예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the config file.
        /// </summary>
        public static CacheConfig Load(string fileName)
            CacheConfig config = new CacheConfig();
            CacheRing   ring   = new CacheRing();

            config.Ring = ring; // Only gets populated for the master node

            int lineNum = 0;

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName))
                string line = null;
                while (true)
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null)
                    ConfigLine configLine = new ConfigLine();
                    configLine.Line = line;
                    config.ConfigLines.Add(lineNum, configLine);

                    line = line.Trim().ToLower();
                    if (line.Equals(String.Empty))
                    if (line.StartsWith("#"))

                    string[] tokens = SplitLine(line);

                    if (line.StartsWith("node"))
                        CacheNode node = ParseNodeLine(line);
                        node.Status = CacheNodeStatus.Up;
                        configLine.IsNodeLine = true;
                    else if (line.StartsWith("listener"))
                        // # Listener        host        ip:port                IsMaster Yes|No
                        // Listener            localhost        Yes

                        if (tokens.Length != 4)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid config line: " + line);

                        config.ListenerHostName = tokens[1];
                        string   ipPort       = tokens[2];
                        string[] ipPortTokens = ipPort.Split(':');
                        if (ipPortTokens.Length != 2)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid config line: " + line);
                        config.ListenerIP = ipPortTokens[0];
                        int lpn;
                        if (!int.TryParse(ipPortTokens[1], out lpn))
                            throw new Exception("Invalid config line: " + line);
                        config.ListenerPortNumber = lpn;
                        if (tokens[3].Equals("yes"))
                            config.IsMaster = true;
                        else if (tokens[3].Equals("no"))
                            config.IsMaster = false;
                            throw new Exception(
                                      "Invalid config line, IsMaster should be Yes or No: " + line);
                    else if (line.StartsWith("trace"))
                        // # Trace        On|Off        File
                        // Trace        On            C:\Loop\Logs\LoopCacheMaster.txt

                        if (tokens.Length != 3)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid config line: " + line);

                        if (tokens[1].Equals("on"))
                            config.IsTraceEnabled = true;
                        else if (tokens[1].Equals("off"))
                            config.IsTraceEnabled = false;
                            throw new Exception(
                                      "Invalid config line, Trace should be On of Off: " + line);

                        config.TraceFilePath = tokens[2];
                    else if (line.StartsWith("master"))
                        // # Master    host:port
                        // Master        localhost:12345

                        if (tokens.Length != 2)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format(
                                                    "Invalid config line, {0} tokens: {1}", tokens.Length, line));

                        string[] hostPortTokens = tokens[1].Split(':');
                        if (hostPortTokens.Length != 2)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid config line, host:port: " + line);

                        config.MasterHostName = hostPortTokens[0];
                        int mpn;
                        if (!int.TryParse(hostPortTokens[1], out mpn))
                            throw new Exception("Invalid config line, port number: " + line);
                        config.MasterPortNumber = mpn;

예제 #2
        /// <summary>Test basic ring functionality.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Throws an exception or returns false on failure</remarks>
        public static bool Test()
            CacheRing ring = new CacheRing();

            CacheNode nodeA = new CacheNode();

            nodeA.HostName    = "localhost";
            nodeA.PortNumber  = 1;
            nodeA.MaxNumBytes = CacheConfig.ParseMaxNumBytes("48Mb");
            ring.Nodes.Add(nodeA.GetName(), nodeA);

            CacheNode nodeB = new CacheNode();

            nodeB.HostName    = "localhost";
            nodeB.PortNumber  = 2;
            nodeB.MaxNumBytes = CacheConfig.ParseMaxNumBytes("12Mb");
            ring.Nodes.Add(nodeB.GetName(), nodeB);

            CacheNode nodeC = new CacheNode();

            nodeC.HostName    = "localhost";
            nodeC.PortNumber  = 3;
            nodeC.MaxNumBytes = CacheConfig.ParseMaxNumBytes("64Mb");
            ring.Nodes.Add(nodeC.GetName(), nodeC);

            // Hard-code some locations so we can make sure objects get assigned
            // to the correct virtual node.

            ring.SortedLocations.Add(10, nodeA);
            ring.SortedLocations.Add(-10, nodeB);
            ring.SortedLocations.Add(20, nodeC);
            ring.SortedLocations.Add(50, nodeA);
            ring.SortedLocations.Add(60, nodeC);

            var node = ring.GetNodeForHash(5);

            if (node != nodeA)
                throw new Exception(string.Format
                                        ("Hash 5 should belong to nodeA, not {0}", node.GetName()));

            node = ring.GetNodeForHash(int.MaxValue);
            if (node != nodeB)
                throw new Exception(string.Format
                                        ("Hash Integer.MAX should belong to nodeB, not {0}", node.GetName()));

            node = ring.GetNodeForHash(20);
            if (node != nodeC)
                throw new Exception(string.Format
                                        ("Hash 20 should belong to nodeC, not {0}", node.GetName()));

            node = ring.GetNodeForHash(25);
            if (node != nodeA)
                throw new Exception(string.Format
                                        ("Hash 25 should belong to nodeA, not {0}", node.GetName()));

            // Now get rid of those hard coded locations and let the algorithm decide

            // Make sure the master list and the nodes agree
            foreach (var n in ring.Nodes.Values)
                foreach (var location in n.Locations)
                    if (!ring.SortedLocations.ContainsKey(location) ||
                        ring.SortedLocations[location] != n)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format
                                                ("Location {0} in node {1} not found", location, node.GetName()));

            foreach (var loc in ring.SortedLocations)
                string nodeName = loc.Value.GetName();
                if (!ring.Nodes.ContainsKey(nodeName))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format
                                            ("ring.Nodes missing {0}", nodeName));
                if (!loc.Value.Locations.Contains(loc.Key))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format
                                            ("node {0} does not have {1}", nodeName, loc.Key));


            // Now let's place a bunch of values and see how many of them change
            // when we make changes to the node configuration.

            //Console.WriteLine("About to place objects");

            // nodeName => List of hashes
            Dictionary <string, List <int> > map = new Dictionary <string, List <int> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                Guid       g        = Guid.NewGuid();
                int        hash     = CacheHelper.GetConsistentHashCode(g.ToString());
                CacheNode  n        = ring.GetNodeForHash(hash);
                string     nodeName = n.GetName();
                List <int> hashes;
                if (!map.TryGetValue(nodeName, out hashes))
                    hashes        = new List <int>();
                    map[nodeName] = hashes;

            //foreach (var nodeName in map.Keys)
            //	Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1} hashes",
            //			nodeName, map[nodeName].Count);

            //Console.WriteLine("Modifying sizes and replacing objects");
            nodeC.MaxNumBytes = CacheConfig.ParseMaxNumBytes("48Mb");             // was 64Mb
            int numChanged = 0;
            int numTotal   = 0;

            foreach (var nodeName in map.Keys)
                foreach (int hash in map[nodeName])
                    CacheNode n = ring.GetNodeForHash(hash);
                    if (!(nodeName.Equals(n.GetName())))

            if (numChanged >= numTotal)
                throw new Exception("Number of changed hases >= total number of hashes");

            // TODO - Caclulate an acceptable percentage

            //Console.WriteLine("{0} hashes changed which node they were assigned to",
            //		numChanged);
