public bool MoveNext() { GuardState(); var result = Log4JParserC.Log4JIteratorMoveNext(impl_); return(result); }
private Log4JFile(UnmanagedMemoryHandle buffer, long size) { buffer_ = buffer; Size = size; var status = Log4JParserC.Log4JEventSourceInitXmlString(out impl_, buffer_.DangerousGetHandle()); switch (status) { case Log4JParserC.Status.Success: break; case Log4JParserC.Status.DocumentErrors: break; case Log4JParserC.Status.MemoryError: impl_.Dispose(); throw new OutOfMemoryException(); default: impl_.Dispose(); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } Encoding = Encoding.ASCII; }
internal override HandleGraph <FilterHandle> Build(Encoding encoding) { HandleGraph <FilterHandle> child = null; FilterHandle primaryFilter = null; // There can be a maximum of 3 exceptions if filter initialization fails: // * Initial exception that caused the initialization to fail. // * Exception raised when calling primaryFilter.Dispose (). // * Exception raised when calling child.Dispose (). var cleanupErrors = new List <Exception> (3); try { child = Child.Build(encoding); Log4JParserC.Log4JFilterInitNot(out primaryFilter, child.Handle); return(HandleGraph.Composite(primaryFilter, child)); } catch (Exception initEx) { cleanupErrors.Add(initEx); Disposable.TryDispose(primaryFilter, cleanupErrors); Disposable.TryDispose(child, cleanupErrors); if (cleanupErrors.Count > 1) { throw new AggregateException(cleanupErrors); } throw; } }
public IList <KeyValuePair <string, string> > GetProperties() { const int bufferSize = 16; var buffer = new Log4JEventProperty[bufferSize]; var result = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > (16); uint totalEvents; var totalEventsRead = 0U; do { totalEvents = Log4JParserC .Log4JEventProperties(impl_, new UIntPtr(totalEventsRead), buffer, new UIntPtr((uint)buffer.Length)) .ToUInt32(); var eventsRemaining = totalEvents - totalEventsRead; var eventsRead = eventsRemaining > bufferSize ? bufferSize : eventsRemaining; for (var i = 0U; i < eventsRead; ++i) { var name = PtrToString(buffer[i].Name, buffer[i].NameSize); var value = PtrToString(buffer[i].Value, buffer[i].ValueSize); result.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> (name, value)); } totalEventsRead += eventsRead; } while (totalEventsRead != totalEvents); return(result); }
private static IteratorHandle Init(IteratorHandle inner, HandleGraph <FilterHandle> filterHandle) { IteratorHandle result; Log4JParserC.Log4JIteratorInitFilter(out result, inner, filterHandle.Handle); return(result); }
private static IteratorHandle Init(EventSourceHandle source) { IteratorHandle result; Log4JParserC.Log4JIteratorInitEventSourceReverse(out result, source); return(result); }
internal override HandleGraph <FilterHandle> Build(Encoding encoding) { FilterHandle result = null; try { Log4JParserC.Log4JFilterInitTimestamp(out result, Min, Max); return(HandleGraph.Simple(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { Disposable.DisposeAggregateErrors(result, ex); throw; } }
public int Compare(string x, string y) { var xVal = Log4JParserC.Log4JGetLevelValueNt(x); if (xVal < 0 && xVal != Int32.MinValue) { throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized log level.", nameof(x)); } var yVal = Log4JParserC.Log4JGetLevelValueNt(y); if (yVal < 0 && yVal != Int32.MinValue) { throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized log level.", nameof(y)); } return(Comparer <int> .Default.Compare(xVal, yVal)); }
internal override HandleGraph <FilterHandle> Build(Encoding encoding) { if (encoding == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(encoding)); } var logger = encoding.GetBytes(Logger); var loggerSize = new UIntPtr((uint)logger.Length); FilterHandle result = null; try { Log4JParserC.Log4JFilterInitLoggerFs(out result, logger, loggerSize); return(HandleGraph.Simple(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { Disposable.DisposeAggregateErrors(result, ex); throw; } }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override bool ReleaseHandle() { Log4JParserC.Log4JEventSourceDestroy(handle); return(true); }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override bool ReleaseHandle() { Log4JParserC.Log4JIteratorDestroy(handle); return(true); }