public void RenameAlert(string name, string newName) { FindAlertData findAlert = savedAlerts[name]; AlertByFind.RenameAlert(name, newName, okAction: () => { = newName; savedAlerts[newName] = findAlert; savedAlerts.Remove(name); }); }
public void AddAlert(string name, FindDescription desc) { = name; //Remember for current copy Map map = desc.allMaps ? null : Find.CurrentMap; //Save two FindDescriptions: One to be scribed with ref string, other put in alert with real refs //This was a good idea at one point but now I don't care to consolidate them into one ist FindDescription refDesc = desc.Clone(null); //This one has ref string = name; FindDescription alertDesc = refDesc.Clone(map); //This one re-resolves reference for this map. AlertByFind.AddAlert(new FindAlertData(map, alertDesc), okAction: () => savedAlerts[name] = new FindAlertData(map, refDesc)); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { //Title var listing = new Listing_Standard(); listing.Begin(inRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; listing.Label("TD.CustomAlerts".Translate()); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; listing.GapLine(); listing.End(); //Check off Rect enableRect = inRect.RightHalf().TopPartPixels(Text.LineHeight); Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(enableRect, "Enable Alerts", ref Alert_Find.enableAll); //Margin inRect.yMin += listing.CurHeight; //Useful things: Map map = Find.CurrentMap; ListEverythingGameComp comp = Current.Game.GetComponent <ListEverythingGameComp>(); string remove = null; //Scrolling! Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, inRect.width - 16f, scrollViewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(inRect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect); Rect rowRect = viewRect; rowRect.height = RowHeight; foreach (string name in comp.AlertNames()) { FindAlertData alert = comp.GetAlert(name); FindDescription desc = alert.desc; WidgetRow row = new WidgetRow(rowRect.x, rowRect.y, UIDirection.RightThenDown, rowRect.width); rowRect.y += RowHeight; row.Label(alert.Label, rowRect.width / 4); if (row.ButtonText("Rename".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_Name(newName => comp.RenameAlert(name, newName))); } if (row.ButtonText("Load".Translate())) { MainTabWindow_List.OpenWith(desc.Clone(map)); } if (row.ButtonText("Delete".Translate())) { remove = name; } bool crit = desc.alertPriority == AlertPriority.Critical; row.ToggleableIcon(ref crit, TexButton.PassionMajorIcon, "TD.CriticalAlert".Translate()); comp.SetPriority(name, crit ? AlertPriority.Critical : AlertPriority.Medium); row.Label("TD.SecondsUntilShown".Translate()); int sec = desc.ticksToShowAlert / 60; string secStr = sec.ToString(); Rect textRect = row.GetRect(64); textRect.height -= 4; textRect.width -= 4; Widgets.TextFieldNumeric(textRect, ref sec, ref secStr, 0, 999999); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(textRect, "TD.Tip1000SecondsInARimworldDay".Translate()); comp.SetTicks(name, sec * 60); row.Label("TD.ShowWhen".Translate()); if (row.ButtonIcon(TexFor(desc.countComp))) { comp.SetComp(name, (CompareType)((int)(desc.countComp + 1) % 3)); } int count = desc.countToAlert; string countStr = count.ToString(); textRect = row.GetRect(64); textRect.height -= 4; textRect.width -= 4; Widgets.TextFieldNumeric(textRect, ref count, ref countStr, 0, 999999); comp.SetCount(name, count); } scrollViewHeight = RowHeight * comp.AlertNames().Count(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); if (remove != null) { if (Event.current.shift) { comp.RemoveAlert(remove); } else { Find.WindowStack.Add(Dialog_MessageBox.CreateConfirmation( "TD.Delete0".Translate(remove), () => comp.RemoveAlert(remove))); } } }
public Alert_Find(FindAlertData d) : this() { defaultLabel =; defaultPriority = d.desc.alertPriority; alertData = d; }