public static void LoadAssemblies(bool force = false) { if (msAssemblyTypeCaches.Count > 0 && !force) { return; } msAssemblyTypeCaches.Clear(); Assembly[] allAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); if (allAssemblies == null) { return; } ProfilingUtility.BeginSample("GlobalReflectionCache.LoadAssemblies"); foreach (Assembly assembly in allAssemblies) { if (assembly.FullName.Contains("Microsoft.")) { continue; } //DebugUtility.LogTrace(LoggerTags.Engine, "GlobalReflectionCache.CollectTypes {0}", assembly.FullName); ProfilingUtility.BeginSample("GlobalReflectionCache.CollectTypes_", assembly.FullName); GlobalReflectionCache.CollectTypes(assembly); ProfilingUtility.EndSample(); } ProfilingUtility.EndSample(); }
public static List <string> CollectTags() { if (msAllLoggerTags.Count > 0) { return(msAllLoggerTags); } var types = GlobalReflectionCache.FindTypes <LoggerTagsAttribute>(true); if (types != null) { foreach (var tagType in types) { var allFields = tagType.GetFields(); foreach (var fieldInfo in allFields) { if (fieldInfo.IsStatic && fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(string)) { string o = fieldInfo.GetValue(null) as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o)) { msAllLoggerTags.Union(o); } } } } } // DebugUtility.LogTrace(LoggerTags.Engine, "The Logger tags count is {0}", msAllLoggerTags.Count); return(msAllLoggerTags); }
private static void Registers() { if (!msInitialized) { msInitialized = true; GlobalReflectionCache.LoadAssemblies(); NameToTypeUtility.Initialize(); var allModules = GlobalReflectionCache.FindTypes <ModuleAttribute>(false); if (allModules != null) { allModules.Sort(EngineComparers.defaultModuleAttributeComparer); foreach (var m in allModules) { //DebugUtility.Log(LoggerTags.Engine, "Module {0} Loaded.", m); ModuleAttribute attr = m.GetCustomAttribute <ModuleAttribute>(true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.entryPoint)) { var entry = m.GetMethod(attr.entryPoint, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (entry != null) { //DebugUtility.Log(LoggerTags.Engine, "Module {0} Entry.", m); entry.Invoke(null, null); } } } } } }
protected void DrawArrowCaps() { if (!(target is UObject)) { return; } UObject t = (UObject)target; var attr = GlobalReflectionCache.FindOrAdd(target.GetType()).GetCustomAttribute <DrawArrowCapAttribute>(); if (attr != null) { LokiSceneUtility.DrawArrowCap(t.transform); } }
private static void AutoCollectDebugFilters() { var loggerTypes = GlobalReflectionCache.FindTypes <LoggerAttribute>(true); if (loggerTypes != null && loggerTypes.Count > 0) { foreach (var type in loggerTypes) { string typeFileName = string.Concat(type.Name, ".cs"); msBlacklist.Union(typeFileName); msFilterStrings.Union(typeFileName); var loggerAttr = type.GetCustomAttribute <LoggerAttribute>(true); msBlacklist.Union(loggerAttr.loggerBlacklist); } } }
public static void Initialize(bool force = false) { if (mInitialize) { return; } mInitialize = true; var types = GlobalReflectionCache.FindTypes <NameToTypeAttribute>(false, msAdditionalTypes); foreach (var item in types) { RegisterType(item); } #if UNITY_EDITOR DebugUtility.Log(LoggerTags.Engine, "Register types : {0}", types.Select(type => type.Name)); #endif }
private void DoRegister(IConsoleObject o) { Type type = o.GetType(); if (!mConsoleInfos.TryGetValue(type, out var consoleInfo)) { consoleInfo = new List <IConsoleObject>(); mConsoleInfos.Add(type, consoleInfo); } consoleInfo.Union(o); if (mSearchedType.Add(type)) { var reflectTypeInfo = GlobalReflectionCache.FindOrAdd(type); var methods = reflectTypeInfo.FindMethods <ConsoleMethodAttribute>(); foreach (var m in methods) { var attr = m.GetCustomAttribute <ConsoleMethodAttribute>(); MethodInfo validate = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.validate)) { validate = type.GetMethod(attr.validate); } if (validate != null) { if (validate.IsStatic != m.IsStatic) { DebugUtility.LogError(LoggerTags.Console, "The Method [{0}] and the validate [{1}] must be the same modifier (ex. static)", m.Name, validate.Name); continue; } if (validate.DeclaringType != typeof(bool)) { DebugUtility.LogError(LoggerTags.Console, "The Validate [{0}] must return bool (true or false)", validate.Name); continue; } } string cmd = attr.aliasName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd)) { cmd = string.Concat(type.FullName, ".", m.Name); } if (!mCommandInfos.TryGetValue(cmd, out var cmdGroup)) { cmdGroup = new List <ConsoleCommand>(); mCommandInfos.Add(cmd, cmdGroup); } else { if (cmdGroup.FindIndex(command => command.owner == type) >= 0) { DebugUtility.LogError(LoggerTags.Engine, "The command is existed, it is not allowed : {0}", string.Concat(type.FullName, ".", m.Name)); continue; } } ConsoleCommand entry; entry.owner = type; entry.attribute = attr; entry.validate = validate; entry.memberInfo = m; entry.cmd = cmd; cmdGroup.Add(entry); } var fieldsOrProperties = reflectTypeInfo.FindMembers <ConsoleMemberAttribute>(); foreach (var m in fieldsOrProperties) { var attr = m.GetCustomAttribute <ConsoleMemberAttribute>(); MethodInfo validate = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.validate)) { validate = type.GetMethod(attr.validate); } if (validate != null) { bool memberIsStatic = false; if (m.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field) { memberIsStatic = ((FieldInfo)m).IsStatic; } else if (m.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property) { memberIsStatic = ((PropertyInfo)m).IsStatic(); } if (validate.IsStatic != memberIsStatic) { DebugUtility.LogError(LoggerTags.Console, "The Field [{0}] and the validate [{1}] must be the same modifier (ex. static)", m.Name, validate.Name); continue; } if (validate.DeclaringType != typeof(bool)) { DebugUtility.LogError(LoggerTags.Console, "The Validate [{0}] must return bool (true or false)", validate.Name); continue; } } string cmd = attr.aliasName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd)) { cmd = string.Concat(type.FullName, ".", m.Name); } if (!mCommandInfos.TryGetValue(cmd, out var cmdGroup)) { cmdGroup = new List <ConsoleCommand>(); mCommandInfos.Add(cmd, cmdGroup); } else { if (cmdGroup.FindIndex(command => command.owner == type) >= 0) { DebugUtility.LogError(LoggerTags.Engine, "The command is existed, it is not allowed : {0}", string.Concat(type.FullName, ".", m.Name)); continue; } } ConsoleCommand entry; entry.owner = type; entry.attribute = attr; entry.validate = validate; entry.memberInfo = m; entry.cmd = cmd; cmdGroup.Add(entry); } } }
public static void CheckEngineConfig() { var moduleConfigs = GlobalReflectionCache.FindTypes(typeof(ModuleSettings), false); if (moduleConfigs == null) { return; } foreach (var config in moduleConfigs) { var getOrLoadMethod = config.GetMethod("GetOrLoad"); if (getOrLoadMethod == null) { DebugUtility.LogErrorTrace(LoggerTags.Engine, "The {0} must implement the static Method [public static ConfigSettingsType GetOrLoad()]", config.Name); continue; } string ModuleSettingsPath = null; ModuleSettings settings = getOrLoadMethod.Invoke(null, null) as ModuleSettings; if (settings == null) { settings = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(config) as ModuleSettings; if (settings == null) { DebugUtility.LogErrorTrace(LoggerTags.Engine, "The {0} must implement the static Method [public static From_ModuleSettings GetOrLoad()]", config.Name); continue; } EFilePathType pathType = EFilePathType.EngineGeneratedConfigPath; // settings is EditorModuleSettings ? EFilePathType.EditorGeneratedConfigPath : EFilePathType.EngineGeneratedConfigPath; string path = FileSystem.Get().GetAssetPathCheck(pathType, settings.GetAssetFileName(), true); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(settings, path); settings.OnCreated(); ModuleSettingsPath = path; } else { EFilePathType pathType = EFilePathType.EngineGeneratedConfigPath; // settings is EditorModuleSettings ? EFilePathType.EditorGeneratedConfigPath : EFilePathType.EngineGeneratedConfigPath; ModuleSettingsPath = FileSystem.Get().GetAssetPathCheck(pathType, settings.GetAssetFileName(), true); } bool reimport = false; if (settings != null) { UnityEngine.Object[] subAssets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(ModuleSettingsPath); FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = config.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); foreach (var subAsset in subAssets) { bool isValid = false; if (subAsset != null) { if (subAsset.GetType() == settings.GetType()) { isValid = true; continue; } foreach (var info in fieldInfos) { Type fieldType = info.FieldType; if (fieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UAssetObject)) && !fieldType.IsAbstract) { if (subAsset.GetType() == fieldType) { isValid = true; object fieldValue = info.GetValue(settings); if (fieldValue == null) { info.SetValue(settings, subAsset); } break; } } } } if (!isValid) { AssetDatabase.RemoveObjectFromAsset(subAsset); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(subAsset, true); reimport = true; } } foreach (var info in fieldInfos) { if (info.IsPublic || info.GetCustomAttribute <SerializableAttribute>() != null) { Type fieldType = info.FieldType; if (fieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UAssetObject)) && !fieldType.IsAbstract) { object fieldValue = info.GetValue(settings); if (fieldValue == null) { reimport = true; UAssetObject asset = asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(fieldType) as UAssetObject; if (asset != null) { = asset.GetType().Name; info.SetValue(settings, asset); if (!asset.isSubAsset) { EFilePathType pathType = EFilePathType.EngineGeneratedConfigPath; // asset is EditorModuleSettings ? EFilePathType.EditorGeneratedConfigPath : EFilePathType.EngineGeneratedConfigPath; string path = FileSystem.Get().GetAssetPathCheck(pathType, asset.GetAssetFileName(), true); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, path); } else { AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(asset, ModuleSettingsPath); } settings.OnCreated(); } } } } } } if (reimport) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(ModuleSettingsPath, ImportAssetOptions.Default); } } }
protected virtual void OnDrawInspectorPreview() { if (target == null) { return; } Type targetType = target.GetType(); var memberInfos = GlobalReflectionCache.FindOrAdd(targetType).FindMembers <PreviewMemberBaseAttribute>(); if (memberInfos == null || memberInfos.Count <= 0) { return; } DrawLine(); foreach (var m in memberInfos) { PreviewMemberBaseAttribute attr = m.GetCustomAttribute <PreviewMemberBaseAttribute>(true); TooltipAttribute ta = m.GetCustomAttribute <TooltipAttribute>(true); Type drawType = null; object value = null; Action <object, object> setValue = null; bool readonlyMember = false; if (m is FieldInfo) { var field = (FieldInfo)m; value = field.GetValue(target); drawType = field.FieldType; setValue = field.SetValue; readonlyMember = field.IsInitOnly; } else if (m is PropertyInfo) { var property = (PropertyInfo)m; value = property.GetValue(target); drawType = property.PropertyType; setValue = property.SetValue; readonlyMember = !property.CanWrite; } else { continue; } string tooltip = ta != null ? ta.tooltip : string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip)) { var lta = m.GetCustomAttribute <LokiTooltipAttribute>(true); tooltip = lta != null ? lta.tooltip : string.Empty; } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(new GUIContent(m.Name, tooltip), WidthPercent(0.4f)); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var lastGUIEnable = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = !readonlyMember; if (attr.useRange) { float rangeMin = 0.0f; float rangeMax = 100000.0f; if (attr is PreviewMemberAttribute) { PreviewMemberAttribute real = (PreviewMemberAttribute)attr; rangeMin = real.rangeMin; rangeMax = real.rangeMax; } else if (attr is PreviewMemberDynamicPropertyAttribute) { PreviewMemberDynamicPropertyAttribute real = (PreviewMemberDynamicPropertyAttribute)attr; if (drawType == typeof(float) || drawType == typeof(int)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(real.rangeMin)) { rangeMin = (float)targetType.GetProperty(real.rangeMin).GetValue(target); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(real.rangeMax)) { rangeMax = (float)targetType.GetProperty(real.rangeMax).GetValue(target); } } } else if (attr is PreviewMemberDynamicFieldAttribute) { PreviewMemberDynamicFieldAttribute real = (PreviewMemberDynamicFieldAttribute)attr; if (drawType == typeof(float) || drawType == typeof(int)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(real.rangeMin)) { rangeMin = (float)targetType.GetField(real.rangeMin).GetValue(target); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(real.rangeMax)) { rangeMax = (float)targetType.GetField(real.rangeMax).GetValue(target); } } } value = EditorGUILayoutObjectField(drawType, value, rangeMin, rangeMax); } else { value = EditorGUILayoutObjectField(drawType, value); } GUI.enabled = lastGUIEnable; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { setValue(target, value); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } }
protected static void AutoSerializing(object t) { Type targetType = t.GetType(); UObject target = t as UObject; if (target == null) { return; } var fieldsInfo = GlobalReflectionCache.FindOrAdd(targetType).FindSerializeFields(); if (fieldsInfo == null) { return; } foreach (var field in fieldsInfo) { bool fieldIsGameObject = (field.FieldType == typeof(GameObject)); bool fieldIsComponent = (field.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component))); string fieldName = field.Name; var attr = field.GetCustomAttribute <AutoSerializeFieldAttribute>(true); if (attr != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.aliasName)) { fieldName = attr.aliasName; } else { string autoRemovePrefix = attr.autoRemovePrefix; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(autoRemovePrefix)) { if (fieldName.Length > autoRemovePrefix.Length && fieldName.StartsWith(autoRemovePrefix)) { fieldName = fieldName.Substring(autoRemovePrefix.Length); } } } } if (fieldIsComponent || fieldIsGameObject) { Transform tr = target.transform.FindUnique(fieldName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (tr == null) { if (fieldName.StartsWith("m")) { tr = target.transform.FindUnique(fieldName.Substring(1), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } } if (tr != null) { if (fieldIsGameObject) { field.SetValue(target, tr.gameObject); } else if (fieldIsComponent) { var fieldComponent = tr.GetComponent(field.FieldType); if (fieldComponent != null) { field.SetValue(target, fieldComponent); } } else // todo { } } } } }