예제 #1
         * Calls the method. Receives the arguments from the Lua stack
         * and returns values in it.
        public int call(IntPtr luaState)
            MethodBase methodToCall  = _Method;
            object     targetObject  = _Target;
            bool       failedCall    = true;
            int        nReturnValues = 0;

            if (!LuaDLL.lua_checkstack(luaState, 5))
                throw new LuaException("Lua stack overflow");

            bool isStatic = (_BindingType & BindingFlags.Static) == BindingFlags.Static;


            if (methodToCall == null) // Method from name
                if (isStatic)
                    targetObject = null;
                    targetObject = _ExtractTarget(luaState, 1);

                //LuaDLL.lua_remove(luaState,1); // Pops the receiver
                if (_LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod != null)       // Cached?
                    int        numStackToSkip = isStatic ? 0 : 1; // If this is an instance invoe we will have an extra arg on the stack for the targetObject
                    int        numArgsPassed  = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(luaState) - numStackToSkip;
                    MethodBase method         = _LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod;

                    if (numArgsPassed == _LastCalledMethod.argTypes.Length) // No. of args match?
                        if (!LuaDLL.lua_checkstack(luaState, _LastCalledMethod.outList.Length + 6))
                            throw new LuaException("Lua stack overflow");

                        object [] args = _LastCalledMethod.args;

                            for (int i = 0; i < _LastCalledMethod.argTypes.Length; i++)
                                MethodArgs type = _LastCalledMethod.argTypes [i];

                                int index = i + 1 + numStackToSkip;

                                Func <int, object> valueExtractor = (currentParam) => {
                                    return(type.extractValue(luaState, currentParam));

                                if (_LastCalledMethod.argTypes [i].isParamsArray)
                                    int   count      = index - _LastCalledMethod.argTypes.Length;
                                    Array paramArray = _Translator.TableToArray(valueExtractor, type.paramsArrayType, index, count);
                                    args [_LastCalledMethod.argTypes [i].index] = paramArray;
                                    args [type.index] = valueExtractor(index);

                                if (_LastCalledMethod.args[_LastCalledMethod.argTypes[i].index] == null &&
                                    !LuaDLL.lua_isnil(luaState, i + 1 + numStackToSkip))
                                    throw new LuaException("argument number " + (i + 1) + " is invalid");
                            if ((_BindingType & BindingFlags.Static) == BindingFlags.Static)
                                _Translator.push(luaState, _LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod.Invoke(null, _LastCalledMethod.args));
                                if (_LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod.IsConstructor)
                                    _Translator.push(luaState, ((ConstructorInfo)_LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod).Invoke(_LastCalledMethod.args));
                                    _Translator.push(luaState, _LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod.Invoke(targetObject, _LastCalledMethod.args));
                            failedCall = false;
                        catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                            // Failure of method invocation
                        catch (Exception e)
                            if (_Members.Length == 1) // Is the method overloaded?
                            // No, throw error

                // Cache miss
                if (failedCall)
                    // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cache miss on " + methodName);

                    // If we are running an instance variable, we can now pop the targetObject from the stack
                    if (!isStatic)
                        if (targetObject == null)
                            _Translator.throwError(luaState, String.Format("instance method '{0}' requires a non null target object", _MethodName));

                        LuaDLL.lua_remove(luaState, 1); // Pops the receiver

                    bool   hasMatch      = false;
                    string candidateName = null;

                    foreach (MemberInfo member in _Members)
                        candidateName = member.ReflectedType.Name + "." + member.Name;

                        MethodBase m = (MethodInfo)member;

                        bool isMethod = _Translator.matchParameters(luaState, m, ref _LastCalledMethod);
                        if (isMethod)
                            hasMatch = true;
                    if (!hasMatch)
                        string msg = (candidateName == null)
                            ? "invalid arguments to method call"
                            : ("invalid arguments to method: " + candidateName);

                        _Translator.throwError(luaState, msg);
            else // Method from MethodBase instance
                if (methodToCall.ContainsGenericParameters)
                    bool isMethod = _Translator.matchParameters(luaState, methodToCall, ref _LastCalledMethod);

                    if (methodToCall.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                        //need to make a concrete type of the generic method definition
                        List <Type> typeArgs = new List <Type>();

                        foreach (object arg in _LastCalledMethod.args)

                        MethodInfo concreteMethod = (methodToCall as MethodInfo).MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs.ToArray());

                        _Translator.push(luaState, concreteMethod.Invoke(targetObject, _LastCalledMethod.args));
                        failedCall = false;
                    else if (methodToCall.ContainsGenericParameters)
                        _Translator.throwError(luaState, "unable to invoke method on generic class as the current method is an open generic method");
                    if (!methodToCall.IsStatic && !methodToCall.IsConstructor && targetObject == null)
                        targetObject = _ExtractTarget(luaState, 1);
                        LuaDLL.lua_remove(luaState, 1); // Pops the receiver

                    if (!_Translator.matchParameters(luaState, methodToCall, ref _LastCalledMethod))
                        _Translator.throwError(luaState, "invalid arguments to method call");

            if (failedCall)
                if (!LuaDLL.lua_checkstack(luaState, _LastCalledMethod.outList.Length + 6))
                    throw new LuaException("Lua stack overflow");
                    if (isStatic)
                        _Translator.push(luaState, _LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod.Invoke(null, _LastCalledMethod.args));
                        if (_LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod.IsConstructor)
                            _Translator.push(luaState, ((ConstructorInfo)_LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod).Invoke(_LastCalledMethod.args));
                            _Translator.push(luaState, _LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod.Invoke(targetObject, _LastCalledMethod.args));
                catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                catch (Exception e)

            // Pushes out and ref return values
            for (int index = 0; index < _LastCalledMethod.outList.Length; index++)
                //for(int i=0;i<lastCalledMethod.outList.Length;i++)
                _Translator.push(luaState, _LastCalledMethod.args[_LastCalledMethod.outList[index]]);

            //by isSingle 2010-09-10 11:26:31
            //  if not return void,we need add 1,
            //  or we will lost the function's return value
            //  when call dotnet function like "int foo(arg1,out arg2,out arg3)" in lua code
            if (!_LastCalledMethod.IsReturnVoid && nReturnValues > 0)

            return(nReturnValues < 1 ? 1 : nReturnValues);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>Calls the method. Receives the arguments from the Lua stack and returns values in it.</summary>
        public int call(lua.State L)
            using (luanet.entercfunction(L, _Translator.interpreter))
                MethodBase methodToCall  = _Method;
                object     targetObject  = _Target;
                bool       failedCall    = true;
                int        nReturnValues = 0;

                luaL.checkstack(L, 5, "MethodWrapper.call");

                bool isStatic = (_BindingType & BindingFlags.Static) == BindingFlags.Static;

                if (methodToCall == null)                 // Method from name
                    targetObject = isStatic ? null : _ExtractTarget(L, 1);

                    //lua.remove(L,1); // Pops the receiver
                    if (_LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod != null && _Translator.memberIsAllowed(_LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod)) // Cached?
                        int        numStackToSkip = isStatic ? 0 : 1;                                                          // If this is an instance invoe we will have an extra arg on the stack for the targetObject
                        int        numArgsPassed  = lua.gettop(L) - numStackToSkip;
                        MethodBase method         = _LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod;

                        if (numArgsPassed == _LastCalledMethod.argTypes.Length)                         // No. of args match?
                            luaL.checkstack(L, _LastCalledMethod.outList.Length + 6, "MethodWrapper.call");
                            object[] args = _LastCalledMethod.args;

                                for (int i = 0; i < _LastCalledMethod.argTypes.Length; i++)
                                    MethodArgs type          = _LastCalledMethod.argTypes[i];
                                    object     luaParamValue = type.extractValue(L, i + 1 + numStackToSkip);

                                    args[type.index] = _LastCalledMethod.argTypes[i].isParamsArray
                                                                                ? ObjectTranslator.TableToArray(luaParamValue, type.paramsArrayType)
                                                                                : luaParamValue;

                                    if (args[type.index] == null && !lua.isnil(L, i + 1 + numStackToSkip))
                                        throw new LuaException("argument number " + (i + 1) + " is invalid");
                                _Translator.pushReturnValue(L, method.IsConstructor
                                                                        ? ((ConstructorInfo)method).Invoke(args)
                                                                        : method.Invoke(targetObject, args));

                                failedCall = false;
                            catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { return(_Translator.throwError(L, luaclr.verifyex(ex.InnerException))); }
                            catch (LuaInternalException) { throw; }
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (_Members.Length == 1)                                          // Is the method overloaded?
                                    return(luaL.error(L, "method call failed ({0})", ex.Message)); // No, throw error

                    // Cache miss
                    if (failedCall)
                        // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cache miss on " + methodName);

                        // If we are running an instance variable, we can now pop the targetObject from the stack
                        if (!isStatic)
                            if (targetObject == null)
                                return(luaL.error(L, String.Format("instance method '{0}' requires a non null target object", _MethodName)));

                            lua.remove(L, 1);                             // Pops the receiver

                        bool   hasMatch      = false;
                        string candidateName = null;

                        foreach (MemberInfo member in _Members)
                            candidateName = member.ReflectedType.Name + "." + member.Name;

                            MethodBase m = (MethodInfo)member;

                            bool isMethod = _Translator.matchParameters(L, m, ref _LastCalledMethod);
                            if (isMethod)
                                if (_Translator.memberIsAllowed(member))
                                    hasMatch = true;
                                if (_Members.Length == 1)
                                    return(luaL.error(L, "method call failed (access denied)"));
                        if (!hasMatch)
                            return(luaL.error(L, (candidateName == null)
                                                                ? "invalid arguments to method call"
                                                                : "invalid arguments to method: " + candidateName));
                else                 // Method from MethodBase instance
                    if (!_Translator.memberIsAllowed(methodToCall))
                        return(luaL.error(L, "method call failed (access denied)"));

                    if (methodToCall.ContainsGenericParameters)
                        // bool isMethod = //* not used
                        _Translator.matchParameters(L, methodToCall, ref _LastCalledMethod);

                        if (methodToCall.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                            //need to make a concrete type of the generic method definition
                            var args     = _LastCalledMethod.args;
                            var typeArgs = new Type[args.Length];

                            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i)
                                typeArgs[i] = args[i].GetType();

                            MethodInfo concreteMethod = ((MethodInfo)methodToCall).MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs);

                            _Translator.pushReturnValue(L, concreteMethod.Invoke(targetObject, args));

                            failedCall = false;
                        else if (methodToCall.ContainsGenericParameters)
                            return(luaL.error(L, "unable to invoke method on generic class as the current method is an open generic method"));
                        if (!methodToCall.IsStatic && !methodToCall.IsConstructor && targetObject == null)
                            targetObject = _ExtractTarget(L, 1);
                            lua.remove(L, 1);                             // Pops the receiver

                        if (!_Translator.matchParameters(L, methodToCall, ref _LastCalledMethod))
                            return(luaL.error(L, "invalid arguments to method call"));

                if (failedCall)
                    if (!_Translator.memberIsAllowed(_LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod))
                        return(luaL.error(L, "method call failed (access denied)"));
                    luaL.checkstack(L, _LastCalledMethod.outList.Length + 6, "MethodWrapper.call");
                        _Translator.pushReturnValue(L, _LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod.IsConstructor
                                                        ? ((ConstructorInfo)_LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod).Invoke(_LastCalledMethod.args)
                                                        : _LastCalledMethod.cachedMethod.Invoke(isStatic ? null : targetObject, _LastCalledMethod.args));
                    catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { return(_Translator.throwError(L, luaclr.verifyex(ex.InnerException))); }
                    catch (LuaInternalException) { throw; }
                    catch (Exception ex) { return(luaL.error(L, "method call failed ({0})", ex.Message)); }

                // Pushes out and ref return values
                foreach (int arg in _LastCalledMethod.outList)
                    _Translator.pushReturnValue(L, _LastCalledMethod.args[arg]);

                //by isSingle 2010-09-10 11:26:31
                //  if not return void,we need add 1,
                //  or we will lost the function's return value
                //  when call dotnet function like "int foo(arg1,out arg2,out arg3)" in lua code
                if (!_LastCalledMethod.IsReturnVoid && nReturnValues > 0)

                return(nReturnValues < 1 ? 1 : nReturnValues);