public static int Eliminar(LineaConfigLnLogica cve) { int iRes = 0; try { iRes = AccesoDatos.Borrar("DELETE FROM t_lineconfd WHERE clave = '" + cve.Clave + "' and consec = " + cve.Consec + ""); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(iRes); }
public static DataTable ValidaClaveLinea(LineaConfigLnLogica cve) { DataTable datos = new DataTable(); try { datos = AccesoDatos.Consultar("SELECT * FROM t_lineconfd WHERE line = '" + cve.Linea + "' and clave != '" + cve.Clave + "' "); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(datos); }
public static DataTable VistaClaveLine(LineaConfigLnLogica cve) { DataTable datos = new DataTable(); try { datos = AccesoDatos.Consultar("SELECT consec,line as Linea FROM t_lineconfd WHERE clave = '" + cve.Clave + "' order by consec"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(datos); }
public static DataTable ConsultarConfLinea(LineaConfigLnLogica cve) { DataTable datos = new DataTable(); try { string sQuery = "SELECT f.* FROM t_lineconfd d inner join t_lineconf f on d.clave = f.clave where d.line = '" + cve.Linea + "'"; datos = AccesoDatos.Consultar(sQuery); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(datos); }
public static int GuardarSP(LineaConfigLnLogica cve) { string[] parametros = { "@Clave", "@Consec", "@Linea" }; return(AccesoDatos.Actualizar("sp_mant_lineconfd", parametros, cve.Clave, cve.Consec, cve.Linea)); }