public ItemBuilder(LocalisationService localisationSvc, ManufacturerService manufacturerSvc, AmmoService ammoSvc, EntityService entitySvc) { this.localisationSvc = localisationSvc; this.manufacturerSvc = manufacturerSvc; this.ammoSvc = ammoSvc; this.entitySvc = entitySvc; }
public ShipLoader(ItemBuilder itemBuilder, ManufacturerService manufacturerSvc, LocalisationService localisationSvc, EntityService entitySvc, ItemInstaller itemInstaller, LoadoutLoader loadoutLoader, InsuranceService insuranceSvc) { this.itemBuilder = itemBuilder; this.manufacturerSvc = manufacturerSvc; this.localisationSvc = localisationSvc; this.entitySvc = entitySvc; this.itemInstaller = itemInstaller; this.loadoutLoader = loadoutLoader; this.insuranceSvc = insuranceSvc; }
public ManufacturerLoader(LocalisationService localisationService) { this.localisationService = localisationService; }
public StarmapLoader(LocalisationService localisationService) { this.localisationService = localisationService; }
static void Main(string[] args) { string scDataRoot = null; string outputRoot = null; bool doShips = true; bool doItems = true; bool doShops = true; bool doStarmap = true; bool noCache = false; string typeFilter = null; string shipFilter = null; var p = new OptionSet { { "scdata=", v => scDataRoot = v }, { "input=", v => scDataRoot = v }, { "output=", v => outputRoot = v }, { "noships", v => doShips = false }, { "noitems", v => doItems = false }, { "noshops", v => doShops = false }, { "nomap", v => doStarmap = false }, { "nocache", v => noCache = true }, { "types=", v => typeFilter = v }, { "ships=", v => shipFilter = v } }; var extra = p.Parse(args); var badArgs = extra.Count > 0; if (badArgs) { Console.WriteLine("Usage:"); Console.WriteLine(" Loader.exe -input=<path to extracted Star Citizen data> -output=<path to JSON output folder>"); Console.WriteLine(); return; } JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented, NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore, Converters = new List <JsonConverter> { new StringEnumConverter() } }; bool incremental = !doShips || !doItems || !doShops || !doStarmap; // Prep the output folder if (Directory.Exists(outputRoot) && !incremental) { var info = new DirectoryInfo(outputRoot); foreach (var file in info.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } foreach (var dir in info.GetDirectories()) { dir.Delete(true); } } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputRoot); } var entitySvc = new EntityService { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; entitySvc.Initialise(noCache); // Localisation Console.WriteLine("Load Localisation"); var labelLoader = new LabelsLoader { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; var labels = labelLoader.Load("english"); var localisationSvc = new LocalisationService(labels); // Manufacturers Console.WriteLine("Load Manufacturers"); var manufacturerLoader = new ManufacturerLoader(localisationSvc) { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; var manufacturerIndex = manufacturerLoader.Load(); var manufacturerSvc = new ManufacturerService(manufacturerIndex); // Ammunition Console.WriteLine("Load Ammunition"); var ammoLoader = new AmmoLoader { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; var ammoIndex = ammoLoader.Load(); var ammoSvc = new AmmoService(ammoIndex); // Insurance Console.WriteLine("Load Insurance"); var insuranceLoader = new InsuranceLoader() { DataRoot = scDataRoot }; var insurancePrices = insuranceLoader.Load(); var insuranceSvc = new InsuranceService(insurancePrices); var xmlLoadoutLoader = new XmlLoadoutLoader { DataRoot = scDataRoot }; var manualLoadoutLoader = new ManualLoadoutLoader(); var loadoutLoader = new LoadoutLoader(xmlLoadoutLoader, manualLoadoutLoader); var itemBuilder = new ItemBuilder(localisationSvc, manufacturerSvc, ammoSvc, entitySvc); var itemInstaller = new ItemInstaller(entitySvc, loadoutLoader, itemBuilder); // Items if (doItems) { Console.WriteLine("Load Items"); var itemLoader = new ItemLoader(itemBuilder, manufacturerSvc, entitySvc, ammoSvc, itemInstaller, loadoutLoader) { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot, }; itemLoader.Load(typeFilter); } // Ships and vehicles if (doShips) { Console.WriteLine("Load Ships and Vehicles"); var shipLoader = new ShipLoader(itemBuilder, manufacturerSvc, localisationSvc, entitySvc, itemInstaller, loadoutLoader, insuranceSvc) { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot, }; shipLoader.Load(shipFilter); } // Prices if (doShops) { Console.WriteLine("Load Shops"); var shopLoader = new ShopLoader(localisationSvc, entitySvc) { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; shopLoader.Load(); } // Starmap if (doStarmap) { Console.WriteLine("Load Starmap"); var starmapLoader = new StarmapLoader(localisationSvc) { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; starmapLoader.Load(); } Console.WriteLine("Finished!"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string scDataRoot = null; string outputRoot = null; string itemFile = null; bool shipsOnly = false; var p = new OptionSet { { "scdata=", v => scDataRoot = v }, { "input=", v => scDataRoot = v }, { "output=", v => outputRoot = v }, { "itemfile=", v => itemFile = v }, { "shipsonly", v => shipsOnly = true } }; var extra = p.Parse(args); var badArgs = false; if (extra.Count > 0) { badArgs = true; } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemFile) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(scDataRoot) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputRoot))) { badArgs = true; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemFile) && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(scDataRoot) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputRoot))) { badArgs = true; } if (badArgs) { Console.WriteLine("Usage:"); Console.WriteLine(" Loader.exe -input=<path to extracted Star Citizen data> -output=<path to JSON output folder>"); Console.WriteLine(" or Loader.exe -itemfile=<path to an SCItem XML file>"); Console.WriteLine(); return; } JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented, NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }; if (itemFile != null) { var entityParser = new ClassParser <scdb.Xml.Entities.EntityClassDefinition>(); var entity = entityParser.Parse(itemFile); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entity); Console.WriteLine(json); return; } // Prep the output folder if (Directory.Exists(outputRoot) && !shipsOnly) { var info = new DirectoryInfo(outputRoot); foreach (var file in info.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } foreach (var dir in info.GetDirectories()) { dir.Delete(true); } } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputRoot); } // A loadout loader to help with any XML loadouts we encounter while parsing entities var loadoutLoader = new LoadoutLoader { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; // Localisation Console.WriteLine("Load Localisation"); var labelLoader = new LabelsLoader { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; var labels = labelLoader.Load("english"); var localisationSvc = new LocalisationService(labels); // Manufacturers Console.WriteLine("Load Manufacturers"); var manufacturerLoader = new ManufacturerLoader(localisationSvc) { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; var manufacturerIndex = manufacturerLoader.Load(); // Ammunition Console.WriteLine("Load Ammunition"); var ammoLoader = new AmmoLoader { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; var ammoIndex = ammoLoader.Load(); // Items if (!shipsOnly) { Console.WriteLine("Load Items"); var itemLoader = new ItemLoader { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot, OnXmlLoadout = path => loadoutLoader.Load(path), Manufacturers = manufacturerIndex, Ammo = ammoIndex }; itemLoader.Load(); } // Ships and vehicles Console.WriteLine("Load Ships and Vehicles"); var shipLoader = new ShipLoader { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot, OnXmlLoadout = path => loadoutLoader.Load(path), Manufacturers = manufacturerIndex }; shipLoader.Load(); // Prices if (!shipsOnly) { Console.WriteLine("Load Shops"); var shopLoader = new ShopLoader(localisationSvc) { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; shopLoader.Load(); } // Starmap if (!shipsOnly) { Console.WriteLine("Load Starmap"); var starmapLoader = new StarmapLoader(localisationSvc) { OutputFolder = outputRoot, DataRoot = scDataRoot }; starmapLoader.Load(); } Console.WriteLine("Finished!"); }
public ShopLoader(LocalisationService localisationService, EntityService entitySvc) { this.localisationService = localisationService; this.entitySvc = entitySvc; }