예제 #1
        public void AddGate(Gates.AbstractGate gate, GateLocation pos)
            // maybe we could use extension methods
            // to add a method to create a UIGate for each AbstractGate?

            Gate uigate;
            if (gate is Gates.BasicGates.And)
                uigate = new UIGates.And((Gates.BasicGates.And)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.BasicGates.Not)
                uigate = new UIGates.Not((Gates.BasicGates.Not)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.BasicGates.Or)
                uigate = new UIGates.Or((Gates.BasicGates.Or)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.BasicGates.Nand)
                uigate = new UIGates.Nand((Gates.BasicGates.Nand)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.BasicGates.Nor)
                uigate = new UIGates.Nor((Gates.BasicGates.Nor)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.BasicGates.Xor)
                uigate = new UIGates.Xor((Gates.BasicGates.Xor)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.BasicGates.Xnor)
                uigate = new UIGates.Xnor((Gates.BasicGates.Xnor)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.BasicGates.Buffer)
                uigate = new UIGates.Buffer((Gates.BasicGates.Buffer)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.IOGates.UserInput)
                uigate = new UIGates.UserInput((Gates.IOGates.UserInput)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.IOGates.UserOutput)
                uigate = new UIGates.UserOutput((Gates.IOGates.UserOutput)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.IOGates.AbstractNumeric)
                uigate = new UIGates.Numeric((Gates.IOGates.AbstractNumeric)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.IOGates.Clock)
                uigate = new UIGates.Clock((Gates.IOGates.Clock)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.IOGates.Comment)
                uigate = new UIGates.Comment((Gates.IOGates.Comment)gate);
            else if (gate is Gates.IC)
                uigate = UIGates.IC.CreateFromTemplate((Gates.IC)gate, icl.GetIC(gate.Name));
            else throw new ArgumentException("gate not of known subclass");

            AddGate(uigate, pos);
예제 #2
        public void AddGate(Gate uigate, GateLocation pos)
            Gates.AbstractGate gate = uigate.AbGate;

            gates[gate] = uigate;
            uigate.Margin = new Thickness(pos.x, pos.y, 0, 0);
            if (!c.Contains(gate))

            uigate.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform(pos.angle, uigate.Width / 2.0, uigate.Height / 2.0);
            uigate.Tag = new GateLocation() { x = pos.x, y = pos.y, angle = pos.angle };

            // NOTE that we need a separate angle and transform
            // for the snap-to to work properly
            // so I am using the tag to store the angle
            uigate.MouseDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(uigate_MouseDown);
            //uigate.MouseUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(uigate_MouseUp);
            uigate.StylusUp +=new StylusEventHandler(uigate_StylusUp);

            if (uigate is UIGates.IC)
                uigate.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseButtonEventHandler(uigate_MouseDoubleClick);
                uigate.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
                MenuItem inline = new MenuItem();
                inline.Header = "Inline Circuit";
                inline.Tag = uigate;
                inline.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(inline_Click);
                uigate.ContextMenu.IsEnabled = !IsReadOnly;

             * */

            // can add inputs
            if (uigate.AbGate is Gates.IVariableInputs)
                uigate.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
                MenuItem addInput = new MenuItem();
                addInput.Header = "Add Input";
                addInput.Tag = uigate;
                addInput.Click += (sender2, e2) =>
                    Gates.AbstractGate newgate = ((Gates.IVariableInputs)uigate.AbGate).Clone(uigate.AbGate.NumberOfInputs + 1);
                    c.ReplaceGate(uigate.AbGate, newgate);
                    if (UndoProvider != null)
                        UndoProvider.Add(new UndoRedo.ChangeNumInputs(c, uigate.AbGate, newgate));
                if (uigate.AbGate.NumberOfInputs > 2)
                    MenuItem removeInput = new MenuItem();
                    removeInput.Header = "Remove Input";
                    removeInput.Tag = uigate;
                    removeInput.Click += (sender2, e2) =>
                        UndoRedo.Transaction removeInp = new UndoRedo.Transaction("Remove Input");

                        // remember wires connected to removed input
                        Gates.Terminal dest = new Gates.Terminal(uigate.AbGate.NumberOfInputs - 1, uigate.AbGate);
                        Gates.Terminal origin = c.GetSource(dest);
                        if (origin != null)
                            removeInp.Add(new UndoRedo.Reverse(new UndoRedo.ConnectWire(c, origin, dest)));

                        Gates.AbstractGate newgate = ((Gates.IVariableInputs)uigate.AbGate).Clone(uigate.AbGate.NumberOfInputs - 1);
                        c.ReplaceGate(uigate.AbGate, newgate);

                        removeInp.Add(new UndoRedo.ChangeNumInputs(c, uigate.AbGate, newgate));
                        if (UndoProvider != null)

                uigate.ContextMenu.IsEnabled = !IsReadOnly;
             * */

            if (uigate is UIGates.UserIO) {
                ((UIGates.UserIO)uigate).UndoProvider = UndoProvider;
                if (uigate is UIGates.UserInput)
                    string inputLabel = UserIOLabelList.inputLabelList[0];
                    ((UIGates.UserInput)uigate).UserIOLabel = inputLabel;
                else if (uigate is UIGates.UserOutput)
                    string outputLabel = UserIOLabelList.outputLabelList[0];
                    ((UIGates.UserOutput)uigate).UserIOLabel = outputLabel;
             * */
            if (uigate is UIGates.Comment)
                ((UIGates.Comment)uigate).UndoProvider = UndoProvider;