/// <summary> /// Creates descriptor instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="mappingSchema">Mapping schema, associated with descriptor.</param> /// <param name="columnAttribute">Column attribute, from which descriptor data should be extracted.</param> /// <param name="memberAccessor">Column mapping member accessor.</param> public ColumnDescriptor(MappingSchema mappingSchema, ColumnAttribute columnAttribute, MemberAccessor memberAccessor) { MemberAccessor = memberAccessor; MemberInfo = memberAccessor.MemberInfo; if (MemberInfo.IsFieldEx()) { var fieldInfo = (FieldInfo)MemberInfo; MemberType = fieldInfo.FieldType; } else if (MemberInfo.IsPropertyEx()) { var propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)MemberInfo; MemberType = propertyInfo.PropertyType; } MemberName = columnAttribute.MemberName ?? MemberInfo.Name; ColumnName = columnAttribute.Name ?? MemberInfo.Name; Storage = columnAttribute.Storage; PrimaryKeyOrder = columnAttribute.PrimaryKeyOrder; IsDiscriminator = columnAttribute.IsDiscriminator; DataType = columnAttribute.DataType; DbType = columnAttribute.DbType; CreateFormat = columnAttribute.CreateFormat; if (columnAttribute.HasLength()) { Length = columnAttribute.Length; } if (columnAttribute.HasPrecision()) { Precision = columnAttribute.Precision; } if (columnAttribute.HasScale()) { Scale = columnAttribute.Scale; } if (columnAttribute.HasOrder()) { Order = columnAttribute.Order; } if (Storage == null) { StorageType = MemberType; StorageInfo = MemberInfo; } else { var expr = Expression.PropertyOrField(Expression.Constant(null, MemberInfo.DeclaringType), Storage); StorageType = expr.Type; StorageInfo = expr.Member; } var defaultCanBeNull = false; if (columnAttribute.HasCanBeNull()) { CanBeNull = columnAttribute.CanBeNull; } else { var na = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <NullableAttribute>(MemberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (na != null) { CanBeNull = na.CanBeNull; } else { CanBeNull = mappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(MemberType); defaultCanBeNull = true; } } if (columnAttribute.HasIsIdentity()) { IsIdentity = columnAttribute.IsIdentity; } else if (MemberName.IndexOf(".") < 0) { var a = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <IdentityAttribute>(MemberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (a != null) { IsIdentity = true; } } SequenceName = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <SequenceNameAttribute>(memberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (SequenceName != null) { IsIdentity = true; } SkipOnInsert = columnAttribute.HasSkipOnInsert() ? columnAttribute.SkipOnInsert : IsIdentity; SkipOnUpdate = columnAttribute.HasSkipOnUpdate() ? columnAttribute.SkipOnUpdate : IsIdentity; if (defaultCanBeNull && IsIdentity) { CanBeNull = false; } if (columnAttribute.HasIsPrimaryKey()) { IsPrimaryKey = columnAttribute.IsPrimaryKey; } else if (MemberName.IndexOf(".") < 0) { var a = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <PrimaryKeyAttribute>(MemberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (a != null) { IsPrimaryKey = true; PrimaryKeyOrder = a.Order; } } if (DbType == null || DataType == DataType.Undefined) { var a = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <DataTypeAttribute>(MemberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (a != null) { if (DbType == null) { DbType = a.DbType; } if (DataType == DataType.Undefined && a.DataType.HasValue) { DataType = a.DataType.Value; } } } }
void Init() { var ta = _mappingSchema.GetAttribute <TableAttribute>(TypeAccessor.Type, a => a.Configuration); if (ta != null) { TableName = ta.Name; SchemaName = ta.Schema; DatabaseName = ta.Database; IsColumnAttributeRequired = ta.IsColumnAttributeRequired; } if (TableName == null) { TableName = TypeAccessor.Type.Name; if (TypeAccessor.Type.IsInterfaceEx() && TableName.Length > 1 && TableName[0] == 'I') { TableName = TableName.Substring(1); } } var attrs = new List <ColumnAttribute>(); foreach (var member in TypeAccessor.Members) { var aa = _mappingSchema.GetAttribute <AssociationAttribute>(member.MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (aa != null) { Associations.Add(new AssociationDescriptor( TypeAccessor.Type, member.MemberInfo, aa.GetThisKeys(), aa.GetOtherKeys(), aa.Storage, aa.CanBeNull)); continue; } var ca = _mappingSchema.GetAttribute <ColumnAttribute>(member.MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (ca != null) { if (ca.IsColumn) { if (ca.MemberName != null) { attrs.Add(new ColumnAttribute(member.Name, ca)); } else { var cd = new ColumnDescriptor(_mappingSchema, ca, member); Columns.Add(cd); _columnNames.Add(member.Name, cd); } } } else if ( !IsColumnAttributeRequired && _mappingSchema.IsScalarType(member.Type) || _mappingSchema.GetAttribute <IdentityAttribute>(member.MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration) != null || _mappingSchema.GetAttribute <PrimaryKeyAttribute>(member.MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration) != null) { var cd = new ColumnDescriptor(_mappingSchema, new ColumnAttribute(), member); Columns.Add(cd); _columnNames.Add(member.Name, cd); } else { var caa = _mappingSchema.GetAttribute <ColumnAliasAttribute>(member.MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (caa != null) { if (Aliases == null) { Aliases = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } Aliases.Add(member.Name, caa.MemberName); } } } var typeColumnAttrs = _mappingSchema.GetAttributes <ColumnAttribute>(TypeAccessor.Type, a => a.Configuration); foreach (var attr in typeColumnAttrs.Concat(attrs)) { if (attr.IsColumn) { SetColumn(attr); } } }
public ColumnDescriptor(MappingSchema mappingSchema, ColumnAttribute columnAttribute, MemberAccessor memberAccessor) { MappingSchema = mappingSchema; MemberAccessor = memberAccessor; MemberInfo = memberAccessor.MemberInfo; if (MemberInfo.IsFieldEx()) { var fieldInfo = (FieldInfo)MemberInfo; MemberType = fieldInfo.FieldType; } else if (MemberInfo.IsPropertyEx()) { var propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)MemberInfo; MemberType = propertyInfo.PropertyType; } MemberName = columnAttribute.MemberName ?? MemberInfo.Name; ColumnName = columnAttribute.Name ?? MemberInfo.Name; Storage = columnAttribute.Storage; PrimaryKeyOrder = columnAttribute.PrimaryKeyOrder; IsDiscriminator = columnAttribute.IsDiscriminator; DataType = columnAttribute.DataType; DbType = columnAttribute.DbType; Length = columnAttribute.Length; Precision = columnAttribute.Precision; Scale = columnAttribute.Scale; var defaultCanBeNull = false; if (columnAttribute.HasCanBeNull()) { CanBeNull = columnAttribute.CanBeNull; } else { var na = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <NullableAttribute>(MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (na != null) { CanBeNull = na.CanBeNull; } else { CanBeNull = mappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(MemberType); defaultCanBeNull = true; } } if (columnAttribute.HasIsIdentity()) { IsIdentity = columnAttribute.IsIdentity; } else { var a = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <IdentityAttribute>(MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (a != null) { IsIdentity = true; } } SkipOnInsert = columnAttribute.HasSkipOnInsert() ? columnAttribute.SkipOnInsert : IsIdentity; SkipOnUpdate = columnAttribute.HasSkipOnUpdate() ? columnAttribute.SkipOnUpdate : IsIdentity; if (defaultCanBeNull && IsIdentity) { CanBeNull = false; } if (columnAttribute.HasIsPrimaryKey()) { IsPrimaryKey = columnAttribute.IsPrimaryKey; } else { var a = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <PrimaryKeyAttribute>(MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (a != null) { IsPrimaryKey = true; PrimaryKeyOrder = a.Order; } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates descriptor instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="mappingSchema">Mapping schema, associated with descriptor.</param> /// <param name="columnAttribute">Column attribute, from which descriptor data should be extracted.</param> /// <param name="memberAccessor">Column mapping member accessor.</param> public ColumnDescriptor(MappingSchema mappingSchema, ColumnAttribute?columnAttribute, MemberAccessor memberAccessor) { MappingSchema = mappingSchema; MemberAccessor = memberAccessor; MemberInfo = memberAccessor.MemberInfo; if (MemberInfo.IsFieldEx()) { var fieldInfo = (FieldInfo)MemberInfo; MemberType = fieldInfo.FieldType; } else if (MemberInfo.IsPropertyEx()) { var propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)MemberInfo; MemberType = propertyInfo.PropertyType; } var dataType = mappingSchema.GetDataType(MemberType); if (dataType.Type.DataType == DataType.Undefined) { dataType = mappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(dataType.SystemType, out var _); } if (columnAttribute == null) { columnAttribute = new ColumnAttribute(); columnAttribute.DataType = dataType.Type.DataType; columnAttribute.DbType = dataType.Type.DbType; if (dataType.Type.Length != null) { columnAttribute.Length = dataType.Type.Length.Value; } if (dataType.Type.Precision != null) { columnAttribute.Precision = dataType.Type.Precision.Value; } if (dataType.Type.Scale != null) { columnAttribute.Scale = dataType.Type.Scale.Value; } } else if (columnAttribute.DataType == DataType.Undefined || columnAttribute.DataType == dataType.Type.DataType) { if (dataType.Type.Length != null && !columnAttribute.HasLength()) { columnAttribute.Length = dataType.Type.Length.Value; } if (dataType.Type.Precision != null && !columnAttribute.HasPrecision()) { columnAttribute.Precision = dataType.Type.Precision.Value; } if (dataType.Type.Scale != null && !columnAttribute.HasScale()) { columnAttribute.Scale = dataType.Type.Scale.Value; } } MemberName = columnAttribute.MemberName ?? MemberInfo.Name; ColumnName = columnAttribute.Name ?? MemberInfo.Name; Storage = columnAttribute.Storage; PrimaryKeyOrder = columnAttribute.PrimaryKeyOrder; IsDiscriminator = columnAttribute.IsDiscriminator; SkipOnEntityFetch = columnAttribute.SkipOnEntityFetch; DataType = columnAttribute.DataType; DbType = columnAttribute.DbType; CreateFormat = columnAttribute.CreateFormat; if (columnAttribute.HasLength()) { Length = columnAttribute.Length; } if (columnAttribute.HasPrecision()) { Precision = columnAttribute.Precision; } if (columnAttribute.HasScale()) { Scale = columnAttribute.Scale; } if (columnAttribute.HasOrder()) { Order = columnAttribute.Order; } if (Storage == null) { StorageType = MemberType; StorageInfo = MemberInfo; } else { var expr = ExpressionHelper.PropertyOrField(Expression.Constant(null, MemberInfo.DeclaringType), Storage); StorageType = expr.Type; StorageInfo = expr.Member; } var defaultCanBeNull = false; if (columnAttribute.HasCanBeNull()) { CanBeNull = columnAttribute.CanBeNull; } else { var na = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <NullableAttribute>(MemberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (na != null) { CanBeNull = na.CanBeNull; } else { CanBeNull = mappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(MemberType); defaultCanBeNull = true; } } if (columnAttribute.HasIsIdentity()) { IsIdentity = columnAttribute.IsIdentity; } else if (MemberName.IndexOf(".") < 0) { var a = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <IdentityAttribute>(MemberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (a != null) { IsIdentity = true; } } SequenceName = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <SequenceNameAttribute>(memberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (SequenceName != null) { IsIdentity = true; } SkipOnInsert = columnAttribute.HasSkipOnInsert() ? columnAttribute.SkipOnInsert : IsIdentity; SkipOnUpdate = columnAttribute.HasSkipOnUpdate() ? columnAttribute.SkipOnUpdate : IsIdentity; if (defaultCanBeNull && IsIdentity) { CanBeNull = false; } if (columnAttribute.HasIsPrimaryKey()) { IsPrimaryKey = columnAttribute.IsPrimaryKey; } else if (MemberName.IndexOf(".") < 0) { var a = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <PrimaryKeyAttribute>(MemberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (a != null) { IsPrimaryKey = true; PrimaryKeyOrder = a.Order; } } if (DbType == null || DataType == DataType.Undefined) { var a = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <DataTypeAttribute>(MemberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (a != null) { if (DbType == null) { DbType = a.DbType; } if (DataType == DataType.Undefined && a.DataType.HasValue) { DataType = a.DataType.Value; } } } if (MemberType.ToNullableUnderlying().IsEnum) { if (DataType == DataType.Undefined) { var enumtype = mappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(MemberType); if (enumtype != null) { DataType = mappingSchema.GetDataType(enumtype).Type.DataType; } } if (DataType == DataType.Undefined && MemberType.IsNullable()) { var enumtype = mappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(MemberType.ToNullableUnderlying()); if (enumtype != null) { DataType = mappingSchema.GetDataType(enumtype).Type.DataType; } } if (DataType == DataType.Undefined) { var enumtype = mappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(typeof(Enum)); if (enumtype != null) { DataType = mappingSchema.GetDataType(enumtype).Type.DataType; } } if (DataType == DataType.Undefined) { DataType = mappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(MemberType, out var canBeNull).Type.DataType; if (canBeNull) { CanBeNull = canBeNull; } } } if (DataType == DataType.Undefined) { DataType = mappingSchema.GetDataType(MemberType).Type.DataType; } var skipValueAttributes = mappingSchema.GetAttributes <SkipBaseAttribute>(MemberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (skipValueAttributes.Length > 0) { SkipBaseAttributes = skipValueAttributes; SkipModificationFlags = SkipBaseAttributes.Aggregate(SkipModification.None, (s, c) => s | c.Affects); } var vc = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <ValueConverterAttribute>(memberAccessor.TypeAccessor.Type, MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (vc != null) { ValueConverter = vc.GetValueConverter(this); } }
void Init(MappingSchema mappingSchema) { var ta = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <TableAttribute>(TypeAccessor.Type, a => a.Configuration); if (ta != null) { TableName = ta.Name; SchemaName = ta.Schema; DatabaseName = ta.Database; IsColumnAttributeRequired = ta.IsColumnAttributeRequired; } if (TableName == null) { TableName = TypeAccessor.Type.Name; if (TypeAccessor.Type.IsInterfaceEx() && TableName.Length > 1 && TableName[0] == 'I') { TableName = TableName.Substring(1); } } var attrs = new List <ColumnAttribute>(); var members = TypeAccessor.Members.Concat( mappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(ObjectType).Select(dc => new MemberAccessor(TypeAccessor, dc))); foreach (var member in members) { var aa = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <AssociationAttribute>(TypeAccessor.Type, member.MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (aa != null) { Associations.Add(new AssociationDescriptor( TypeAccessor.Type, member.MemberInfo, aa.GetThisKeys(), aa.GetOtherKeys(), aa.ExpressionPredicate, aa.Storage, aa.CanBeNull)); continue; } var ca = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <ColumnAttribute>(TypeAccessor.Type, member.MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (ca != null) { if (ca.IsColumn) { if (ca.MemberName != null) { attrs.Add(new ColumnAttribute(member.Name, ca)); } else { var cd = new ColumnDescriptor(mappingSchema, ca, member); Columns.Add(cd); _columnNames.Add(member.Name, cd); } } } else if ( !IsColumnAttributeRequired && mappingSchema.IsScalarType(member.Type) || mappingSchema.GetAttribute <IdentityAttribute>(TypeAccessor.Type, member.MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration) != null || mappingSchema.GetAttribute <PrimaryKeyAttribute>(TypeAccessor.Type, member.MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration) != null) { var cd = new ColumnDescriptor(mappingSchema, new ColumnAttribute(), member); Columns.Add(cd); _columnNames.Add(member.Name, cd); } else { var caa = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <ColumnAliasAttribute>(TypeAccessor.Type, member.MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (caa != null) { if (Aliases == null) { Aliases = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } Aliases.Add(member.Name, caa.MemberName); } } // dynamic columns store property var dcsProp = mappingSchema.GetAttribute <DynamicColumnsStoreAttribute>(TypeAccessor.Type, member.MemberInfo, attr => attr.Configuration); if (dcsProp != null) { DynamicColumnsStore = new ColumnDescriptor(mappingSchema, new ColumnAttribute(member.Name), member); } } var typeColumnAttrs = mappingSchema.GetAttributes <ColumnAttribute>(TypeAccessor.Type, a => a.Configuration); foreach (var attr in typeColumnAttrs.Concat(attrs)) { if (attr.IsColumn) { SetColumn(attr, mappingSchema); } } }