예제 #1
        public void setSolution(GoapState cState, string solutionMt, string nowMt, string backgroundMt)
            // Make the description in cState the focus

            if (backgroundMt != null)
                prologEngine.connectMT(solutionMt, backgroundMt);
            // foreach (string moduleMt in cState.modList)
            // {
            //     prologEngine.connectMT(solutionMt, moduleMt);
            // }
            string goalCode = "";

            foreach (string p in cState.missingList)
                goalCode += String.Format("precond({0}).\n", p);
            prologEngine.appendKB(goalCode, solutionMt);

            List <string> solutionMissingList = missingInMt(solutionMt, nowMt);

            //List<string> solutionViolationList = violationsInMt(problemMt);

            cState.missingList = solutionMissingList;
            //cState.violationList = solutionViolationList;
예제 #2
        static void testProlog3()
            // we can  do a graph of connected kb's
            // the query is from a point in the graph and the system gathers the KB
            // Wonder if we "logicRank" the graph in someway so we inference over what's relevant
            // Also what kind of connected graphs can we concoct ?
            // Maybe we want to have prove walk the KB graph?
            // Should the KB be constructed depth-first or breath first ?
            //  (It may not matter so long as the items of a given predicate appear in one MT)
            // probably should have classic optomizations like first term indexing for speed
            // Should work on built-ins. (Done except for eval) (Dmiles did eval)

            prologEngine.connectMT("sense1MT", "baseKB");
            prologEngine.connectMT("sense2MT", "baseKB");
            prologEngine.connectMT("spindleMT", "sense1MT");
            prologEngine.connectMT("spindleMT", "sense2MT");
            prologEngine.insertKB("canSense(X):-sense(X).\n", "baseKB");
            prologEngine.appendKB("genls(A,B):-genls(A,X),genls(X,B).\n", "baseKB");
            prologEngine.appendKB("isa(A,B):-isa(A,X),genls(X,B).\n", "baseKB");

            prologEngine.insertKB("sense(dog).\nsense(cat).\n", "sense1MT");
            prologEngine.insertKB("sense(boy).\nsense(girl).\n", "sense2MT");
            prologEngine.appendKB("isa(john,boy).\ngenls(boy,human).\ngenls(human,mammal).\n", "sense2MT");
            prologEngine.askQuery("canSense(WHAT1)", "sense1MT");
            prologEngine.askQuery("canSense(WHAT2)", "sense2MT");
            prologEngine.askQuery("canSense(WHAT3)", "spindleMT");
            prologEngine.askQuery("isa(john,JOHN_IS)", "spindleMT");
예제 #3
        public bool constructSolution(string problemMt, string moduleMt, string solutionMt)
            tickBegin = Environment.TickCount;
            // CEMA
            prologEngine.connectMT(solutionMt, problemMt);
            List <Dictionary <string, string> > bingingsList = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();

            List <string> totalModuleList = new List <string>();

            // Collect Module List
            string query = "module(MODMT)";

            prologEngine.askQuery(query, moduleMt, out bingingsList);
            foreach (Dictionary <string, string> bindings in bingingsList)
                foreach (string k in bindings.Keys)
                    if (k == "MODMT")

            // Find worst cost
            // h(n)*problemWorstCost should be admissible for A*
            problemWorstCost = -1;

            if (worstWeighting)
                string costQuery = "cost(COST)";
                prologEngine.askQuery(costQuery, moduleMt, out bingingsList);
                foreach (Dictionary <string, string> bindings in bingingsList)
                    foreach (string k in bindings.Keys)
                        if (k == "COST")
                            double newCost = double.Parse(bindings[k].Trim());
                            if (newCost > problemWorstCost)
                                problemWorstCost = newCost;
                if (problemWorstCost == -1)
                    problemWorstCost = 1;
                problemWorstCost = 1;

            List <string> missingList   = missingInMt(problemMt);
            List <string> violationList = violationsInMt(problemMt);

            CemaState start = new CemaState(new List <string>(), missingList);

            // get initial Eval
            setSolution(start, solutionMt, problemMt);
            if ((missingList.Count == 0) && (violationList.Count == 0))
                commitSolution(start, solutionMt, problemMt);
                return(true); // nothing is missing so done

            closedSet = new List <CemaState>();
            openSet   = new List <CemaState>();

            //cost expended so far
            Dictionary <string, double> gScores = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            //Estimate how far to go
            Dictionary <string, double> hScores = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            //combined f(n) = g(n)+h(n)
            Dictionary <string, double> fScores = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            gScores.Add(start.idCode, 0);
            hScores.Add(start.idCode, start.distToGoal() * problemWorstCost);
            fScores.Add(start.idCode, (gScores[start.idCode] + hScores[start.idCode]));

            trials = 0;
            while (openSet.Count != 0)
                if (trials > limitTrials)

                //we look for the node within the openSet with the lowest f score.
                CemaState bestState = this.FindBest(openSet, fScores, nondeterministic);
                setSolution(bestState, solutionMt, problemMt);

                // if goal then we're done
                if (bestState.distToGoal() == 0)
                    // return with the solutionMt already connected
                    commitSolution(bestState, solutionMt, problemMt);

                // Not the final solution and too expensive
                if (bestState.totalCost > limitCost)

                // get the list of modules we have not used
                List <string> validModules = bestState.validNextMods(totalModuleList);
                foreach (string nextModule in validModules)
                    // only consider those that provide something missing
                    if (!isRelevantMt(nextModule, bestState.missingList))

                    double nextCost = getModuleCost(nextModule);

                    // Ok nextModule is relevant so clone bestState and extend
                    List <string> nextModList = new List <string> ();
                    foreach (string m in bestState.modList)

                    CemaState nextState = new CemaState(nextModList, null);
                    nextState.totalCost = bestState.totalCost + nextCost;
                    // measure the quality of the next state
                    setSolution(nextState, solutionMt, problemMt);

                    //skip if it has been examined
                    if (closedSet.Contains(nextState))

                    if (!openSet.Contains(nextState))
                        gScores[nextState.idCode] = nextState.costSoFar();
                        hScores[nextState.idCode] = nextState.distToGoal() * problemWorstCost;
                        fScores[nextState.idCode] = (gScores[nextState.idCode] + hScores[nextState.idCode]);
            // an impossible task appently
            commitSolution(start, solutionMt, problemMt);