예제 #1
        void CompileFunction(FunctionDeclaration funcdecl)
            // Check if a symbol with the name of the function is already defined
            Symbol sym = null;

            // Check if only local functions should be generated
            if (Table.TopScope.IsFunction)
                // Declare the function

            if (!Table.FindSymbol(funcdecl.Name, out sym))
                throw LoreException.Create(funcdecl.Location).Describe($"Undefined function: '{funcdecl.Name}'.");

            // Check if the symbol is a prototype
            if (!sym.IsPrototype)
                throw new LoreException(funcdecl.Location).Describe($"Function without prototype: '{funcdecl.Name}'.");

            // Get the function prototype
            LLVMValueRef functionRef = sym.Value;

            // Enter a new scope for the function

            // Check if the function returns multiple values
            var returnType       = LLVM.VoidType();
            var tupleReturnTypes = new LLVMTypeRef [0];

            if (funcdecl.ReturnsTuple)
                var count = funcdecl.TupleReturnTypes.Count;
                tupleReturnTypes = new LLVMTypeRef [count];
                for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    var current = funcdecl.TupleReturnTypes [i];
                    tupleReturnTypes [i] = Helper.GetBuiltinTypeFromString(current.Name);
                returnType = LLVM.StructType(tupleReturnTypes, true);

            // Create the return type
            else if (funcdecl.HasReturnType)
                returnType = Helper.GetBuiltinTypeFromString(funcdecl.ReturnType.Name);

            // Add function parameters
            for (var i = 0; i < funcdecl.Parameters.Count; i++)
                var argname = funcdecl.Parameters [i].Name.Name;

                // Get the i-th function parameter
                var param = LLVM.GetParam(functionRef, (uint)i);

                // Set the correct name
                LLVM.SetValueName(param, argname);

                // Add the named parameter to the scope
                Table.AddSymbol(Symbol.Create(argname, param, Location));

            // Create the entry block for the function
            var block = LLVM.AppendBasicBlock(functionRef, "entry");

            LLVM.PositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, block);

            // Visit the function body

            // Return void and clear the stack if the
            // function return type is void
            if (Helper.CompareType(returnType, LLVM.VoidType()))
                // Build return statement
            else if (Stack.Count == 0)
                // The function has a return type,
                // but nothing was returned!
                if (funcdecl.HasReturnType)
                    throw LoreException.Create(Location)
                          .Describe($"Function '{funcdecl.Name}' has return type '{funcdecl.ReturnType.Name}' but does not return anything!")
                          .Resolve($"Return a value of type '{funcdecl.ReturnType.Name}' or change the return type to 'void'.");

                // There are no elements on the stack
                // Just return void
            else if (funcdecl.ReturnsTuple && Stack.Count >= funcdecl.TupleReturnTypes.Count)
                // Prepare element array
                var elems = new LLVMValueRef [funcdecl.TupleReturnTypes.Count];

                // Fill the element array
                for (var i = 0; i < elems.Length; i++)
                    // Pop the element from the stack
                    var current = Stack.Pop().Value;

                    // Check if the current element is a defined symbol
                    if (Table.FindSymbolByRef(current, out sym))
                        // Check if the current element is a pointer
                        if (sym.IsPointer)
                            // Load the element
                            current = LLVM.BuildLoad(Builder, current, "tmpload");

                    // Cast the element to the right type
                    current = Helper.BuildCast(Builder, current, tupleReturnTypes [i]);

                    // Add the element to the array
                    elems [elems.Length - i - 1] = current;

                // Build the return statement
                LLVM.BuildAggregateRet(Builder, elems);
                // What the hellt
            else if (funcdecl.HasReturnType && Stack.Count > 0)
                // There are elements on the stack
                // Take the top element from the stack
                var elem = Stack.Pop().Value;

                // Check if the return element is a defined symbol
                if (Table.FindSymbolByRef(elem, out sym))
                    // Check if the return element is a pointer
                    if (sym.IsPointer)
                        // Load the element
                        elem = LLVM.BuildLoad(Builder, elem, "tmpload");

                Helper.BuildOptimalReturn(Builder, elem, returnType);
                throw LoreException.Create(Location)
                      .Describe($"Unable to construct a return value for function '{funcdecl.Name}'.")
                      .Describe($"This is a compiler bug.");

            // Validate the function
            if (LLVM.VerifyFunction(functionRef, LLVMVerifierFailureAction.LLVMPrintMessageAction).Value != 0)
                throw LoreException.Create(funcdecl.Location).Describe($"Function failed to compile: '{funcdecl.Name}'");

            // Exit the scope of the function

            if (Table.TopScope.IsFunction)
                var func = Table.TopScope.Function;
                LLVM.PositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, func.GetEntryBasicBlock());

            // Add the function symbol
            Table.AddSymbol(Symbol.Create(funcdecl.Name, functionRef, funcdecl.Location));
예제 #2
        internal void DeclareFunctionPrototype(FunctionDeclaration funcdecl)
            // Prepare argument type array
            var argumentCount = funcdecl.Parameters.Count;
            var arguments     = new LLVMTypeRef [Math.Max(argumentCount, 0)];

            // Check if the function is already defined
            Symbol sym;

            if ((Table.TopScope.IsFunction && Table.TopScope.FindSymbol(funcdecl.Name, out sym)) ||
                (!Table.TopScope.IsFunction && Table.FindSymbol(funcdecl.Name, out sym)))
                var e = LoreException.Create(funcdecl.Location).Describe($"Redefinition of function '{funcdecl.Name}'!");
                e.Describe($"Previous declaration was at {sym.Location}.");
                e.Resolve($"Rename the function to avoid a collision.");
                throw e;

            // Add function parameter types to array
            for (var i = 0; i < funcdecl.Parameters.Count; i++)
                arguments [i] = Helper.GetBuiltinTypeFromString(funcdecl.Parameters [i].Type.Name);

            // Check if the function returns multiple values
            var returnType       = LLVM.VoidType();
            var tupleReturnTypes = new LLVMTypeRef [0];

            if (funcdecl.ReturnsTuple)
                var count = funcdecl.TupleReturnTypes.Count;
                tupleReturnTypes = new LLVMTypeRef [count];
                for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    var current = funcdecl.TupleReturnTypes [i];
                    tupleReturnTypes [i] = Helper.GetBuiltinTypeFromString(current.Name);
                returnType = LLVM.StructType(tupleReturnTypes, true);

            // Create the return type
            else if (funcdecl.HasReturnType)
                returnType = Helper.GetBuiltinTypeFromString(funcdecl.ReturnType.Name);

            // Create the function type
            var functionType = LLVM.FunctionType(
                ReturnType: returnType,
                ParamTypes: arguments,
                IsVarArg: LLVMFalse

            // Create the actual function
            var functionRef = LLVM.AddFunction(LLVMModule, funcdecl.Name, functionType);

            LLVM.SetLinkage(functionRef, LLVMLinkage.LLVMExternalLinkage);

            // Add the function prototype as a symbol
            Table.AddSymbol(Symbol.CreatePrototype(funcdecl.Name, functionRef, funcdecl.Location));
예제 #3
 public override void Accept(FunctionDeclaration func)
예제 #4
         *  fn name (parameters...) -> type [captures...] {
         *      code...
         *  }
        FunctionDeclaration ParseFunction()
            var function = FunctionDeclaration.Create(unit.Location);

            unit.Expect(LoreToken.Keyword, "fn");

            // Read the name of the function
            var name = unit.Expect(LoreToken.Identifier);


            // Read the parameter list
            if (unit.Match(LoreToken.OpenParen))

            // Read the return type
            if (unit.Accept(LoreToken.Operator, "->"))
                var names = new List <NameExpression> ();
                while (unit.Match(LoreToken.Identifier))
                    if (!unit.Accept(LoreToken.Comma))
                if (names.Count == 1)
                    function.SetReturnType(names [0]);

            // Create the function body
            CodeBlock body = CodeBlock.Create(unit.Location);

            // Parse captures
            if (unit.Accept(LoreToken.OpenBracket))
                while (!unit.Match(LoreToken.CloseBracket))
                    var lex     = unit.Read();
                    var capture = Capture.Create(unit, lex);

            // Parse body
            if (unit.Match(LoreToken.OpenBrace))
                body = ParseBlock();
            else if (unit.Accept(LoreToken.Operator, "=>"))

            // Return the function
예제 #5
 public virtual void Accept(FunctionDeclaration func) => Update(func);
예제 #6
 public override void Accept(FunctionDeclaration func)