disabled at every update. AnnotationDisabler.DisableGizmos(); base.OnShow(); }
protected override void OnShow() { base.OnShow(); foreach (var plugin in product.plugins.ResolveDependencies()) { plugin.configuration.projectSetupCompleted = true; plugin.configuration.editorSetupCompleted = true; plugin.configuration.Save(); } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); // Run the gizmo disabler. It's an expansive operation, // so we don't do it on every assembly reload, but this way at least // we make sure that the gizmos will be properly disabled on install. AnnotationDisabler.DisableGizmos(); }
public static void Run() { var pluginImporters = PluginImporter.GetAllImporters(); foreach (var pluginImporter in pluginImporters) { // Skip native plugins if (pluginImporter.isNativePlugin) { continue; } // Skip built-in Unity plugins, which are referenced by full path if (!pluginImporter.assetPath.StartsWith("Assets")) { continue; } var assemblyPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(Application.dataPath).FullName, pluginImporter.assetPath); var assembly = Codebase.assemblies.FirstOrDefault(a => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Location) && new Uri(assemblyPath) == new Uri(a.Location)); // Skip if plugin importer has no matching assembly if (assembly == null) { continue; } var plugin = PluginContainer.plugins.FirstOrDefault(p => p.runtimeAssembly == assembly); // Skip if the assembly is not mapped to a Ludiq plugin if (plugin == null) { continue; } var mappableTypes = assembly.GetTypesSafely().Where(t => typeof(UnityObject).IsAssignableFrom(t)); // Skip assemblies without any mappable types if (!mappableTypes.Any()) { continue; } // Create a dictionary of type-to-icon mapping // The key is the fully qualified type name. // The value is the Unity-assigned GUID of the icon file. var iconsByTypes = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var type in mappableTypes) { var iconAssetPath = PathUtility.FromProject(Path.Combine(plugin.paths.iconMap, type.CSharpFileName(true, false) + ".png")); var typeIcon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(iconAssetPath); // Skip if type icon loading fails if (typeIcon == null) { continue; } iconsByTypes.Add(type.ToString(), AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(iconAssetPath)); } // Modify the matching meta file's YAML var metaFilePath = assemblyPath + ".meta"; try { var yaml = new YamlStream(); new FileInfo(metaFilePath).IsReadOnly = false; using (var input = new StreamReader(metaFilePath)) { yaml.Load(input); // Dig down the PluginImporter.iconMap node and clear it var rootNode = (YamlMappingNode)yaml.Documents[0].RootNode; var pluginImporterNode = (YamlMappingNode)rootNode.Children["PluginImporter"]; var iconMapNode = (YamlMappingNode)pluginImporterNode.Children["iconMap"]; iconMapNode.Children.Clear(); AddIconMap(iconMapNode, iconsByTypes); iconMapNode.Style = MappingStyle.Block; } // The only way I found to get Unity to release its freaking file lock File.Delete(metaFilePath); using (var output = new StreamWriter(metaFilePath)) { yaml.Save(output, false); } Debug.Log($"Added icon mapping.\n{metaFilePath}"); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning($"Failed to traverse plugin meta file '{Path.GetFileName(metaFilePath)}' for icon mapping: \n{ex}"); if (iconsByTypes.Count > 0) { // Unity broke Yaml specification in 5.5: (... ugh) // // YamlDotNet won't be able to load the meta files. // Therefore, we'll have to add the iconmap manually in the meta files. // To facilitate that process, we'll output the proper required Yaml // to the console for each file. var iconMapNode = new YamlMappingNode(); AddIconMap(iconMapNode, iconsByTypes); iconMapNode.Style = MappingStyle.Block; var rootNode = new YamlMappingNode { { "iconMap", iconMapNode } }; var yaml = new YamlStream(new YamlDocument(rootNode)); var output = new StringWriter(); yaml.Save(output, false); output.Dispose(); var @string = output.ToString(); var indented = ""; foreach (var line in @string.Split('\n')) { indented += " " + line + "\n"; } Debug.Log($"Manual iconMap node for '{Path.GetFileName(metaFilePath)}':\n\n{indented}\n\n"); } } } AssetDatabase.Refresh(); AnnotationDisabler.DisableGizmos(); }