public void Formalities()
            ClassLists classLists = new ClassLists();
            Files      files      = new Files();
            List <Tuple <string, bool> > MyList = files.LoadItem();

            if (MyList.Count > 25)
                int count = 0;
                /// Looks at the first 25 items on the list to see if they are complete. If all 25 are complete they are deleted.
                foreach (Tuple <string, bool> item in MyList.GetRange(0, 25))
                    /// if a single item is uncomplete all 25 remain
                    if (item.Item2 == false)
                /// removes the 25 complete items and saves the list.
                if (count == 25)
                    classLists.RemoveThingsFromMyList(MyList, 25);

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new item to the list and then updates the Data File
        /// t.2 is set to false indicating the item has not been completed.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddThingsToMyList(string userInput, List <Tuple <string, bool> > MyList)
            Files files = new Files();

            MyList.Add(new Tuple <string, bool>(userInput, false));

        /// <summary>
        /// Marks the item in the list complete by creating a tuple with the altered bool value
        /// in the same position as the previous version. The list is then saved
        /// to the data file.
        /// </summary>
        public void MarkedAsComplete(List <Tuple <string, bool> > MyList, int indexNumber)
            Files files = new Files();

            // Unpack the tuple
            var myTuple = MyList[indexNumber];
            var row     = myTuple.Item1; // value of 0
            var col     = myTuple.Item2; // value of 1

            // creates a new tuple in the index position of the old value
            MyList[indexNumber] = new Tuple <string, bool>(row, true);
