protected override void OnBackButtonPressed() { CoroutineRunner.Instance.StartCoroutine(LeaveGameCoroutine()); IEnumerator LeaveGameCoroutine() { if (this.isLeaveGameCoroutineRunning) { yield break; } this.isLeaveGameCoroutineRunning = true; this.Dialog.Hide(); yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(0.25f)); var leaveGamePrompt = PlayFabMessages.ShowExitAppPrompt(); yield return(leaveGamePrompt); if (leaveGamePrompt.Value == YesNoResult.Yes) { Platform.QuitApplication(); yield break; } this.Dialog.Show(); this.isLeaveGameCoroutineRunning = false; } }
private IEnumerator <bool> ChangeDisplayNameCoroutine(string newDisplayName) { var updateDisplayName = PF.Do(new UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameRequest { DisplayName = newDisplayName, }); while (updateDisplayName.IsDone == false) { yield return(default(bool)); } // Early out if we got an error if (updateDisplayName.HasError) { PlayFabMessages.HandleError(updateDisplayName.Exception); yield return(false); yield break; } // TODO [bgish]: Fire off DisplayName changed event? // Updating the display name this.DisplayName = newDisplayName; yield return(true); }
private void ForgotPassword() { CoroutineRunner.Instance.StartCoroutine(ForgotPasswordCoroutine()); IEnumerator ForgotPasswordCoroutine() { if (this.isForgotPasswordCoroutineRunning) { yield break; } this.isForgotPasswordCoroutineRunning = true; this.Dialog.Hide(); yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(.25f)); var forgot = PlayFabMessages.ShowForgotPasswordPrompt(this.emailInputField.text); if (forgot.Value == YesNoResult.Yes) { var accountRecovery = PF.Login.SendAccountRecoveryEmail(this.emailInputField.text, this.forgotEmailTemplateId); yield return(accountRecovery); if (accountRecovery.HasError) { yield return(PlayFabMessages.HandleError(accountRecovery.Exception)); } } this.Dialog.Show(); this.isForgotPasswordCoroutineRunning = false; } }
private IEnumerator <bool> ChangeDisplayNameWithPopupCoroutine() { var stringInputBox = PlayFabMessages.ShowChangeDisplayNameInputBox(PF.User.DisplayName); while (stringInputBox.IsDone == false) { yield return(default(bool)); } if (stringInputBox.Value == StringInputResult.Cancel) { yield return(false); yield break; } var updateDisplayName = PF.Do(new UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameRequest { DisplayName = StringInputBox.Instance.Text, }); while (updateDisplayName.IsDone == false) { yield return(default(bool)); } // Early out if we got an error if (updateDisplayName.HasError) { PlayFabMessages.HandleError(updateDisplayName.Exception); yield return(false); yield break; } // TODO [bgish]: Fire off DisplayName changed event? // Updating the display name this.DisplayName = StringInputBox.Instance.Text; yield return(true); }
private void SignIn() { CoroutineRunner.Instance.StartCoroutine(SignInCoroutine()); IEnumerator SignInCoroutine() { if (this.isSignUpCoroutineRunning) { yield break; } this.isSignUpCoroutineRunning = true; var login = PF.Login.LoginWithEmail(true, this.emailInputField.text, this.passwordInputField.text); yield return(login); if (login.HasError) { yield return(PlayFabMessages.HandleError(login.Exception)); } else { PF.Login.HasEverLoggedIn = true; PF.Login.LastLoginEmail = this.emailInputField.text; PF.Login.AutoLoginWithDeviceId = this.autoLoginToggle.isOn; if (PF.Login.AutoLoginWithDeviceId) { PF.Login.LinkDeviceId(PF.Login.DeviceId); } this.Dialog.Hide(); } this.isSignUpCoroutineRunning = false; } }
public UnityTask <PurchaseResult> ShowStoreItem(bool automaticallyPerformPurchase, string storeId, StoreItem storeItem, Sprite icon, string title, string description, Action insufficientFundsStore = null) { this.automaticallyPerformPurchase = automaticallyPerformPurchase; return(UnityTask <PurchaseResult> .Run(Coroutine())); IEnumerator <PurchaseResult> Coroutine() { // resetting the result, and caching the items this.result = PurchaseResult.Cancel; this.storeId = storeId; this.storeItem = storeItem; // Figuring out which currecy this item costs string virtualCurrencyId = null; foreach (var virtualCurrencyPrice in storeItem.VirtualCurrencyPrices) { if (virtualCurrencyPrice.Value > 0) { virtualCurrencyId = virtualCurrencyPrice.Key; } } if (virtualCurrencyId == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("StoreItem {0} has unknown currency.", storeItem.ItemId); yield return(PurchaseResult.Cancel); yield break; } bool isIapItem = virtualCurrencyId == "RM"; // Turning on the correct button this.iapBuyButton.gameObject.SafeSetActive(isIapItem); this.virtualCurrencyBuyButton.gameObject.SafeSetActive(!isIapItem); if (isIapItem) { string purchasePrice = string.Empty; #if USING_UNITY_PURCHASING && !UNITY_XBOXONE purchasePrice = IAP.UnityPurchasingManager.Instance.GetLocalizedPrice(storeItem.ItemId); #else purchasePrice = string.Format("${0}.{1:D2}", currencyPrice / 100, currencyPrice % 100); #endif this.iapBuyButtonText.text = purchasePrice; } else { int virtualCurrencyPrice = storeItem.GetVirtualCurrenyPrice(virtualCurrencyId); bool hasSufficientFunds = PF.VC[virtualCurrencyId] >= virtualCurrencyPrice; if (hasSufficientFunds == false && insufficientFundsStore != null) { var insufficientFundsMessage = PlayFabMessages.ShowInsufficientCurrency(); while (insufficientFundsMessage.IsDone == false) { yield return(default(PurchaseResult)); } if (insufficientFundsMessage.Value == YesNoResult.Yes) { insufficientFundsStore.Invoke(); } else { yield return(PurchaseResult.Cancel); yield break; } } this.virtualCurrencyBuyButton.interactable = hasSufficientFunds; this.virtualCurrencyBuyButtonIcon.sprite = this.GetSprite(virtualCurrencyId); this.virtualCurrencyBuyButtonText.text = virtualCurrencyPrice.ToString(); } // Setting the item image/texts this.storeItemIcon.sprite = icon; this.storeItemTitle.text = title; this.storeItemDescription.text = description; this.Dialog.Show(); // waiting for it to start showing while (this.Dialog.IsShowing == false) { yield return(default(PurchaseResult)); } // waiting for it to return to the hidden state while (this.Dialog.IsHidden == false) { yield return(default(PurchaseResult)); } yield return(this.result); } }
private IEnumerator <bool> ProcessPurchaseCoroutine(PurchaseEventArgs e, string storeId) { var catalogItem = PF.Catalog.GetCatalogItem(; Debug.AssertFormat(catalogItem != null, "Couln't find CatalogItem {0}",; Debug.AssertFormat(e.purchasedProduct.hasReceipt, "Purchased item {0} doesn't have a receipt",; var receipt = (Dictionary <string, object>)Lost.AppConfig.MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(e.purchasedProduct.receipt); Debug.AssertFormat(receipt != null, "Unable to parse receipt {0}", e.purchasedProduct.receipt); var store = (string)receipt["Store"]; var transactionId = (string)receipt["TransactionID"]; var payload = (string)receipt["Payload"]; Debug.AssertFormat(string.IsNullOrEmpty(store) == false, "Unable to parse store from {0}", e.purchasedProduct.receipt); Debug.AssertFormat(string.IsNullOrEmpty(transactionId) == false, "Unable to parse transactionID from {0}", e.purchasedProduct.receipt); Debug.AssertFormat(string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload) == false, "Unable to parse payload from {0}", e.purchasedProduct.receipt); var currencyCode = e.purchasedProduct.metadata.isoCurrencyCode; var purchasePrice = this.GetPurchasePrice(e); bool wasSuccessfull = false; if (Platform.CurrentDevicePlatform == DevicePlatform.iOS) { var validate = PF.Do(new ValidateIOSReceiptRequest() { CurrencyCode = currencyCode, PurchasePrice = purchasePrice, ReceiptData = payload, }); while (validate.IsDone == false) { yield return(default(bool)); } if (validate.HasError) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to validate iOS IAP Purchase: {0}", validate?.Exception?.ToString()); this.LogErrorReceiptFailedInfo(catalogItem, e); Debug.LogErrorFormat("ReceiptData = " + payload); PlayFabMessages.HandleError(validate.Exception); } else { wasSuccessfull = true; } } else if (Platform.CurrentDevicePlatform == DevicePlatform.Android) { var details = (Dictionary <string, object>)Lost.AppConfig.MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(payload); Debug.AssertFormat(details != null, "Unable to parse Receipt Payload {0}", payload); Debug.AssertFormat(details.ContainsKey("json"), "Receipt Payload doesn't have \"json\" key: {0}", payload); Debug.AssertFormat(details.ContainsKey("signature"), "Receipt Payload doesn't have \"signature\" key: {0}", payload); var receiptJson = (string)details["json"]; var signature = (string)details["signature"]; var validate = PF.Do(new ValidateGooglePlayPurchaseRequest() { CurrencyCode = currencyCode, PurchasePrice = (uint)purchasePrice, ReceiptJson = receiptJson, Signature = signature, }); while (validate.IsDone == false) { yield return(default(bool)); } if (validate.HasError) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to validate Google Play IAP Purchase: {0}", validate?.Exception?.ToString()); this.LogErrorReceiptFailedInfo(catalogItem, e); Debug.LogErrorFormat("Receipt Json = " + receiptJson); Debug.LogErrorFormat("Signature = " + signature); PlayFabMessages.HandleError(validate.Exception); } else { wasSuccessfull = true; } } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Tried to make IAP Purchase on Unknown Platform {0}", Application.platform.ToString()); } if (wasSuccessfull == false) { yield break; } float price = catalogItem.GetVirtualCurrenyPrice("RM") / 100.0f; string itemId =; string itemType = catalogItem.ItemClass; string level = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name; Analytics.AnalyticsEvent.IAPTransaction(storeId, price, itemId, itemType, level, transactionId, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "localized_price", e.purchasedProduct.metadata.localizedPrice }, { "iso_currency_code", e.purchasedProduct.metadata.isoCurrencyCode }, { "store", store }, }); PF.Inventory.InvalidateUserInventory(); yield return(true); }
private IEnumerator <bool> PurchaseStoreItemInternal(string storeId, StoreItem storeItem, Action showStore) { bool isIapItem = storeItem.GetVirtualCurrenyPrice("RM") > 0; if (isIapItem) { #if USING_UNITY_PURCHASING && !UNITY_XBOXONE // Making sure we're properly initialized if (this.IsInitialized == false) { var initialize = this.Initialize(); while (initialize.IsDone == false) { yield return(default(bool)); } // Early out if initialization failed if (initialize.HasError || this.IsInitialized == false) { if (initialize.HasError) { PlayFabMessages.HandleError(initialize.Exception); } yield return(false); yield break; } } var iapPurchaseItem = Lost.IAP.UnityPurchasingManager.Instance.PurchaseProduct(storeItem.ItemId); while (iapPurchaseItem.IsDone == false) { yield return(default(bool)); } if (iapPurchaseItem.HasError) { PlayFabMessages.HandleError(iapPurchaseItem.Exception); } else { if (Debug.isDebugBuild || Application.isEditor) { var purchase = UnityTask <bool> .Run(this.DebugPurchaseStoreItem(iapPurchaseItem.Value)); while (purchase.IsDone == false) { yield return(default(bool)); } yield return(purchase.Value); } else { var purchase = UnityTask <bool> .Run(this.ProcessPurchaseCoroutine(iapPurchaseItem.Value, storeId)); while (purchase.IsDone == false) { yield return(default(bool)); } yield return(purchase.Value); } } #else throw new NotImplementedException("Trying to buy IAP Store Item when USING_UNITY_PURCHASING is not defined!"); #endif } else { string virtualCurrency = storeItem.GetVirtualCurrencyId(); int storeItemCost = storeItem.GetCost(virtualCurrency); bool hasSufficientFunds = PF.VC[virtualCurrency] >= storeItemCost; if (hasSufficientFunds == false) { var messageBoxDialog = PlayFabMessages.ShowInsufficientCurrency(); while (messageBoxDialog.IsDone == false) { yield return(default(bool)); } if (messageBoxDialog.Value == YesNoResult.Yes) { showStore?.Invoke(); } yield break; } var coroutine = this.Do(new PurchaseItemRequest { ItemId = storeItem.ItemId, Price = storeItemCost, VirtualCurrency = virtualCurrency, StoreId = storeId, }); while (coroutine.keepWaiting) { yield return(default(bool)); } bool isSuccessful = coroutine.Value != null; if (isSuccessful) { PF.Inventory.InvalidateUserInventory(); } yield return(isSuccessful); } }