private static string GetSerial(int dev_index) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(100); PluginCore.hpc_GetDeviceSerial(dev_index, str, 100); return(str.ToString()); }
static EditorStateTracking() { PluginCore.Reset(); #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER EditorApplication.quitting += Quitting; #endif }
void OnEnable() { #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || UNITY_EDITOR_LINUX || UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX Debug.Log("[Holoplay] Multi-display not supported on OSX or Linux."); bgCam.enabled = false; canvas.targetDisplay = 0; holoplay.targetDisplay = PluginCore.GetLKGunityIndex(0); singleDisplayMode = true; #else singleDisplayMode = false; if (!Application.isEditor) { singleDisplayMode = Display.displays.Length < 2; } if (singleDisplayMode) { Debug.Log("[Holoplay] Extended UI: single display mode"); bgCam.enabled = false; return; } PluginCore.GetLoadResults(); if (CalibrationManager.GetCalibrationCount() < 1) { Debug.Log("[Holoplay] No LKG detected for extended UI"); bgCam.enabled = false; holoplay.targetDisplay = 0; return; } // continue with actual extended ui logic // set Holoplay target display to the lkg display holoplay.targetDisplay = PluginCore.GetLKGunityIndex(0); holoplay.ReloadCalibration(); // must reload calibration after setting targetdisplay if (!Application.isEditor) { Display.displays[holoplay.targetDisplay].Activate(); // Display.displays[holoplay.targetDisplay].SetRenderingResolution(, //; // TODO: nothing works here // #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN // Display.displays[holoplay.targetDisplay].SetParams( //,, //, // ); // Debug.LogFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", //,, //,; // #endif } // set the canvas target display to the main display canvas.targetDisplay = 0; if (bgCam) { bgCam.enabled = true; bgCam.targetDisplay = 0; } #endif }
private static string GetLKGName(int dev_index) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(100); PluginCore.hpc_GetDeviceHDMIName(dev_index, str, 100); // Debug.Log(" Device name: " + str); return(str.ToString()); }
void Update() { if (!singleDisplayMode) { if (holoplay == null) { Debug.LogWarning("[Holoplay] No holoplay detected for extended UI!"); enabled = false; return; } holoplay.targetDisplay = PluginCore.GetLKGunityIndex(0); if (bgCam && bgCam.enabled && copyBGCamSettings) { bgCam.CopyFrom(; bgCam.targetDisplay = 0; } } }
static void CloseExtraHoloplayWindows() { var currentWindows = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(gameViewWindowType); PluginCore.GetLoadResults(); if (manualPreviewSettings != null && CalibrationManager.GetCalibrationCount() < 1) { foreach (EditorWindow w in currentWindows) { if ( == "Holoplay") { w.Close(); Debug.Log("[Holoplay] Closing extra Holoplay window"); } } } EditorApplication.update -= CloseExtraHoloplayWindows; }
// todo: possibly add more vars from the Holoplay for consistency // functions void OnEnable() { PluginCore.GetLoadResults(); // update warning int i; showUpdateWarning = false; for (i = 0; i < CalibrationManager.GetCalibrationCount(); i++) { if (CalibrationManager.GetCalibration(i).LKGname == "LKG") { showUpdateWarning = true; } } initialSetup = true; // Debug.Log("onenable"); Setup(initialSetup); initialSetup = false; }
// functions void OnEnable() { #if UNITY_POST_PROCESSING_STACK_V2 PostProcessLayer postLayer = GetComponent <PostProcessLayer>(); if (postLayer != null && postLayer.enabled) { postProcessCam = GetComponent <Camera>(); postProcessCam.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector; var camGO = new GameObject(postProcessCamName); camGO.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; camGO.transform.SetParent(transform); camGO.transform.localPosition =; camGO.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; cam = camGO.AddComponent <Camera>(); cam.CopyFrom(postProcessCam); Debug.Log("set up cam"); } else #endif { cam = GetComponent <Camera>(); //Debug.Log("set up cam"+cam.projectionMatrix); cam.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector; } lightfieldMat = new Material(Shader.Find("Holoplay/Lightfield")); instance = this; // most recently enabled Capture set as instance // lightfield camera (only does blitting of the quilt into a lightfield) var lightfieldCamGO = new GameObject(lightfieldCamName); lightfieldCamGO.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; lightfieldCamGO.transform.SetParent(transform); var lightfieldPost = lightfieldCamGO.AddComponent <LightfieldPostProcess>(); lightfieldPost.holoplay = this; lightfieldCam = lightfieldCamGO.AddComponent <Camera>(); #if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER lightfieldCam.allowDynamicResolution = false; #endif lightfieldCam.allowHDR = false; lightfieldCam.allowMSAA = false; lightfieldCam.cullingMask = 0; lightfieldCam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Nothing; #if !UNITY_EDITOR if (instance == null) { Debug.Log("empty when running"); } #endif ReloadCalibration(); // // load calibration // if (!loadResults.calibrationFound) // Debug.Log("[HoloPlay] Attempting to load calibration, but none found!"); // if (!loadResults.lkgDisplayFound) // Debug.Log("[HoloPlay] No LKG display detected"); // setup the window to play on the looking glass Screen.SetResolution(cal.screenWidth, cal.screenHeight, true); #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER if (!Application.isEditor && targetDisplay == 0) { #if UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX targetDisplay = PluginCore.GetLKGunityIndex(targetLKG); lightfieldCam.targetDisplay = targetDisplay; Display.displays[targetDisplay].Activate(); #else Display.displays[targetDisplay].Activate(0, 0, 0); #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN Display.displays[targetDisplay].SetParams( cal.screenWidth, cal.screenHeight, cal.xpos, cal.ypos ); // Debug.Debug.LogFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", cal.screenWidth, cal.screenHeight, // cal.xpos, cal.ypos) #endif #endif } #endif // setup the quilt SetupQuilt(); // call initialization event if (onHoloplayReady != null) { onHoloplayReady.Invoke(loadResults); } }
void OnEnable() { PluginCore.GetLoadResults(); }
void Setup(bool reloadCalibration = false) { // Debug.Log("set up multiplxing"); // if there's no holoplays, just return if (holoplays == null || holoplays.Length == 0) { return; } // limit rows and columns to 8 units columns = Mathf.Clamp(columns, 1, 8); rows = Mathf.Clamp(rows, 1, 8 / columns); if (holoplays.Length > 8) { Debug.Log("[Holoplay] Multiplex cannot support more than 8 Holoplay Captures"); System.Array.Resize(ref holoplays, 8); } // return if it's not automatic arrangement if (!automaticArrangement) { return; } LoadResults loadResults = PluginCore.GetLoadResults(); if (!loadResults.calibrationFound) { return; } // first sort displays List <DisplayPositioner> targetDisplayPositions = new List <DisplayPositioner>(); for (int lkg = 0; lkg < CalibrationManager.GetCalibrationCount(); lkg++) { targetDisplayPositions.Add(new DisplayPositioner() { targetLKG = lkg, targetDisplay = PluginCore.GetLKGunityIndex(lkg), position = new Vector2Int( Mathf.RoundToInt(CalibrationManager.GetCalibration(lkg).xpos / 100f), Mathf.RoundToInt(CalibrationManager.GetCalibration(lkg).ypos / 100f) ) }); } targetDisplayPositions.Sort(); // automatic arrangement int i = 0; float totalCenterSweep = 0f; float horizontalOffsetSweep = 0f; float verticalOffsetSweep = 0f; if (columns > 1) { // hard coded magic number of 8 for now totalCenterSweep = 8f * * (columns - 1f) /; horizontalOffsetSweep = 2f * (columns - 1f); } if (rows > 1) { verticalOffsetSweep = -2f * (rows - 1f); // -Holoplay.Instance.fov * 0.5f * (rows - 1f); } for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) { var h = holoplays[i]; h.gameObject.SetActive(true); h.size = size; int yi = rows - 1 - y; float xOffset = x - (columns - 1) * 0.5f; float yOffset = yi - (rows - 1) * 0.5f; float span = size * (1f + separation); h.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(2f * xOffset * * span, 2f * yOffset * span); float offsetLerpX = columns > 1 ? ((float)x / (columns - 1f) - 0.5f) : 0f; float offsetLerpY = rows > 1 ? ((float)y / (rows - 1f) - 0.5f) : 0f; h.centerOffset = offsetLerpX * totalCenterSweep * frustumShifting; h.horizontalFrustumOffset = offsetLerpX * horizontalOffsetSweep * frustumShifting; h.verticalFrustumOffset = offsetLerpY * verticalOffsetSweep * frustumShifting; if (reloadCalibration) { if (targetDisplayPositions.Count > i) { h.targetDisplay = targetDisplayPositions[i].targetDisplay; h.targetLKG = targetDisplayPositions[i].targetLKG; = h.targetLKG; // Debug.Log( + " is set to be target at display " + h.targetDisplay); h.ReloadCalibration(); if (Display.displays.Length > h.targetDisplay) { // Debug.Log("active display:"+h.targetDisplay); Display.displays[h.targetDisplay].Activate(); Display.displays[h.targetDisplay].SetRenderingResolution(,; } } else { Debug.LogWarning("[Holoplay] Not enough displays connected for current multiview setup"); } } i++; } } // disable the inactive ones while (i < 8) { holoplays[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); i++; } }
public static void Init() { // Debug.Log("init calibrations"); calibrations = PluginCore.GetCalibrationArray(); isInit = calibrations.Length > 0; }
public static void HandlePreview(bool toggling = true) { // set standalone resolution // PluginCore.GetLoadResults(); if (Holoplay.Instance != null) { Holoplay.Instance.ReloadCalibration(); } else { PluginCore.GetLoadResults(); } // close the window if its open var currentWindows = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(gameViewWindowType); bool windowWasOpen = false; foreach (EditorWindow w in currentWindows) { if ( == "Holoplay") { w.Close(); windowWasOpen = true; } else { // to avoid ugliness, if there is a game window open // make sure it takes the same resolution SetResolution(w); } } if (toggling) { if (windowWasOpen) { return; } } else { if (!windowWasOpen) { return; } } /* * logic for multiplexing * - get number of holoplays in the scene * - for the target display of each Holoplay * - create a window on that display * - just assign */ var hps = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Holoplay>(); // open up a preview in the looking glass even if no holoplays found if (hps.Length == 0) { SetupPreviewWindow(new Calibration(0), 0, 0); } foreach (var hp in hps) { // Debug.Log(string.Format("set up preview window for lkg index {0}, target lkg {1}, target display {2}, {3}",, hp.targetLKG, hp.targetDisplay,; SetupPreviewWindow(, hp.targetLKG, hp.targetDisplay); } }
static void Quitting() { // Debug.Log("Editor quitting"); PluginCore.Reset(); }