예제 #1
파일: Parser.cs 프로젝트: jpeddicord/cse560
         * Parses a single modify record.
         * @param rec the modify record to be parsed
         * @param mod the module this text record will be a part of
         * @refcode
         *  OB4
         * @errtest
         * @errmsg
         *  EW.15, EW.16, EW.17, ES.24, ES.25, ES.26, ES.27, ES.28, ES.29, ES.30, ES.31, ES.32
         * @author Mark Mathis
         * @creation May 19, 2011
         * @modlog
         * @teststandard Andrew Buelow
         * @codestandard Mark Mathis
        public void ParseModify(string rec, Module mod)
            string[] field = rec.Split(':');
            Modify modRecord = new Modify();

            // check the location
            string loc = field[1];

            // check the length of the location
            if (loc.Length != 4)
                // error, incorrect length
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Warning, 15);

            // check that it is a valid hex string
            int locVal = 0;
                locVal = Convert.ToInt32(loc, 16);
            catch (FormatException)
                // error, not valid hex
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 24);

            // check that the location value is in the proper range
            if (locVal < 0 || locVal > 1023)
                // error, location invalid
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 25);

            // add  location to the linker modification record
            modRecord.Location = locVal;

            // check the hex code of the word
            string hex = field[2];

            // check the length of the hex code
            if (hex.Length < 4)
                // error, too short
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Warning, 16);
            else if (hex.Length > 4)
                // error, too long
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 26);

            // check that it is a valid hex string
            int hexVal = 0;
                hexVal = Convert.ToInt32(hex, 16);
            catch (FormatException)
                // error, not valid hex
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 27);

            // add the hex code of the word to be modified to the linker modification record
            modRecord.Word = hexVal;

            /* Regular expression used to determine if all characters in the token are
             * letters or numbers. */
            Regex alphaNumeric = new Regex(@"[^0-9a-zA-Z]");

            // go through the modifications and make sure they are formatted correctly
            string sign = field[3];

            // check that sign is a + or -
            if (!(sign == "+" || sign == "-"))
                // error, sign must be a + or -
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 28);

            int i = 4;
            while (sign == "+" || sign == "-")
                string label = field[i++];

                // check that label is valid label
                if (2 <= label.Length && label.Length <= 32)
                    if (!(!alphaNumeric.IsMatch(label) && char.IsLetter(label[0])))
                        // label is not a valid label
                        errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 29);
                    // label is not the right length
                    errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 29);

                // add adjustments to the linker modification record
                modRecord.AddAdjustments(sign, label);

                // get next sign
                    sign = field[i++];
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 32);
            // reached end of modification record, or there was an error
            // in the format of modifications

            // check that label is valid label
            if (2 <= sign.Length && sign.Length <= 32)
                if (!(!alphaNumeric.IsMatch(sign) && char.IsLetter(sign[0])))
                    // label is not a valid label
                    errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 29);
                // label is not the right length
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 29);

            // check if the label is in the symbol table
            // if it is, it's probably not an error
            // if it isn't, it could be an error: say something about it
            if (mod.ModuleName != sign)
                // error, program name at the end of modification record must match
                // program name of program being parsed
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 30);

            if (!symb.ContainsSymbol(sign))
                // error, something isn't in the symbol table
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 31);

            //check to see that the modify record doesn't have too many adjustments
            if (modRecord.Adjustments.Count > 15)
                // error, can only have 15 adjustments in a modify record
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Warning, 17);

            // add modification record to module
예제 #2
파일: Parser.cs 프로젝트: jpeddicord/cse560
         * Parses a single text record.
         * @param rec the text record to be parsed
         * @param mod the module this text record will be a part of
         * @refcode
         *  OB3
         * @errtest
         * @errmsg
         *  EW.11, EW.12, EW.13, EW.14, ES.16, ES.17, ES.18, ES.19, ES.20, ES.21, ES.22, ES.23
         * @author Mark Mathis
         * @creation May 19, 2011
         * @modlog
         * @teststandard Andrew Buelow
         * @codestandard Mark Mathis
        public void ParseText(string rec, Module mod)
            string[] field = rec.Split(':');
            Text textRecord = new Text();

            // check that the record has the correct number of fields
            if (field.Length != 6)
                // error, wrong number of fields
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 16);

            // check program assigned location
            string progLoc = field[1].ToUpper();

            // check length, should be 4 digit hex number
            if (progLoc.Length != 4)
                // error, wrong length
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Warning, 11);

            //check that it is valid hex
            int progLocVal = 0;
                progLocVal = Convert.ToInt32(progLoc, 16);
            catch (FormatException)
                // error, not valid hex
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 17);

            // check that it is in the correct range
            if (progLocVal < 0 || progLocVal > 1023)
                // error, must be between 0 and 1023
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 18);

            // add program location to the linker text record
            textRecord.Location = progLocVal;

            // check the hex code of the instruction
            string hexCode = field[2].ToUpper();

            // check length, should be 4 digit hex number
            if (hexCode.Length < 4)
                // error, too short
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Warning, 12);
            else if (hexCode.Length > 4)
                // error, too long
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 19);
                hexCode = "8000";

            //check that it is valid hex
            int hexCodeVal = 0;
                hexCodeVal = Convert.ToInt32(hexCode, 16);
            catch (FormatException)
                // error, not valid hex
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 20);
                hexCodeVal = Convert.ToInt32("8000", 16);

            // add hex code of instruction to linker text record
            textRecord.Word = hexCodeVal;

            // check address status flag
            string addStatus = field[3].ToUpper();

            // check length of flag, should be 1
            if (addStatus.Length != 1)
                // error wrong length
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 21);
                addStatus = "A";

            // check that the flag is a valid value
            if (!(addStatus[0] == 'A' || addStatus[0] == 'R' || addStatus[0] == 'M'))
                // error, invalid value for status flag
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 21);
                addStatus = "A";

            // add status flag to linker text record
            textRecord.Flag = addStatus[0];

            // check number of M adjustments needed
            string mAdj = field[4].ToUpper();

            // check that it is the correct length, should be 1
            if (mAdj.Length != 1)
                // error wrong length
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Warning, 13);
                mAdj = "1";

            // check that it is valid hex
            int mAdjVal = 0;
                mAdjVal = Convert.ToInt32(mAdj, 16);
            catch (FormatException)
                // error, not valid hex
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Warning, 14);
                mAdjVal = 1;
            // if it's valid then it should be in the correct range
            // since one hex digit can only be 0-15

            // add number of adjustments to the linker text record
            textRecord.Adjustments = mAdjVal;

            // check the program name
            string prgmName = field[5];

            // check that the program name is in the symbol table
            if (mod.ModuleName != prgmName)
                // error, program name at end of text record must match
                // program name of program being parsed
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 22);

            if (!symb.ContainsSymbol(prgmName))
                // error, program name is not in symbol table
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 23);

예제 #3
파일: Parser.cs 프로젝트: jpeddicord/cse560
         * Parses a single linking record.
         * @param rec the linking record to be parsed
         * @param mod the module this linking record will be a part of
         * @refcode
         *  OB2
         * @errtest
         * @errmsg
         *  EW.10, ES.09, ES.10, ES.11, ES.12, ES.13, ES.14, ES.15
         * @author Mark Mathis
         * @creation May 19, 2011
         * @modlog
         * @teststandard Andrew Buelow
         * @codestandard Mark Mathis
        public void ParseLink(string rec, Module mod)
            string[] field = rec.Split(':');
            Linking linkRecord = new Linking();

            // check if record has the correct number of fields
            if (field.Length != 4)
                // error, wrong number of fields
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 9);

            // check that Entry name is valid
            string entry = field[1];

            /* Regular expression used to determine if all characters in the token are
             * letters or numbers. */
            Regex alphaNumeric = new Regex(@"[^0-9a-zA-Z]");

            if (2 <= entry.Length && entry.Length <= 32)
                if (!(!alphaNumeric.IsMatch(entry) && char.IsLetter(entry[0])))
                    // entry name is not a valid label
                    errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 10);
                // entry name is not the right length
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 10);

            // add entry name to linker linking record
            linkRecord.EntryName = entry;

            // get the location within the program
            string prgmLoc = field[2].ToUpper();

            // check length, should be 4 digit hex number
            if (prgmLoc.Length != 4)
                // error, wrong length
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Warning, 10);

            //check that it is valid hex
            int prgmLocVal = 0;
                prgmLocVal = Convert.ToInt32(prgmLoc, 16);
            catch (FormatException)
                // error, not valid hex
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 11);

            // check that it is in the correct range
            if (prgmLocVal < 0 || prgmLocVal > 1023)
                // error, must be between 0 and 1023
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 12);

            // add location to linking header record
            linkRecord.Location = prgmLocVal;

            // make sure the program name is properly formatted
            // and in the symbol table
            string pgmName = field[3];

            if (2 <= pgmName.Length && pgmName.Length <= 32)
                if (!(!alphaNumeric.IsMatch(pgmName) && char.IsLetter(pgmName[0])))
                    // program name is not a valid label
                    throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 13);
                // program name is not the right length
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 13);

            // check that program name is in symbol table
            if (mod.ModuleName != pgmName)
                // error, program name at end of linking record must match program name
                // of program being parsed
                throw new Error(ErrCat.Serious, 14);

            if (!symb.ContainsSymbol(pgmName))
                // error, program name not in the symbol table
                errPrinter.PrintError(ErrCat.Serious, 15);

            // add entry to symbol table