예제 #1
 public static bool openCommandContainingFolder(LnzLaunchCommand cmd)
     //shouldn't throw an exception, just return false upon error
     string sTarget = getBaseFileFromCommand(cmd);
     if (sTarget==null) return false;
     return true;
예제 #2
 //returns null if file doesn't exist
 public static string getBaseFileFromCommand(LnzLaunchCommand cmd)
     //use heuristics to see if we can find containing the file of the command
     //we won't be able to replace %clip% or %1%
     string sTarget = cmd.sCmdTarget;
     sTarget = sTarget.Split('\t')[0];
     if (!File.Exists(sTarget)) return null;
     return sTarget;
예제 #3
        public void lnzsetIcon(LnzLaunchCommand cmd)
            if (cmd== null) {switchicon(null); return;}
            string sFilename = (cmd.sCustomIcon!=null) ? cmd.sCustomIcon : LaunchFiles.getBaseFileFromCommand(cmd);
            if (sFilename== null) {switchicon(null); return;}
            Icon icn = GetFileIcon.Getfileicon(sFilename);
            if (icn == null) { switchicon(null); return; }

            this.switchicon( icn.ToBitmap());
            icn.Dispose(); //it has been copied to the bitmap, so this can be freed.
예제 #4
        //TODO: catch exceptions. try giving this really bad data/nonexistent files, see where breaks
        public static string runCommand(string textInBox, LnzLaunchCommand cmd)
            //be sure to escape " with \" . don't need to escape \ with \\.

            string sTarget = cmd.sCmdTarget;
            Debug.Assert(!textInBox.Contains("\t")); //that'd mess things up since we split on tab.
            if (sTarget.Contains("%clip%"))
                string strClip = "";
                IDataObject data = Clipboard.GetDataObject();
                if (data!=null && data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text))
                    strClip = (string)data.GetData(DataFormats.Text, true);
                sTarget = sTarget.Replace("%clip%", strClip);
            if (sTarget.Contains("%1%"))
                string strArgs = ""; //arguments passed to command
                if (textInBox.StartsWith(cmd.sCmdShortcut)) //must be an actual match to pass args, otherwise "" is passed
                    if (cmd.sCmdShortcut == textInBox)
                        strArgs = "";
                        strArgs = textInBox.Substring(cmd.sCmdShortcut.Length).Trim();
                    sTarget = sTarget.Replace("%1%", strArgs);
                    sTarget = sTarget.Replace("%1%", "");
            // the %.% has already been replaced. And, all of the custom constants have been replaced
            Debug.Assert(!sTarget.Contains("%")); //should have done all templates now

            ProcessStartInfo psi;
            string[] commandargs = sTarget.Split('\t');
            if (commandargs.Length == 1)
                psi = new ProcessStartInfo(commandargs[0]);
                string commandExe = commandargs[0];
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 1; i < commandargs.Length; i++)
                    sb.Append("\"" + commandargs[i].Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\" ");
                string sArgString = sb.ToString();
                sArgString = sArgString.Substring(0, sArgString.Length - 1); //get rid of trailing space if it's there

                psi = new ProcessStartInfo(commandExe, sArgString);

            if (cmd.bRemainOpenAfterRunning)
                psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized;
                psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                psi.UseShellExecute = false; // necessary for stream redirect
                psi.CreateNoWindow = true;
                psi.UseShellExecute = true; // ?? so that directories can be opened

            Process process;
                process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi);
            catch (Exception e) //(Win32Exception e)
                throw new LnzLaunchDataException("Error: " + e.Message);

            if (cmd.bRemainOpenAfterRunning)
                StreamReader myOutput = process.StandardOutput;
                process.WaitForExit(9000); //TODO: let user set this number
                if (!process.HasExited)
                    throw new LnzLaunchDataException("Process timed out.");

                return myOutput.ReadToEnd().Trim(); //sometimes output has a leading newline
                return null;
예제 #5
        //NOTE: will throw LnzLaunchDataException upon error.
        public void loadData(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> constants, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> commands, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> icons)
            //load constants
            m_dictConstants = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            /*dictConstants["%clip%"] = null;
            dictConstants["%1%"] = null;
            dictConstants["%.%"] = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);*/
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in constants)
                string constantName = pair.Key;
                string constantValue = pair.Value;
                if (constantName=="" || !(constantName.StartsWith("%")&&constantName.EndsWith("%")))
                    throw new LnzLaunchDataException("Error: constants must be in form %a%. Percentage symbol was missing: '"+constantName+"' .");
                if (m_dictConstants.ContainsKey(constantName))
                    throw new LnzLaunchDataException("Error: constant named '"+constantName+"' already defined.");
                constantValue = doSubstitutions(constantValue, m_dictConstants); //perform substitutions on the value. so can have constants in constants.
                m_dictConstants[constantName] = constantValue;

            //load commands
            if (commands == null || commands.Count == 0)
                throw new LnzLaunchDataException("Error: no commands defined in the configuration file. It's not useful if there aren't any shortcuts.");
            this.m_arrCommands = null; //stops anything trying to use m_arrCommands before it's been formed
            List<LnzLaunchCommand> listCommands = new List<LnzLaunchCommand>();
            bool bRemainOpen;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in commands)
                bRemainOpen = false;
                string commandName = pair.Key;
                string commandValue = pair.Value;
                commandName = commandName.Replace("%eq%", "="); 
                commandValue = commandValue.Replace("%eq%", "=");
                if (commandName.EndsWith("*")) {bRemainOpen=true; commandName = commandName.Substring(0, commandName.Length-1);}
                if (commandName == "" || commandValue == "") throw new LnzLaunchDataException("Error: command name or target cannot be an empty string.");

                commandValue = doSubstitutions(commandValue, m_dictConstants);
                commandValue = commandValue.Replace("%.%", Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath));
                //see if any undefined constants
                string tmp = commandValue; tmp=tmp.Replace("%clip%", "").Replace("%1%","").Replace("%.%","");
                if (tmp.Contains("%"))
                    throw new LnzLaunchDataException("Error: unknown constant in the line '"+commandValue+"'.");

                //replace multiple tabs (note takes place after substitution)
                commandValue = commandValue.Replace("\t\t", "\t").Replace("\t\t", "\t").Replace("\t\t", "\t").Replace("\t\t", "\t");

                //is it already in our list of commands?
                for (int i = 0; i < listCommands.Count; i++)
                    if (listCommands[i].sCmdShortcut == commandName)
                        throw new LnzLaunchDataException("Error: cannot define two commands with the same name. there are two named '" + commandName + "'.");
                LnzLaunchCommand cmd = new LnzLaunchCommand(commandName, commandValue, bRemainOpen);

            this.m_arrCommands = listCommands.ToArray();
            listCommands = null; //catch anything trying to use this

            //load icons
            if (icons != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in icons)
                    string commandName = pair.Key;
                    string iconValue = pair.Value;
                    if (iconValue == "") throw new LnzLaunchDataException("Error: custom icon, cannot have empty string for cmd '" + commandName + "'.");

                    commandName = commandName.Replace("%eq%", "=");
                    if (commandName.EndsWith("*")) { commandName = commandName.Substring(0, commandName.Length - 1); }

                    iconValue = doSubstitutions(iconValue, m_dictConstants);
                    iconValue = iconValue.Replace("%.%", Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath));
                    if (iconValue.Contains("%"))
                        throw new LnzLaunchDataException("Error: unknown constant in the icon value  '" + iconValue + "' ('clip' or args not valid here).");
                    int index = lookupExactCommandIndex(commandName);
                    if (index == -1)
                        throw new LnzLaunchDataException("Error: trying to set an icon for command '" + commandName + "' but that command isn't defined.");
                    this.m_arrCommands[index].sCustomIcon = iconValue;