private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { JsonData pjd = new JsonData(); pjd["OPCODE"] = (Int32)GameOpcode.CreateSprite; pjd["UUID"] = game.SelfUUID; Program.SendDataSingle(pjd.ToJson(), game.SelfUUID); }
public static void createResource() { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Global.PATH + "/res"); var jd = new LitJson.JsonData(); FileInfo[] fs = di.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (FileInfo fi in fs) { if (fi.Name.Contains(".manifest")) { continue; } string pPath = "res/" + fi.Name; jd[pPath.Replace("/", "@").Replace("\\", "@")] = pPath; } getJsonData(jd, ""); JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sb); writer.PrettyPrint = true; writer.IndentValue = 4; jd.ToJson(writer); string result = CoccosHelper.Properties.Resources.tpl.Replace("#1#", sb.ToString()); File.WriteAllText(Global.PATH + "/src/resource.js", result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { if (context.Session["SlipAdmin"] == null) { //保存出错 context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.StatusCode = 401; context.Response.StatusDescription = "您没有登录或登录超时,请重新登录!"; context.Response.End(); } int status = 0; string msg = "未知错误"; DataModal dm = new DataModal(); try { int ef =dm.DeleteNews(context.Request.Params["nids"]); status = 1; msg = "成功删除" + ef + "条记录"; } catch (Exception ex) { status = 2; msg = ex.Message; } JsonData jd = new JsonData(); jd["status"] = status; jd["msg"] = msg; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.Write(jd.ToJson()); context.Response.End(); }
public string Marshal() { JsonData data = new JsonData(); data["S"] = Pattern; data["E"] = Deadline; return data.ToJson(); }
public void Deserialize(string json) { data = JsonMapper.ToObject(json); IShip ww = JsonMapper.ToObject<VikingShip>(data.ToJson()); }
static int ToJson(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 1 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, typeof(LitJson.JsonData))) { LitJson.JsonData obj = (LitJson.JsonData)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); string o = obj.ToJson(); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(L, o); return(1); } else if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, typeof(LitJson.JsonData), typeof(LitJson.JsonWriter))) { LitJson.JsonData obj = (LitJson.JsonData)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); LitJson.JsonWriter arg0 = (LitJson.JsonWriter)ToLua.ToObject(L, 2); obj.ToJson(arg0); return(0); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: LitJson.JsonData.ToJson")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
public IEnumerator Post (string url) { // HEADERはHashtableで記述 Hashtable header = new Hashtable (); header.Add ("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"); // LitJsonを使いJSONデータを生成 JsonData obj = new JsonData(); obj["itemName"] = "katana"; obj["itemType"] = "buki"; obj["price"] = 300; obj["attack"] = "10"; obj["defense"] = "0"; obj["description"] = "atk"; // シリアライズする(LitJson.JsonData→JSONテキスト) string postJsonStr = obj.ToJson(); Debug.Log(postJsonStr); byte[] postBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes (postJsonStr); // 送信開始 WWW www = new WWW (url, postBytes, header); yield return www; // 成功 if (ErrorCheck(www)) { Debug.Log("WWW Ok!: " +; } // 失敗 else{ Debug.Log("WWW Error: "+ www.error); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsPostBack) { int status = 0; string msg = "未知错误"; int wkpID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["wkpID"]); float wlpReal = float.Parse(Request.Params["wlpReal"]); int wlpAdmin = Convert.ToInt32(Session["adminID"].ToString()); string wlpTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); LNSql lnSql = new LNSql(); lnSql.conn.Open(); try { lnSql.cmd.CommandText = "update wkPay_tb set wlpReal=@wlpReal , wlpAdmin=@wlpAdmin,wlpTime=@wlpTime where wkpID=" + wkpID; lnSql.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@wlpReal", wlpReal); lnSql.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@wlpAdmin", wlpAdmin); lnSql.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@wlpTime", wlpTime); lnSql.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@wkpID", wkpID); lnSql.cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); status = 1; msg = "保存成功!"; } catch (Exception ex) { msg = ex.Message; } finally { lnSql.conn.Close(); JsonData jsonData = new JsonData(); jsonData["status"] = status; jsonData["msg"] = msg; string echoString = jsonData.ToJson(); Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); Response.Write(echoString); Response.End(); } } else { int wkpID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["did"]); LNSql lnSql = new LNSql(); lnSql.conn.Open(); lnSql.cmd.CommandText = "select wlpReal from wkPay_tb where wkpID=" + wkpID; lnSql.dr = lnSql.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (lnSql.dr.Read()) { if (lnSql.dr["wlpReal"] != null) { this.wlpReal.Text = lnSql.dr["wlpReal"].ToString(); } } lnSql.conn.Close(); this.wkpID.Value = wkpID.ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ( Session["SlipAdmin"] == null) { //保存出错 Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); Response.StatusCode = 402; Response.StatusDescription = "您没有登录或登录超时,请重新登录!"; Response.End(); } if (IsPostBack) { JsonData jd = new JsonData(); int status = 0; string msg = "未知状态"; Support spt = new Support(); DataModal dm = new DataModal(); try { spt.supportID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["supportID"]); spt.supportTitle = Request.Form["supportTitle"]; spt.supportContent = Request.Form["supportContent"]; dm.SaveSupport(spt); status = 1; msg = "保存成功!"; } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "错误:" + ex.Message; } jd["stauts"] = status; jd["msg"] = msg; Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); Response.Write(jd.ToJson()); Response.End(); } else { int id = 1; if (Request.Params["id"] == null || Request.Params["id"] == "") { id = 1; } else { id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["id"]); } Support spt = new Support(); DataModal dm = new DataModal(); spt = dm.GetSupport(id); this.supportContent.Text = spt.supportContent; this.supportID.Value = spt.supportID.ToString(); this.supportTitle.Text = spt.supportTitle; this.supportTitle.ReadOnly = true; } }
protected void onDataUploadResult(LitJson.JsonData data, object userData) { if (data == null || data.ToJson() == "") { return; } string guid = userData as string; string result = data["result"].ToString(); if (result == "fail") { mSqlLiteLock.waitForUnlock(); mSQLite.updateData(mTableName, new string[] { "uploaded" }, new object[] { 0 }, new string[] { "guid = '" + guid + "'" }); mSqlLiteLock.unlock(); // 上传失败,设置为未上传状态 mSendLock.waitForUnlock(); mLogSendList[guid].mState = LOG_STATE.LS_UNUPLOAD; mSendLock.unlock(); } else if (result == "success") { mSqlLiteLock.waitForUnlock(); mSQLite.updateData(mTableName, new string[] { "uploaded" }, new object[] { 1 }, new string[] { "guid = '" + guid + "'" }); mSqlLiteLock.unlock(); // 上传成功,移除该条信息 mSendLock.waitForUnlock(); mLogSendList.Remove(guid); mSendLock.unlock(); } }
public static void createResource() { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Global.PATH + "/res"); var jd = new LitJson.JsonData(); FileInfo[] fs = di.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (FileInfo fi in fs) { if (fi.Name.Contains(".manifest")) { continue; } string pPath = "res/" + fi.Name; jd[pPath.Replace("/", "@").Replace("\\", "@")] = pPath; } getJsonData(jd,""); JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sb); writer.PrettyPrint = true; writer.IndentValue = 4; jd.ToJson(writer); string result = CoccosHelper.Properties.Resources.tpl.Replace("#1#", sb.ToString()); File.WriteAllText(Global.PATH + "/src/resource.js", result); }
public static WWW pack2Get(string path, JsonData jsdata) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken) && !jsdata.Keys.Contains(TokenIDKey)) jsdata[TokenIDKey] = accessToken; string str = jsdata.ToJson (); int cid = jsdata.Keys.Contains ("cmdid") ? int.Parse (jsdata ["cmdid"].ToString ()) : -1; return pack2Get(path, str, true,cid); }
public override string GenerateSkillAppendData() { JsonData json = new JsonData(); json["lastRound"] = this.lastRound; json["allLastRound"] = this.allLastRound; return json.ToJson(); }
protected PlayerCard EquipedCard; //装备了该装备的英雄 #endregion Fields #region Methods public string GenerateEquipAppend() { JsonData json = new JsonData(); //----这里实现装备附加值的添加 return json.ToJson(); }
//计算按钮的点击事件 void ButtonClick(GameObject button) { JsonData data = new JsonData (); data ["name"] = username.text; data ["password"] = password.text; byte[] msg = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (data.ToJson ()); NetMgr.Instance.SendMsg (msg, 1); }
public override string GenerateSkillAppendData() { JsonData data = new JsonData(); data["damage"] = GetCalculatedDamage(); data["energy"] = this.skillEnergyCost; return data.ToJson(); }
public void returnMsg(int status,string msg) { JsonData jd = new JsonData(); jd["stauts"] = status; jd["msg"] = msg; Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); Response.Write(jd.ToJson()); Response.End(); }
public static string IntArrayToString(int[] array) { JsonData data = new JsonData(); foreach (int a in array) { data.Add(a); } return data.ToJson(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { int status = 0; string msg = "未知错误!"; if (context.Request.Cookies["SyglAdmin"] == null) { msg = "您未登录或登录超时!"; } else { if (context.Request["imgids"] == "" || context.Request["imgids"] == null) { msg = "您没有提交数据!"; } else { string imgids = context.Request["imgids"]; OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SyglConnStr"].ConnectionString); try { conn.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; //删除数据记录 cmd.CommandText = "delete from imgs_tb where imgID in ( " + imgids + ") "; int effects = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //删除图片文件 string imgFile = context.Request["imgFile"]; SrCom srCom = new SrCom(); srCom.DeleteFile(imgFile); status = 1; msg = "成功删除" + effects + "条记录"; conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = ex.Message; } finally { conn.Close(); } } } JsonData jd = new JsonData(); jd["status"] = status; jd["msg"] = msg; string echoData = jd.ToJson(); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.Write(echoData); context.Response.End(); }
public static void PrepareForSendMessage(string methodName, string status, LitJson.JsonData json) { if (!isDebug) { LitJson.JsonData data = new LitJson.JsonData(); data ["Method"] = methodName; data ["Status"] = status; data ["target"] = json.ToJson(); Utility.SendMessageToMobile(data); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { int total = 0; JsonData rows = new JsonData(); if (context.Request.Cookies["SyglAdmin"] == null) { context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.Write("未登录或登录超时!请重新登陆!"); context.Response.End(); } else { string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SyglConnStr"].ConnectionString; OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = connStr; conn.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = "select ptmID,ptmName from ptms_tb order by ptmID"; OleDbDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { do { JsonData row = new JsonData(); row["ptmName"] = dr["ptmName"].ToString(); row["ptmID"] = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ptmID"].ToString()); rows.Add(row); } while (dr.Read()); } //查询数量 cmd = new OleDbCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = "select count(ptmID) from ptms_tb "; total = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); conn.Close(); JsonData jsonData = new JsonData(); jsonData["total"] = total; jsonData["rows"] = rows; string echoString = jsonData.ToJson(); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.Write(echoString); context.Response.End(); } }
public void AsArrayTest () { JsonData data = new JsonData (); data.Add (1); data.Add (2); data.Add (3); data.Add ("Launch!"); Assert.IsTrue (data.IsArray, "A1"); Assert.AreEqual ("[1,2,3,\"Launch!\"]", data.ToJson (), "A2"); }
void Facebook_onGraphRequest(bool result, JsonData reply) { print("Facebook_onGraphRequest " + reply.ToJson()); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userId) && _Loader.loggedIn) { userName = dict[_Loader.playerName.ToLower()] = reply["name"].ToString(); site = Site.FB; userId = reply["id"].ToString(); Download(mainSite + "scripts/dict.php", delegate { }, true, "key", "fb" + userId, "value", _Loader.playerNamePrefixed); print("App Installed " + reply["installed"]); } }
/// <summary> /// ひらがな変換リクエスト. /// </summary> /// <param name="Sentence">変換したい文字列.</param> /// <param name="ConvertType">変換タイプ(1:ひらがな、2:カタカナ).</param> public IEnumerator HiraganaPostRequest(string Sentence, int ConvertType) { // JsonDataの作成. JsonData data = new JsonData(); // アプリケーションID. data["app_id"] = APPLICATION_ID; // 対象文字列. data["sentence"] = Sentence; // 変換タイプ(ひらがな、カタカナ). switch(ConvertType){ case 1: data["output_type"] = "hiragana"; break; case 2: data["output_type"] = "katakana"; break; } string postJsonStr = data.ToJson(); Debug.Log("send post json: " + postJsonStr); // bodyを作成. byte[] postBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes (postJsonStr); // ヘッダー. Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string>(); headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charaset-UTF8"; Debug.Log("send post json: " + postJsonStr); // リクエストを送信. WWW result = new WWW(HIRAGANA_API, postBytes, headers); yield return result; if (result.error != null) { Debug.Log("Post Failure…"); } else{ Debug.Log("Post Success!"); Debug.Log("result: " + result.text); JsonData jsonParser = JsonMapper.ToObject(result.text); // パース. m_hiragana = jsonParser["converted"].ToString(); Debug.Log(m_hiragana); } }
public override void OnOpen(USocket us) { Console.WriteLine ("连接建立"); JsonData data = new JsonData (); data ["cmd"] = 1; data ["name"] = "你好"; data ["pwd"] = "ldfkjl"; Frame f = new Frame (512); f.PutString (data.ToJson()); f.End (); us.Send (f); }
public static void WriteJsonData(this JsonWriter writer, JsonData jsonData) { var reader = new JsonReader(jsonData.ToJson()); while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.Token) { case JsonToken.None: break; case JsonToken.ObjectStart: writer.WriteObjectStart(); break; case JsonToken.PropertyName: writer.WritePropertyName(reader.Value.ToString()); break; case JsonToken.ObjectEnd: writer.WriteObjectEnd(); break; case JsonToken.ArrayStart: writer.WriteArrayStart(); break; case JsonToken.ArrayEnd: writer.WriteArrayEnd(); break; case JsonToken.Int: writer.Write((int)reader.Value); break; case JsonToken.Long: writer.Write((long)reader.Value); break; case JsonToken.ULong: writer.Write((ulong)reader.Value); break; case JsonToken.Double: writer.Write((double)reader.Value); break; case JsonToken.String: writer.Write((string)reader.Value); break; case JsonToken.Boolean: writer.Write((bool)reader.Value); break; case JsonToken.Null: break; default: break; } } }
public static string parseJson(string[] dataString) { LitJson.JsonData json = new LitJson.JsonData(); string[] lines = dataString; if (lines.Length > 1) { string[] columnNames = WWWData.SplitWithDoubleQuote(lines[0], ','); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.Length; i++) { if (columnNames[i] == string.Empty || columnNames[i].Contains("\r")) { break; } count++; } for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++) { LitJson.JsonData dic = new LitJson.JsonData(); dic.SetJsonType(LitJson.JsonType.Object); string[] value = WWWData.SplitWithDoubleQuote(lines[i], ','); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { string val = ""; try { val = value[j]; } catch { Debug.LogError("Utils::parseJson error / line is " + lines[i]); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val) == false) { dic[columnNames[j]] = val; } } json.Add(dic); } } return(json.ToJson()); }
private static void SendMessageToMobile(LitJson.JsonData data) { Utility.LogPrint(data.ToString()); switch (Application.platform) { case RuntimePlatform.Android: AndroidJavaClass jc = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"); AndroidJavaObject jo = jc.GetStatic <AndroidJavaObject> ("currentActivity"); if (data.ToJson() != "") { jo.Call("UnityCallBack", data.ToJson()); } break; case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer: #if UNITY_IPHONE InteractInterface.UnityCallBack(data.ToJson()); #endif break; default: break; } }
public static void validateAuthorJson(HttpContext context, string sessionName, string loginUrl) { if (context.Session[sessionName] == null || context.Session[sessionName].ToString() == "") { //未通过 JsonData jd = new JsonData(); jd["status"] = 0; jd["msg"] = @"<a target='_top' href='" + loginUrl + @"'> 请登录 !</a>"; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.Write(jd.ToJson()); context.Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsPostBack) { int status = 0; string msg = "未知错误"; string account = Request.Form["account"]; string pwd = Request.Form["pwd"]; SrCom srCom = new SrCom(); //加密 pwd = srCom.HashPassword(pwd); LNSql lnSql = new LNSql(); lnSql.conn.Open(); lnSql.cmd.CommandText = "select * from admins_tb where adminAccount=@account"; lnSql.cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@account",account); lnSql.dr = lnSql.cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (lnSql.dr.Read()) { if (pwd == lnSql.dr["adminPwd"].ToString()) { //登录成功,设置登录sesseion Session["adminID"] = lnSql.dr["adminID"].ToString(); Session["adminName"] = lnSql.dr["adminName"].ToString(); Session["adminClass"] = lnSql.dr["adminClass"].ToString(); status = 1; msg = "登录成功"; } else { msg = "密码错误!"; //+ pwd; } } else { msg = "账号不存在!"; } lnSql.conn.Close(); JsonData data = new JsonData(); data["status"] =status; data["msg"] = msg; string json = data.ToJson(); Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); Response.Write(json); Response.End(); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { int status = 0; string msg = ""; if (context.Session["userID"] != null) { // if (context.Request.Params["mid"] == "" || context.Request.Params["mid"] == null) { msg = "未提交删除数据!"; } else { int effict=0; SRDel.SRSql srSql = new SRDel.SRSql(); srSql.conn.Open(); srSql.cmd.CommandText = "delete from msgs_tb where msgID in (0 , " + context.Request.Params["mid"] + ")"; try { status = 1; effict = srSql.cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); msg = "成功删除" + effict + "条记录!"; } catch (Exception ex) { msg = ex.Message; } finally { srSql.conn.Close(); } } } else { msg = "您还没有登录或者登录超时!请重新登陆!"; } JsonData jd = new JsonData(); jd["status"] = status; jd["msg"] = msg; string echoStr = jd.ToJson(); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.Write(echoStr); context.Response.End(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { int status = 0; string msg = "未知错误!"; if (context.Session["SlipAdmin"] == null) { //未登录 msg = "未登录或登录超时!请重新登陆!<a href='LogOn.aspx' target='_top'> 请登录</a>"; } else { if (context.Request["dids"] == "" || context.Request["dids"] == null) { msg = "您没有提交数据!"; } else { string dids = context.Request["dids"]; SRSql srSql = new SRSql(); try { srSql.conn.Open(); srSql.cmd.CommandText = "delete from newsTB where newsID in ( " + dids + ") "; int effects = srSql.cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); status = 1; msg = "成功删除" + effects + "条记录"; srSql.conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = ex.Message; } finally { srSql.conn.Close(); } } } JsonData jd = new JsonData(); jd["status"] = status; jd["msg"] = msg; string echoData = jd.ToJson(); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.Write(echoData); context.Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// Ons the button get identify handler. 获取验证码 /// </summary> /// <param name="go">Go.</param> private void _onBtnGetIdentifyHandler(GameObject go) { var phoneNum = input_phone.text; // if ( phoneNum== "" ||phoneNum.Length<11) // { // MessageHint.Show ("请输入正确的手机号"); // return; // } if (GameModel.IsTelephone(phoneNum) == false) { MessageHint.Show("手机号错误,请重新输入"); input_phone.text = ""; return; } var getcodemodel = new PlayerGetCode(); = phoneNum; LitJson.JsonData data = new LitJson.JsonData(); data ["phone"] =; HttpRequestManager.GetInstance().GetCheckCodeData(data.ToJson()); //HttpRequestManager.GetInstance ().GetCheckCodeData(data.ToJson()); // Console.WriteLine ("jsonString="+data.ToJson()); //Coding<PlayerGetCode>.encode (getcodemodel); // var getCodeStr = HttpRequestHelp.GetInstance ().GetCheckCodeData(data.ToJson()); // var getcodeback = Coding<PlayerGetCodeBackVo>.decode (getCodeStr); // // Console.WriteLine (getCodeStr); // // if(getcodeback.status==0)//成功 // { // identyCode =; // MessageHint.Show ("已经发验证码,注意接收"); // } // else // { // Console.WriteLine (getcodeback.msg); // } }
private void _OnShowBottom() { _btnserver.SetActiveEx(false); //Audio.AudioManager.Instance.StartMusic (); Audio.AudioManager.Instance.StartMusic(); EventTriggerListener.Get(_btnLogin.gameObject).onClick += _OnLoginHandler; EventTriggerListener.Get(_btnWeChatLogin.gameObject).onClick += _OnWeChatLoginHandler; EventTriggerListener.Get(_btnRegist.gameObject).onClick += _OnRegistHandler; EventTriggerListener.Get(_btnModify.gameObject).onClick += _OnModifyHandler; EventTriggerListener.Get(_btnserver.gameObject).onClick += _OnShowServerHandler; EventTriggerListener.Get(_btnfankui.gameObject).onClick += _OnfankuiHandler; EventTriggerListener.Get(btn_showPhone.gameObject).onClick += _OnShowPhoneBaordHandler; EventTriggerListener.Get(btn_closePhoneBoard.gameObject).onClick += _OnClosePhoneBoardHandler; _currentSever = System.Convert.ToString(_localConfig.LoadValue("curServer", "")); _loginUsername.text = System.Convert.ToString(_localConfig.LoadValue(savedPhone, "")); _loginPassword.text = System.Convert.ToString(_localConfig.LoadValue(GameModel.GetInstance.UserPassword, "")); //EventTriggerListener.Get (btn_login.gameObject).onClick+=_OnLoginHandler; //var squence = DOTween.Sequence (); //squence.Append (img_tipword.transform.DOLocalMoveY (-240, 1f)); //squence.Append (img_tipword.transform.DOLocalMoveY (-200,1f)); //squence.SetLoops(int.MaxValue); NetWorkScript.getInstance(); if (_currentSever == "") { //SetServerName ("请选择服务器",false); } _HidePhoneBoard(); LitJson.JsonData data = new LitJson.JsonData(); data["versionCode"] = GameModel.GetInstance.version; //data.ToJson() HttpRequestManager.GetInstance().GetCheckVersionNew(data.ToJson()); //HttpRequestManager.GetInstance ().GetCheckVersionOld (); }
/* 返回json格式 * id:节点id,对载入远程数据很重要。 text:显示在节点的文本。 state:节点状态,'open' or 'closed',默认为'open'。当设置为'closed'时,拥有子节点的节点将会从远程站点载入它们。 checked:表明节点是否被选择。 attributes:可以为节点添加的自定义属性。 children:子节点,必须用数组定义。 */ public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //查询数据库获取实验室列表 DataModel dm=new DataModel(); JsonData jd = new JsonData(); List<LabType> lts = dm.GetLabTypes(); List<LabChType> lcts = dm.GetLabChTypes(); List<Lab> labs = dm.GetLabs(); foreach (var t in lts) { JsonData jt = new JsonData(); jt["id"] = t.LabTypeID; jt["text"] = t.LabTypeName; jt["iconCls"] = "icon-application_cascade"; jt["children"] = new JsonData(); foreach (var ct in lcts.FindAll(delegate(LabChType lct) { return lct.LabSupType == t.LabTypeID; })) { JsonData jct = new JsonData(); jct["id"] = ct.LabChID; jct["text"] = ct.LabChName; jct["iconCls"] = "icon-application_cascade"; jct["children"] = new JsonData(); foreach (var lb in labs.FindAll(delegate(Lab _lb) { return _lb.LabType == ct.LabChID; })) { JsonData jLab = new JsonData(); jLab["id"] = lb.LabID; jLab["text"] =lb.LabName; //"iconCls":"icon-search" jLab["iconCls"] = "icon-application_home"; jLab["checked"] = lb.LabDefault; jct["children"].Add(jLab); } jt["children"].Add(jct); } jd.Add(jt); } string labStr=jd.ToJson(); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.Write(labStr); context.Response.End(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { lxyAuthor.validateAuthorJson(context); DataModel dm = new DataModel(); int userID = Convert.ToInt32(context.Session["lxyLabUserID"]); LxyUser lxyUser = new LxyUser(); lxyUser = dm.GetUser(userID); lxyUser.UserAccount = context.Request["UserAccount"]; lxyUser.UserCollege = context.Request["UserCollege"]; lxyUser.UserName = context.Request["UserName"]; lxyUser.UserTel = context.Request["UserTel"]; dm.SaveLxyUser(lxyUser); JsonData jd = new JsonData(); jd["status"] = 1; jd["msg"] = "修改个人信息成功!"; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.Write(jd.ToJson()); context.Response.End(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SyglConnStr"].ConnectionString); conn.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = "select * from imgs_tb order by imgID"; OleDbDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); string echoString=""; JsonData rows = new JsonData(); int total = 0; if (dr.Read()) { do { total++; JsonData jsonDataItem = new JsonData(); jsonDataItem["imgID"] = Convert.ToInt32( dr["imgID"].ToString()); jsonDataItem["imgFile"] = dr["imgFile"].ToString(); jsonDataItem["imgLink"] = dr["imgLink"].ToString(); rows.Add(jsonDataItem); } while (dr.Read()); } else { rows = ""; } JsonData jsonData = new JsonData(); jsonData["total"] = total; jsonData["rows"] = rows; echoString = jsonData.ToJson(); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.Write(echoString); context.Response.End(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { lxyAuthor.validateAuthorJson(context); int status = 0; string msg = "未知错误"; if (context.Request["UserNewPwd"] != context.Request["UserComPwd"]) { msg = "两次密码不一致!"; } else { DataModel dm = new DataModel(); int userID = Convert.ToInt32(context.Session["lxyLabUserID"]); LxyUser lxyUser = new LxyUser(); lxyUser = dm.GetUser(userID); string oldPwd = context.Request.Params["UserOldPwd"]; string newPwd = context.Request.Params["UserNewPwd"]; if (lxyUser.UserPwd == SRLib.Des.EncryptDES(oldPwd, "SatanRabbit")) { lxyUser.UserPwd = SRLib.Des.EncryptDES(newPwd, "SatanRabbit"); dm.SaveLxyUser(lxyUser); status = 1; msg = "修改密码成功!"; } else { msg = "原密码错误!"; } } JsonData jd = new JsonData(); jd["status"] = status; jd["msg"] = msg; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.Write(jd.ToJson()); context.Response.End(); }
private static object ReadValue(Type inst_type, JsonReader reader) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd) { return(null); } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Null) { if (!inst_type.IsClass) { throw new JsonException(String.Format( "Can't assign null to an instance of type {0}", inst_type)); } return(null); } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.Double || reader.Token == JsonToken.Int || reader.Token == JsonToken.Long || reader.Token == JsonToken.String || reader.Token == JsonToken.Boolean) { Type json_type = reader.Value.GetType(); //简单类型应该不需要被jsondata类型覆盖,直接导出即可 if (inst_type.IsAssignableFrom(json_type) || inst_type == typeof(JsonData) || inst_type == typeof(Hashtable)) { return(reader.Value); } // If there's a custom importer that fits, use it if (custom_importers_table.ContainsKey(json_type) && custom_importers_table[json_type].ContainsKey( inst_type)) { ImporterFunc importer = custom_importers_table[json_type][inst_type]; return(importer(reader.Value)); } // Maybe there's a base importer that works if (base_importers_table.ContainsKey(json_type) && base_importers_table[json_type].ContainsKey( inst_type)) { ImporterFunc importer = base_importers_table[json_type][inst_type]; return(importer(reader.Value)); } // Maybe it's an enum if (inst_type.IsEnum) { return(Enum.ToObject(inst_type, reader.Value)); } // Try using an implicit conversion operator MethodInfo conv_op = GetConvOp(inst_type, json_type); if (conv_op != null) { return(conv_op.Invoke(null, new object[] { reader.Value })); } // No luck throw new JsonException(String.Format( "Can't assign value '{0}' (type {1}) to type {2}", reader.Value, json_type, inst_type)); } object instance = null; if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayStart) { AddArrayMetadata(inst_type); ArrayMetadata t_data = array_metadata[inst_type]; if (!t_data.IsArray && !t_data.IsList) { throw new JsonException(String.Format( "Type {0} can't act as an array", inst_type)); } IList list; Type elem_type; if (!t_data.IsArray) { list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(inst_type); elem_type = t_data.ElementType; } else { list = new ArrayList(); elem_type = inst_type.GetElementType(); } while (true) { //未知object用hashtable实现 object item = null; if (elem_type == typeof(System.Object)) { if (inst_type == typeof(Array) || inst_type == typeof(IList)) { item = ReadValue(elem_type, reader); } else { item = ReadValue(typeof(Hashtable), reader); } } else { item = ReadValue(elem_type, reader); } if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ArrayEnd) { if (list.GetType() == typeof(JsonData)) { //尝试转换成array导出 JsonData data = (JsonData)list; if (data.IsArray) { list = ToObject <ArrayList>(new JsonReader(data.ToJson())); } } break; } list.Add(item); } if (t_data.IsArray) { int n = list.Count; instance = Array.CreateInstance(elem_type, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ((Array)instance).SetValue(list[i], i); } } else { instance = list; } } else if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectStart) { AddObjectMetadata(inst_type); ObjectMetadata t_data = object_metadata[inst_type]; instance = Activator.CreateInstance(inst_type); while (true) { reader.Read(); if (reader.Token == JsonToken.ObjectEnd) { if (instance.GetType() == typeof(JsonData)) { //尝试转换成hashtable导出 JsonData data = (JsonData)instance; if (data.IsObject) { instance = ToObject <Hashtable>(new JsonReader(data.ToJson())); } } break; } string property = (string)reader.Value; if (t_data.Properties.ContainsKey(property)) { PropertyMetadata prop_data = t_data.Properties[property]; if (prop_data.IsField) { ((FieldInfo)prop_data.Info).SetValue( instance, ReadValue(prop_data.Type, reader)); } else { PropertyInfo p_info = (PropertyInfo)prop_data.Info; if (p_info.CanWrite) { p_info.SetValue( instance, ReadValue(prop_data.Type, reader), null); } else { ReadValue(prop_data.Type, reader); } } } else { if (!t_data.IsDictionary) { throw new JsonException(String.Format( "The type {0} doesn't have the " + "property '{1}'", inst_type, property)); } ((IDictionary)instance).Add( property, ReadValue( t_data.ElementType, reader)); } } } return(instance); }
/// <summary> /// 根据牌局Id请求战绩回调 /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> private void RequestRecordByBattleIdCallBack(NetWorkHttp.CallBackArgs args) { m_isBusy = false; if (args.HasError) { ShowMessage("提示", "网络连接失败"); } else { if (args.Value.code < 0) { ShowMessage("提示", args.Value.msg); return; } LitJson.JsonData jsonData =; if (jsonData.Count == 0) { ShowMessage("提示", "无此牌局战绩"); return; } List <TestRecord> lstRecord = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject <List <TestRecord> >(jsonData.ToJson()); RecordProxy.Instance.AllRecord = lstRecord; cfg_gameEntity gameEntity = cfg_gameDBModel.Instance.Get(m_CurrentRequestGameId); if (gameEntity == null) { return; } string gameType = gameEntity.GameType; TransferData data = new TransferData(); data.SetValue("GameType", gameType); List <TransferData> lst = new List <TransferData>(); for (int i = 0; i < lstRecord.Count; ++i) { TestRecord record = lstRecord[i]; TransferData recordData = new TransferData(); recordData.SetValue("Index", i + 1); recordData.SetValue("BattleId", record.battleId); recordData.SetValue("RoomId", record.roomId); recordData.SetValue("GameId", record.gameId); recordData.SetValue("MaxLoop", record.detail.Count); recordData.SetValue("RoomType", record.roomType); recordData.SetValue("OwnerName", record.ownerName); recordData.SetValue("DateTime", record.time); List <TransferData> lstPlayer = new List <TransferData>(); for (int j = 0; j < record.Players.Count; ++j) { TestPlayer player = record.Players[j]; TransferData playerData = new TransferData(); playerData.SetValue("NickName", player.nickname); playerData.SetValue("Gold",; playerData.SetValue("PlayerID",; playerData.SetValue("IsPlayer", == AccountProxy.Instance.CurrentAccountEntity.passportId); lstPlayer.Add(playerData); } recordData.SetValue("Player", lstPlayer); lst.Add(recordData); } data.SetValue("Record", lst); m_UIRecordView.ShowRecord(data); } }
void OnGUI() { LitJson.JsonData jd = new LitJson.JsonData(); jd["TestJson"] = 1; GUILayout.Label(jd.ToJson()); }