// Returns content of the row forced to be instantiated without trying to reusing existing cells.
            private IList <LiveCell> BuildForcedRowCellsContentWithNewData <Cell>(string spreadsheetId, string sheetTitleId, int leftColumnIndex, int rowSheetRelativeIndex, int columnCount, IList <Cell> cellsData)
                where Cell : class
                // Get instance of existing cells placeholder list.
                IList <LiveCell> forcedRowCellsContent = new List <LiveCell>();

                // Fill empty cells placeholder with appropriate number of empty cells
                // for the row of the number of columns specified with the provided column count.
                for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < columnCount; cellIndex++)
                    // Determine cell sheet relative index of the cell to be created,
                    //  by adding left column index, to the cell order index.
                    int cellSheetRelativeIndex = leftColumnIndex + cellIndex;

                    // Get cell data of the type depending on the generic type the current method.
                    Cell cellData = cellsData?.ElementAtOrDefault(cellIndex);

                    // Build new cell instance.
                    LiveCell cell = LiveCell.Construct(spreadsheetId, sheetTitleId, cellSheetRelativeIndex, rowSheetRelativeIndex, cellData);

                    // Add created cell to row cells content list.

                // Return
            // Size and content of provided IList<Cell> newRowCellsData must matching other provided parameters string spreadsheetId, string sheetTitleId, int leftColumnIndex,
            // int rowSheetRelativeIndex, int columnCount.
            private IList <LiveCell> BuildRowCellsContentWithDataOverride <Cell>(string spreadsheetId, string sheetTitleId, int leftColumnIndex, int rowSheetRelativeIndex, int columnCount, IList <Cell> newRowCellsData, bool ignoreNullData)
                where Cell : class
                // Get all existing rows data related with the provided spreadsheet id/ sheet title id / row index.
                IList <LiveRow> existingRowData = this._productionIndex[spreadsheetId][sheetTitleId][rowSheetRelativeIndex];

                // Get instance of existing cells placeholder list.
                IList <LiveCell> rowCellsContent = new List <LiveCell>();

                // If new row cells data has been provided simply obtain existing cells
                // located on the area covered by the provided parameters,
                // then assign the data, but only

                // Loop from 0 to < columnCount. Obtain existing cells wherever they are available,
                for (int cellRangeRelativeIndex = 0; cellRangeRelativeIndex < columnCount; cellRangeRelativeIndex++)
                    // Calculate cell sheet relative index for
                    // this specific cell range relative index.
                    int cellSheetRelativeIndex = cellRangeRelativeIndex + leftColumnIndex;

                    // ... obtain new data for that cell if any available
                    Cell newRowCellData = newRowCellsData?.ElementAtOrDefault(cellRangeRelativeIndex);

                    // Loop through each existing row...
                    foreach (LiveRow exsistingRow in existingRowData)
                        // ...if this specific existing row contains the cell located
                        // on the appropriate cell sheet relative index....
                        if (exsistingRow.HasCellOnSheetRelativeColumnIndex(cellSheetRelativeIndex))
                            // ... obtain that cell...
                            LiveCell existingCell = exsistingRow.GetCellFromSheetRelativeColumnIndex(cellSheetRelativeIndex);

                            // ... override data for the existing cell using provided ignoreNullData flag
                            existingCell.SetData(newRowCellData, ignoreNullData);

                            // ...then add cell in to the row cells content. ...

                            // ...Then break out from foreach loop.

                    // If existing cell hasn't been found and added in to the existing cells list,
                    // in the above foreach loop...
                    if (rowCellsContent.Count == cellRangeRelativeIndex)
                        // ...build new empty cell instance based on that data, or empty cell for null...
                        LiveCell emptyCell = LiveCell.Construct(spreadsheetId, sheetTitleId, cellSheetRelativeIndex, rowSheetRelativeIndex, newRowCellData);

                        // ...and add it to the existing cells list.

                // Return constructed row cells content.
            // IMPORTANT NOTE
            // The unusual code design - repeatable code below - its a performance optimize design.
            // As many as possible if/else checks has been move into the level above to be
            // executed once for each row rather then once for each cell, and then based on that
            // execute appropriate build row cells content method:
            // BuildRowCellsContentWithoutNewData / BuildRowCellsContentWithoutDataOverride / BuildRowCellsContentWithDataOverride

            // Building Row Cells Content reusing existing cells where available:

            // Size and content of provided IList<Cell> newRowCellsData must matching other provided parameters string spreadsheetId, string sheetTitleId, int leftColumnIndex, int rowSheetRelativeIndex, int columnCount.
            private IList <LiveCell> BuildRowCellsContentWithoutNewData(string spreadsheetId, string sheetTitleId, int leftColumnIndex, int rowSheetRelativeIndex, int columnCount)
                // Get all existing rows data related with the provided spreadsheet id/ sheet title id / row index.
                IList <LiveRow> existingRowData = this._productionIndex[spreadsheetId][sheetTitleId][rowSheetRelativeIndex];

                // Get instance of existing cells placeholder list.
                IList <LiveCell> rowCellsContent = new List <LiveCell>();

                // Obtain existing cells located on the area covered by the provided parameters.
                // Loop from 0 to < columnCount
                for (int cellRangeRelativeIndex = 0; cellRangeRelativeIndex < columnCount; cellRangeRelativeIndex++)
                    // Calculate cell sheet relative index for
                    // this specific cell range relative index.
                    int cellSheetRelativeIndex = cellRangeRelativeIndex + leftColumnIndex;

                    // Loop through each existing row...
                    foreach (LiveRow exsistingRow in existingRowData)
                        // ...if this specific existing row contains the cell located
                        // on the appropriate cell sheet relative index....
                        if (exsistingRow.HasCellOnSheetRelativeColumnIndex(cellSheetRelativeIndex))
                            // ... obtain that cell...
                            LiveCell existingCell = exsistingRow.GetCellFromSheetRelativeColumnIndex(cellSheetRelativeIndex);

                            // ...and add it to the existing cells list. ...

                            // ...Then break out from foreach loop.

                    // If existing cell hasn't been found and added in to the existing cells list,
                    // in the above foreach loop...
                    if (rowCellsContent.Count == cellRangeRelativeIndex)
                        // ...build new empty cell instance...
                        LiveCell emptyCell = LiveCell.Construct(spreadsheetId, sheetTitleId, cellSheetRelativeIndex, rowSheetRelativeIndex, null);

                        // ...and add it to the existing cells list.

                // Return constructed row cells content.
            // Returns content of the row forced to be instantiated without trying to reusing existing cells.
            private IList <LiveCell> BuildForcedRowCellsContentWithoutNewData(string spreadsheetId, string sheetTitleId, int leftColumnIndex, int rowSheetRelativeIndex, int columnCount)
                // Get instance of existing cells placeholder list.
                IList <LiveCell> forcedRowCellsContent = new List <LiveCell>();

                // Fill empty cells placeholder with appropriate number of empty cells
                // for the row of the number of columns specified with the provided column count.
                for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < columnCount; cellIndex++)
                    // Determine cell sheet relative index of the cell to be created,
                    //  by adding left column index, to the cell order index.
                    int cellSheetRelativeIndex = leftColumnIndex + cellIndex;

                    // Build new cell instance.
                    LiveCell cell = LiveCell.Construct(spreadsheetId, sheetTitleId, cellSheetRelativeIndex, rowSheetRelativeIndex, null);

                    // Add created cell to row cells content list.

                // Return