예제 #1
		static void DisplayWinnigs(WinningsResult result)
			int i = DefaultValues.JACKPOT_NUMBERS_COUNT;

			for (; i > DefaultValues.END_INDEX_OF_WINNINGS; i--)
				Console.WriteLine("Count of profitable combinations for " + i + " :" + result.Winnings[i - 1]);
예제 #2
		private void DisplayWinnings(WinningsResult result)
			int i = DefaultValues.JACKPOT_NUMBERS_COUNT;
			for (; i > DefaultValues.END_INDEX_OF_WINNINGS; i--)
				labelWinnings.Text += "Profitable combinations for " + i + " :" + result.Winnings[i - 1] + "\n";
예제 #3
		public WinningsResult GetWinnings()
			// keeps errors and also keeps winning values
			WinningsResult result = new WinningsResult();

			if (!IsJackpotRegistered())
				result.Errors.Push("No registered jackpot");
			if (!IsCheckTalonRegistered())
				result.Errors.Push("No registered checktalon");

			if (result.Success())
				// first, we get the count of scored numbers
				// sescond, we count the combinations of n = scored numbers, k  = index of profitable 6,5,4,3. . 
				// third, we count the combinations of n = unscored numbers, k = the offset of index of profitable 6,5,4,3
				// fourth, we multiply the scored and unscored numbers
				// save

				// first step
				var scoredNumbers = this.GetScoredNumbers();

				// we begin to save our winnings from the count of scored numbers
				// all winnings before that index are zeroes
				int indexOfWinnigns = scoredNumbers;
				int unscoredCountOfNumbers = checkTalon.Count - scoredNumbers;

				while (indexOfWinnigns != DefaultValues.END_INDEX_OF_WINNINGS)
					// second step
					ulong combinationsOfScoredNumbers = Combinatoric.GetCombinationsWithNoRepetitions(scoredNumbers, indexOfWinnigns);

					// third step
					int countOfNumbersFarFromJackpot = DefaultValues.JACKPOT_NUMBERS_COUNT - indexOfWinnigns;
					ulong combinationsOfUnscoredNumbers = Combinatoric.GetCombinationsWithNoRepetitions(unscoredCountOfNumbers, countOfNumbersFarFromJackpot);

					// fourth step
					var profitableCombinationsForIndex = combinationsOfScoredNumbers * combinationsOfUnscoredNumbers;

					// save combinations for profitable combinations in an array
					result.Winnings[indexOfWinnigns - 1] = profitableCombinationsForIndex;

			return result;